Member Reviews

Internal Affairs is investigating officer Ellery Hathaway who has been put on leave after she previously ended the life of a serial rapist. FBI Profiler has flown into Boston to testify on Ellery’s behalf. But Reed knows he is there for more than that. Ellery knows that too. Beyond the sexual chemistry that is pulsating between Ellery and Reed, Reed tells Ellery that he needs her help. The coin is flipped, as it is usually Ellery asking Reed for help.

Reed's mother was murdered when he was an infant and he was immediately adopted into a loving family. Although it is now 40 years later, Reed has discovered something that could prove a very close family member guilty of murdering his mother. Meanwhile, Ellery is dodging phone calls from her father. He abandoned her and her brother when they were young and Ellery has never forgiven him for that.

Reed's quest for answers take them to Las Vegas as Reed has no intention on stopping without finding the answers he is seeking. Danger follows both Reed and Ellery as it has before, but they show determinization when it comes to follow through. Just as the first two books in this series were compelling, this one was equally so.

Many thanks to Minotaur Books and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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Really liked this book! Reed is looking for who killed his mom and he recruits Ellery to help him. Ellery was someone who Reed saved years ago and they have a special connection whether it is bad or good is depending on the day but they help each other out. Reed is walking a fine line trying to find the killer of his mom and the local police want nothing to do with the killer any more because of how much time has passed. It was a really good book and can't wait to read more by this author.

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While Ellery is on leave while the department decides if she can return, she goes with Reed to work on his case in Las Vegas. Reed has got permission to work on an cold case that Las Vegas has closed, the case of his mother’s murder that took place when he was a baby. As more is discovered, more secrets come out causing family anger and more suspects come to light. Great addition to this series.

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This was the third in the series, but I think it could be enjoyed as a stand alone. The story picks up with Reed and Ellery traveling to Las Vegas to investigate Reed’s mother’s murder from 40 years prior.

I found this to be very enjoyable, and am ready to continue reading the series!

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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Ellery Hathaway and FBI agent Reed Markham are back in All the Best Lies, this time trying to solve the cold case murder of Reed's birth mother. Though the Las Vegas Police Department has given up on solving the crime, a family secret has the potential to blow the case wide open. With little to go on besides the old case files, will Reed and Ellery be able to figure out the secrets of the past?

Having read many police procedural thrillers, I was not all that surprised regarding the direction of the plot. I would give the story three and a half stars, if the rating system would allow. I really liked the two main characters, having followed them from the first two books to this one. As the author unspooled more of the background, the character development got a little boost. I enjoyed the fact that there was a twist I did not see coming and I look forward to seeing where the author takes Ellery and Reed from here.

Readers new to the series should start with book one, as the first two books contain critical information to the development of the characters. Those familiar with the series will enjoy the plot twist and the background information.

Disclaimer: I was given an Advanced Reader's Copy via NetGalley and the publisher, Minotaur Books. The decision to read and review this book was entirely my own.

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Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this ARC! Unfortunately it wasn’t my favorite book. I’d prefer not to spread negative reviews.

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2020; Minotaur Books/St. Martin's Press/Blackstone Audio
Narrator: Lauren Fortgang

Ahhhh, here we go again...this is the Ellery and Reed I missed. In All the Best Lies, we turn to Reed and his past. Reed's birth mother was murdered in Vegas, but her murder was never solved. The case seemed to have gone cold. When he uncovers a family secret it leads him to look over his mother's case. He's not sure who to trust so turns to Ellery for help.

I enjoy Ellery and Reed working together and the intimacy they share from Ellery's kidnapping. The first two novels were more Ellery related, so I was excited to see this one be more of Reed's story. Like the first novel, the writing was powerful. I'm excited for the next book.

***I received a complimentary copy of this ebook from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.***

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I am really enjoying this series, and I loved that this third book delved into Reed’s past. He sets out to solve who murdered his mother, and many family secrets are revealed along the way. As he can’t trust his family, he enlists the help of his friend and suspended cop Ellery Hathaway to help. This was everything you expected it to be, a good police procedural with plenty of gory details, tension between Reed and Ellery that has been building, and this time the case is close to home so there is some family drama thrown in that was excellent. Oh and it takes place in Vegas, so it doesn’t get better than that!

Each of these books can standalone, but I do think you should read the first two in order to get the full backstories on these characters. And really, the books are just so good it’s worth your time. I am really looking forward to the next book and will be reading it soon!

Thank you to St. Martins Press and NetGalley for the advanced digital galley to review.

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This was an exciting crime thriller, and I really enjoyed it. It was fast paced and went by quickly. The plot was tight and the characters true to life. I think it would help to read the previous 2 books in the series.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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All the Best Lies by Joanna Schaffhausen is the third book of the thrilling Ellery Hathaway series. This series follows Ellery Hathaway who is now a police officer but Ellery wasn’t her original name, she changed her name and became the person she is today thanks to once being the victim herself.

Years ago Ellery Hathaway became victim number seventeen of serial killer Francis Michael Coben when she was abducted and held captive. Ellery was lucky enough that FBI Agent Reed Markham saw something other investigators hadn’t and followed clues to Coben’s home where he managed to rescue Ellery and put Coben behind bars making Ellery the one that survived.

When people began disappearing from Woodbury, MA where Ellery is an officer on a date significant to her she ended up working with Reed Markham to solve the case. Now Ellery and Reed have established a relationship together working on a crimes so Reed enlists Ellery’s help in the one case that has always plagued him, the murder of his own mother.

I have followed the Ellery Hathaway series from the beginning and have liked each book just a bit more as I’ve read them. Really with all the character building in these the books are best read in order and get more exciting as they go along. What I’ve found in these is a small town vibe with a flawed main character that has taken her tortured past and turned into one heck of a strong female lead. Then there is a bit of romance with bringing in her rescuer and now working with him as her still wants to protect her. This has been my favorite thrilling ride of the series and I’ll continue to follow this series to see what comes next.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy of All The Best Lies by Joanna Schaffhausen. This is the third book in the Ellery Hathaway Series.

This series is down right addicting! A must for any mystery/thriller lover. I just can't get enough of this fantastic series.

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Seriously...Schaffhausen's Ellery Hathaway series has to be one of my top 5 crime novel series. The books just keep getting better, not to mention how I just love revisiting my favorite FBI profiler and cop duo.

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I loved this book! I thought it was a fantastic continuation of the Ellery story from The Vanishing Season and No Mercy. It felt like coming back to characters I already knew and loved, but I got to find out more about them and go deeper into their lives. I loved the change of scenery, which added a new and fun element, and the case was such an interesting one, too. I cannot get enough of the Reed and Ellery duo, so I look forward to reading the next installment!

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Author Joanna Schaffhausen ( published the novel “All the Best Lies: A Mystery” in 2020. Ms. Schaffhausen has published three novels, all in her "Ellery Hathaway " series.

I categorize this novel as ‘R’ because it contains scenes of Violence and Mature Situations. The story picked up shortly after book #2 (No Mercy: A Mystery) ends.

The primary characters remain FBI agent Reed Markham and suspended police officer Ellery Hathaway. Markham has been promoted and now has some latitude with the cases he investigates. He takes the opportunity to travel to Las Vegas to examine the circumstances of a murder. More than forty years ago his mother Camilla died from a brutal knife attack leaving him an orphan. The mystery remains unsolved.

Markham asks Hathaway to travel with him and assist in his inquiry. He has evidence that a connection exists between his adoptive father and his mother. The two poke and prod those who are still around. Before long they uncover a trail to the killer. At the same time the relationship between Markham and Hathaway heats up. The liaison is far from smooth. Before it is over one of them finds themselves staring down the barrel of the killer's gun.

I thoroughly enjoyed the 7+ hours I spent reading this 328-page mystery. I have been fortunate to read both of the previous novels in the series ("The Vanishing Season: A Mystery" and "No Mercy: A Mystery"). This one is every bit as good as those and I am looking forward to the next volume in the series. Both of the characters carry a lot of personal baggage. While you could read this novel on its own, it would be best to start with the first one in the series. The cover art is good but does not seem to be tied to the plot. I give this novel a 4.4 (rounded down to a 4) out of 5.

You can access more of my book reviews on my Blog (

My book reviews are also published on Goodreads (

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All The Best Lies is the third entry in the Ellery Hathaway series and my favorite so far! In this one, FBI Agent Reed Markham is the focus. Previously in the series, a DNA test proves that his father, instead of being his adoptive father, is actually his biological father. His biological mother was murdered back in 1975 and the crime remains unsolved. He asks Ellery to go with him to Las Vegas to help solve the murder.
This was a great book - though it is the third in the series it can be read as a stand alone. I really enjoy the relationship between Ellery and Reed! This was a fast paced, easy thriller.
Thanks to Joanna Schaffhausen, St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC.

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I've really enjoyed this series, as each entry gives you a different view of the two main characters, Ellery and Reed. This book is unique in the series in that it focuses on Reed and takes a closer look into Reed's past, going off the revelation at the end of the previous book (as such I would recommend reading the first two books of this series in order). As always the book contains a great mystery that drives the story, but is also surrounded by additional character development. I've really enjoyed this compelling series and am looking forward to the next entry.

I received a complementary copy from NetGalley and the publisher for honest review.

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I read Joanna Schaffhausen’s novel, All The Best Lies, a while ago and for some reason never posted my review! This was a thriller that held me captive from the first page until the last page.

This novel is the third in the Ellery Hathaway series, but can easily be read as a standalone. Just jump right into it.

Official synopsis:

FBI agent Reed Markham is haunted by one painful unsolved mystery: who murdered his mother? Camilla was brutally stabbed to death more than forty years ago while baby Reed lay in his crib mere steps away. The trail went so cold that the Las Vegas Police Department has given up hope of solving the case. But then a shattering family secret changes everything Reed knows about his origins, his murdered mother, and his powerful adoptive father, state senator Angus Markham. Now Reed has to wonder if his mother’s killer is uncomfortably close to home.

Unable to trust his family with the details of his personal investigation, Reed enlists his friend, suspended cop Ellery Hathaway, to join his quest in Vegas. Ellery has experience with both troubled families and diabolical murderers, having narrowly escaped from each of them. She’s eager to skip town, too, because her own father, who abandoned her years ago, is suddenly desperate to get back in contact. He also has a secret that could change her life forever, if Ellery will let him close enough to hear it.

Far from home and relying only on each other, Reed and Ellery discover young Camilla had snared the attention of dangerous men, any of whom might have wanted to shut her up for good. They start tracing his twisted family history, knowing the path leads back to a vicious killer—one who has been hiding in plain sight for forty years and isn’t about to give up now.

What a story!

Read it now, get it here!

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I really like this author's books. I recommend this book as well as all the author's other books. I look forward to more books by Joanna Schaffhausen. I am anxiously waiting for her newest one to be published.

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I absolutely love this series! Each book just gets better and better! The suspense keeps be flipping through the pages so fast, as I just need to see where the story is going to take me! I cannot wait to read more by Joanna Schaffhausen!

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This third installment of the series lacks the thrilling aspects of its predecessors, but it is heavy on the sentimentality of the characters we have come to know and love. The long awaited answers and unexpected revelations provide closure for the characters but it is what they learn about themselves and each other that really bring their story full circle. Even though everything seems to end wrapped in a nice bow, the possibilities of new beginnings are the most important final thoughts.

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