Member Reviews

This is my first chance to read a book by Shadia Hrichi and I am very impressed with her apparent love for God and her knowledge of His word. Legion is centered around the demon possessed man that we read about in Mark 5 but it covers so much more of God's Word! I first learned about Jesus's healing of this man as a young child and the imagery has always remained with me of the 2000 pigs, filled with demons, rushing down the bank and drowning in the lake. This book, however, has truly deepend my understanding of this event! Hrichi reminds us that this story isn't confined to Mark because it actually began in Genesis, when sin was introduced into our world. Legion is divided into sections: The Bondage, The Battle, and The Blessing and in each day's study, the author adds questions in "Pause to Ponder" and a chance to apply what we've learned in "Your Turn". This is designed to be a 5 days per week / six-week study and a person's individual commitment can vary from 15 minutes to 1 hour each day but I believe that you will find yourself choosing the latter. I also think that, even though I am using it for my personal study, Legion would be perfect for a small group Bible study.

I'm always eager to learn more about God's Word and I am so thankful to be given this opportunity! Legion: Rediscovering the God Who Rescues is a wonderful reminder that "Just as Jesus was willing to cross the sea and rescue one man from the enemy's chains, He crossed the Heavens to rescue you and me from a fate even worse: eternal chains."

I received a complimentary e-book from the author via NetGalley but I was in no way obligated to write a positive review. These are my own thoughts and opinions.

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This is a nice in depth look into the story of the demon possessed man who we never actually learn his name, we only know him by the name of the quantity of demons that are in him, Legion.

This is a good six week Bible study that I have enjoyed working through and learned a lot from.

5 Stars!

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What an amazing amazing study. Highly suggest. Very detailed. Thank you for advance copy opportunity.

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An interesting study with the authors takes, questions and thoughts to ponder. If you like interactive bible studies that get you to thinking and doing all the steps each week, this one will reach out to you..

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Legion, Rediscovering the God Who Rescues Me by author Shadia Hrichi is a Bible Study that explores the demoniacs story in the Gospel of Mark. Demoniac is a new term for me. We always just said demons, but this word is more accurate. It means “of, like, or characteristics of a demon.”

This is my first experience with a study by author Hrichi. Her study was well researched, easy to understand, organized, and well planned. It is written for six weeks with instructions to spend at least 15 minutes per lesson. The lessons are so captivating that 15 minutes would leave me hungry for more. I spent much more time on each lessons because I wanted the knowledge.

You will learn so much from this exquisitely written study. The author brings the Bible to life with her writing. She shares her testimony and other personal things with readers. She has a beautiful style of teaching.

There were many tough questions that the author asked, asks us to ponder, and then gave her answers. This is not a light study but one that will remain with readers long after finishing it. I urge you to try it, whether alone or in a group.

I highly recommend this enlightening Bible Study. Whether you are just beginning to study the Bible or have for years, you will glean things from this. There are benefits for both individual and group study. Small groups would love this. It receives a 5 out of 5 stars from me.

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This is a six week bible and it packs a lot of thought provoking questions to dig deep. It great to do as an individual or as a small group.

After going through the author’s other Bible study – Hagar, I knew this one was going to be just as in depth and interesting. The study focuses on a lesser known story – the demon possessed man and the herd of swine. While the title of this book comes from that story – it is not the only story talked about throughout.

A lot of hard questions are asked with equally difficult and Scripture backed answers. It’s a powerful Bible study that will leave you with a better understanding of Scripture and wanting to dig deeper into your faith.

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There are numerous Bible Studies available and they all follow a similar format. It is usually set up with an example of someone from the Bible followed by scriptures, explanations and then questions that can be done over a period of time. I wanted to take a very close look at this Bible Study and see if I could give a clear and concise reason why this one would be beneficial.

I was cautious yet optimistic as I started to read. I wanted the study to intrigue me and make me want to dig deeper into what the author was trying to convey through the questions. Would I walk away feeling a deeper relationship with God? Could I discipline myself to do the study giving everything I had? So l began my journey to find out how far God was willing to go to save each of us.

The first part deals with the beginning as we get to know Adam and Eve. Okay so I pretty much have read this a million times and wanted to move on to the meat of the study. Oh how impatient I was when I almost overlooked something very significant in the study. If God had stepped in and stopped Adam and Eve's disobedience, then he would have taken away their freedom to choose. That just blows me away. From the beginning God was showing us that He wants the best for us, but we must decide which path we will chose. So I thought I knew it all, but that little sentence about free will opened my eyes to the choices we make each day. God could have stopped me from making a poor choice in my life, but if He did would I have learned anything?

I loved how the author explains scripture like this; " Scripture can never contradict Scripture." That is why I love this Bible Study so much. I found the reason to suggest this study to everyone. In the study the author explains that sometimes we give part of our life that we think God can control and the other part we think we need to control ourselves. In reality God can control everything in our life if we freely give it to Him. We see over and over in the study where we have free will. It is our choice whether we want God to rescue us or not.

We certainly aren't hiding anything from Him so why do we wan to hold on to things that keep us from completely surrendering to Him? I can say with confidence that this study is filled with truths that have helped me deal with struggles. I know I have kept some things to myself and not allowed God to help me. I have asked the question, "Where was God when I was being abused every day?" Why did He allow me to suffer?" Through all I endured, God was right there. He was protecting me but I blamed Him instead of the people responsible.

I really enjoyed this study and plan to redo it again and go slowly through it. It is very intense but worth the time you put into it. I learned a lot and realize that God has been there every time to rescue me.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

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Legion is a six-week bible study. Starting with the beginning of time when God created the earth. There is a lot of great information in the book — a lot of great questions to ask yourself.

This bible study guide is great for individual users or groups. The discussion questions are great for groups.

I love how this study guide combines the Old and New Testament together. There is so much to learn from both.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher through Celebrate Lit. This book review is my own opinion.

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I did the first Bible study in this series and really enjoyed it. I love how Shadia doesn’t jump right into subject of the title (others might find that annoying). She does a fabulous job of laying the ground work for her material and subject.
For example with this study we start at the beginning of the Bible and how the enemy first comes on the scene with Adam and Eve. We take a stroll over the weeks into the new testament and more ways the enemy has been at work deceiving people ever since.
She gave me things to think about that I never considered before. I also appreciate how she works her own testimony into the Bible study. I look forward to what she come up with next.

A copy of this book was given to me through the Celebrate Lit Team. All opinions are my own.

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Legion is an in-depth study that packs a punch. I really appreciate the way this author gives the full context in what she writes. Whether the main passage is a few verses or a few chapters, we get a pretty good idea of exactly how it fits into both the book it's in and the tapestry of the Gospel.

As intricate as God's rescue plan is, the story of Legion might not really seem to make sense. Jesus crossed the lake, calmed a storm, cast out some demons, then went back to Israel. But He did all that for ONE MAN. God to The Rescue And there are many layers to this story.

And He surrounds that story with many other instances where God rescues an individual. From their sin. From their ailments. From obscurity.

This Bible Study can be intense and doesn't shy away from hard topics. But it's definitely filled with words of faith and hope.

I received a copy of this book from @CelebrateLit / @Netgalley. I chose to review it here, all thoughts are my own.

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Like good Biblical fiction, Ms. Hrichi brings Scripture to life. The difference is in making it personal, applying Biblical Truth in our day to day life. Her knowledge of history and culture applicable in Bible times is evident on every page.
As with her earlier book, Hagar, Ms. Hrichi “begs the reader to “Pause to Ponder,” asking deep and probing questions, and offers a “Your Turn” section to integrate the study with our own lives.” (excerpted from my prior review)
This reviewer shares with Ms. Hrichi her passion for the “hard stories in the Bible—the messy stories..” I, too, can relate to “the ones who … felt unseen, or unloved, or unwanted.” I therefore, deeply appreciate her probing studies of God’s Word.
The journey of this book is “Rediscovering the God Who Rescues Me.” Ms. Hrichi asks and then answers such questions as, “Why was God willing to risk rebellion in the Garden?” Have you ever wondered that? I know I have. “And why would God allow His perfect creation to fall victim to the enemy’s schemes?” And one I’ve heard so many times, “… if God is so good, why does He allow evil to exist?”
Hard questions with hard answers. But when Ms. Hrichi explores God’s Word, the answers seem so simple and obvious. Truly, as He has told us, “For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.” Colossians 1:13 (NASB)
I so appreciate the author’s heart for and knowledge of God’s Word, and her willingness and ability to craft this study. Once again, “she shares Bible passages with relevant questions. She links seeming unconnected Scripture, bringing to light revelations of Who Father God is, and who we are in Him.”


I received a complimentary copy of this book, but was under no obligation to read the book or to post a review. I offer my review of my own free will. The opinions expressed in my review are my honest thoughts and reaction to this book.

#Blogwords, Tuesday Reviews-Day, #TRD, Book Review, Legion, Shadia Hrichi, Hagar, Celebrate Lit

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A very interesting and informative read about the events leading up to and following the healing of Legion. I found especially interesting the connections between the sea that Jesus and his disciples crossed to reach him and Legion. Also the return of Jesus to the area after Legion had been sent home.
Fascinating and we'll worth reading.
I was given this book by Netgalley and the publisher. This is my voluntary and impartial review.

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I loved this bible study. This author does a great job at making you dig deep into the word to grow and learn. This is the second study I have done by her and they are some of my all time
Favorite studies. I highly recommend them!!
Thankful to have received an advanced copy from the publisher and netgalley. This is my honest opinion.

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This is one amazing Bible Study. Shadia tells the story of an unwanted man. She brings the story to life one chapter at a time. Shadia goes in deep with this Bible e Study. And that is what I enjoy. She explains each verse . I have truly enjoyed this and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants a good Bible Study. I received an Advance copy from the Publisher.

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I love a good Bible Study, and this one is good! I was so thrilled to hear about this study on Legion, the demoniac, because there's not a lot of information about him available and I was anxious to learn more about this man. I was not disappointed! This study was definitely full of in-depth information about the miracle Jesus performed for the man Legion as well as other miracles of Jesus. Just do it, you will not be disappointed either! (I was given this book in exchange for my feedback--my review is entirely my own!)

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I have just recently been given the opportunity to get into studies like this. Shadia is well researched and knows how to convey the information that is necessary to even the most knowledgeable Bible study reader. I did not know much of Legion prior to this study. And although the title may seem that it is only focused on one biblical man; this study gives so much more. I received an advanced copy from the publisher and was not required to leave a review. I can't wait to share this with a group and get good discussion going.

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Shadia Hrichi is a gifted author and Bible teacher, which is evident in this study of Legion, a man possessed by many demons. Shadia invites readers to dive deeply into Scripture as well as into their own life experiences, and in the process, to discover the truth of her words in Week Two: “The war for human souls is real”. Yet she leaves us with no doubt as to Who has authority over all. LEGION: Rediscovering the God Who Rescues Me is a powerful, fascinating look at the lengths to which God will/does go to rescue us. I appreciate Shadia’s fresh, inquisitive perspective, attention to details, and her scripturally sound teaching, which make this a Bible study I will use as a go-to resource again and again. I highly recommend Legion for both individual and small group study. *I received an early copy of this book from Leafwood Publishers via NetGalley, and these opinions are my own.

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If you are searching for a good Bible study, this is it. Written by the author of Hagar the first study in the series Rediscovering the God Who Rescued Me; Shadia Hrichi. This author has an enjoyable way of teaching the Bible. It's informative, and exciting to dig into the Bible with Shadia. The readers will learn so much and enjoy as they learn.

I am so glad that I had the opportunity to review this study. It's an easy 6-week study that can be extended into 12 weeks if so desired. If you are looking for a Bible study I urge you to give this one a try.

I was invited to be an early reader thanks to the author and Leafwood Publishers."

I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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What a life changing study! It has tons of biblical information but it is clear, interesting, applicable and keeps you reaching for more!

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This is the most in-depth study on the man with a legion of demons I have ever seen. Shadia ties the beginning of the Bible to the end so clearly. I had some ah moments as I read/did this study. I have always known that God was all powerful. Shadia makes the case that God is ALL power! Changed my way of thinking! I encourage anyone who likes to dig deep into God’s word to get this study. You won’t be disappointed.
Sheryl Hoyle

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