Member Reviews

I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Rosemary Wells always has the cutest characters. Her stories are bright and colorful and fun. And kids just love books about dogs. Sure to be a favorite.

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This was a lovely book. Ada loves dogs and really found the story interesting. We read it several times, within the week we got it, and she never got tired of the story. It has lovely illustrations to match the story being told.

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<em>McDuff Moves In </em>by Rosemary Wells and illustrated by Susan Jeffers is a re-imagined and newly depicted story that was originally published in the 90s. Following the story of a young stray left out in the cold, scrounging for food, <em>McDuff Moves In</em> features this young pup and the family who takes him in to eventually become his forever home. It's a sad, but cute story that comes with a very happy ending and a hopeful message for anyone reading it.

It's easy to imagine exactly the path that this story takes; a puppy has no home, the puppy wanders around, people find the puppy, they bring the puppy home and give him food, eventually they decide to keep the puppy. It's sweet, to the point, and your kids will love it. The illustrations are also perfect and adorable in every way, making this an incredibly enjoyable family read.

And, even more fun is that this book provides some resources in the back for how one can adopt dogs who are in need of a home, which I thought was pretty cool. Of course, this is only useful in the event that your family is looking to add a pup to your family. It may be something you'll want to skip if you have a kid who wants a dog while you're not intending on getting one.

<em>I was provided a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.</em>

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I remember enjoying books by Rosemary Wells when I was a child, and even shared some early on in my teaching career. I was delighted to see one making a comeback of sorts.

In this one, the poor dog manages to escape from the dogcatcher's truck and seeks a new home. He finds a couple willing to take him in, who at first think that they just do not have time to devote to taking care of a dog. But then they realize that they just cannot let him go to the dog pound and end up adopting and giving him a name. A sad start gets a happy ending.

I loved the feeling of somewhat going back in time to the 1930s, when life seemed a little simpler and less chaotic than it is now. In spite of this nostalgia, this book still holds a timeless quality about it that you do not find as much in current literature.

It really pulls at your heartstrings as you go through the range of emotions right with the dog. And the illustrations are truly darling. It makes me want to get out all of my other Rosemary Wells books and revisit them.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for fulfilling my request to review this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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As a dog lover who's had dogs the majority of her life, I really enjoyed this little story about an orphaned dog finding a loving family. The text in this book is simple and easy to read to children, and the illustrations beautifully display the journey of an adorable little white dog named McDuff, in a nostalgically attractive 1930s neighborhood. All in all, this is a really lovely book to be enjoyed by people of any age.

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Thank you Gryphon Press and NetGalley for his free copy in return for an honest review. I loved this book! I never saw it when it was first released and so McDuff was brand new to me. Cure story with wonderful illustrations. A puppy bounces free from the dog pound truck and after numerous scary attempts finds a family that takes her in and gets names after a favorite butter biscuit. Very nice and a book that most every child will like and adults will enjoy it a lot also. Darn cute little dog!!

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Thanks to #NetGalley and The Gryphon Press for providing me with the opportunity to read an ARC of MCDUFF MOVES IN written by Rosemary Wells and illustrated by Susan Jeffers.
This children's book is set in the 1930s and
would be a perfect gift for children ages 3 to 7. Susan Jeffers's beautiful realistic illustrations are on every page.
This is a heartwarming story about a homeless little white dog who bounces out of a dogcatcher's truck one night. He searches the neighbourhood looking for a home. Lucy and Fred take him in, but decide that they are too busy to keep him. Before they get to the dog pound, they change their minds and bring him back home. They celebrate with hot chocolate and McDuff's shortbread biscuits and name the little West Highland White terrier McDuff.
MCDUFF MOVES IN would make a wonderful addition for public libraries, kindergartens, preschool and elementary school libraries and classrooms, and welcome centres. McDuff is adorable and I can see this book easily becoming a childhood favourite, and highly recommend it.
5 stars ⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️

Posted on Goodreads March 25, 2020
Posted on NetGalley March 26,2020

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I loved this little story. It is a rainy night and a little white dog is in the Dog Pound truck. When it hits a nasty bump, out he pops. He ends up on the doorstep of a wonderful couple who decide they want to keep him and give him a forever home. Named McDuff by his new owners, he is happy with his new family. the illustrations are adorable and I fell in love with McDuff. These stories originally published in 1999, are being re-issued by Gryphon Press to a new audience. I also liked that the endpages discussed animal adoptions and rescues. I am looking forward to the updating of the rest of the McDuff series.

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McDuff Moves In

by Rosemary Wells

illustrated by Susan Jeffers

I had a delightful trip back in time as I read Rosemary Wells’ McDuff Moves In. It is being republished with original illustrations for a new generation of readers. Set in the 1930’s, its main character is McDuff, a West Highland White terrier (Westie). As Wells says in her forward, “Lucy and Fred’s loving rescue of homeless McDuff adds to their lives and shows the beautiful change that kindness and care can make for any homeless dog.”

This is a short picture book with colorful, appealing illustrations and a sweet story. You’ll love learning how McDuff got his name! There is added information about rescuing and fostering homeless animals and references to other books with a similar theme. McDuff Moves In is a fun book that children will ask for again and again.

I would like to extend my thanks to and to Gryphon Press for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Children’s Fiction

Notes: Rosemary Wells is a prolific children’s book author as well as an artist. Her books include the Max and Ruby books, the Sophie books, and many others that feature lovable animals. She also has several more McDuff titles.

Publication: October 25, 2019—Gryphon Press

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A heartwarming tale of a dog in need a of a home. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this to my stepchildren, and they really enjoyed the illustrations. This was a sweet book overall, and I was glad to have the chance to read and review!

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This Is a sweet little story about a stray dog finding a home. The illustrations are beautiful. This would make a wonderful book for any child that loves Animals. I especially love at the end of the book the page that tells children what they can do to help a dog like McDuff. As an added bonus there’s a recipe for Luces easy vanilla bean rice pudding.

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Cute, retro art but not readable on my e-device😞

I read another book in the MacDuff series, so I am familiar with this wee, adorable terrier and the lovely, retro illustrations that help tell his tale. I probably would have loved this children's book, but I could not read it .on my kindle in the format provided.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this one! I adored the illustrations and would be happy to have some of them as wall posters. I appreciated that this wasn't dumbed down for kids like so many children's authors have been doing lately. If we're being totally honest, I may have teared up at this one. It was short and sweet and really good. I also loved that there was information on helping animals included! It taught a lesson without being preachy.

Overall, this was fantastic and I'd love to read more by this pair.

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McDuff Moves In is an incredibly sweet book set in the 1930's, about an unwanted dog finding a new home and family. It's written in the style of a comic strip and the vintage illustrations are lovely. The story starts out quite sad, but thankfully there's a happy ending that really did make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Lucy's recipe for Easy Vanilla Bean Rice Pudding at the back of the book makes this classic children's story even more charming.

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This isn't the first McDuff book I've read - my daughter had one when she was younger.
The charm if the book lies nit just in the dog and the love he finally receives, but also in the illustrations, which have a kind of 1950s photographic feel to me.

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This was a cute story about adopting a homeless dog. I read it to my almost 11 month old son. The illustrations were cute and it was pretty accurate how many people find stray pups and have the intention of bringing them to the shelter but they end up keeping them. O would recommend this book to anyone who likes dogs and animal rescue.

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I thought the cover art of this book was lovely and that was the biggest factor for me in wanting to take a look.

This is the story of McDuff. He is a lonely pup that has been picked up by the dog catcher. A stroke of pure luck has him freed and he is roaming the streets looking for food and shelter. It's cold and rainy and he is so sad. Everywhere he goes, he is met with growls and shooing. Then he finds a house.....
Heroes Lucy and Fred bring him in from the cold and feed him. They see he is a stray by his tag and know they have to take him back to the pound...... But..... Their hearts won't let them let him go. They stay together! Finally

I am a huge sucker for bringing in strays. I advocate and foster dogs before adoption so this book was kind of wonderful for me. I loved the extras in the back too. I can really see this book being used by agencies who rescue dogs, to raise money for themselves by selling them.

I feel the age range being targeted is perfect and after reading it to my 4 year old, she told me that she would have given McDuff more sausages haha.

Two massive thumbs up from us here and the art work is quite stunning. The illustrator has some serious talent. I high recommend this book for emerging readers.

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McDuff Moves In
By Rosemary Wells and Susan Jeffers
Published by The Griffin Press on 25 Oct 2019

This children's book about a cute little Westie Terrier named McDuff was adorable! This was set in the 1930's and it was about a little pup that no one wanted who was on his way to the dog pound, when the truck hits a bump znd he gets thrown out. He wanders around trying to find someone who will help him. He is hungry and lost. Finally some nice people find him feed him and then start to take him back to the pound, but just can't. They decide to adopt him and he lives a happy life. The illustrations in this book are so well done and cute that children will just love it! It also helps to teach them to try to adopt from a shelter rather than to buy from a pet shop. So many pets need to be rescued. There are several other McDuff books out there too! A solid 5 star book for ages 3-7.

Thank you to #netgalley and the publisher for providing me with this free e-copy in exchange for my honest review of this wonderful book. All opinions are my own.

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McDuff you have a spot in my home. McDuff is know as a nuisance. A stray dog without a home. Getting lost off the pounds truck he looks for shelter and food. Coming to house number 7. Lucy and Fred let him in with open arms, but know they will have to take him back to the pound.

The illustration is beautiful and theres even a recipe listed inside as well! How cool is that?

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McDuff Moves In by Rosemary Wells is an old classic brought back to life again. It's a beautiful story about a shelter dog that finds himself wandering the streets and looking for someone to take him in. On this journey, he encounters varying things that scare him until he finally finds what he is looking for: some nice people that clean him up and make sure he is fed before returning him to the pound. But how come this man is purposely not finding the shelter? Follow along this cute story, enjoy the beautiful illustrations and rejoice with McDuff at his happy ending.

Something that I really liked about this book is the additional things you can find in the back. There are suggestions for more books related to animal rescue, you can find out what YOU can do to help a dog like McDuff, and you can even find the recipe for Lucy's Easy Vanilla Bean Rice Pudding. As someone involved in animal rescue myself, I am glad to have found a book that introduces this topic so easily to young readers.

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