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The Silent House

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4.5 Stars. Paige Northwood is a sign language interpretor and is called on by the police to help with suspect interviews. A child has been murdered at home and the parents are deaf. How this could happen without the parents knowing makes the murder more unnerving.

This is the first book I have read which is related to sign language and deaf characters and I thought it was brilliant! It was very well told describing the scenes where there was interviews with the deaf characters. The story was thrilling and kept me reading faster and faster. I thought I had figured it out but I was wrong. So many twists and turns!
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advance copy to review.

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I will be looking out for more from this author. This is quite scary and opens up a multitude of questions.

A baby is found murdered in a home where all the occupants are deaf. The fact that nobody could have heard an intruder makes the murder seem all the more sinister and unnerving. The Police need an interpreter for the interviews and call Paige Norwood.

The deaf community is close knit and protective but it soon becomes apparent that some people are hiding facts to protect themselves or maybe others. Paige is part of this community and this makes her job difficult and duplicitous. The relationships are complex and the families do not necessarily like each other. All this adds to the intrigue.

I found myself learning about a community, which I knew very little about as well as becoming engrossed in the complexity and hatred which the murder brought to such a small group of people.

Thank you to NetGalley, Avon Books and Nell Pattison for my ARC in return for my honest review.

A great read, highly recommended.

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I received an ARC in return for an honest review. Overall, I enjoyed this book, however, I couldn’t get past the personalities of the main character and her sister. For me, they were not very like able. They were both way too involved in the case and seemed almost pretentious. There also seemed to be a lot of repetition in the book and I felt it could have been a little shorter.

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This book was fast paced. Hard to put down. It flowed well and it was very well written. It caught hold of me and had me hooked from the start . I was literally on the edge of my seat reading this book.

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A really interesting thriller that had the added bonus of introducing me to the deaf community, language and struggles. The murder of a child in the middle of the night when the parents are physically incapable of hearing the attack is an interesting premise and I felt Pattison delivered well on it. Unlike several other reviewers, I didn't clock onto the real killer until the bitter end, although whether that says more about me than the delivery is up for debate.

I generally felt the characters were well developed, although one copper was a little too caricatured for my liking and I'd have enjoyed reading more about the children than was present. There is also some limited background on another child death some years previous which was interesting, but perhaps underutilised in the grand scheme of things. That said, the relationships between characters are carefully built and I certainly enjoyed reading about them. There is a wide net of potential suspects and they are all fleshed out well, with multiple red herrings and twists and turns.

There could perhaps be more depth here but I flew through this and found myself thinking of it when I should probably have been doing something more productive. I appreciated the depth that Pattison had put into the deaf community and the various different aspects and forms presented. It was a window into something I have never personally experienced and a kick in the backside to realise how little I know. With a near blind young sister, I am far more aware of braille and the struggles of finding affordable resources in large print than with hearing disabilities. Along with that depth, there is a definite sense of threat and danger here, which means that there is always an underlying tension to keep you reading.

Neil Pattison is an author I shall certainly keep an eye out for in the future and look forward to reading more of his works.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for my free advance copy of this title.

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This book is a unique take on a who done it mystery. The crime occurs among the deaf community, and the main character is an interpreter for the police. She also happens to know most of the suspects involved, and becomes entangled in trying to solve the case herself.
I was curious of how the dialogue would work, but the author did a great job helping the reader differentiate between what was being signed and spoken during the book.
I guessed the killer early on in the book, but the book kept me turning pages to see if I was correct. This was a great read, except the confrontation with the killer at the end. I don’t want to lead into spoilers but I found that part less than satisfying.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the advanced review copy.

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An enjoyable thriller where the main character, Paige, is called in as an interpreter for the deaf. She quickly becomes enmeshed in the investigation and keen to do her own investigating. It was interesting to learn more about the deaf community and the intricacies of signing. Lots of suspects and I only guessed the culprit right at the end.

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Paige Northwood is a self employed sign language interpreter, she is used to signing at hospitals and schools but finds herself being employed by the police to sign for a deaf family whose child was found dead in her bed. This puts Paige in a dilemma as her sister Anna is the godparent to Lexie the child who died. Should she tell the police that she is aquatinted with the family, knowing they would use another interpreter or keep quiet as she wants to help.

This is a chilling read as the parents Alan and Alisha are both deaf and did not hear the possible intruder enter the house. Who would want to hurt the 18 month old child?

I enjoyed this book, as we find out more about the family, secrets are revealed and everybody seems like they could be the suspect.

I learned more about the deaf community and what life would be It was novel that most of the characters were deaf and it added a different dimension to the story.

I will definitely be looking out for Nell Pattison’s other books.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy in exchange for my review.

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The Silent House by author Nell Pattison is a thrill of a novel while asking throughout, “whodunnit”! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and definitely recommend it to everyone who loves a good domestic mystery! Pattison brings you into the world and lives of the deaf.. without under doing it.
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for an arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow! This book was so good. Really enjoyed it. Will be trying this author again. Will recommend to others 5*** a very good read for me

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This must be everyone’s worst nightmare! A brutal crime, and no one hears anything.
I loved the concept and the originality of the story, but I found it hard to get into at times.
I would definitely look out for more by this author.

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I loved the idea of this book but really struggled with it. The parents are both deaf and don't hear someone come into the house and murder their child. The book starts with the police investigation and an interpreter being called in for the police interviews. I just didn't take to the way it was written and found it a chore to get through though I did really like the concept, I didn't care about any of the characters and wasn't particularly interested in the outcome.

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Maybe I was too much hyped up about this after reading the description and thinking about the thrill that the book would give me.
But this was such a huge disappointment.
It's the writing style I would say that could not make me interested enough to continue on. The character development is really weak and unsettling. They are rather unconvincing. The so called plot is rather weak as well. For a murder mystery the scenes were not adding up and are not holding up for anything interesting. It sounds rather clichè and the characters seem like they have a on-off switch as when to keep quiet and when to be extremely scared. Sorry, I just couldn't enjoy this one at all.
Thanks #NetGalley for the advance copy for in exchange of an honest review.

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If someone was in your house, you’d know . . . Wouldn’t you?

But the Hunter family is deaf and doesn’t hear a thing when a shocking crime takes place in the middle of the night. Instead, they wake up to their worst nightmare: the murder of their daughter.

The police call Paige Northwood to the scene to interpret for the witnesses. They’re in shock, but Paige senses the Hunters are hiding something.
One by one, people from Paige’s community start to fall under suspicion. But who would kill a little girl?
Was it an intruder?
Or was the murderer closer to home?

Wow. What a concept for a book. One which teaches about the deaf. You learn things by chance. Well researched.
It was good. But, it seems to run slow in spots. I found it a solid read.
Thank you, NetGalley for the advance for review.

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance ecopy. The Silent House is about a deaf family who wakes up to their daughter being murdered without hearing a thing. The house is untouched. They have to bring in an interpreter to help them solve the crime. Suspenseful and interesting.

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What would you do if when you woke up in the morning you found your child dead? You didn’t hear anything, your house doesn’t look like it was broken into and your husband slept on the couch by the stairs to go up, so how did this tragedy occur?
Police call in Paige Northwood to interpret for the deaf community, she should have opted out when learning who the victim was but she felt the need to try and help and ultimately find out who killed little Lexi. Nell Pattison does a phenomenal job of introducing us to characters and tying them together. She also does a great job of teaching the reader how the deaf community adapts to everyday life.
Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of The Silent House for an honest review. I give this book 5 stars.

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Excellent book. Couldn’t believe it is the first book by this author. Selected this book for the different story with all the main players deaf. Learned about their community, modifications in their homes, interactions. The suspense is well maintained and I couldn’t be figured out.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for this ARC in return for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book. I liked the fact that it was a 'normal' family and the way the author explored the struggles within the deaf community. I also enjoyed the explanations of how sign language works along with facial expressions etc.

This was a crime/thriller and although I guessed who the killer was, I still really enjoyed this read.

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Nell Pattison offers a police procedural with a large amount of foreshadowing and a bit of mystery. Those readers new to the genre will appreciate the slower pace and drawn out plot line. Avid readers may find the story line a bit slow and foretelling. Pattison does not offer an overt amount of characterization or supplementary background to acclimate the reader with the cast and the strategy within the procedural seems superficial or “just enough”. Overall, it was just an ok read. 3 stars

Thank you to #NetGalley for this ARC of The Silent House, which I read and reviewed independently. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I very much enjoyed this tense thriller and the author did keep you guessing until the very end. There was a real twisted tragedy when you did eventually get there which was worth the wait. The only thing I slightly struggled with was this supposition that the community had this huge number of deaf people in it whose lives were all so intertwined, over 75% of the characters were deaf, which I don't know plays out in reality nor was necessary to the plot. However, I still enjoyed the story.

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