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The Orphan Collector

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This story was so rich and beautifully told, and so perfect for the times we're living through, I can't wait to share it.

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This was an eerily timely story for sure, as we are currently in the grips of Covid19. I wish everyone could read this story now! Many twists and turns, heartbreak and reality. A good reminder to look for lessons in the past, though I know the author had no way of knowing when she was writing this that we would need the reminder.

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Due to the fact that I broke my arm and shoulder I am not capable of writing a decent review. I did enjoy the novel and I think that Galli and the publisher for allowing me to read it.

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This author is a favorite since I read "What She Left Behind." So I was very happy to be chosen by Netgalley and the publisher to read this book in exchange for a review. This book did not disappoint and turned out to be a very timely book with the COVID outbreak and quarantine. The book begins with the liberty loan parade in Philadelphia during WWI in 1918. Pia the eldest daughter and child in her family wanted to stay home but her mother made her go as they want to be seen by their neighbors as very patriotic. They are German from Germany. Pia and her mother attend the parade with her baby twin brothers. Unfortunately, the Spanish flu attended also. Within a couple of days, large numbers of people are dying in the city and there is no help to be had. Whole families die or parents die and children are left to starve. Pia's mother dies but she and her brothers remain healthy. Pia makes do but eventually, she must leave her brothers alone to find food. When she returns they are gone. Pia never gives up searching for them meanwhile ends up in an orphanage, a nanny, deals with a baby seller, and has other adventures. I had to stop and start this book because I was torn about one of the characters. Was she evil or suffering from postpartum depression or driven mad by circumstances and hunger? I finally decided but I don't want to say a lot about the book to give everything away. This book has an author's note at the end, a reading list of books if you wish to read more about the Spanish flu and a list of book club questions if you wish to use this as one of your book club selections.

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The Orphan Collector⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Ellen Marie Wiseman

In 1918 immigrants poured into Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Living in slum conditions and close quarters the perfect breeding ground for the Spanish Influenza.

Pia Lange a German immigrant was living in one such tenement. Her Father left for the Army her Mother took sick and died in the apartment and she at 13 was left to care for her for month old twin brothers.

The plight suffered by this child is heart wrenching and so disturbing. They way the children were exploited was horrible. The conditions in the orphanages as well as separating children from their parents was incomprehensible. When Pia’s brothers disappear while she was out searching for food was so sad.

This book is not for the faint of heart but indeed should be read by all especially now with this pandemic.

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Wow! The Orphan Collector is historical fiction at its best! Told from 2 perspectives during the Spanish Flu, the story is full of emotions, complex characters, and an amazing ending. I’ve read every book by Ellen Marie Wiseman and am a huge fan; this is her best book yet!

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I saw this book on bookstagram and knew I wanted to read it. I absolutely loved it. It drew me in and I didn't want to take a break. Definitely did not disappoint!

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The timing for reading this book was interesting as we are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic which without modern medicine and shelter at home orders could have the same impact as the Spanish flu. I absolutely loved this book. I thought the characters were well-developed and the story engaging from the start. It was like I was experiencing what the characters were. Pia’s heartbreak, courage and even her guilt jumped off the page for me. At times I thought the guilt was a bit much but she was a teenager growing up in extremely difficult times. Her relationship with Finn was also well done and it seemed that the author knew when Pia (and the reader) needed a bit of hope to keep going.

Bernice a/k/a Nurse Willis. When first introduced, I thought she was going to be a Good Samaritan and help Pia and her brothers. Of course, that was not the case. The author did a very good job, however, introducing her prejudices and delusions to the point where you can only love to hate her.

The Hudson’s were another welcome surprise. When first introduced, I kept waiting to see what new challenges Pia was going to face. Their loving and caring for Pia was not exactly what I was expecting, but loved it just the same.

There were several different storylines going on and I think the author did a pretty good job getting everything wrapped up without rushing things too much. I was not a huge fan of the abrupt endings of some of the chapters, but they did not really take away from the story. Overall, I would recommend reading this book.

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Readers can always depend on Ellen Marie Wiseman to bring them a emotional, well researched novel with characters so well written that they aren't soon forgotten. Her newest book checks off all the boxes and her exquisite writing takes us to a time in history that will be new to many people.

The year is 1918 and the people of Philadelphia are all crowded together to see the Liberty Loan Parade, where overwhelming crowds of over 200,000 are gathered in Center City to cheer their WWI veterans, buy war bonds and show their patriotism. Pia didn't really want to go to the parade with her mother and infant twin brothers but at 13, she was too young to stay home alone in the rough part of town they lived in. Pia and her parents had immigrated from Germany several years earlier and there was currently a very strong sentiment against Germans. Her father had joined the army to show his patriotism and her mother believed that they needed to show their patriotism by going to this parade. Many of the people of Philadelphia had heard about the flu but the newspapers had assured them that the influenza posed no danger to them as long as they "kept their feet dry, stayed warm, ate more onions and kept their bowels and windows open." The crowds weren't aware that the flu was ramping up and that it would spread quickly and many of them would get sick and die. Soon after the parade, Pia's mother died of the flu and Pia was left to take care of her infant brothers. She waits as long as she can, but they are out of food and she must get some food to keep them alive. She wraps her brothers in blankets and leaves them behind to try to find food. While Pia is struggling, her neighbor Bernice, is mourning the death of her infant son. Bernice is a critical, mean hearted woman who hates immigrants and she reasons by stealing the young bothers, she can raise them as good Americans. The lives of Pia and Bernice intersect several times over the years as Pia continues to look for her missing brothers.

Pia is a wonderful character. Despite the hardship that she faced, she remained brave and determined to find her brothers. At the extreme opposite is Bernice, a hateful and prejudiced woman who doesn't care how many people she hurts. Pia was one of those characters that you think about long after the last page of the book.

The Orphan Collector is a wonderful book. It has love and family, hate, mystery and romance. It's a book that I wanted to read fast to find out how it ends but I also wanted to read it slowly to enjoy the exquisite writing. I can't wait until it is published in July to discuss it with more people. In my opinion, this book is going to be one of the most popular books of the summer.

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I am such a fan of Ellen Marie Wiseman's writing that I will read her books without even checking the synopses anymore. I just know they'll be great. This time around, I didn't check the synopsis before adding The Orphan Collector to my TBR pile, only to pick it up around the same time as the Coronavirus was starting to make its way around the US. Talk about a timely read!

This is Ellen's best novel to date! While we're complaining about being stuck at home with our kids for the next couple of months, it's sobering to read about the living conditions back in 1918 while the Spanish Flu was in full force and people were struggling to survive and feed their families. I had no idea how bad the disease truly was until now. My heart went out to Pia throughout the story, especially over the guilt she was feeling regarding her baby brothers. I really wanted to see something good happen for her.

While I felt bad for Bernice's situation initially, she turned out to be a horrible person and Ellen did a great job writing her as a villain. We get to see her perspective at times, but later it tapers off to just show how everyone else sees her (those who think highly of her and those who have been hurt by her actions).

Ellen made great use of descriptions and characterizations to bring this novel to life. It was such an interesting and thoughtful story that was difficult to put down! I only hope that by the time of its release in late July, our lives will be back to normal.

Movie casting suggestions:
Pia (early teens): Oona Laurence
Pia (late teens): Eliza Scanlen
Bernice: Harley Quinn Smith
Dr. Hudson: Spencer Treat Clark
Mrs. Hudson: Rose McIver
Finn: Levi Miller
Mother Joe: Frances McDormand

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1918 was a time of stress and sorrow for people all over the world - WWI was raging, and the Spanish Flu was rampant. In Philadephia, 13 year old Pia and her family experience discrimintion and bullying due to their German heritage, on top of dealing with these daily pressures- the Spanish Flu sweeps through the city, killing thousands. Pia’s mother becomes one of the victims of the flu. Left to care for her infant twin brothers, Pia must make some tough decisions. When she discovers her brothers missing, she stops at nothing to find them.

Bernice Groves is a bitter, grief stricken woman. Her husband died in the war, and her son died from the flu. Bernice blames immigrants for all of her heartache. Peeping from her window, she sees Pia leave her home, and knows that the twin babies have been left alone. Bernice takes the babies and raises them as her own, doing everything in her power to make sure the truth of their history is never discovered. Bernice doesn't stop with the twins. She continues her misguided attempt to "Americanize" the many orphans left behind after the war and the flu epidemic.

Told from the dual perspectives of Pia and Bernice, this story will break your heart into a million pieces.

I struggled emotionally with this book and had a difficult time deciding on a rating. I found the information about the flu and the tragedies about the lives of orphans to be accurate (based on research I did on this topic in college). I appreciate the author's research on the historical aspect of this book. Historical Fiction is my go-to genre, so I've read many books with upsetting content, but the powerful writing in this book made it feel so much more distressing than many others I've read about orphans and child trafficking.

Thank you to Netgalley, Kensington Books, and Ellen Marie Wiseman for the ARC of The Orphan Collector in exchange for my honest review.

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I read and loved Ellen Marie Wiseman’s books so I was very eager and excited to read The Orphan Collector. Like I have mentioned in the past, I don’t think of historical fiction as one of my favorites yet my most favorite books are typically that genre!

Ellen Marie Wiseman is a wonderful writer who is a wizard with her storytelling. I felt the same emotions as young Pia and I was frustrated and saddened many times by what she went through.

Take a look t the synopsis:

In the fall of 1918, thirteen-year-old German immigrant Pia Lange longs to be far from Philadelphia’s overcrowded streets and slums, and from the anti-German sentiment that compelled her father to enlist in the U.S. Army, hoping to prove his loyalty. But an even more urgent threat has arrived. Spanish influenza is spreading through the city. Soon, dead and dying are everywhere. With no food at home, Pia must venture out in search of supplies, leaving her infant twin brothers alone . Since her baby died days ago, Bernice Groves has been lost in grief and bitterness. If doctors hadn’t been so busy tending to hordes of immigrants, perhaps they could have saved her son.

When Bernice sees Pia leaving her tenement across the way, she is buoyed by a shocking, life-altering decision that leads her on a sinister mission: to transform the city’s orphans and immigrant children into what she feels are “true Americans.” As Pia navigates the city’s somber neighborhoods, she cannot know that her brothers won’t be home when she returns. And it will be a long and arduous journey to learn what happened—even as Bernice plots to keep the truth hidden at any cost. Only with persistence, and the courage to face her own shame and fear, will Pia put the pieces together and find the strength to risk everything to see justice at last.

The Spanish flu was incredibly scary and a real threat. Pia was just a young girl doing what she could to survive and take care of her little brothers, my heart broke for her! Bernice was a despicable character and reminded me of the real-life child trafficker, Georgia Tann who stole children from poor families and sold them.

If you enjoy historical fiction, this book is a MUST-READ! And so are this author’s other books.

Pre-order now, out on July 28.

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At first I thought this was going to be another sappy book about separated families, but Ellen Marie Wiseman is adept at developing engaging, exciting characters. The influenza out reak at the end of WWI is not often a topic of novels, so I found I learned a great deal.

This eill be welcomed by book groups.

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Reading a Ellen Marie Wiseman book is a treat. It transports you to that time period, you are sitting in that room, in that house. This book is set during the Spanish influenza, I was in the room, smelling the smells, seeing the sick, hearing the anguish .
Pia lives in the poor district, her mother passes from the plague, her dad is off fighting the war,she leaves the apartment to get food for her twin baby brothers.

Bernice lost her baby son and her husband to this plaque, she sees Pia leave and goes to investigate and finds/ steals the babies. Bernice makes it her mission bring immigrant children to the orphanages, so In her mind they can be raised as she believes that should be raised to be “good Americans” also placing children into her choice of homes. She takes all this upon herself posing as the Red Cross

We watch as Pia and Bernice days intersect around each other.
A true Ellen Marie Wiseman book that is truly written with her entire soul , and a book you will not forget anytime soon. This will stay with you.
I am a huge fan of this author ,always have been and always will be.
Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for my ARC in exchange for my highest review.

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A fascinating story about the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic in Philadelphia. Readers will travel back into time as the author describes in great detail the life of Pia, a young 13 year old German girl during the epidemic. The quest for discovering the truth about her twin brothers and survival of her family remain strong throughout this story. Nurse Wallis, a truly evil person added a psychological twist to the story. Loved the ending! Highly recommended!!

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This book was difficult to get into and I did a lot of skimming until the middle. The author seemed to find her stride midway and the story became engrossing.

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A fast paced, hypnotic read. I couldn't put this book down as I was fascinated with the whole horrifying thought of a virus that could leave such a mark on a population. I found it to be realistic as society feels the pressure of there being too many parentless children, not enough food and fear of illness. This book opened my eyes to a time in civilization that was not familiar to me and left me wanting more.

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This is a book you can not out down once started. The characters are believable, and your heart is in knots at many times during Pia’s struggle to find her twin brothers during the Spanish Flu. This novel even though not factual, highlighted the various human beliefs, actions and thoughts when faced with fear, hardships and loss. Some are kind and giving while others bias, racism and bigotry lead them to act in ways they perhaps would not consider in better times. A book when published will make a lovely gift for those who want a good story.

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When 13 year old Pia's mother falls ill from the Spanish flu, she is left alone to take care of her twin brothers. Once they run out of food, she leaves the twins behind and searches for supplies. While out, she collapses and is sent to a hospital for Spanish flue victims. Bernice Groves, after losing her infant son, see's Pia leave her apartment. She enters the apartment and upon finding the twins alone, takes then. Once Pia has recovered, she is sent to an orphanage, but she never stops looking for her brothers. Across the city, Bernice finds ways to take immigrant children, putting them on trains, taking them away from their families and to the orphanage, all in a misguided attempt to "Americanize" them.

This book was a bit slow to start. The beginning chapters felt very much like rambling. I almost put the book down, but pressed through. The story vastly improved once the author finished introducing the city, time period, and characters. Overall, 3 out of 5 stars.

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This was a a very emotional book to read. Pia and her twin brothers story is heart wrenching. World War I, The Spanish Influenza, and Pia's never ending struggle to reunite with her brothers.
Lovers of historical fiction will really enjoy this book. It would also be a fantastic read for a book club.
Thank You NetGalley and the publisher for this book.

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