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Mr. Nobody

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Steadman’s first book blew me away. Mr. Nobody started with the same sense of anticipation, waiting to find more clues about Emma’s past and how Matthew connects to everything. I was a little disappointed in the ending, it felt like a lot was summarized for the reader. Overall, still a good mystery.

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Interesting book but I liked her other one better. Thanks for the review copy. I really appreciate it.

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This was a book I kept almost giving up on and I know wish I did. It was waaaayyy too long. The plot was interesting but there were a lot of characters who I couldn’t keep track of. Ugh. Not for me. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free copy in exchange for review.

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A neuropsychologist with a haunted past meets a man with no memory. One is trying not to remember their secrets and one is trying to remember them.

I liked this book at some points and was very bored for some of it. It just felt very formulaic. The writing was good but I don't think I will remember this book for very long.

Thank you to Netgalley for the free, advance copy.

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A man washes up on a British beach, with no memory of who he is, or how he got there.

Is he the perfect study of retrograde amnesia or fugue? Or is he lying?

Dr. Emma Lewis is asked to take on the case. But, why is the government so interested in “Mr. Nobody”, (dubbed Matthew by a caring nurse) And, why is the case so secretive that Dr. Lewis must sign a Non disclosure agreement, and risk her own secrets being exposed?

I was left with some unanswered questions.

At times, I was completely intrigued, but through much of the book I wanted to skim, so although Matthew’s identity surprised me, the pace was just too slow for me to rate this over 3 stars.

Thank You to Netgalley, Ballantine Books and Catherine Steadman for the digital ARC I received in exchange for a candid review! This title will be released on Jan 7, 2020!

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Beyond amazing I enjoyed this book so very much. The characters and storyline were fantastic. The ending I did not see coming Could not put down nor did I want to.

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A man, dubbed Mr. Nobody, washes up on a beach and has no recollection on how he got there or his name. Dr. Emma Lewis is brought into the case to figure him out and in doing so her questionable past is brought into the light putting her in danger. Hold out on this one because the real twist is about 80% in the book. Definitely recommend. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Just like the author's previous work (Something In The Water), Mr. Nobody had moments where I had to suspend belief. Some scenes were just so unrealistic.  However, with that negative out of the way, this author is always on my TBR. I had no problem flipping the pages to see how it would end and the ending was unique enough that I did not guess it.

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I really enjoyed her prior book something in the water. I found this book kept me guessing, but it was also kind of difficult to follow. I still don’t fully understand what “Matthew”s motive was and why he couldn’t get to this doctor normally. I’m not sure why Rhonda was involved either. Overall a good book but the ending didn’t explain enough

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This book...damn. I read Something in the Water when it was a Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick, so when I received a Mr. Nobody ARC, I was excited. It did not disappoint!

Cat Steadman first introduces us to our characters: Mr. Nobody and Dr. Emma Lewis. She’s a neuropsychiatrist who receives the call about the case of a lifetime - a chance to diagnose and treat a case of fugue (a rare form of amnesia). The catch is that she has to travel to Norfolk, the town she grew up in, and later left after a tragedy that put her in the witness protection program. Mr. Nobody is found on a beach and has no memories, isn’t talking, and there is no evidence to help police determine who he is or how he got there. The amount of details given to introduce both characters and set up the story is overwhelming, but needed.

The beginning of the book was slow and confusing because of the different perspectives the story is told from (the perspectives start on slightly different timelines as well), but it sped up as soon as Dr. Lewis arrived in Norfolk. From there, there was no slowing down. Steadman throws a few curveballs on the way to a very dramatic (and slightly graphic) ending. I recently read a book with a similar trope, but the details that Steadman includes take this to another level.

Thanks to @randomhouse, @catsteadman, and @netgalley for the ARC in exchange for a honest review! This was a fun one to read.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author, for an ARC of this book, in exchange for an honest review.
I read the 1st book that Catherine Steadman wrote, Something in the Water, and I enjoyed it so I was excited to read her 2nd book, Mr. Nobody. I thought Mr. Nobody was very well written, original, suspenseful and addictive. I highly recommend this book and I can’t wait to read the next book that she writes.

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“Mr. Nobody” by Catherine Steadman is a psychological thriller set in the coastal town of Norfolk. Dr. Emma Lewis, a forensic psychiatrist, is called to Norfolk to treat a man who has washed up on the beach with amnesia.
As Emma investigates “Mr. Nobody” secrets from her own past come to light.

I enjoyed 80% of this book, but the ending felt forced and rushed which was disappointing. Overall, I enjoyed the author’s writing.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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Overall I enjoyed this book. I thought the author did a good job building suspense about how the mysterious patient knew about the doctor's past and what had in fact happened. However, this is the second thriller I've read in the past few month that uses the same plot twist to resolve the plot, so it felt somewhat unoriginal and contrived. The ending also got a little too violent for my taste. I would still recommend it to readers looking for a fast-paced psychological thriller.

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Dr. Emma Lewis is a career-focused neuropsychiatrist who receives a call asking her to work on the case of a lifetime; diagnosing and treating a man who been named "Mr. Nobody" after he washed up on the British coast with no memory, identification, or people coming forward to claim him.

There's no way she can let the opportunity to confirm a case of fugue, a rare psychiatric disorder in which the individual experiences amnesia onset by trauma, pass her by. Even though the job will send her back to the small town where she grew up, the town she had to leave behind, along with her identity.

When she decides to accept and take on the unidentified patient who doesn't even know his own name he's shocked to discover that he knows hers… the name no one has called her in nearly fifteen years and Emma starts to worry that the ghosts and secrets from her own past will be unearthed before she discovers the identity of this man.

Catherine Steadman does an excellent job building the tension here and creating complex characters. It made for a book that I couldn't put down until all the secrets, lies, and deceptions were uncovered. There were enough twists in the plot and surprises to make for a compelling story and while things weren't wrapped up in the most expected of ways, it was still satisfying enough to make for a solid read.

Many thanks to Ballantine Books and Netgalley for the advance copy!

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Wonderful thriller.

Layered and nuanced.

Started slow but picked up about 15% into the story. Then took off and kept running while throwing a few red herrings along the way.

Thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

Looking forward to Catherine Steadman’s next thriller.

Five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The following review will be posted on Goodreads and Amazon as soon as possible.

Catherine Steadman does it again with her newest gripping psychological thriller! 5 stars! This book was incredible.

A man wakes up on a beach with no memories; he doesn’t know who he is or how he got there. Dr. Emma Lewis, a neuropsychiatrist working on London, is contacted to assess his condition. The catch? The hospital where the man is being treated is in the same small town that she escaped from years earlier. As the treatment progresses, Emma starts to fear that her patient knows too much about her. Is this a trap? Emma is forced to look into her past while trying to figure out the future in this twisty thriller.

From the start, Steadman makes you feel like you are actually in this book experiencing things first hand. Her writing is beautiful, and the characters seem so real.

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I read Catherine Steadman's first book, There's Something in the Water and really enjoyed this. This book however, is another story. As I started the book, it grabbed my attention...the writing was good, the plot was interesting, but as I continued reading I felt like nothing was happening. I kept waiting for a big reveal which wasn't coming. Finally at the end when the Mr. Nobody was identified, I thought what a stupid twist.

A mystery man is found on the beach and has no idea who he is or what he is doing there. Dr. Emma Lewis is called upon to help the stranger.

To me, that is the plot summarized in one sentence, and not much else happened in the story. The book had potential but it just didn't go anywhere.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy of the book for an honest review.

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I found this to be a very enjoyable thriller. Matthew (Mr. Nobody) is a great character and I did not see that ending coming! The story is crafted in such a way that you find yourself becoming suspicious of just about everyone by the end. Ultimately Mr. Nobody's secret past was a bit too far-fetched for me, but overall I thought this was a great read and will be looking for more from Catherine Steadman in the future. Thanks to Netgalley and Ballantine for this ARC.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for this ARC.

I must first say, I was heavily distracted shortly after starting this book. I had my first child and when I found time to read, I ended up dozing off. I worried at first that this is what kept me from truly getting into this book, because I literally could not read Something In the Water fast enough. I inhaled that book. And once I found out I was approved for this one, I was beyond excited. But this book dragged for me. I didn’t care who Mr Nobody was. I didn’t care what happened to him and I was not able to fall for any of the other characters, either. I felt it was too slow, too jam packed. Maybe this wasn’t the right time for me to read this book with such a huge life change happening. To me it was not a worthy follow up to Something In the Water.

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Catherine Steadman's latest work, Mr. Nobody is a top notch, a keep-you-guessing thrill ride! I read this book in less than two days cover to cover. Mr. Nobody is found on the beach not knowing who or where he is. And the roller-coaster begins! Dr. Emma Lewis is brought in to help this man remember his identity. This story is just the beginning. Emma has a back story and Steadman slowly lets it seep out, unveiling who she is. I didn't figure out the mystery at hand until it unfolded before my eyes. The writing was easy to read and kept my attention throughout the whole book. Steadman doesn't disappoint with her latest work and I will definitely be recommending this book to others. I will also be looking for Steadman's other works. Special thanks to NetGalley and the Ballantine-Random House Publishing Group for giving me an advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest opinion.
#MrNobody #NetGalley

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