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Strangers at the Gate

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When Finnie and Paddy Doyle are offered the golden opportunity of a new start, in a new place, they jump at the chance. It would seem that lady luck has favoured them. They both have new jobs and a cottage as well. Paddy is over the moon at their new circumstances while city girl Finnie is less enthusiastic.

Their cottage, a gate house, starts to unnerve Finnie with its strange nocturnal noises and remote location.

They are invited to dinner up at Widdershins, the 'big house', by their neighbours, the Dudgeons. They can hardly refuse as Lovatt Dudgeon is Paddy's new boss and partner at the local law firm. After a pleasant dinner, and shortly after leaving Widdershins, they backtrack to the house to fetch Finnie's handbag which she had forgotten. They find both the Dudgeons dead on the kitchen floor.

The decisions they make following this discovery will turn their world on its head, expose myriad secrets, and bring tension and even danger to their door...


I've read several novels by Catriona McPherson and this is one of her best! In my personal opinion it is second only to "The Day She Died", another one of my favourites.

Dripping with a dour Scottish atmosphere, the story kept me enthralled from first page to last. With themes of illegal adoption, deception, extortion, embezzlement and more, the novel will appeal to many readers who enjoy a good thriller.

I will keep my eyes peeled for the next book by this talented author. Highly recommended!

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3-4 stars, but could’ve easily been a 5, if the it was more fast paced! I had started this book many times, but would set to the side because it was so slow in many places. I did enjoy it enough to finish, but the slow pace made it hard to get through it quickly. I think overall, if you enjoy slow burn, atmospheric with gothic tones you will definitely enjoy this book. If like me, and need those thrills and chills coming every second, this may be one you don’t read as quickly, but I believe you will still ultimately enjoy the well written book!
Will make sure I buzz it up!

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2019; St. Martin's Press/Minotaur Books
(Review Not on Blog)

I found this one to be a bit of a slower start and there were a few sections it seemed to drag on a bit. I liked the tone of Gothic-mystery, but I found the unraveling of the mystery a bit too much. It seemed like it was more tangled than not, and a bit out there. This is my first novel by the author and I would like to read another book soon.

***I received an eARC from NETGALLEY***

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC of Strangers at the Gate by Catriona McPherson.

Finn is a little dubious when her husband Paddy gets a job in the small town Simmerton to be a law partner, while Finn will work as a full time Deacon. And on top of that, they've been offered a gate house to live in, it's all too good to be true.

But quickly after moving in, things happen to make the couple feel fairly unsettled, and shortly after a delightful dinner party with their new neighbors and colleagues, everything comes crashing down around them. How did Finn end up in this position, was her over-eager husband to blame.

I had high hopes for this one, it was creepy and atmospheric. But it also moved slow and wasn't always the easiest to keep track of. The characters were a bit unbelievable and inconsistent. I found the plot a bit frustrating.

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Strangers at the Gate by Catriona McPherson is a chilly, creepy mystery. Finn and her husband Paddy seem to have just had the perfect situation both with new jobs and being offered to stay at the gate house of Paddy's new employer. But of course, nothing can be that perfect when it comes to a mystery novel! This book starts out with a bang when Paddy and Finn find the bodies of their new neighbors/employers dead in the kitchen. It goes on from there with the crazy decision of Paddy and Finn not to call 911 because of secrets in their past. The story builds with whether this was murder or murder/suicide and what happened? The ending I never could have guessed. This author has a really spectacular way with words as I could almost feel the cold and creepy atmosphere. This is my first book by this author and I look forward to diving into more of her work. I think I give this book 4 stars. Thank you to Minotaur Books and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book for my honest review.

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This was a strange read from start to finish. That is not a bad thing at all, but there were a number of times where I shook my head or rolled my eyes at the behavior of the characters, wondering why on Earth they were doing the things they were doing and where the story was going to go - but for all that, I was engaged throughout and couldn't stop reading. I put that down to McPherson's writing ability, she tells a very compelling story and paints very vivid pictures even when not seeming too.

I didn't see the end coming, at least not really, and it threw me to see how everything wrapped up. I'm not entirely sure I feel satisfied with the way she tied everything together, but still, somehow that didn't bother me. I'm intrigued by the way she tells a story, and will definitely read more from her. If you like your Mysteries very linear, you might struggle a little with this one - I tend to be one of those people, but for some reason this one worked for me despite all that. I know this review was a little oblique, but that's how I felt coming out of the book - a little off-kilter, a little confused, but engaged nevertheless!

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Catriona McPherson sets the stage for this very suspenseful book using a dreary, dark setting that contains a wooded area and someone who is possibly creeping around in it. This definitely made me sit up and pay attention, not to mention start flipping pages as fast as I could. When the dead bodies appeared, I stayed up later than I should have because I want to find out what would happen next.

The main characters, and their families, are an interesting group of people. Finnie and Paddie are a young married couple who have been offered job opportunities that sound too good to be true. Finnie’s father appears to be the kind of laid-back person that anyone would like, but her mom suffers from depression. Elaine, Paddie’s mom, is the stereotypical annoying, mother in law who looks down on everything that Finnie does. With a few other people thrown in, but not so many that you can’t remember who they all are, the characterization is top of the line.

The story is unique—no oft-repeated tale in this book, and had enough suspense to keep me intrigued from start to finish.

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Totally wow! I don't know how this accomplished author kept straight this sizable cast of characters or the multiplicity of red herrings, but the result is an incredibly amazing novel. I couldn't tear my eyes from the page nor rest till I achieved the ending. Any reader who can puzzle it out in advance has my admiration. I only guessed at one small aspect. If this novel was a Medieval Morality play instead of a psychological thriller, its Cautionary theme would be:
Be Careful of What You Wish.

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Creepy chilling a plot that kept me racing through the pages to an ending that I never saw coming.A well written thriller characters that came alive,.An author I will be following and recommending.#netgalley #st.martinsbooks.

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At the beginning of the novel, Finnie and Paddy receive the news of a lifetime -- Paddy's been made partner at a law firm in the small town of Simmerton, and Finnie lands a job as the church deacon. As part of the deal, they are allowed to stay in a quaint gate cottage (rent free!) from Paddy's new bosses, Lovett and Tuft Dudgeon.

Once they arrive in Simmerton, Finnie begins to hear strange sounds and feels completely unnerved. However, her worries are put at ease during a dinner with the Dudgeons, and Finnie feels like she has hit the jackpot. Unfortunately, just as soon as her nerves wash away, her luck has run out when her and Paddy stumble upon a gruesome murder. Who would do such a thing in their sleepy town? And are they next?

Strangers at the Gate is told from Finnie's point of view, as she unpacks the town's history and attempts to solve the murders. Catronia McPherson does a fantastic job of developing Finnie and Paddy, in addition to the other key players in the story. Complete with twists and turns, this was a great read -- especially during spooky season!

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A dark and suspenseful read with just enough creepiness to keep you hooked. With a fascinating unique plot, an eerie setting and a spooky cast of characters, this book keeps the twists coming. Buckle up for a wild ride!

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Paddy & Finnie have just been offered the jobs they have always dreamed of, a partnership for Paddy at a small law firm and a full-time deaconship for Finnie. Along with the jobs, Paddy has been offered a small cottage on the property of his new boss, Lovett Dudgeon, rent free. After settling in, Finnie begins to question the decision they made moving to Simmerton. Their new home is dark and isolated and she has been hearing things in the woods. On Monday evening Paddy and Finnie are invited up to the Dudgeon's home for dinner. Despite willing herself not to enjoy Tuft Dudgeon's company she finds the woman engaging and Finn decides she is looking forward to the new start after all. The young couple start their short walk down the path back to their cottage when Finn realizes she has left her purse behind. Turning back Finn & Paddy discover the front door open and what they discover inside will upend everything they believe to be true. Catriona McPherson has written a wicked page-turner! For all of you armchair detectives out there, I challenge you try and figure this one out. McPherson kept me guessing right through to the last page. Suspense fans this one is a must! Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Publishing for an advance digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This was my first read by this author and I was impressed. A creeping dread fills this.novel for the first 2/3 followed by a resolution that clips along at a good pace to tie up the many threads that make up the narrative. It was complicated enough to keep me guessing, but grounded enough to feel realistic. I would recommend this title to those who enjoyed "We Have Always Lived in the Castle".

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"From Catriona McPherson, Agatha Award-winning author of Quiet Neighbors, comes Strangers at the Gate: a twisty, fascinating mystery that asks the question: who do you turn to when everyone's a stranger and you've stopped believing your own eyes?

Finnie Doyle and Paddy Lamb are leaving city life in Edinburgh behind them and moving to the little town of Simmerton. Paddy's been made partner at the law firm in town, and Finnie has snagged a job as a church deacon. Their rented cottage is quaint; their new colleagues are charming, and they can't believe their luck.

But only days after moving into the gate house, Finnie begins to have doubts. She keeps hearing strange sounds, and the thicket of trees make her feel claustrophobic rather than safe. When they witness the bloody aftermath of a brutal murder, it changes everything. They've each been keeping secrets about their pasts. And they both know their precious new start won't survive a scandal. Together, for the best of reasons, they make the worst decision of their lives.

And that's only the beginning. The deep, deep valley where Simmerton sits is unlike anywhere Finnie and Paddy have been before. They are not the only ones hiding in its shadow and very soon they've lost control of the game they decided to play..."

Come on! I know you NEED to read this just to know what their worst decision is!

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Catriona McPherson's books have consistently chilled and intrigued me. Strangers at the Gate makes the fifth of her intense mystery/thrillers that I've read. Each one is a stand-alone, which is unusual for such a prolific writer.

Strangers at the Gate proves the old axiom "Too good to be true."

Paddy's new job results in a new job for Finn, and the rent free gate house on the boss's estate is an added bonus. Paddy is enthusiastic, Finn less so, but when opportunity knocks, turning down so many advantages proves too difficult.

Simmerton is located in a valley and the mountains that surround it make sunlight brief; combined with the lack of sunlight, Finn is uncomfortable with the oppressive atmosphere of the surrounding woods.

Shortly after moving in, Paddy and Finn are invited to have dinner with Paddy's boss and his wife. The Dudgets, Lovett and Tuft, live in a grand dower house called Widdershins, a short walk through the woods from the gate house. Finn is reluctant to go, but once there, she has a surprisingly good time. Tuft is irrepressible and funny, and Finn enjoys the evening.

As Paddy and Finn are walking home after the dinner, Finn realizes she has forgotten her bag. The two return to find that in the short time they were gone, Lovett and Tuft are dead. Finn tells Paddy to call the police, but he persuades her to wait until the return to the gate house where they discuss their shock and horror. We also discover why Paddy would rather not call the police at all and why Finn finally agrees.

As they wait for the deaths to be discovered by someone else, the strain on Finn and Paddy increases.

Was it a suicide or murder? The suspense and twists increase when an email from Lovett to his office was after the time Paddy and Finn found the couple dead. Finn makes some to rapid assumptions about what has happened and there are a few connections that don't feel coherent, but I was glued to the pages until the end ignoring a few details (or lack thereof) that bothered me. McPherson is a master of suspense, and I was along for the ride.

NetGalley/St. Martin's Press
Suspense. Oct. 22, 2020. Print length: 368 pages.

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Strangers at the Gate is the first book I’ve read by Catriona McPherson and it won’t be the last. It’s twisty and atmospheric, dark and suspenseful! I thought I had it all figured out until I figured out that I didn’t. I love a book that has the ability to keep me speculating until the very end.

When Paddy comes home to tell Finn of a wonderful opportunity in the quaint little town of Simmerton, Finn has doubts. First off, everything seems to fall into place a little too seamlessly. Paddy is offered a partnership in a law firm and Finn lands a full-time job as a Deacon in the parish. Not only do they both get the job of their dreams, they’re also offered the opportunity to live in a cute little gatehouse on the grounds of Widdershins (Ominous name, no?) owned by their benefactors – rent free. To add to this, they are able to rent their flat in Edinburgh and gain a little pocket change, too. As Finn remarks, if it seems too good to be true, then it probably is … Those words come back to haunt Finn as the story progresses.

When a murder/suicide occurs within a short time of their moving to Simmerton, the story takes a mysterious and disturbing turn. Their employers and benefactors, Lovett Dudgeon and his wife, Tuft, invite Finn and Paddy to dinner, it’s a short walk from their gatehouse up to the main house and Finn doesn’t want to go. Despite herself, Finn actually really likes Tuft and enjoys the evening. On their walk home Finn realizes she’s left her purse; she and Paddy return to the Dudgeon's home only to find them dead in what appears to be a murder/suicide. The couple don’t call the police because Finn and Paddy both have secrets of their own and as Amy Tan once said: “That was how dishonesty and betrayal started, not in big lies but in small secrets.” And so, begins this suspenseful story.

Finn is an absolutely wonderful narrator, often shocking the reader (that would be me) out of their belief on how a deacon should behave. She is a breath of fresh air in this dark tale of murder, suspense, and treachery. I loved her and I hope that we hear more about her in another book – even though this is classified as a stand alone novel. The plot is fantastic and the characters all but leap off the pages they’re so realistic and well depicted. This is a must read for any fan of the genre.

A big thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books, and Catriona McPherson for the pleasure of reading and reviewing this title.

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It’s a fresh start for Paddy and Finnie, who are leaving big city life in Edinburgh behind to start over in the country where Finnie will be a church deacon and Paddy has snagged a partnership in a law firm. They live in a small, charming gate house and love their new friends and colleagues. Life should be perfect, but doubt creeps in when Finnie starts hearing odd noises in the old cottage. She begins to feel unsafe and after the couple witness a murder, all bets are off. It turns out that our charming couple has some ugly secrets that might get out and jeopardize their new lives, so they make a decision that puts them in real danger. This is such a creepy read, I was under the covers with the blankets pulled up tight for this atmospheric story

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