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The Wives

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The Wives is a page turning, psychological thriller told by an unreliable narrator - all the ingredients for a book I would normally love so, I was very excited when I received a copy from @netgalley.

Unlike many thrillers, told from the perspective of an unreliable narrator, Tarryn Fisher manages to create twists that feel original. Strangely, I am not sure how I feel about this due to the following…

The first half of the book reads really quickly and you get to a point where you are ready for something huge to happen. Something that gives you that “Woah!” moment. For me, that moment didn’t ever really come, leaving me more frustrated than intrigued.

I cannot decide if I liked the book or not, therefore, I am going to sit on the fence and say 3 and a half stars.

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The first book i have read by this author and oh my i loved it. Full of twists. What a journey and it certainly will blow your mind. I was hooked all the way through. I would recommend this book to everyone. You just don't know whats around the corner Loved it.

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A brilliant read which was hard to put down. You really don’t need to know any more. Don’t read the blurb. Don’t read reviews. You’re wasting time. You could be on the first chapter already....

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Oh this book! What a gripping read it was. For the first few hundred pages this book had me turning, and turning, and turning again to try and uncover the truth. It was a very fast-paced thriller and as it neared the conclusion things felt a little less gripping to me – but that’s always the way with a thriller, you’re bound to get to the end at some point! Nevertheless, a book that has you gripped from start to finish like this one did is definitely worth four stars.

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Really enjoyed this book! Interesting premise with a fun lead character - loved the moment when it was revealed that her name was actually Thursday.
The hospital twist made you question who's side you were on and who you believed, the ending made for an interesting and unpredictable twist.

3.5 stars.

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This book sounded like it was going to be a very good story but I found it very confusing. I didn't like the character Thursday but in general the book was an OK read. Not sure that I would truthfully be able to recommend it though

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Thursday loves her husband Seth so much she’s prepared to ‘share’ him with his two other wives, Monday and Tuesday.

But then she discovers a piece of paper with what could be one of the other wives’ name on it and starts to wonder about the other women in Seths life. She knows she shouldn’t, mustn’t, but cannot stop herself trying to find out more about them and that’s when things start to unravel.

This book has some really interesting characters and the plot is unlike anything else, but it is plausible. The only thing that I was frustrated by is the ending, it is really disappointing, however this version has an alternate ending that was a lot better.

A great read!

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Fantastic read with so many twists and turns that I couldn’t make my mind up about the truth until the end. It is well written, easy to read and the main character is endearing.
I haven’t read a book by the author before but will be looking for more to read.
The book is in America and focuses on a woman who is married to a man who is a polygamist- has more than one wife. She ‘shares’ her husband but does not know the others. The book begins with her being quite content in herself but slowly throughout the seeds of doubt set in where she wants to learn more about them. A fantastic read and would recommend

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Thursday is married to Seth, there is also two other wives in this relationship. Seth is a polygamist. Thursday struggles with this and tries to investigate the other wives so she can decide why she isn’t the number one wife!
Ultimately there will be consequences for all concerned.

Oh I so wanted to love this book but I just didn’t connect with it the way I hoped. It’s well written but I didn’t really like Thursday or Seth!

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book, once I started it I couldn’t put it down, plenty of twists, could not work out what was going on, really had me guessing till the end

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Goodness. A compelling thriller with twists and turns to the last page. An intriguing plot of manipulation, cruelty and multiple spouses. I really couldn't guess how this would end. A really good read. I highly recommend as a page turning thriller.
I am grateful to Netgalley for sending me a forward copy in return for an unbiased review.

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I have never read any books by Tarryn Fisher before and when I saw all the hype for this book I thought I would give it a try and wow - I am so glad I did! I flew through this so quickly as I literally just could not put it down. I NEEDED to find out what was going to happen.

It is all about a woman called Thursday who appears to be happily married to Seth. She only sees him once a week as is a polygamist and has three wives! All of his wives are all aware of each other. They just do not know who the other wives are. None of them are allowed to contact each other.
Thursday starts to get curious and question Seth more and more about the others until she finds a way of secretly contacting one of the wives.

What transpires will keep you hooked to the story and it will keep you guessing.
I do not want to say much more or it will spoil the story.

I would definitely recommend this book if you enjoy a good psychological thriller.

Thank you to Netgalley and HQ for sending me the ARC in exchange for an honest review. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

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I had heard great things about Tarryn Fisher’s latest standalone psychological thriller THE WIVES and because I had read MARROW I knew I was in for a rollercoaster of a ride and a major headf*ck and I wasn’t disappointed.

Tarryn Fisher creates the most delusional, unreliable and twisted characters EVER and THE WIVES is no exception. Meet Thursday… at first you think she’s a happily married woman, devoted to her loving husband Seth, she works as a nurse and enjoys her life and then BOOM.. we find out that actually Thursday is one of three (yes! 3) wives. There’s also Monday and Tuesday who take turns during the week sharing Seth! WTAF? Let me tell you now… I have 1 husband and believe me that’s more than enough for me, no way Jose would I entertain this set-up, but Thursday has been living this way happily for the past 3 years. The wives know about each other, but they don’t know each other, they don’t know their names, where they live or anything else except that they all agree to live this strange life sharing Seth on their given days of the week.

However, everything changes when Thursday accidentally finds the name and address of Monday and as we all know “curiosity killed the cat” or in Thursday’s case it seriously f*cks up her head and marriage as she decides to track down Monday and see the competition for herself.

Be prepared to have your head turned, your brain frazzled, your mind blown whilst reading THE WIVES as nothing is as it seems. Another seriously disturbing and strange book from Tarryn Fisher.

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Welcome to the world of Tarryn Fisher, pull up a chair, pack enough WTF in your suitcase to last you the journey, you’ll need it!!

It’s difficult to delve too much into this story without giving away spoilers, even though I want to shout OMG JUST WAIT TILL YOU GET TO THIS BIT!

Meet Thursday,

Thursday is happily married to Seth, he is a hard working businessman, and travels all over the country, so she really only gets to see him once a week, ironically on Thursday as he works away from home.

Except Seth isn’t staying in hotels when he is working away, oh no, he is visiting and staying with each of his wives! Yep you heard right, he also has Monday and Tuesday to visit on his little trips too.

You see, Seth (and his wives) are polygamists, he is married to 3 women at once, and Thursday tries her best to be happy with this situation, she makes sure that she is the ‘Best Wife’ by being that lovely old quote by Jerry Hall “You must be a maid in the living room, a cook in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom.” 😲

And although she likes to be Seth’s confident, he doesn’t tell her much, if anything about the other Wives, not even their names or where they live, so it’s not surprising that one day Thursday, by complete accident finds a slip of paper in one of Seth’s suit jackets, a Doctor’s prescription, with another woman’s name on it, what’s a curious girl to do but to pull out that laptop and start Googling!

Who is she, could it be one of the other Wives?

What transpires is something that will have your head spinning, and your mind asking whether or not you want to “have a little lie down” Be prepared to want to talk about this book with EVERYONE!!

Tarryn Fisher has such a wonderful way of writing flawed characters, she isn’t scared of showing someone in a bad light, and she always makes you think twice and put yourself in the shoes of the MC and think “I’d probably do that too”
If you haven’t read anything by Tarryn before then I would highly suggest that you pick this one up and start your love of her from there 😊

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When I saw this I knew I absolutely had to read it. Tarryn Fisher is one of those authors for me, a bit like Colleen Hoover or KA Tucker – must read. This is her latest offering and is a mystery/thriller.

The blurb drew me in… a man with three wives and the protagonist is one of them. I don’t want to say too much about the storyline because for me when I was reading this I was like *gasp*, *gasp*, *gasp* right until the very end.

I don’t usually stray into the mystery/thriller genre, preferring to remain firmly in the chick lit and romance lanes so it took me a little while to get into the book. Having said that once I got into it I was hooked, I flew through the last half of the book almost not daring to believe what might happen next. Fear not though – Tarryn keeps you guessing right until the end.

I felt myself getting a little disappointed around 80% when events start to unfold in the book which bring the whole picture together. At the time I had hoped for an alternative road for the story to go down but again having said that I was left completely stunned by the ending Tarryn had in mind.

If you’ve not read any of Tarryn’s books then I’d highly recommend this along with ‘F*ck Love’, ‘The Opportunist’ and ‘Atheists who Kneel and Pray’. #TheWives #NetGalley

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Thursday is married to Seth. They seem to have a great relationship, the only issue being that Seth has two other wives: Monday and Tuesday. Of course, everyone knows where they stand. They have rules – the main one being that the wives must never find out anything about each other.

Which is fine, until Thursday gets curious and starts snooping, determined to find out who she’s sharing her perfect husband with.

The idea is fascinating, and I can’t help think that perhaps as readers, the opportunity to be somewhat voyeuristic when it comes to a polygamous marriage, is a bit too much to turn down. I was really looking forward to reading this, but have to admit I ended up feeling really let down.

It started well – pacey and entertaining, but it quickly lost its way. At the halfway mark a twist is thrown in that, frankly, makes what comes afterwards utterly ridiculous. It’s almost as though the author wanted to write two separate books, either of which would have worked perfectly well on their own, but decided to cut-and-shut them in to work. Which, frankly, didn’t work at all.

I enjoy novels with an unreliable narrator; however, I do think you should make them likable somewhere along the way. It didn’t take long for me to hate Thursday, and I didn’t much care whether she was right, or trustworthy. It didn’t help that the other characters were too underdeveloped for too long that I didn’t feel any interest in them either.

I was left feeling confused, and a few hours after finishing, I’m still not entirely sure what I’ve just read.
Thank you to the publisher who provided me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I started this book and managed to finish it but then I am sorry to say I wondered why I had bothered! The characters had no depth, no soul and I didn’t care about any of them! I like to at least appreciate something in the character of the heroine but there was nothing there! The tale became increasingly convoluted and implausible . I want to be able to find something good to say about this book but unfortunately the only good was finishing it. Sorry!

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Finished the book in one sitting! It’s a story that revolves around what you think is initial a polygamy relationship, but as you read, you begin to second guess the nature and manipulation behind each character, it literally keeps you guessing through the whole book, about what is the actual reality of the lives of the characters! Without giving too Much away, there’s an element of mental abuse, and psychotic mental issues. Brilliant book and I loved that for once, I couldn’t predict the ending at all!! The reason it’s doesn’t get 5/5 is at times there was a lot of words to explain a very simple scenario on certain characters, and it would’ve been nice to learn a bit more about the other so called wives!

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I read this very quickly, which is testament to how drawn-in I was to finding out the conclusion, and I admit I enjoyed the twists. There are lots of questions to be asked - I hestitate to call them plot holes, but you do have to suspend disbeliefe and just go along for the wild ride! I won't say it's amazingly well-written, but it tells a chilling story very well.

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This is a very clever book- not at all what it seems but it takes a while to realise how easily you are led down one specific path only to find out you were wrong in almost everything you believed.
Thursday loves her husband but it turns out she is not so sure she wants to share him with his other two wives any more. Talked into a polygamous relationship at a very young age she shares her husband with 2 other women and only sees him on her agreed day of the week.
Breaking all the rules she sets out to find the other wives, who live in another city and also don't contact each other.
As the tale unfolds you find out more and more about Thursday, the relationship with her husband and the things she discovers about the other wives as she finds them first online and then in real life. She is a character that is hard to like, or even empathize with as she gets herself embroiled in her obsession with the other wives.
Things get pretty dark and as the truth is revealed many unexpected twists lead you to a less than satisfactory resolution for Thursday.

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