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Deadly Silence

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Deadly Silence is a solid introduction to Detective Jane Phillips, who doesn't allow her PTSD to get in the way of her relentless search for justice. My list of detectives to follow has just been increased by one!

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A good read, which kept my attention throughout. I would recommend this as a good holiday reading book. Very enjoyable.

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An excellent thriller by OMJ Ryan featuring DI Jane Phillips and team investigating the death of a woman killed by a serial killer. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good mystery thriller, and would tell them to read the previous books in this series.

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i really enjoyed reading this book, I enjoyed the mystery in the book and liked jane as a characters. overall this was a good read and I look forward to more from the author.

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This was one of those books that I just could not put down. It was really enjoyable watching all the pieces of the puzzle click into place. This was the first book I have read from OMJ Ryan, but it will not be the last!

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Deadly Silence was a great thriller that has some good twists and turns. It is fast paced and gripping, that will have you on the edge of your seat. What kept the story going is how the characters connected. It was easy to follow, this was my 1st time reading a book by this author.

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Your past will come back to haunt you. What you did (or did not do) to help someone in the past is remembered and you will be held accountable for your actions. DI Jane Phillips and her team must figure out who is next and stop the killer before he kills again. Thrilling and suspense, full of sarcasm. A wonderful read

Thank you NetGalley andOmj Ryan for this edition and hearing my honest review. Looking forward to reading more with you

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Nope. Not my thing at all. Honestly, it's not the authors fault, I'm simply tired of the old p.t.s.s. I get post traumatic stress. I've never understood why more people aren't messed up. "They are." This story is one I didn't finish. I think I'm becoming old in my old age! Ha! I would have liked this author more 20 years ago. Now! Nope. It's not bad, just not my thing.

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After the incredible read that Deadly Secrets featuring Detective Jane Phillips and Marty Michaels was, I knew I had to get my hand on Deadly Silence and it didn't disappoint. I was looking forward to a crazy suspenseful ride in this book, which was signed sealed and delivered. I found the book to be highly gripping and peppered with well-timed twists.

Someone is murdering seemingly innocent women in what appears to be a bizarre killing ritual. The killer never leaves anything behind. Try as hard she may DI Jane Phillips, recently demoted and out to prove herself must find this killer fast before more are killed. Being supervised by an incompetent and conceited superior who doesn't shy away from reprimanding her every chance he gets, doesn't help either. Soon Jane notices a pattern to the killing but is nowhere close to identifying the killer. As the pressure mounts, can Phillips find the link between these ritual murders before the killer strikes again -- or will her dogged determination to solve the case bring his deadly silence to her door?

I loved the plot of this one, it was nail-bitingly tense and suspenseful. Phillips with her team race against everything to bring the culprit to justice - if only they could identify him!! There were quite a few scenes that left me a cant-stop-turning-the-page syndrome despite the late hour. I enjoyed following all the characters and am happy that Marty wasn't forgotten in this one. I enjoyed this book thoroughly and hope there is more of Jane to read about.

Thank You, NetGalley, Inkubator Books and O.M.J Ryan for an arc!

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This is the second book to feature Jane Phillips but it can be read as a stand-alone book too. In this outing we find her demoted and working under DCI Brown , a man who both her team and Jane find inadequate and overbearing. They all have to find ways to work with him which unfortunately Jane finds rather hard to do but needs must. When they gat a case where Brown gets tunnel vision and settles on the most obvious suspect Jane and her team must investigate quickly to bring the right suspect to justice. The murderer has festered for years about what happened to him and more to the point that no one listened or believed him when he spoke up. As this rage and anger grows so does his need for revenge. As Jane and her team follow the clues whilst placating Brown they are up against the clock as victims are dying .The clues are there they just need to find them. The story builds the tension up and you also get insight into the tormented character of Jane that will hopefully build in further outings. Taut, gritty , a well written police procedural novel that delivers a great read.

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Deadly Silence is a great detective story. So glad I received this ARC it is worth reading, it will not disappoint.

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This is a fast-paced mystery with gruesome murders. I enjoyed Phillips' character and her relationship with the men on her team; their overall dynamic and amount of respect the men had for her was endearing and I liked reading about it. But I do have some negative points... The killer was extremely easy to figure out. I also thought that there wasn't any real twist. I will say it was suspenseful, but not overly exciting.

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Deadly Silence is a great thriller that has some good twists and turns. It is fast paced and gripping.Well written and interesting characters.

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Police crime thriller hunting a serial killer. Likeable but flawed characters that made you cheer though with a few characters who you could understand wanting to murder. Topical storyline that kinda makes you think how twisted and horrific some people can be. Well done OMJ Ryan, ill definitely be looking out for your books, hopefully with the same police characters.

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Review featured at

I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this book. I found my mind trying to figure it out while trying to fall asleep which means that the book was getting to me. That says a lot if you ask me.

I thought the writing from this new author was great. And the characters had a lot of definition but also seemed human.

I highly recommend checking out this new author.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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A fast paced police procedural? A serial killer? A relatable but flawed police detective? Oooh I.’m definitely in! Jane Phillips is back in the second of the presumably ‘deadly’ series and this time she is still traumatized by her last case and is not really ready to be thrown back into the fray. But in she goes and it’s a great journey once more. Excellent read!

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I met this author at our book group and as I had not read any before and he is local to the north east I was interested to give it a go. It's a good read and is the second (I think) in a series.
The story delves into the dynamics of the relationships in the detective team - DCI Jane Phillips is not only struggling with PTSD from a previous case but has also recently been demoted to DI which has not gone down well - she hates her new boss and the team still can't get used to there being a new 'Guv'. Despite increasing anxiety she still works all out on this new case. Other characters on the team counteract this with good humour and mutual derision.
The killer on the other hand has a much darker story and sets out for revenge.
This is a fast paced book with well developed characters, backgrounds and sufficient mystery to keep you hooked until the end.

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This is the second of this author's books that I have the distinct pleasure of reading and reviewing. I loved his first book 'Deadly Secrets', which was released earlier this year. Without even reading the synopsis, I just knew that I would love 'Deadly Silence' because I have heard lots of great things about this book from other bloggers. I read the synopsis for 'Deadly Silence' and it certainly sounded like my kind of read- a police procedural type of story with a kick ass female lead character. I couldn't wait to get started and as soon as I could get hold of a copy, I dived straight in. Oh my word, 'Deadly Silence' is one hell of a read, which I thoroughly enjoyed but more about that in a bit.
Detective Inspector Jane Phillips is certainly an interesting lead character. She is a strong and determined female detective who has recently been demoted thanks to an incident that happened fairly recently. Fairly early on, we learn what led to Jane's demotion. I can't say that she has adapted well to her demotion, which isn't surprising given the annoying twerp that has been slotted into the Detective Chief Inspector role. The DCI makes my skin crawl and I certainly wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. Jane has a small team around her but each have the others' backs if that makes sense. They are incredibly loyal to each other and they don't take well to outsiders coming in trying to change things. What marks Jane out from other female detectives in the crime genre, is the fact that she suffers from mental health problems and she has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She doesn't advertise the fact she has PTSD but it helped her seem more real somehow. Jane is strong, tenacious, determined, stubborn, compassionate, kind, she is occasionally headstrong and at times she has a short fuse. I took to Jane from the start and by the time I got to the end of the story I felt as though she had become a close friend.
It took me next to no time to get into this story. In fact by the time I got to the end of the first page, I knew that this was going to be one of those unputdownable page turners. I wasn't wrong either. I found it impossible to be parted from this book. It wasn't exactly glued to my hand but it might as well have been because it travelled everywhere with me. The book had developed a hold over me and it was a hold that I was not willing to break. I felt that if I had to put the book down then I risked missing out on some vital clue or something important to the investigation. The pages turned quicker and quicker and at one point the pages were turning that quickly that the page numbers were a blur. All too soon, I reached the end of the book, which I was disappointed about. I don't mean that in a negative sense but I was enjoying the author's writing style, the characters and the storylines so much that I just wanted the book to continue.
'Deadly Silence' is superbly written but then I wouldn't expect anything else from O. M. J. Ryan. He has one of those writing styles that is easy to get along with and easy to get used to. He certainly knows how to grab your attention from the start and he keeps that attention throughout the book by keeping the characters realistic, by keeping the story interesting and by adding twists and turns to the story. For me, the story hit the ground running and maintained the pace throughout. I was totally gripped by the story and on the edge of my seat throughout.
Reading 'Deadly Silence' was much like being on a scary and unpredictable rollercoaster ride with several twists along the way. There were a few times where I almost had to read through my fingers as I feared what was going to happen next.
In short, O. M. J Ryan has done it again and written one hell of a fantastic book. I would definitely recommend this author to other readers. I can't wait to read further instalments in the Detective Inspector Jane Phillips series. Here's hoping that I don't have too long to wait. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 5* out of 5*.

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Well written, captivating and interesting storyline with good characters. Good from the start. Good pace.
Well developed, interesting police procedural.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book. This is my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This book was freaking awesome. I loved the sarcastic, filled with bristling anger at the lousy boss, wise cracking but so damn intelligent DI Jane Phillips.

My first book by the author OMJ Ryan, I just want to say – OMG it was awesome. Now that I have gushed, let me get to the story. A police procedural with murders and investigation. In this, the only thing widely different, other than the main character, was the murderer. I was most intrigued by him/her, could have been anybody. From the murder itself, I liked the anonymity of the way it was done. (Some murders are predominantly male).

This book gave me a slight inkling to the motive of the murderer, and my imagination ran wild. The tug of war between the protagonist and antagonist was delightful, it soothed my thriller-y soul. I loved Jane’s attitude, her brain, her way of leading her team and her straight shooting way of speech, basically everything.

Fast paced writing, intelligent kick-ass heroine, wicked villain – what more could I ask for? Did I say I freaking loved the book?

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