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Yours In Scandal

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I cannot believe this is the very first book I've read from Laura Layne! It definitely will not be the last. Yours in Scandal was a quick read that I loved all the way through. I mean helllooo anything politically themed, sign me up. Layne is a great writer and I fell in love with Robert and Adaline, the hero and heroine of this novel. I wouldn't mind reading another book about them, but I'm excited for the other books in this series. I will absolutely be reading those!

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy for an honest review. First of all I love Lauren Layne's books, this book was hard to get into but once I did, wow! It is a new favorite. Robert is the mayor of New York City and on the advice of his friend and campaign manager he hires Addie to plan on of his parties. She is the daughter of the governor and Robert wants to run for governor. Addie wants to recreate herself and totally distant herself from her father. These two, oh my heart. I loved, loved, loved this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy for an honest review. First of all I love Lauren Layne's books, this book was hard to get into but once I did, wow! It is a new favorite. Robert is the mayor of New York City and on the advice of his friend and campaign manager he hires Addie to plan on of his parties. She is the daughter of the governor and Robert wants to run for governor. Addie wants to recreate herself and totally distant herself from her father. These two, oh my heart. I loved, loved, loved this book.

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I love Lauren Layne. There isn't a book that she's written that I haven't enjoyed. This book was not exception. If you like Lauren Layne, or a good romance, you will love this.

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Flirty and fun! I've read several books by Ms. Layne. "Yours in Scandal" follows like many others. Entertaining, fun, flirty, and sexy.

I loved Robert! An anomaly to see an honest politician! He is funny, thoughtful, snarky, and just a good guy! Addie/Adeline is okay -- trapped in her past for sure and hesitant to let go of her new persona. Overall, I liked her. Great group of supporting characters too. Would love to see what happens with Rosalie!

Would recommend to a friend and would read more by Ms. Layne!

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I could not finish this. Probably because I am from New York and there is just nothing sexy about mayoral politics here. I didn't care about the mayor finding romance, I wanted him to fix the subway. I love Lauren Layne, but I am not the audience for this one.

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This review was given in exchange for an advanced copy from NetGalley.

If you enjoy Romance novels that have high stakes for the characters, but never feel all that high stakes (and thus makes you feel anxious or on end) then Lauren Layne is probably an author you should be reading. Layne publishes frequently, which, as a reader I love because I get a lot of content, but I feel like the characters could be fleshed out a little more if some more time was spent on them. This is also a peril of a two POV novel. You don’t get to spend too much time with either character, but the trade-off is that you always know where each character stands.

With every new series that she initiates, she spends a good chunk of time introducing the characters who will probably be in the NEXT book in the series, when that time could probably be spent on the characters in question. I also wish Lauren Layne would finish a series before she starts a new one (Mostly because I am waiting for the final installment of I Do, But I Don’t, presuming there will be a third). That being said, while I think the characters could be fleshed out a bit more, they never feel two dimensional. The characters grapple with their perceived selves versus who they actually are, or rather, who they want to be. Martin’s character is cartoonish-ly villainous, and I wish he had more of a comeuppance than what the story ends with. I also don’t get why friends in novels are so quick to forgive deception, even if they suspected it was going to happen beforehand (Rosalie).

Her female characters are relatable, and the male lead characters are always that perfect kind you find in romance novels, but that’s why people read Romance, right. Overall, if you like Chick Lit (which I do), you will like this book. Will recommend for purchase.

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Layne nails it again. I fell instantly for robert. His character was just as attractive as the picture on the cover. I loved the slow burn of their relationship. I loved the addition of Rosalie as a character. His campaign manager was a bit of an ass and that part was a bit predictable but I still loved

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This story was ok. If you like a short romance that rushes through time and events, this may be for you. The story leaves out detail and description that I would have liked. What happened at that event, how did that event end? It's not boring at all, it just felt like I had skimmed through a story that needed more.

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Loved this book !
Devoured it instantly.
Could not put it down at all.

Would definitely recommend

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<b> 4.5 stars </b>

This is the first book in the "Man of the Year" series and also the first book by this author I've read and I loved her writing style so much that it sure won't be my last.

I loved Addie's and Robert's love story - most importantly it felt very realistic. The witty conversations between them often made me laugh. Robert is definitely among my favorite book boyfriends. He's cocky and arrogant, yet loving and caring.

I also liked the strong friendships and how loyal Addie's friends were. Kenny was probably my favorite side character.

This book is a fun slow-burn romance that I would definitely recommend.

~ I received an e-copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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From the moment Robert and Adeline meet you can see that they just fit together perfectly. Robert is trying to honor is father in the best way he knows how. Adeline is hiding from hers. They both are lost in their own way. Robert because he is not really living his life, he lives to honor his father. Adeline because she is hiding part of who she really is. When they are together they are just themselves. They are like puzzle pieces that just fit when you were certain that they would not. The problem though is that their relationship is built on a misconception. What happens when the truth comes out? What happens when Adeline lets her true self out? This book was a great start to this new series and I am really looking forward to seeing what happens next. Thanks Net Galley. I voluntarily reviewed this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This romance features the NYC mayor, but make him young and sexy. That's it: I was instantly sold. Politics are my JAM; add in a romcom and you've got a book that'll hit me where I live.

Anyways, Robert, the mayor, lost his dad when he was young, and followed in his footsteps into a career as an elected official. Addie just so happens to be the governor's daughter. None of this is a big deal - except that Robert's planning on running for governor; Addie was a bit wild as a teen and is now estranged from her father; and Robert's campaign manager is hoping that by putting the two of them together, he can get some dirt on the governor.

If this doesn't sound like your sort of thing, rest assured, this is a fun romance, not a political fiction.

Some of the plot details irked me a bit, but I understand I'm more attuned to that sort of thing than the average reader. My other complaint is regarding a couple comments about women's attractiveness/Addie's body - nothing you haven't seen before. But overall, this is an enjoyable read that I'd love to see made into a movie someday. In the meantime, I'll just be over here dreaming about the mayor...

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I love a great political romance and this one was certainly no exception. Lauren Layne always puts together a story that is both steamy and un-putdownable! If you are a Lauren Layne fan, this one is a must read.

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I kind of expected a group of businessmen to be the core group of this book . This would give us a glimpse into who the next books in the series would have been about . It was not , I was a little disappointed .
I did like Robert's and Addie's story though. Just a little bit of political scandal, and a lot of great romance.

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I cannot rave enough over LL's books. Her story lines are some of my favorite tropes but they are so unique at the same time. Her style of writing just makes the characters come alive. Yours In Scandal, is another unique story, well written and greatly delivered. If you want something different, something fun, this book is it. Also, theres some steam to it that just makes me go all heart eyed ! Well done!

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The author is one of my favoritte writers a d she is awesome at writing romances in NYC. She has several series already based in NYC. But in recent years I have not been reading her stories. Her eralier works were so wonderful that none of her recent works have lived up to them. This one is a start of a new series and its based in NYC and its in polictics so I thought I might like it.

Unfortunately I felt it was very unrealistic. Its hard to write a romance for a singleman who is the Mayor of NYC and is bachelor of the year and wants to be governer. I could have bought it if it was some small town but NYC, and he has time to chase an event planner I just did not buy it.

Robert is the Mayor and he hires Addy who he believes is the current governors rebellious daughter who now has a new name, new hair and a new profession to plan a party for him. Both are attracted to each other but Addy wants distance since she is not a fan of politics.

Aside from the unbelievability of the mayor romancing this event planner, I really did not like Robert. He was all about honesty etc but he also knows her secret identity and hopes to hear some secrets they can use against her father.

Addy was no better in that she really wants to avoid politics but she also is very attracted to Robert. I liked her more than him burt I did not love her like I had loved other stories and characters by this author.

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I love Lauren Layne’s books - I have read several that I consider 5 star reads. This one I enjoyed, but I didn’t quite get the full background character development I was used to. However, the plot was interesting and the banter between the main characters was funny. With romance, there is some predictable moments, but I was unsure of how the conflict would resolve itself - it kept me reading!

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I have read many books by Lauren Layne and I always look forward to the next one. After reading Yours in Scandal, I realize that the common thread in all her books is that she has a fantastic ability to create characters that feel real and likable and well-rounded even when the circumstances around them may be unusual. In this book, Robert is the hard-working Mayor of New York and also ''Man of the Year'; Addie is the estranged daughter of the Governor of New York, Robert's political enemy, who is escaping the reputation she got stuck with as a teen. So, unusual circumstances, intriguing, but not necessarily relatable. And somehow, these characters feel down to earth and very relatable. Robert is strong and ethical and endearing. Addie is smart and witty and the reasons for her doubts are understandable. I loved every minute of this book!

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3.5 stars

This was such an enjoyable fun quick read.

Robert Davenport is the mayor of New York. He is planing to aim for the governor’s seat. His campaign manager advised him to go after his opponents former scandalous daughter and try to gain some secrets out of her. Adeline Blake has decided to change her life and to become more responsible. She changed her appearance, and now she’s hiding in plain sight as an event planer.

This book was really amusing. It’s that kind of book that you read in a day and it’ll brighten your mood. My only complain is that it was short and needed more depth. Other than that it was a fun book to read.

*A copy was kindly provided by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest. Thank you.*

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Dancing with our hands tied by Taylor Swift
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