Cover Image: Yours In Scandal

Yours In Scandal

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After enjoying the Central Park Pact series, I was excited to experience a new series by @laurenlayneauthor and I am so glad I did. Yours In Scandal is full of tension, hidden secrets from the past, and chemistry. The chemistry!! 🔥 And not only that, but Lauren Layne can write some angst! Robert and Addie spend the first half of the book trying to ignore their attraction and my heart physically felt all the tension and butterflies as they flirted, bantered, and danced around their feelings. Sign me up for all the angsty, sexual tension! ⁣⁣
Political romance isn't typically my thing, but I may have to reconsider that after reading this book! Yours In Scandal absolutely worked for me and I loved getting caught up in the world of mayoral politics. Robert is swoonworthy and I was so eager for Addie to get involved with a great guy (and get away from the disgusting father of hers). I cheered for these two the whole book and loved experiencing their story! ⁣⁣

Thank you Amazon Publishing, Montlake Romance, and NetGalley for an eARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.

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A few weeks ago I saw the cover for Yours in Scandal and I was like I want to read that. The main reason was the pink. I love the color pink, and the guy on the cover was pretty good looking. However, it was the pink cover that caught my eye. Plus, it looks like it's going to be a new series.

We get to meet Robert Davenport who happens to be the mayor of New York City. He's about to get out office, and looking to pursue his political career as the Governor of New York. He's just trying to find a way to take out the incumbent governor, so his team is looking for a way to get there. They might have found a way with the Governor's daughter, Adeline Blake formerly known as Addie Brennan. Robert never to intrigued by Adeline, and struggles with the idea of using Adeline to take down her father.

Overall, Yours in Scandal was an adorable read. Don't get me wrong they have some fun in the story, but they are pretty cute together. They do well with keeping each on their toes. I was pretty entertain with their banter. You want something light with a little touch of politics, you might enjoy Yours in Scandal.

Copy provided by Montlake via Netgalley

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Lauren Layne launches her Man of the Year series with the story of New York City’s youngest mayor Robert Davenport, and the only woman who can put his run for governor in jeopardy.

After his father’s death, Robert committed himself to fulfill his father’s legacy. He has served his city the best way he knew how and is now angling for the governor’s position. His opponent, the current governor, has a flawless yet manufactured reputation. Robert knows that getting his estranged daughter to spill all of her father’s heinous secrets is his guarantee to winning. But is it the right thing to do, especially when getting to know the sexy, charming and irresistible woman is dangerous for his career.

Successful event planner Adeline Blake has put her scandalous and rowdy alter ego, Addie Brennan, to rest. She has reformed from her wild teenage antics and has sworn to stay clear of all things politics. But when Citizen magazine’s Man of the Year calls her to organize his farewell party she can’t help falling for the gorgeous and upstanding man. But knowing that their lives cannot co-exist, will they be able to find happiness together?

Robert and Adeline are incredibly charming and appealing characters. They have strong and firm natures that complement their careers and each other and make them an alluring central whose witty and sexy banter had me smiling and grinning from cover to cover. I loved every single second of their romance.

Layne also creates a lovely set of supporting characters whose loyalty and friendship jumped off the pages and gave the story added layer of goodness.

Using New York as her backdrop, Lauren Layne maintains her sassy, sexy and sophisticated standard creating this wonderfully sexy story that expertly blends all the perfect elements in contemporary romance.

Yours in Scandal is book #1 of the Man of the Year series by author Lauren Layne. It a complete standalone contemporary romance. It’s told from both points of view with a HEA. Sub-genre: forbidden romance.

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This was just okay, quick read.
Having served as the youngest Mayor of New York City for two consecutive terms, Robert Davenport has now set his sights on running for Governor. His campaign manager nudges him to befriend Adeline Brennan, the once wild party girl who’s also happens to be the estranged daughter of his competition. Getting a scandalous scoop will ensure he’ll win the Governor’s seat. But as Robert spends time with Adeline, now a premier event planner helping him organize a black-tie event, he finds himself not only attracted to her, but genuinely intrigued by her and her past. Will he end up breaking her heart like many before him? Or will he risk career suicide to be with her?
I should say right off the bat that I don’t enjoy reading about modern day politics. I was hoping to challenge that, to change my perspective, since I do love reading about medieval politics. But alas, I couldn’t. Just bare this in mind as my dislike may have coloured my feelings towards the book.
I struggled getting invested in their romance. Their relationship was essentially built on a lie, or rather a lie of omission. I tried overlooking that, but it seemed to hang over most if not all of their scenes, tainting them. Which isn’t good, if this is a slow-burner where I should be longing, yearning for them to get together. Their relationship lacked depth, there was no emotional pull, and I believe not being able to connect with the main characters played a part in that.
Adeline read as very distanced from the readers, like we were on the outside looking in. She also constantly refers to herself as Addie, who she was, and Adeline, who she now is, to represent her differing personalities. While I was initially okay with this, it annoyed me towards the end. I did like how the author calls her out on that though. Layne tried to make Robert charismatic and kindhearted (and dare I say perfect?), but he ended up coming off as very bland.
That said, I did enjoy Lauren Layne’s writing style. She‘s really good at her point across quickly and vividly, and her dialogues are engaging. I breezed through, wanting to see how the plot would unfold. And while I didn’t care for the romance, I did end up enjoying a few cute scenes Robert and Adeline had. What I liked most about their dynamic is how, despite being the current Mayor, Robert didn’t flaunt his authority over Adeline. Even when he hires her as his event planner. Layne kept the power balanced between them, she kept them as equals and I appreciated that a lot.
I’d recommend if you’re interested in a quick, easy read and don’t mind politics. As for myself, I’m still interested in checking out her backlist as I have a few of her books on my want-to-read shelf.

Please note: I received an advance digital copy of this book through NetGalley from Montlake Romance in exchange for a honest review. This does not influence my opinions in any way.

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A political romantic comedy with the Mayor of New York and the estranged daughter of the Governor. A ploy to gain the upper hand in an upcoming election leads to more than Robert ever expected when he finds himself unable to stop obsessing over event planer/former party girl Addie. And she feels the same. They should be all wrong for each other, but sometimes what seems wrong could be exactly what you need. It's a slow burn with a lot of lingering looks and dismissals. It's funny and sweet and I could not stop reading it! Well written and worth every five stars I'm going to give it!

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Several friends had recommended Lauren Layne to me, but I hadn't had a chance to read any of her books yet. I have definitely been missing out! This is my first read by her, but I fell in love with her writing style and sense of humor. The enemies-ish to friends to lovers slow burn romance was really well done and I loved the banter and back and forth between Addie and Robert. There's even a bit of taboo with all the secrecy and politics involved. The plot was fairly predictable, but it was done in a way that was still compelling and entertaining. I could see the book playing out in my minds eye like a movie. It definitely gave me Notting Hill vibes with the push and pull between our characters and the realities of their lives. I appreciated that Robert and Addie handled the majority of obstacles maturely, and that even when I didn't agree with their decisions, I understood them. They had incredible chemistry and I just about burst into flames when Robert uttered the word "mine". The ending wrapped up a little too neatly, but it left me with a huge smile on my face and the epilogue was just right. Jason Clarke and CJ Bloom were fantastic as Robert and Addie. The casting was perfect and both performed the male and female characters wonderfully. It made it very easy to distinguish between characters. I will definitely be reading more Lauren Layne books in the future!

Audiobook Review
Overall 4 stars
Performance 5 stars
Story 4 stars

*I voluntarily read an advance review copy of this book*

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Robert Davenport, Jr. has spent his life being the best type of person he can be. Now that his second term as the mayor of New York was coming to a close, he has his sights on running for Governor. Robert has tried his hardest to emulate his father, the late Robert Davenport, Sr. but he will be up against the incumbent, George Brennan.....a man who looks good on paper, but every one knows has skeletons hiding in his closet. One of those skeletons is in the form of his daughter, former wild child Addie Brennan. Addie now goes by the name Adeline Blake and has distanced herself from her father. Robert's campaign manager thinks he should cozy up to Addie to try and get some dirt on her father. What Robert never expected was the huge impact Addie would have on his heart and his head. How bad could it be to secretly date your opponents estranged daughter? LOL I can tell you it will bring a lot of fun, exciting, sexy times! I really loved these characters. Robert just is deliciously perfect...the type of man I would love for my daughter to meet! Addie is a smart, fun, hardworking woman who brings a little life to Robert's life that he never realized he was missing. Together they are just perfect! Great start to this new series.

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Another book that started off strong and my interest fizzled. I don’t know if it’s just me or what. I generally like Lauren Layne book. Maybe I’ll reread it another day and it will click better.

I voluntarily read an early copy.

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4.5 'Mr. Mayor' Stars!
ARC provided by the the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I’ll just say it: my favorite Lauren Layne is back! Maybe you are thinking: What is this girl saying? Well, it’s been about a year since my last read from LL and I was just impatiently waiting for this series. Why? Because Lauren said she was going back to her “steamy” version with these books. I totally support her sweet/no steam latest releases but I have to say they weren’t for me. I love a bit of that chemistry developed and Lauren surely did not fail with this one!

Yours in Scandal is the first installment in her Man of the Year series and it focuses on a political golden boy and his relationship with a former wild-child now event planner. Robert Davenport is NYC’s mayor, he is almost done and he wants to prepare his next move. Enter Adeline Blake. She is the daughter’s opponent for the governor seat and his ticket to victory. But what happens when they start spending time together to arrange a party and sparks start flying? Will this become Addie and Robert’s next scandal or will love win?

Interest in Adeline Blake, elite event planner, was one thing. Interest in Addie Brennan, daughter of his future primary opponent and a ticking time bomb of potential scandal, was political suicide.

I devoured this book in just a few hours so I can definitely assure my love for all things Lauren Layne has not stopped. I love her stories, with sexy, protective suits and charming heroines. And a good dose of sexual tension and burning chemistry. And some drama and all the feels. Yes, Lauren’s newest release has all of that and I am not surprised. She goes back to the romance style I love from her and Yours in Scandal was the perfect sweet and sexy read I was expecting. I loved the premise of the story, the political theme, the crew of characters and, of course, the couple.

She wanted him. She wanted Robert.
Adeline felt the last traces of her resistance crumble. She was stuck in his web. Willingly.

Robert and Addie were wonderful characters. I loved their banter, the sexual tension, the explosive chemistry and the emotions. They were amazing together and as individuals too. Their connection burned the pages and as scandalous as it was, it was oh so worth it. I mean, we all love a love story between two people who apparently are not supposed to end up together, I am right? Well, these two did and it was perfect. I loved their happy ending!

“They’ll be talking about us forever.”
“Good,” he said, pulling her in once more. “Because that’s exactly how long I’ll love you.”

Therefore, I am rating Yours in Scandal with 4.5 STARS because I am so glad I am able to read more of these type of romances from Lauren Layne. You know how much I love many of her series and I am sure I will also love this one since it has such a great start! Opposites attracted, Robert and Addie were so good together and I loved their connection. I also loved the rest of the characters so I am quite eager to know who is next in the series! I am so ready for it!

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Yours in Scandal proves once again that Lauren Layne should be on every lover of cleverly constructed romance stories’ must read list! Soon to be the outgoing mayor of NYC, Robert Davenport’s campaign manager, Martin, thinks he has found a way to propel Robert from mayor to governor. His plan involves using the current governor’s estranged daughter to learn all of her father’s suspected dirty secrets. What Martin hasn’t counted on is the genuine spark that occurs when the mayor meets the governor’s daughter. Robert will eventually learn all of Addie’s secrets and along the way learn a lot about what truly is important and sustaining to himself apart from politics. Ms. Layne is very adept at creating fully flesh out characters that readers can identify with and cheer for...or despise as situations unfold. She is a master of dialogue and plot structure that entices her readers to not want to close their reading devices until the last word is read... and feel bereft that the story has ended. In short, this is a wonderful read that will delight old fans and surely make new ones.

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4 Stars!
Robert Davenport is a politician who is known as the golden boy of NYC for his flawless reputation. He’s the youngest mayor in New York history and has been a well loved, popular mayor for the last two terms. His Hollywood good looks get him a lot of attention, but he tries to avoid romantic entanglements. He recently has his photo plastered on magazines across America from being named the Man of the Year. He’s a charming, powerful bachelor who appears to have it all. Those around him feel his next step in the world of politics should be a run for governor. It’s time to start thinking of the future and that includes sizing up the competition. If he’s going to get an edge on the current governor they need a great campaign. They have to strategize and figure out his weakness, and maybe dig up some dirt on him. Could his wild child estranged daughter be their ticket to success?

Adeline Blake disappeared from the public eye and reinvented herself. She was no longer the scandalous, rebellious, unpredictable, defiant girl she used to be. She’d changed her image, and now owned a premier event planning business. She wanted a fresh start where she could keep her past private. She accepts a meeting with a high profile client that could give her company amazing exposure. Working with Mayor Davenport is a great opportunity, but she hopes she can continue to stay out of the spotlight.

Robert has his own agenda when it comes to his rivals daughter, but he quickly realizes he’s extremely intrigued with the gorgeous brunette. The reformed bad girl is alluring, and there is something simmering between them they can’t deny. When real feelings develop will he be forced to choose between his career and love, or can he find a way to have both?

Yours in Scandal (Man of the Year, Book One) by Lauren Layne is a sexy romantic comedy about love and second chances. I really enjoyed this story, and the charming, kind, yummy Mayor Davenport. I can’t wait for more books in this new series from Lauren Layne!

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OMG! I am in love with the start of this series and I can’t wait for MORE!! I have been in love with Ms. Layne’s stories for years and this one had me squirming in my seat. I was hooked from the beginning, this story is engaging, full of charm, captivating wit, sizzling chemistry, is perfectly romantic, and it delivers a sublime happy-ever-after with all the feels. I couldn’t get enough of this romance.

Robert Davenport is in politics to make a difference, but with the end of his job as the Mayor of New York Ciy right around the corner, he was becoming increasingly aware of just how little he had outside of his work. Always busy with his job, he has never had time or met anyone that captured his attention. Until he meets her.

Adeline Blake is an up and coming premier event planner. Who had changed her name from Addie Brennan, the wild child that brought scandal to her father, the current Governor of New York last campaign. Brought in under the guise to plan a party for Robert Davenport, since his longtime party planner had just had twins. Secretly it is Robert’s campaign manager’s idea for the mayor to try to get information on the governor, who will be his opponent when he runs for Governor of New York in a year.

But as these two work together, there is a strange tension that starts brewing between them. An intoxicating seduction that will have you melting from the warmth and goodness of a man who is so not what she expects. But will it be enough?

If you are looking for a modern day romance that makes you smile, tingle, laugh, swoon and makes you break out a fan, then dive into “YOURS IN SCANDAL”.

Received a early copy through NetGalley for an honest review.

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“He’d merely been waiting for her to trust him, thinking she was worth the wait. And she was, she realized, letting the last of her insecurities slip away. She was worth the wait. She was worthy of this man, just as she was.”

There is still no book by Lauren Layne that i didn't like it so it’s no surprise for me that I liked Yours in Scandal. This book is about Robert Davenport, mayor of New York, that has set a goal to become a governor and Adeline Blake, the wild daughter of Robert’s opponent.

Robert was so charming, righteous and you could see it was not just for show, that he stayed true to his beliefs and we could also see how much he loved his job, I liked that, even though Robert was a politician, it didn't have much focus on politics.

Addie was just amazing, i love her personality, the way she stayed strong after all her crazy past, I was simply drawn to her (so I get you Robert), and it was amazing seeing her development through the book as she began accepting who she truly are.

They were perfect together, since the first encounter I could feel the sexual tension, their relationship was cute and I would like to see more of the two of them together, the end of the book was incredible and I’m happy with it. And, of course, one of the things I love the most about Lauren Layne’s book is the friendships and in this one it wasn’t different, Addie interactions with Rosalie and Jane were everything just like Robert’s with Kenny.

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Lauren Layne is back with a brand new series called Man of the Year. Yours in Scandal is the first in the series, and an excellent venture into this new area. Layne’s books don’t usually veer into politics, yet this one follows the NYC’s youngest mayor as he begins his bid for the incumbent governor’s seat. But, don’t worry, no taboo political topics are actually touched on here! His campaign manager finds the current governor’s estranged daughter, working as an event planner in the city under a new name and new look. He wants Robert to get close to her to see what information they can get on her dad. Thankfully, our hero isn’t so keen on this deceitful plan. But, when he meets her, sparks fly, and a reluctant friendship begins between them, eventually leading to more. Adeline is not the wild child she used to be. She’s careful, and skittish around men now, especially politicians. It’s definitely slow burn, filled with smart dialogue and witty banter between two easy to love characters. Layne brings her trademark female friendships to the story as well, in Adeline’s fun, clever best friends. Lauren Layne is always a solid author for me, writing stories I love and reread often, and this is no different. Highly recommend!

* ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

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I received Yours In Scandal through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. It was an enjoyable, quick read. A good romance.

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A good start to a series I can’t wait to continue! I felt this book was one of my favourites of Lauren’s I’ve read lately. I admit I liked that she went back to some steamy secens! Robert and Adeline’s chemistry was fun from the start of the story. I liked that Robert has never principles and stuck to them no matter what it might cost him. I didn’t think it was very realistic how Addie just basically totally forgave and forgot when Robert told her about why he hired her. I loved the ending and how that all played out- so sweet! Great new book and series from Lauren Layne!

*I received a copy from Netgalley and Montlake Romance in exchange for an honest review*

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Robert Davenport is a political unicorn. He was the youngest mayor of New York, is movie star handsome, a billionaire, and is a perfect progressive (everyone gets all sorts of free stuff!). He is coming to the end of his two terms and is planning on running against the incumbent Governor. The Governor has rumors of bad behavior, but nothing proven. When his campaign manager stumbles upon the long lost wild child daughter, Addie Brennan, of the Governor living and working as a party planner under the name Adeline Blake, he hatches a plan. The campaign manager has Robert use her to plan a party to befriend her and get political dirt on her father. Addie had a pretty awful childhood and and wants nothing to do with politics or politicians. Of course, there is instant attraction and her resolve goes out the window. Overall this was an okay read, but I had a real hard time liking Robert. He is supposed to be a golden boy, but his lying and subterfuge made me think he was a self-centered jerk. I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley for my honest review.

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LL has hit it out of the park again with a refreshing new series!
It's 2020 and by this point I've read almost all of Lauren Layne's works including her backlist, and the reason I continue love her writing is that each book of hers is so different with unique characters! None of them are the same!

In Yours In Scandal we've got Robert Davenport, NYC's youngest mayor and Citizen magazine's man of the year, who is planning to run for governor! He meets Adeline Blake, who is an event planner and the current governor's daughter after his campaign manager ferrets out her identity. She has a bit of wild history and she has moved on from her past and re-created her identity.

Not knowing this, Robert thinks that while getting her to plan his event, he might be able to find out some secrets that might help him win the race. Addie just wants to do her job and not have her past re-surfacing back again. But what will they do when they find themselves attracted to each other as they spend more time together?

I loved Addie and Robert in this one! They start off with hiding stuff from each other, but their connection slowly develops into a beautiful relationship! And thankfully there wasn't much angst in the relationship area and I loved the fact that this one was steamy! I was missing the usual LL steam as the Central Park Pact series was pretty tame, so this one made up for it!😉

There's also a little bit of a forbidden feel to their relationship at first because of his career and her past, so that was delicious too! Plus, this was a little on the lighter side which just a touch of politics, but not too much to overwhelm the reader!
This one ticked all of my boxes for a satisfying Contemporary Romance so I'd definitely recommend this book if you're looking for something light, steamy and cute with well development characters! Can't wait for the next in the series!

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This review was originally posted on Books of My Heart

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

3.5 Stars

What do you do when you are getting ready to run for Governor and find the incumbent's wild child daughter hiding out in plain sight? Well, if you are Man of the Year and current Mayor of New York City, Robert Davenport, you hire her to cater an event for you to see if you can coax a few secrets out of her.

Yours in Scandal is a very quick, fun and flirty read,with a fun chemistry between the main characters. The only downfall to the story was that it was a little superficial and didn’t dig in too deep with the characters. Still I had a good time as I watched Adeline figure out that the man who might just kick her father out of the Governor's house is looking for a way to get her into his house and his bed.

Addie didn’t want to like Robert. She’s had plenty of experience with the shadier side of politics and went through a wild phase that was captured in all the tabloids. But that was the younger, carefree Addie. Now she wants nothing to do with the political world. But it is hard to remember why when the Robert version of politics seems so different from the life she has known. Still, she is the scandal that could ruin his chances if they are found out.

Lauren Layne does chick lit really well. This is the first book in the new Man of the Year series and it is short and sweet and that is about it. I enjoyed myself a lot while reading it, even though it is a bit on the predictable side. Like cotton candy, it melts in your mouth and is fun while it lasts but later you’re going to want something with a little more substance. Still, I always have a place in my reading schedule for books like this one, especially after a really emotional or mentally taxing read.

“You’ve never had so much as a cavity. Or been grounded. Or a gotten a pimple. Which, now that I think about it, why and how are we friends?”
“Opposites attract. Me, tiny, Asian rule follower. You, curvy, disorderly train wreck. How could we possibly resist each other?”

"I don’t understand why our best clothing has to bring out stiff behavior.”
“Strapless bras,” she said, without looking up from her notebook.
He set his water down. “Sorry?”
“The women are likely wearing strapless bras with their formal gowns. And/ or Spanx. That’s why they seem stiff.”

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Robert is the Mayor of NY and he loves his job and the city he serves. Unable to run for another term he has his sights set on becoming Governor however his closest advisors have warned him that being named Man of the Year and being single is going to work against them. Their solution is to get the true story on his competition, and they have just the plan to do it.

Adeline has left her partying days as Addie as well as her politician father in her past. After suffering a devastating loss all she wants is a new beginning and to ensure the success of her event planning business. The opportunity to plan one of the Mayor’s function would definitely help but she is unaware that he knows who she really is.

Robert is not happy about using Adeline for information and likes he even less once he meets her. He is drawn to her in a way he has never felt before but will being in a relationship with her cost him his political career?

Sweet and sexy I enjoyed seeing how Robert and Adeline couldn’t help falling for each other even though they both fought against it and the relationships they had with their friends added to the story.

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