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The New Husband

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Member Reviews

Absolutely enjoyed reading this. Minimal copy issues (typos, etc.) which is always something that stands out to me.

The story pulled me in right away - why was a dog alone on a blood covered boat? And who was the person who stumbled across it?

As the story unfolded, I knew where it was going. Simon was a detestable character and I found myself getting angry with Nina as she continuously ignored Maggie's pleas and kept falling into the void of Simon. However, I knew it was only a matter of time until Nina would discover his true nature.

This was a great read and I'll be recommending it to others.

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Thanks to NetGalley for providing me a complimentary copy of THE NEW HUSBAND by DJ Palmer in exchange for my honest review.
This is my first book I have read written by DJ Palmer it won't be my last, love it! This is one of those novels you can't seem to put down. not me up reading at nights, didn't want to put it down....Sorrry Review is so short dealing with a broken hand so it takes me some time to write review, looking forward to reading more of DJ Palmer's books

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Mia’s husband has disappeared leaving her with two young children to raise on her own. Suddenly Prince Charming appears. A teacher at her daughter’s middle school he seems to do everything right. Mia’s daughter remains skeptical but her reticence is dismissed as preteen angst. So what exactly is this new guy up to? Unfortunately it seems the author
Isn’t sure. Oh we know he’s up to no good alright but the details tend to get lost. Chapters that suddenly switch narrators add more confusion. It’s the story we’ve all seen or read before. Is this New guy a prince or a snake? The story rambles a bit before resolving (most) questions. If you like your mysteries tight this one is not for you. If you’re looking for a quick beach read you have your ticket here.

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“The New Husband “is a story we have seen many times but the author does a good job of keeping it interesting.
Glen Garrity spends most weekends in his boat fishing until one day his boat is found floating with only the family dog, Daisy aboard and blood on the deck.. As his wife Nina learns of secrets he had been hiding, she is not sure if he committed suicide or has an accident but she is sure he is gone.
When Simon, widower and teacher at the local school begins wooing her, Nina falls for him and despite the short period decides to move in with him. Ninas’ son Connor is happy to have Simon around, they spend time together doing things his father never made time for but her daughter Maggie resents him and sees a darker side though no one believes her.
Nina returns to work over Simons’ objections and soon things start happening that makes her question herself. She decides that she needs to look for answers on how she missed the signs with her husband so that she doesn’t make the same mistakes again. Despite finding the storyline to be one I have seen in other books and movies, I enjoyed the book.
Thank you to #netgalley and #stmartinspress for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion. This is due for release in April, 2020.

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This was my first book by this author, It was pretty enjoyable. I would give this book a 3.5 star rating! It was a pretty Quick and easy read!

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<b><I>...just because you love someone doesn’t mean you know them.</I></b>

This story is a little unique in the way that it’s told. The mother’s POV (third person) and the other POVs are in first. For me, it was tricky switching back and forth but I learned to tell who was who as the story unfolded.

The first half was slow building. There was some creepy moments which I loved. I had only wished there were more parts that showed the darkness that we were looking for in the premise.

As the end neared, I started guessing what was coming and I was mostly right. Predictable but still entertaining! I haven’t read this author before but would definitely read them again!

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I received an ARC of this great suspense story. I couldn't put it down! Things are not always how they seem. An innocent family's lives turned upside down by a master manipulator. Excellent page-turner!

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Thank you to NetGalley, D.J. Palmer and St. Martin's Press for this ARC.

Holy moly. This book hooked me in almost immediately. It's well paced, well written and very very good. The big reveal - oh my goodness. I was expecting it, but I still enjoyed it.

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After reading <a href=""><strong><i>Saving Meghan</i></strong></a>, I was anxiously waiting to see if I could snag a copy of <strong><i>The New Husband</></strong> and lo and behold, I did!!!!!!

Two years ago, Glen Garrity, Nina's husband and father to Connor and Maggie, went missing after someone found his boat with their dog Daisy and a massive amount of blood on board. The night that police tell her of their grim discovery and returning Daisy, Nina gets a text and pictures, from an unknown source, showing Glen kissing some waitress named Teresa. She then realizes that Glen has drained their savings. Was this all connected? Did he leave on his own to start a new life? Or was it something more sinister since Glen's body was never recovered?

It's been 2 years and Nina has decided to move on and in with Simon Fitch, a history teacher at Maggie's middle school. Connor doesn't mind since he feels his dad is dead but Maggie is furious since she doesn't trust him. Is she right not to?

Nina can't believe how lucky she is since Simon is close to perfect. But Maggie doesn't think so and creates a lot of drama in this new family because she doesn't believe her dad is dead.

The narrative alternates between Nina, Maggie, and someone else (sorry!!! no spoilers from this lady).

From the first chapter, the suspense mounts and the pages are turning. About 50% into the book, something happens that was like a sucker punch, which I was like, WAIT!!!! WHAT??? and had to read it three times to make sure that I understood what just happened. After that, I was reading at warp speed to find out the hows, whys, and who else will be destroyed.

Another fast-paced chilling read!!! A book that will have you so engrossed, you won't know what's going on around you!!!!!

There is one big negative, however. Since this book will not be released until April 2020, I will have a very long wait for his next book!!!!

Posted to GR 11/26/19. Will post to blog 12/03/19

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The New Husband is an exciting thriller that kept me guessing until the end.
Nina Garrity and her children, Maggie and Connor have just moved in with Nina's new boyfriend, Simon. Soon after, Simon starts acting differently-he is controlling towards Nina, and Maggie sees a scary side of him that he is hiding from her.
Simon and Nina had both dealt with tragedy in their pasts, Simon, having lost his first wife after she commit suicide, and Nina's husband had an accident on a fishing boat, but his body was never found. Although she fell for Simon fairly soon after losing her husband, her relationship with him has helped her to move on.
As Nina starts to become suspicious of some of Simon's behaviour, she starts digging into his past, and at the same time, her own as well.

I read this book fairly quickly, it hooked me from the start and I became invested in the characters, needing to know what happens to them. It was a solid 4 stars for me.

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This story starts like many others. A missing husband, then a new man in Nina's life, but as you read on, it becomes more intriguing. Nina's husband is missing. His fishing boat was found with blood on the deck. Then Nina finds out things about her husband's secret life. Simon, a teacher at Nina's daughter's school comes into Nina's life when she really needs comfort. Maggie, Nina's daughter does not get along with Simon, but Connor, Nina's son, finds him to be the father figure that he needs so badly. Simon has had tragedy in his life and can understand Nina's needs. Then someone contacts Nina and puts doubt in her mind about Simon. Maggie is determined to find out why she does not like Simon and then she gets a strange, disturbing text.
This book is well written and will keep you hooked to the end.

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Loved this book! It did get a little creepy towards the end but somehow the author made it work. Riveting and definitely not a book you can put down u til you have finished it, which I did in one sitting. A masterpiece of a mystery. Highly recommend,

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“The New Husband” was a bit of a strange read for me.

Nina’s world is turned upside down when her husband Glen goes missing and is presumed dead. As she and her two teenage children attempt to move on, she discovers secrets about Glen’s life that leave her doubting everything about her life.

Enter Simon, a teacher at the school Nina’s kids attend. Simon seems to be perfect in every way, attending to Nina’s needs, cooking her favorite meals, and helping her move on with her life.

Throughout the book we get clues that Simon may not be as great as he seems. Nina’s daughter Maggie especially dislikes him and still believes her father is alive,

About a third of the way through the book I was wondering “Where the heck can this story go? It feels like it should be wrapping up!”

Silly me!

The middle of the book definitely caught me by surprise, but it’s also where I started to have to give the story a bit more leeway in its believability. Why was Nina so blind to the things happening to her and around her? Why wouldn’t she believe her daughter? And what the heck IS the deal with Simon?

When we finally are shown Simon’s motivation in the end, it feels a little lackluster. And the part that isn’t resolved it a bit unsatisfying.

Overall I did enjoy this book and would recommend it.


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I really enjoyed this book - it moved really fast and kept me interested throughout. There was good character development and the story progressed steadily. If you like domestic noir, I would recommend.

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Amazing! I really liked this book, and couldn’t put it down. I did kind of misunderstand the timeline-I had no idea how long Glen had been missing. Lived Maggie and Ben.

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I've been trying to put my finger on the right word for this writing style. Thus far, the best I've come up with is "placid."

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Oh my gosh! This book was amazing! It was a page turner from the get go! I loved how every time you thought the family was going to find out the crazy new soon to be husband was going to be found out he wasn’t! I would want to scream at the book like ppl!!! Open your eyes!! He’s crazy! Come on! I wish I could give this book more than 5 stars! I can’t wait for the next book! It was a very edge of your seat heart pumping good!

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Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an early release of this book for my honest review. This started out a little slow for me and I almost put it down. I kept reading, thinking I know where this is going but nope, I was wrong so of course I had to keep going. A twist through me completely off base in the middle of the book. So yes, I kept reading! Without giving too much away, Simon is not who he thinks he is! A pretty good book and it kept me glued to the pages till the end. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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D.J. Palmer does it again! Fantastic read.
Things are not what they seem.
Kept me guessing for a long time.
While the ending seemed a bit rushed, getting there I found myself holding my breath.
Would definitely recommend!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to read before publication.

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Tried to read it. If was so formulaic and repetitive I just couldn’t get into it.
At first I thought it was going to be a story about the missing husband, but it appeared to be about the future husband.
Anyway I got bored.

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