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One Week ’Til Christmas

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I just finished One Week "Til Christmas, and the verdict is in -- I LOVED this one! This book had hints of How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and Josie Silver's One Day in December. Though it was a quick read, I felt that a lot happened and the story story had a nice arc. Sometimes novellas can leave me unsatisfied, but I loved how this story wrapped up. And the only thing it left me wanting, was to read more books by Belinda Missen!

Isobel and Tom quite literally run into each other at a bus stop. However, Isobel doesn't realize until a last minute interview a couple days later that Tom is a very famous and rising actor. They hit it off at this first meeting and Tom asks her out under the guise of an apology. And sparks fly from there!! I love how both of these characters had well established careers, between Tom's acting and Isobel's writing. They were equally strong and interesting characters. Their chemistry is so sweet in this book and is definitely a slow burn that will keep you smiling. In terms of steam, this one is closed door. And regardless of what level of steam you prefer, I think you will enjoy this cute Christmas novella!

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This is the perfect book to cozy up with in preparation for the Christmas season. You can believe the story of the romance between Isobel and Tom because the magic of Christmastime in London is a character itself in the story. It's a cute, comforting read sure to get you in the Christmas spirit, no matter what time of year you actually read the book.

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One week till christmas is a contemporary novel that takes place the week before christmas. The book flows lovely and you find yourself turning the pages without noticing.
Isobel Bennett is a writer and travel journalist who is always off galavanting somewhere to write a report. She is from Australia but finds herself in London during the festive season and slip sliding literally into a handsome stranger who she then bumps into again the following day.

This is the read thats a perfect pick up, blanket on the legs, hot chocolate by your side and get drawn into Christmas preparation in London, ice-skating, mulled wine, dancing, christmas carols. Lots of comedy and romance.
Isabel is a lovely likeable character who meets Tom and the friendship blossoms. The characters are witty and strong and you feel like you know them all.
If your looking for a Christmas romance that will warm you and touch your heart then One week till christmas is for you.
Thank you for the ARC Netgalley.

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I was really looking forward to reading this book after reading An Impossible Thing Called Love by her.

This book sees Isobel and Tom meet quite accidentally at a bus stop, they hit it off immediately but fail to get each others details. When they meet again they both know it is fate but Isobel only has seven days before she leaves the country.

It’s Christmas and Tom and Isobel spend the week together, going shopping, ice skating and generally enjoying the Christmas season. What I love is how the author portrays the Christmas scenes, the sights of the lights and trees, decorations everywhere. The description of the food, it really works on every sense and I found myself clearly seeing the picture she was painting.

Will Tom and Isobel get what they want for Christmas?

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My thanks to the Publishers via NetGalley for the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review. I gave this a 4 stars or 8/10.

This is a quick read at less than 200 pages. It's the perfect read for grabbing and sitting by a nice warm fire with a glass of something or a nice milky coffee or hot chocolate. It will get you in the mood for Christmas.

When a chance meeting between two people from two different continents, creates that instant attraction that causes sparks to fly initially, but fate has other plans for you. Then you bump into them again and you realise that you must take the opportunity to get to know them as perhaps your destiny is going to be intertwined with them.

Isobel and Tom are those two people and as they only have a week to develop that relationship, join them on this journey set at the most special time of year for most of us.

Why not grab a copy of this story for yourself and immerse yourself in their lives as they get to know one another.

I enjoyed this seasonal read. It's the first story that I've read by this Author and whilst it's set over a week in time, it was a well paced romance that in no way seemed rushed. Life can be like that, you can meet someone and feel an instant attraction to them.

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The pace of the story is dictated by the structure of the countdown to Christmas and this really helps the story roll along. You get the feeling of London in December beautifully as Isobel and Tom visit different places and get to experience the festivities. You feel that Isobel and Tom's relationship develops gradually but in fact in real time, it is a whirlwind! As a novella, this is a short interlude but it is a satisfying romcom.

If you want a book which will get you in the festive mood, this one will fill the spot. It fairly sparkles with Christmas joy in the form of hot chocolate, ice skating and festive markets. I found both Isobel and Tom to be thoroughly likeable characters who you are willing all along to get together. For a light read which will leave you with that feelgood feeling, check this out!

In short: London in December sparkles with life. Thanks to the author for a copy of the book.

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What a wonderful, cosy, romantic Christmassy read. While waiting for a bus on a cold December day, one week before Christmas, a beautiful man literally falls into Isobel's lap. The nest day she bumps into him and Isobel begins to believe it's fate. The problem is she's only in London for a week.

Isobel and Tom and wonderful characters, I was totally absorbed and struggled to put it down. It was a cosy, heartwarming, embrace of a story.

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As a Christmas lover, a London lover, and a romance lover, this book was like a Christmas gift to me. I loved it! Isobel is a travel writer, vacationing in London for a Christmas experience. She has a bad meet-cute involving a handsome guy and falling together into the streets of London. A chance encounter leads to Isobel meeting this man, Tom, again. They agree to spend the week remaining of Isobel's vacation enjoying the Christmas sights together. A lot of complications get thrown into the story. Isobel lives in Australia. Tom is an actor based in London. Isobel is a writer, while Tom has been burned by writers before. All in all, it was a very lovely story, set to the backdrop of Christmas in a beautiful city. I loved it!

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4.25 festive ★★★★✩

This book is for you if… you need something small and cute to hit off the festive/wintery season. Short and enchanting, this book, although predictive for some, offers many moments to laugh out loud and snuggle deeper into the blankets.

⤐ Overall.
In all seriousnesses, this book was just what I needed to get into the mood to eat the first Lebkuchen of the season. I suddenly had this urge to hop on the next train to rural Europe to roam the alleys of hidden and rustic winter markets while sipping on a glass of Glühwein and munching on some yummy treats. I have nothing bad to say about this piece of happiness. For some, the plot of One Week 'Til Christmas might be predictable. I, too, guessed the course of the plot early on, however it didn't manage to make this a less enjoyable experience. I'm even bold enough to say it's exactly this predictability that makes for the cosiest reads.

Although this short standalone lives up to many stereotypes, it is refreshingly different in its details. I think what I most loved about this book is the male MC. In his softness and shy yet kind demeanour, he offers a welcomed change to the stereotypical male love interest. (Not that I don't love me some cocky boys, but you get the idea.) Tom is fun to be around and very respectful, but still has some mischief in him to make it a joy to watch the two of them have a wonderful time.

⤐ What’s happening.
‘Amateur. There is always room for dessert.’

If this isn't a statement that sucks you in, nothing is. Isobel and Tom did not expect to fall on top of each other in front of a bus, much less did they expect fate to bring them together a second time, presenting them with the meet cute of a lifetime and everything that goes with it.

⇢ disgusting boss doesn't give up
⇢ guilty feelings because families are missing them
⇢ time together limited
⇢ finally opportunity to stand up to horrible boss
⇢ experience romance like never before
⇢ time together is overwhelmingly beautiful

Writing quality + easy of reading = 4*

pace = 5*

plot/story in general = 4*

plot development = 4*

characters = 4*

enjoyability = 5*

insightfulness = 3*

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This was such a cute story! I love Christmas and they basically had the best week ever! I do think the conflict and resolution at the end happened really fast, but it was still a great story!

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Being a hardcore fan who gobbles up all her beautiful rom coms, I surely deserve a Christmas present from Belinda Missen. And . . . voila . . . here it is . . . a magical Christmas romance set in the wintry London. It's beautiful, funny, romantic and so, what can I say, Christmaseque!
Beginning with an accident, fate has thrust Isobel into the arms of a popular actor and they have seven days to check whether the chemistry between them is for the long run or not. As you can expect this is a bumpy ride, considering the fact that they are from two sides of the world -- Australia and England. How can it work? Surely we need a Santa with his magic powder.
While reading I was more invested in the way Missen constructs a Christmas side of London than the romance bit. Every page seems to provide a visual travelogue and for someone who has never been to London, this was a total treat. Ice-skating, mulled wine, Christmas market . . . well, festivities are in the air. This is a story that will wrap and encase you completely in a real but magical world and just like the sweet dreams in the mornings, you will never want it to end. Highly recommended!

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I was looking for a happy smile inducing romance and honestly this was 100% it!! I’ve never read this author before but I’m 100% finding every book I can of hers and devouring them.

If you’ve ever had the dream of going to London and meeting the British man of your dreams then run run run to buy this book! Tom was a dreamboat and Isobel was just the perfect modern day heroine that I could totally relate to.

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One week is a cute light-hearted read for the holidays. I like meet-cute type novels and this one was just that. It isn't the best holiday romance novel I have ever read, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

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This is a very festive read and read it you must. Based in London this makes for a rather sweet romance. I know you will love this novella. I just wish it hadn't had to end, I wanted more. I recommend you read and enjoy this as much as I have done.

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What happens when a gorgeous looking man bumps into travel journalist Isobel Bennett? 

Isobel wants more credibility in her job, but when her editor springs a last-minute assignment on her, she's not happy about interviewing an up and coming actor with little or no preparation. Her surprise? it's the man who collided with her the previous day. Neither can ignore the chemistry between them. Their attraction to each other getting more complicated even more so because she's on a deadline! 

Swept up by their romance, the protagonists are lovely. They compliment each others strength and weaknesses, especially Ben, his generosity and selfless attitude in what he believes in is palpable. 

I had a smile on my face for the duration of time it took me to read this novel. Isabel and Ben's story got under my skin as I became invested in their whirlwind romance. It's quick to read but the author manages to cram plenty between the pages. This is my first Belinda Missen novel and what impressed me the most about this lovely Christmassy novel is how smoothly the narrative flows. Effortlessly, I became absorbed in the plot, frantically turned the pages as fast as could read. With a magical London backdrop, this is one of my favourite holiday novels this year. 

What next? I'm definitely going to read more of Ms Missen's books. 

***arc received courtesy of HQ Digital via NetGalley***

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💕 'One Week 'til Christmas' had me reminiscing about a Christmas spent back in London in 2002 (or was it 2003?) I had almost forgotten how wonderful it was to be outside skating (badly) and sipping eggnog. London at Christmas is such a magical place to be and Belinda Missen has captured all the feels in this sweet story.
I have to admit, being of a certain age, some of the references were a bit lost on me, (I Googled, a lot!) but on the whole, this didn't distract from the story too much. I also loved the international differences between the two main characters and the way they interacted with each other.
The themes within the book are especially warming. I absolutely loved the actor/theatre connection, which brings something very charming to the story.
This book has me looking forward to Christmas. All the lovely movies on tv, the trips to the theatre to watch Pantomime or Ballet, spending time with friends and family and enjoying the celebration of the season. This story has it all.

Thanks to NetGalley and HQDigital for a copy in return for an honest review.

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This was exactly what I wanted in a holiday book! It was sweet and lovely and I loved the characters.

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Isabelle arrived in London from Australia to visit her friend for a weeks holiday just before Christmas. Issy on her way to the bus stop was accidentally knocked into a puddle, by a handsome Tom who had been on his phone. Whilst he was on top of her in the puddle they noticed an instant chemistry. Will they ever meet again?

The characters all have their own stories which allow for interesting sub plots. Throughout the story you never know how things are going to end until each of their agendas collide. Allowing for twists and turns throughout their relationships.

However it was slow in parts but you were still drawn into the story line.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this digital ARC.
Isobel is a travel writer on vacation in London when a handsome man literally runs into her and knocks her over. They part ways without getting each other's names. She does a favor for her boss to interview a rising star Tom Bracken, only to discover he's the man from the day before who mowed her over! They quickly hit it off but she only has a week left until she flies home. They decide to make the most of it and enjoy her first Christmas in London.
Well if this wasn't the cutest romcom I've read in a while. The whole thing reads like a movie you watch on a rainy day in December with the fire going while enjoying a cup of hot tea (or cocoa). It was sweet and cute and funny with characters that you enjoy reading about. Isobel and Tom's meet cute was perfect and their chemistry is off the charts adorable. I loved these two together and separately. Their banter is so simple and yet, it works so well. They hit it off instantly and the reader is whisked off on this delightful adventure where the two of them get to know each other and grow closer. It's probably the most PG (maybe PG-13) romcom I've read in a while but it worked with the tone of this story. The Christmas-y places they go throughout London are so well described that it makes you want to go as well. The author definitely had a clear vision of what she wanted and knows her genre. It's a shorter read so it will leave you wanting more. It's low on the angsty front, which is perfect for those looking for something light. This book is delightful from beginning to end.

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If, like me, you enjoy fanfiction as well as original fiction, you're going to recognise a lot of things about this story, because it's basically a Famous Actor/Mary-Sue OC (original character) Meet-Cute. Tom is a Famous Englishman who could be Tom Hiddleston (definitely my first pick for the role) or maybe Benedict Cumberbatch or Kit Harington or Richard Madden, and Isobel, the story's first person narrator, is very much a blank slate for the reader to project themselves onto. There's almost no physical description of her at all - I think 'tawny hair' is mentioned once and that's it. So honestly if you've ever wished someone to write a story featuring yourself and your favourite hot British actor, this is as close as you're going to get. It's fluffy, delightful, and stuffed more full of Christmas spirit than a brandy plum pudding.

And yet. Buried in amongst the wish fulfillment of being romanced by a star and the twee charm of a London Christmas, there's some powerful messages we could all take to heart. Yes, Isobel is living what for many of us would be a dream job as a travel writer, but she's honest about the less than glamorous aspects of her job. She has friends in every corner of the globe but dreams of greater purpose, of being able to pick her own assignments, and in the course of the story makes a decision to take a chance and chase her dream. Her romance with Tom is something of a fairy tale… but there are powerful messages there too, about compromises and family, about how sometimes you have to put yourself first or live forever with might-have-beens.

Does this read absolutely like a script for a British-set Hallmark Christmas movie? Absolutely. Did I love every fluffy, fan-fiction-y wish-fulfilling page? Darn right I did, and so will you. Five stars.

Disclaimer: I received a review copy of this book via NetGalley.

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