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One Week ’Til Christmas

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I’m just like Halley’s Comet… Only I show up more often and I’m not as bright.

Most of my articles are written in pyjamas while I snack on a bag of jelly snakes and bemoan the fact I’m out of wine and too lazy to walk the block and a half necessary to procure another bottle,’ I added. ‘I’m surprised I don’t own seven cats and have bird’s-nest hair.

‘… my mother dressed my older sister and me in identical outfits. I remember once, my hair was braided so tightly I suspect it was also my first foray into cosmetic surgery.’ It was also the same year my sister ripped the head off my new Barbie doll, about three minutes after I’d unwrapped the box. She liked it more than the one she’d received. She wanted it. I didn’t give it up without a fight. Hence, Decapitation Barbie became a thing. We superglued her head back on, but she was a little stiff after that.

I felt my throat close and my words wobble around like a drunk on a trampoline.

Considering how bloody sardonic and deadpan you are most of the time, it becomes really noticeable when all he has to do is orbit somewhere in your direction and you light up like a Griswold Christmas.

My Review:

A handsome man had Isobel in a puddle on first sight, no not like that, an actual puddle with water. Tom had accidentally knocked her into the gutter but he was gloriously handsome, and she was so stunned she couldn’t even complain about being wet or within inches of being run over by a bus. Wow, talk about making a brain searing first impression. This was a slow burn and sweet four-star romance with top-shelf five-star humor as well as an off the beaten path London travel log. I am itching to dust off my passport for the butter grog alone, I Googled it. The pleasantly entertaining storylines were light, easy to follow, and featured a sweet romance peppered with clever levity, interesting characters, witty banter, career angst, and a taste of family drama. I adore Belinda Missen and covet her quick wit and comedic wordplay.

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One Week ’Til Christmas is the perfect feel-good holiday read. I’m not a huge fan of instalove, but this was so cute, it made me all mushy inside. Tom and Isobel have a realistic first encounter and when they run into each other again, they quickly take to each other and go out to enjoy the Christmas festivities. The best part of this novel was easily the two main characters.

Isobel is a travelling journalist who strives to be independent and start her own blog. I really resonated with Isobel’s hesitation to make the leap with her career, as well as her struggle with how to balance work and life with family commitments. Isobel being from Melbourne was also the perfect way to get into all of the typical holiday festivities. 

Tom is a famous actor, but his fame wasn’t portrayed obnoxiously with paparazzi and the Hollywood lifestyle. He was down-to-earth, charming, and very easy going. My favourite thing about Tom and Isobel was their cheesy banter. I also really liked how they weren’t always doing something festive and extravagant. Shopping for gifts and wrapping at home with takeout was so relatable and very cozy. Both characters were lovely and actually very likeable.

If you're a fan of fun characters and Christmas in London, this is the book for you. It's sweet, charming, and definitely encompasses the holiday spirit.

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I’m going to sound like an old grump now, but I got a bit bored of this book around the halfway mark. I like rom-coms usually, but I felt that this book peaked very early. I loved the two main characters and thought I would love the book....but it just fell short for me.
I am grateful for the advanced copy.

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Two people. One chance meeting. Seven days to Christmas.

Fa la la la la fabulously festive, 179 pages of holiday bliss! This delightful story completely transported me to London the week before Christmas. Ice-skating, mulled wine, Santa Claus, Christmas caroling, and romance. Isabell and Tom have their meet cute when he literally falls into her lap. They have instant chemistry, but don’t exchange names. The next day Isabell finds herself in Tom’s office to interview him. This must be fate, the problem though is Isabell will be returning to Australia in less than a week. Not to mention Tom is a rising actor with a hate for journalists, and Isabell is? You guessed it... a journalist. So will Isabell and Tom be able to look past these obstacles and find their holiday HEA?

This book was just so sweet and so much fun to read. Both Isabell and Tom as well as all the secondary characters were just so darn likable, I love spending time with them. London was the perfect backdrop to this Christmas romance, I just loved the setting. I just finished another Christmas book set in London a few days ago and now I truly feel as though I’ve been there for Christmas (much cheaper than a plane ticket). This really is the perfect book to get you in that Christmas spirit, short and sweet with a lovely ending.

This book in emojis: ❄️ 🎄 📸 🎭 ⛸ 🎅🏻

*** Big thanks to HQ Digital for my copy of this book ***

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C’mere! Come sit *pats seat*.

I’ll let you all in on a not-so-secret-secret – in RL I don’t have a romantic bone in my body. Yet, books are another matter entirely, I soak romance up like a sponge. *giggles* Shh! It’s our secret, right? *winks*

So, OWTC was everything my swoony-loving heart could ask for (but remember, secret!).

Plus, the cherry on top (even though I hate maraschino cherries – bleurgh!), was the festive setting. I’m about all things Christmas at the moment (sixth book in and counting...). Side note: The Mommy thinks I’ve become a casualty of the Pod people *snorts*.

This is only the second book I’ve read by Belinda Missen, but Isobel and Tom’s story has just cemented my love of her writing. Reading this book was effortless. I just got carried away with the ‘what ifs?’, possibilities and romance of it all. While all the time keeping everything crossed for a HEA.

Prepare to experience the magic of Christmas, and with each turn of the page, fall in love with two characters who’ll steal your heart. The festive feeling is well and truly alive in the Nelson household.

*squees loudly*

I can’t wait for the Christmas markets to open in George Square. It’s a feast for the senses and all the twinkly lights make my heart sing. And, I’m craving freshly fried churros with chocolate dipping sauce from the food stalls.

Sorry, I went off on a tangent there...

Anyhoo, if like me, you enjoy a festive read (or dozen) this time of year then make sure and add OWTC to your list.

Now, *taps chin* any chance of finding a Tom waiting for me under the tree on Christmas morning?

*shakes head*

Huh, I doubt it either.

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This short but ever so sweet novella set me up nicely with all the Christmas feels that I needed on this dreary November day and left me with a warm and fuzzy heart. The narrative gave me one week filled to the brim with all the festive feasts I could ever want from a holiday read with a side order of love and romance to boot. This snappy little number whizzed by in the blink of an eye and left me wanting more which says it all about the writing style of Belinda Missen.

Isobel was a superb leading lady in this festive tale and I was pulled into her world instantly and thoroughly enjoyed my time spent in her company. On first introductions her life was not going quite according to plan but cue the smouldering hunk entering from stage left and you have yourself a blossoming romance to get your teeth into.

Tom and Isobel were made for each other.....from their clashing initial connection it was quite clear the stars had aligned and the angels were in fine voice to grant that sort after happy ever after. But this is romance we're talking about and the road to true love never does run smoothly.

One Week Til Christmas is a glittering feast of festive fun and the perfect read to snuggle down with on a cold winter night. So grab that warm blanket and hot chocolate and dive won't be disappointed.

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One Week 'Til Christmas was a short but sweet Christmas romance. Isobel Bennett is a travel writer who loves traveling around the world. She had friends all over, and one special one in London. She is based in Melbourne, Australia, but is on holiday and has chosen to spend a week celebrating and enjoying all the Christmas festivities London has to offer. Getting ready to board a bus to her friend's place, she is bowled over by a handsome stranger. She runs off before even asking his name or getting his number. The next morning she takes a call from her boss asking her to to a last minute interview for the paper and she agrees. She is nervous as personal interviews are not her strong suit. It is even more nerve wracking when the interviewee turns out to be the handsome stranger. As they spend time together, they develop feelings toward one another, but with Isobel heading back to Australia on Christmas Eve, will they get their happily ever after?

The story takes place in the week leading up to Christmas. With that timeframe, you know it is going to be instalove, but it is well done and very enjoyable. I enjoyed both the characters of Isobel (Izzy) and Tom. They have a lot of similarities, the one that stands out in this book is their love of Christmas and all the festivities that go with it. The setting of Christmas in London was well described and added to my enjoyment of the story. I loved watching them get to know each other in the short time they had together. Their banter was fun and often had me giggling. Both are very talented individuals, but in very different ways. Isobel was a strong woman who stood on her principles and I loved that about her. This was a fun, festive story that I read in one sitting. I wanted to know what was going to happen with this couple. Of course, being billed a romance, you know they will get their happily ever after, but it was wonderful seeing how they were going to get there. I enjoyed this story and recommend it to those who enjoy a festive read or romantic comedies.

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Australian Travel journalist Isobel travels all over the world, and on her way home she gets the opportunity to spend Christmas in London. It’s cold, snowy and she quite literally bumps into Tom, the man of her dreams! She only has one week left in London, but there is no denying the chemistry between them is hot enough to melt the snow! What will Isobel do when it’s time to go home?...

A lovely festive read which is absolutely perfect for the Christmas period. It’s just the right size to pick up and read in one whole go, getting caught up in the festiveness that the story gives out!! Isobel is such a lovely character with a very easy-going nature and appears to get on with everyone! I love the way she meets Tom, literally falling into his arms – how romantic is that!! The story itself is very light-hearted, easy to read and all the characters draw you into the book from the very beginning.

Isobel and Tom seemed like the absolute perfect couple, and it was such fun to follow their journey to find out what they are going to do when it’s time for Isobel to go home!! All the other characters in the book were so likeable and complemented the story so well!! The location for me was wonderful!! I love London at Christmas, with its lights, trees and more importantly, the snow!! Just reading this book put beautiful pictures in my mind and I could just picture the location and characters right in the middle of them!!

This was a really enjoyable Christmassy read and I’m sure that if you weren’t in the festive spirit before you started it, you certainly will be by the time you’ve finished it. It has lots of love and laughter in it and will leave you with a warm happy feeling!! Would definitely recommend!!

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Wow! What a fabulous book. Written in an easy-to-read style, it tells the story of Tom and Isobel’s meeting in London. Isobel is from Australia and wants to see the sights - but she ends up seeing far more than she expected! Will she decide that they are meant to be? Do long distance romances work, and should she give it a go? Read this very funny and heart-warming book and find out!!

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3.5 Stars.

I am a sucker for holiday romances. It's the only time I can put up with a little extra cheesiness in my books. One Week 'Til Christmas is light on the cheese and heavy on the romance, just how I prefer my Christmas reads. And bonus, this one takes place in London! Who doesn't want to live vicariously through two charming people falling in love during Christmas in London??

The main characters are fleshed out and engaging, and while I'm not one of those readers who hate insta-love, their meet-cute worked for me. This was an arc I read, and there were a few things lost in translation, but I also very much enjoyed that it wasn't Americanized for readers in the US. My only critique is I feel like it could have used some more editing, tightening up, maybe some more time spent on a few scenes. Sometimes things felt rushed and glossed over. And no, I'm not talking about sex scenes.

Overall, I enjoyed it and it definitely helped kick off the holiday season!

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A lovely light Christmas read which will have you smiling and laughing all the way through whilst trying to work out what happens next.

Isabel Bennett is innocently waiting for a bus when she finds herself catapulted into the road as a very attractive man flattens her - and not very gracefully either! As she gathers herself enough to catch her bus, she finds herself wishing she had the presence of mind to find out his name at the very least. When she bumps into him the next day - not literally this time - she decides that perhaps fate is on her side after all! With Christmas closing in, and her flight home getting closer, can these two get their act together?

A delightful novel, and perfect to read at this time of year with all the festive touches which heighten your senses and get you in the mood for Christmas! Along with a hint of romance, there is plenty going on throughout this book and it is packed with sightseeing trips around London which, as a non-Londoner, I found very interesting! This is an easy novel to read, and I found myself racing through it with the many descriptions of festive fare tickling my taste buds. A very lovely read, well worth four stars.

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This book is the perfect feel good holiday read. You know how the story is going to end up, but enjoy the ride! I enjoy these heartfelt books during the holidays and this one was extremely well written.

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This was such a cute Christmas book! It read just like a Hallmark movie which is exactly what I’m looking for in a holiday story! I thought the characters were relatable and fun. Isobel and Tom were the cutest. I liked watching them get to know each other and fall in love. At times I almost forgot they’d only known each other for 7 days or less. The story line is a bit over used (where a famous guy falls for a regular girl) but how many different ways can you write a feel good holiday romance. I’ll read them all day!! I would definitely read another by this author.

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ONE WEEK 'TIL CHRISTMAS by Belinda Missen is engaging, entertaining, and sure to make your heart swoon as you get caught up in this wonderful love story.

Isobel works as a travel writer for a newspaper back in Australia that tends to take advantage of her kind nature. Yes, she gets to meet lots of wonderful people and enjoy so many beautiful places but she also misses out on so many family events and special moments, and Isobel is starting to get sick of it all. So when she has some time off while in London before Christmas, she plans to take advantage and experience everything this city has to offer but what she doesn't expect is to find herself lying underneath a very handsome stranger called Tom after he accidentally knocks her to the ground. And when a last-minute job brings her face to face with Tom again, Isobel is starting to believe in magic. As they start to get to know each other, a real connection and attraction is soon to follow but can a relationship ever work when Isobel is leaving in seven days? And when a misunderstanding happens, will it all end in tears before love has a chance to blossom?

​I loved the characters in this story and I found Isobel easy to connect with and very witty at times. The setting of London at Christmas came alive before my eyes and I felt like I was there at the markets, ice-skating alongside them, or wandering around Liberty's.

​ ONE WEEK 'TIL CHRISTMAS by Belinda Missen kept me hooked from start to finish and I couldn't wait to find out what would happen when Isobel and Tom's time was up. This is a great read and a must-read this festive season.

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This is a perfect, lovely little Christmas read! I loved it, it was wonderful, very Christmassy!!
The story is set around two people, Isobel & Tom, who have a haphazard chance meeting and only seven days until Christmas.
It is mainly set in London(and a little bit in Australia) and we get to experience all the magical festive delights the city has to offer. All the typical Christmas activities - ice skating at Somerset House, Christmas shopping at Liberty, lots of Christmas markets and mulled wine on the Southbank - all of which help to set the Christmas atmosphere.
There’s definitely magic in the air and it reminded me of a British Christmas movie!!

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I really wanted to love this one but it just fell flat for me. Couldn't really get into it. Felt I had read it something very similar before.
Writing style was great just not the story for me, It wouldn't put me off reading more from this author.

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If you are seeking a Christmas Rom-com then this is the read for you, it is such a delightful festive read. A chance meeting - when man literally crashes into women, knocks her off her feet on a rainy winters evening. When the next day - fate throws the pair back together - with only a week until Isobel has to move, the pair decide to spend the 7 days doing all the festive things. Honestly, the festive themes are so strong - ice skating, Christmas markets, mulled wine - oh i wanted it all.

The pair share such a deep rooted love for all things festive and it was such a delight to read - because that is exactly how i feel. I loved the couple and as leading characters they were really stand out. This was christmas in a book and the most festive read yet. I urge you to read this and sample the Christmas delights, but if you want to know what happens after the 7days? You best give it a read.

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What an absolutely wonderful read. It was such an uplifting and funny book that no doubt I will read again. I loved the characters and the setting. It has certainly been added to my Christmas must reads for 2019 list. This is yet another cracking read from Missen.

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I loved this book so much! The only downside for me was the fact it felt too short - I could have kept reading about Isobel and Tom for a long time. One Week 'Til Christmas is about Isobel, a travel writer from Melbourne who is visiting London the week before Christmas (two of my favourite cities). She gets the opportunity to interview Tom, an actor who volunteers to show Isobel London's best Christmas sights. Missen's writing is atmospheric, as I was transported to London at Christmas and could see myself walking around Hyde Park and skating at Somerset House alongside Tom and Isobel. I also thought the characters were very likeable. I highly recommend picking this book up this Christmas. I look forward to reading Missen's future books.

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Thank you Netgalley for the early copy.

This was such a fun, lighthearted Christmas book.
I really enjoyed it. I liked the story line. The characters were very entertaining. The writing was pretty well done also.

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