Member Reviews

“Time to Me” by Kay Bratt (A By The Sea Novel)

A truly wonderful novel that is hard to put down. It is packed full of emotion, human kindness, the meaning of friendship and family, emotional and mental healing, and the importance taking to time to find yourself.

Quinn has always wanted a father in her life. She had also always wanted to know more about her background. So she was astounded when her mother’s last words were she had a different father than the long gone loser of a man she had as a father figure for several years of her youth.

When she heads to Maui to spread her mother’s ashes, Quinn is in a relationship where she feels unsupported, she has bought a house sight unseen for the most part in Maui, has recently lost her mother and has more questions than answers about her background and past.

Quinn’s arrival in Maui doesn’t start quite as she planned. There are tenants still living in her house (clearly the recent walk through by the selling agent didn’t happen and the sale was through the bank not via a family), but Quinn doesn’t have the heart to just throw them to the curb, yet feels she is on a deadline to upgrade parts of the house. Her fiancé wants to come down and deal with the issue and she tells him to stay put.

While she makes some friends as the house is being upgraded and is doing what she can to help move the family, Quinn is still struggling internally with wanting to find more about her past and a possible family or whether all should be left as is. (She also finds out her fiancé has been cheating on her.)

While ignoring work and Ethan, Quinn starts to learn more about the Hawaiian culture and beliefs, more about the country and area and soon finds she is more settled and at home there than she has ever been before. She also feels a closer connection to her mother in Hawaiian.

When she decides to reconnect with her long time best friend, Quinn finds the support she most needed to think through everything. When Maggie comes to Maui, Quinn is able to find the strength to make several life changing decisions. With the support of her best friend and an individual she has become very good friends with, she is able to come to many conclusions about herself, her life, her purpose and how she wants things to be. Her decisions also help more than herself, but affects several others along the way. She is living pono.

As Quinn learns more about her family than she is able to process, Ethan’s surprise arrival makes many things clear: it is time to be who she has become since her arrival and who she is becoming. But most of all it is time be true to herself.

Rating: 4.9

** I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this novel. All thoughts and opinions in this review are strictly mine.

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I have been a long-time fan of Kay Bratt and was excited to find out that she had a new book. my opinion, it was her best book yet. The characters are well written, the plot has some mystery and some romance and the Hawaiian setting made me want to buy an airline ticket and visit Hawaii.

Quinn and her mom were close and there were no other family members, just the two of them. Quinn's dad left years earlier and she had no memory of him. She lives with and is engaged to a very dominant man who thinks that he can control her life. When Quinn's mom was dying, she told Quinn that her real father was not who she's always been told he was. Those were her dying words and at her death Quinn not only has to deal with her grief but also with the mystery of who her father really was. Her mother had requested that her ashes be scattered in Maui so that is where Quinn decided that she's start her search for her father there.

This is a beautiful book about love and friendship and the discovery of not only the past but the discovery of learning who you really are and what you want in your future.

Thanks to the author for a copy of this book to read and review. All opinions are my own.

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Quinn's Mom dies and Quinn decides to honor her mom's wishes to take her ashes to Maui where she was from. Upon arriving and doing some digging she learns what she thought she knew about her Mom and her family was far from actual truth. Family secrets rock her world. What she wants in life changes as she discovers things about her Mom, her past and her now... Thank you Kay Bratt and Net Galley for sending me this ARC, opinions expressed are totally mine.

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I’d like to thank NetGalley for making E-ARCs of this wonderful book available. I truly enjoyed this book. I rooted for, and cried with the characters as the story unfolded. I highly recommend this story to anyone who enjoys stories about family.

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I loved this book. I really enjoyed the inspiration Quinn's journey gave to me! The description of family and the culture of Hawaii was so endearing and made me want to pack up and go!! I cant wait to see/read more about these characters!

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What a beautiful story! It's the story of Quinn, a young woman who has recently lost her mother, the only family she has ever known. But on her deathbed, her mother reveals that the person Quinn thought was her father was not really really her father. So Quinn sets out on a journey to find her true father, carrying her to her mother's home in Maui. Quinn's search for her family unfolds in surprising ways, and in the process, she discovers who she really is as well. The story is beautifully written, and although I've never physically been to Hawaii, now it seems as though I have. The book transports the reader to the island of Maui with vivid descriptions of the land and the people. As a bonus, I found out the author intends to write more books in this series! Yay!

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Let me start by saying that I have yet to read a book by Kay Bratt that I have not loved.
The setting of this book, in Maui, makes one feel as though you are right there with Quinn.
This book follows Quinn’s story. She has recently lost her mom and while on her deathbed, her mother reveals that the man whom Quinn thought was her father is not! To better understand and process this information, Quinn is on a quest to find the truth, to find her father. It all starts with a DNA test that leads her back to Hawaii, where her mother was born.
It is during this trip to Hawaii that Quinn has time to reflect and find her true self. It is during this time that she allows herself time to reflect on the relationship she has with Ethan, her fiancé, she allows herself time to mourn the loss of her mother, it allows herself time to reflect on who she is. Is Ethan the right man for her, does he make her happy? This time of reflection opens doors, starts new friendships, helps to renew an old friendship and helps Quinn to heal and truly find herself and where she came from.
Thank you to NetGalley for my advanced review copy. All opinions and though

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I just finished Kay Bratt's newest book "True to Me". I believe it is her best book yet. She did such a great job of weaving all the characters together. She let the main character work through all the emotions one would expect when she finds out she isn't who she thought she was. Great job Kay!! I can't wait for the next one. I did receive an ARC for an honest review.

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A tale of finding oneself after a lifetime of believing you know yourself. Quinn had a loving mother her whole life, and a missing father. Or so she believed. The discovery that this wasn't true, on her mother's deathbed, rocks her world. She determines to go to Maui, where her mother grew up, and seek the truth. Little does she know how many tangles she will have to unravel in her search for her true father. Complicating matters are a possessive and controlling fiance who doesn't want Quinn to strike out on her own in search of the truth. and an issue with the house she impulsively buys on the island.

Kay Bratt writes from her heart. She imbues each work with a piece of her heart, and this one is no different.

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This is another beautiful read from Kay Bratt. Loved the characters and the storyline was very engaging. Now I've finished the book, I'm desperate to visit Hawaii! The book really does portray the beautiful energy of Hawaii. The characters were really relatable and likeable.

For any Kay Bratt fan, of which there are many, this is a must and if you've never read anything from her before give it a go, its recommended.

Thank you Lake Union Publishing and NewGalley.

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Quinn Maguire embarks on a journey of self discovery after her mother confessed on her death bed that Quinn’s father is not her biological father. Quinn’s mother wants her ashes taken back to Maui and while in Maui Quinn seems to find the truth about her beginnings in life.
This book takes the reader into a beautifully woven story with such amazing descriptions of Maui that as a reader I felt like I could visualize where Quinn was.
Quinn makes many surprising discoveries while she is in Maui.
I was sorry to finish this book as I truly enjoyed the story. I look forward to another book about Quinn Maguire.

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What a beautiful magical journey of self discovery Quinn has. From being complacent in her life to becoming the driver in her life. An finds herself in the chaos of self doubt and becomes who she was always meant to be. Obama is at the heart of the book. I couldn't put the book down. Each page, each chapter was beautifully written. The description of Maui swirls around you as you read. A book I will definitely read over and over again and will recommend to many of my friends.

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Well, this story hit very close to home for me. As I started reading it, I went through many emotions, one of which was if I could get through reading this story. I did continue reading it, am glad I did as it is a very intriguing story.
A heartwarming story about family secrets, finding oneself and most of all, how to forgive.
I look forward to reading the next book in this series.
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author, Kay Bratt, for the opportunity to read the ARC of True to Me and give my true and honest review.

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I LOVED this book. It was beautifully written, with so much descriptive detail, and I fell in love with every single character. It made me want to get up and move to Hawaii!

I could feel the relationships between Quinn and Ethan, and Quinn and Maggie, and loved how those relationships continued to develop and change throughout the storyline. Quinn was a genuinely likable main character, someone I’d want to be my best friend!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Quinn and Ethan have been together for ten years. When Quinn's mother passes, Quinn leaves for Maui to fulfill her mother's final wishes. Along the way, Quinn discovers much about herself - including an inner strength she didn't know she had.

Ms. Bratt does an excellent job of making the characters in this book relatable, especially to those of us who have had less than perfect relationships.

I had the opportunity to read an ARC of this book.

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True to Me was truly a delight to read. The story is set mostly in Hawaii. As I read, I felt myself craving Kona coffee and the salty air of sandy beaches. In learning about the traditions of the Hawaiian culture, Quinn learns to see herself for who she is, rather than who others see her to be. For years she lived up to the image of her long-time boyfriend, causing her to lose contact with her childhood friend, while in Hawaii, Quinn finds herself longing for that true friendship and working to reconnect with Maggie. Quinn uncovers some stunning family surprises that give her a whole new view of who she is. The cast of characters that Quinn meets through in this story are memorable and realistic. I hope we are reunited with some of them in future stories!

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This is the most beautiful book I’ve read in a long time. This is my first experience with Kay Bratt but it definitely won’t be my last. Her writing is exquisite and the way she told the story had me feeling every emotion right along with Quinn, the main character. The themes of restoration and self discovery were woven so perfectly into each page of the book and I couldn’t put it down as I was so emotionally invested that I couldn’t wait to know how it would all work out. I truly felt like I was living the story. I’m not going to give a synopsis since anyone can read the book’s blurb. Just hear this: Read this book! You won’t regret it!

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True to Me by Kay Bratt

I can’t say enough about this book. It is so good !!!

Quinn’s mother whispers a dying declaration on her death bed. It will change Quinn’s life forever. Nothing is as it seems. Her past is not hers to claim. Her future is now uncertain. Even the present is beginning to feel tentative. Why?

The author takes the reader on a journey to find oneself. As Quinn discovers her past and her future takes shape, the reader is called upon to look at oneself. Seize the moment. Feel the sunshine on your face. Feel the sand beneath your feet. Embrace family and friends.

But beyond all, be true to yourself.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an advanced review copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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True to me
Kay Bratt

I have read a few books by this author and have enjoyed them all so far. I’m reviewing this one as a ARC for Netgalley.

The cover of this book is beautiful and the author describes the locations in the story so clearly that I have a real hankering to visit these amazing places!

Quinn starts the story off by sending off her DNA to an ancestry finder group. All of her life for as long as she could remember it was her and her mum and no one else. Her mum spoke of her love for Maui, her birth place, but never suggested going back there in any of their many conversations.

When the time comes that Quinn’s mother is dying, she needs to confess something to her. Quinn’s father isn’t who she was told it was. With Quinn in a confused state from this information and emotional turmoil at losing her only parent she doesn’t think to ask her mother any further details.

The pacing of the book allowed me to feel like I really knew Quinn. She meets some real characters on her journey and apart from her high powered fiancé Ethan who is a real catch for Quinn, I loved them all.

Quinn’s path leads her to an amazing truth and at the same time helps her to re-evaluate what is important to her and realise what it is she really wants.

A past friendship is rekindled and it’s one of those friendships where it’s like you have never been apart.
I didn’t find the ending obvious and the book left me smiling by the end and wondering how accessible Waikiki falls really is?

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This is a beautifully written story about a young woman's search for her family and finding her true self as well. Quinn was a successful business woman, had a fiance and thought her life was on track until her mother's deathbed confession. Now Quinn is set out on a journey to find her family on her mothers island of Maui. During this journey Quinn finds her true self and makes life changing decisions. She reconnects with old friends and find new friends along the way.

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