Member Reviews

I loved this book. It wasn't your classic romance where nothing realistically horrible ever happens. As this was the story of the breakdown of law and order and how people would survive, the author kept it real. Horrible things happened to the people of this small town. It was a slow burn to get to the romance but I enjoyed the story so this didn't bother me as much as it normally would. Sela's reticent personality was believable. Her attraction to Ben was wholly understandable. However I loved that she didn't need him to save her and was more than capable of doing it herself. Ben's PTSD and inability to trust was totally understandable. The plot moved forward at a nice pace and I wasn't constantly waiting to find out what happened next. I was overcome with emotion at the conclusion. I truly enjoyed this book and even took note of a lot of the survivalist tips that were mentioned.

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I absolutely loved this book! From the very beginning I was drawn to Sela and Ben. The author has given both characters such depth and dimension that literally came off the page. The dynamics of the story keeps you wanting to know what happens to the members of this small rural community. These people become your neighbors and friends. You want to be sure that they are okay!! I will admit to thinking of the survival skills implemented in this book. They could come in handy one day.

Thank you to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an ARC copy of this book in exchanged for an honest review.

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In a way, this was a great book, but it seems different than her other books (writing wise, the feel of the book) I am not sure what it is. This story was good.

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I am a huge Linda Howard fan but her latest, After Sundown, is very different. The main character, Sela Gordon is the owner of a Tennessee general store who is attracted to Ben Jernigan, the ex-military man who lives on the mountain but rarely interacts with others. One day he appears to warn her that a catastrophic solar storm capable of taking down the power grid is coming. Sela and her family and friends must prepare for the unthinkable. Once the event occurs, Sela and Ben are thrown into contact more and more as everyone tries to deal with no electricity. As panic and fear spreads, Sela and Ben find that love will help one through anything. I think the book's strengths were the characters, but the storyline is a little bizarre.

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Linda Howard was a must read author for me at one time, but I had not read one of her books in many years. After Sundown had an interesting setting; small town Tennessee during an apocalypse like situation. The romance was also worthy and the many characters in the story made it a good read. 4 stars.

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I have been a fan of Linda Howard's since I first picked up a copy of Duncan's Bride as an idealistic young 20-something, and the steam factor was definitely a plus! Since then, I have read practically everything she has written, and I have enjoyed them all. This was no exception, except that I have to say I tend to prefer the books she solo writes, as the style of the other author is not always my cup of tea. This book was, however, well-researched and is now quite timely with the events happening in the world. Not quite as much focus on the steamier aspects, but I did enjoy the overall story and would recommend it.

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This book is very apropos for the times we are currently living in with Covid-19. I certainly hope things don't get as bad as in this book, where the whole infrastructure goes down, and you are left to figure out how to survive without power, water, heat, grocery stores, and all the other modern conveniences we take for granted every day. All the sudden you are faced with how to provide for you family, and work with your neighbor, or defend against them stealing your livelihood. I think the story had a lot of good solid advice, if you were ever in that situation, it seems to unfold very realistically. The story was also set in beautiful Tennessee, and had a hot romance going on too, between Sela, and Ben. I normally read mysteries, but this book description drew me in, and didn't disappoint.

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My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance digital copy. This is the most enjoyable novel I have read by Linda Howard in the last several years. I think that most serious romance fans will rate it a 4 or a 5. I give it a 3.5 as this is not my favorite genre.
When a solar flare wipes out the world's technology, people in an isolated Tennessee mountain town must work together to survive. Sela is a somewhat shy, reserved service station/store owner who suddenly finds herself in the role of community leader. Ben is a reclusive military veteran who has never associated with his neighbors, but he has been attracted to Sela. Together they fight for their community as sparks fly.

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Another hit for the Howard/Jones pair. I waited for months and months for this book to arrive, and get it sort of fitting that I was sheltering in my home reading a book set during a disaster.

I’ve read books with this sort of book before; this one glossed over the hardships a bit. Not one person worried about toilet paper! But even though there is an avoidance of some aspects of what would be real life hardships when you lose electricity and millions of people are dying, the book is fantastic. I love it.

Selah and Ben are the perfection in characters that Linda Howard and Linda Jones create so well. I predict Ben will be another Book Boyfriend for many people. These two authors also excel in developing the supporting characters, and this book is no exception. They way the women come together to work is warm and hopefully would be realistic.

Buy this book. It’s a perfect read.

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When a solar flare is about to disrupt the electrical grid several military men have suspected and are prepared. Ben lives in the remote Tennessee mountains and goes into Sela's small general store infrequently for supplies. With a few days warning, he helps Sela and the small town prepare for the disaster. She becomes a leader to the community and together with Ben keep most of the locals alive.That was the easy part. This story covers the year after the disaster and how the folks work together for the greater good. I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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This was A+ romantic suspense! An engaging plot, compelling chemistry between the main characters, and an atmospheric setting. I very much enjoyed!

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What would you do if in a short 24 hour span you would find yourself in a post-apocalyptic world, with no warning, due to a solar storm that knocks out electricity for an extensive period of time? Sela is a small store owner who is suddenly warned of the coming event by the loner former military man Ben Jernigan. Each has their story, separate and together to handle the sudden change in everyone’s lives. The book After Sundown is about a community of characters with a story to tell about family, survival techniques, dangers of behavior, conflict, community action, love, cooperation, and kindness tied in with the development of a romance between Sela and Ben and their ever strong presence in the their town in the southern mountain area of Appalachia. A totally enjoyable read.

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After Sundown By Linda Howard and Linda Jones. Interesting premise, characters were well defined and relatable. The sexual interactions between Ben and Sela overshadowed the survival efforts of the community after a disastrous solar storm. The ending was rushed and a bit of a letdown.

Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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Loved this book so much!! Anything Linda Howard writes instantly becomes my favorite. She gives me a "Book Hangover" every time!

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I don't mind protagonists who are introverted--I love them, actually--but what I enjoy is when those guarded hearts find a connection with whom they can share everything. I felt like Sela and Ben, our H and h in this novel, never opened as fully to one another (or to me, the reader), as I would have liked, so I didn't feel invested in their romance. That said, Howard and Jones are two talented authors and, even on autopilot produced a story that I eagerly read to its conclusion. And the novel's premise certainly provides food for thought.

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Sela Gordon is the shy owner of a Tennessee general store, who feels safe living in solitude -- not drawing attention. But whenever the hunky ex-military man comes in to her store she starts to rethink solitude. But when he warns her about an impending catastrophe Sela will have to find the courage to warn her town and become a leader.

Ben Jernigan has spent two years in a self-imposed exile with top-notch security system in his Cove Mountain cabin. He finds himself attracted to the general store owner. So when he gets the warning about the impending threat there is no way he can walk away from Sela without warning her.

When Sela asks for his help Ben finds himself helpless to resist her request. Two guarded hearts will find life and love when darkness ensues.

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I love Linda Howard and this book did not disappoint. I was hooked from the beginning & by the end of was wondering how I would survive without electricity, water, phones & food. Being a romance it wasn't too dark, but there were definitely issues that arose as people struggled for survival. I would say this a "light" post-apocalyptic book, but I did learn a lot, i.e. canned bacon. Made me think seriously about starting my own prepping

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How a small town survives with neighbors watching out for neighbors & learning to understand & utilize each persons ability to contribute. A love story not only about a specific couple but of a town standing together to just survive when outsiders come & seek to divide.

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I read this book in one sitting because I couldn’t put it down. Linda Howard and Linda Jones are masters at hooking you in and not letting go. I really enjoyed and connected with Sela, her shyness, yet being unwilling to stand silently by and not do anything. I thought she and Ben were a great match and I loved that the story took precedence of them jumping immediately into bed. It is a bit scary to think that this solar storm scenario is possible, and it really made me think of what we take for granted.

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After Sundown
Linda Howard and Linda Jones
March 31, 2020

Sela Gordon is a quiet divorced woman who lives near her Aunt Carol and her grand daughter, Olivia. Sela owns the local gas station and small grocery on the outskirts of the Tennessee Mountain town of Wears Valley. Life was at times lonely but she had her family and the townsfolk her kept her busy. In spring, summer and fall the vacationers drove in to refresh camping supplies, gas and necessary food. She hoped that one day she would meet someone new but at this point in her life the only man she was attracted to was Ben Jernigan. He was a loner who bought a used bed and breakfast up on one of the hills heading up into the mountains. There was a large rock sitting in the middle of the drive. His truck was able to get around it but security wise, no one else could. It was necessary to park along the road so visitors would always be spotted by Ben’s security cameras. He would greet them with a shotgun over his arm and speak with them long distance. His home had computers and equipment connected to friends in the military. He had spent several years of being in the service. He knew security and survival skills. His home was decorated with solar panels. He knew that life could get tough. He kept close with military chums and people that knew what and when things could arrive. He was not a people person. Life was easier living alone, hunting and fishing, get supplies only when necessary. When the time came,he would pay a visit to Sela and her store, and load up. He too felt she was attractive, kind and would like to invite her somewhere, anywhere to get to know her better, but in the back of his mind he would remind himself that he was better off not needing anyone.
This is a tale of survival for all concerned. I read it conservatively, not shoveling in the plot in a two day feast. It was an intelligent novel written to be thought about, pondered over as the words tell of a journey not one of us could believe might happen. Not certain how Howard and Jones developed such a plot but the main theme is something I feel necessary to investigate. The secondary story tells a beautiful love story of the two main characters, Sela and Ben. Neither one of them felt the time was right to have a relationship with anyone. They were drawn to each other and under the recent trauma felt the necessity to protect their home and family.
I am trying to not give the prospective reader any spoilers. My first night reading I was absolutely astounded by the possibility of such an event happening. It is hard to wrap one's mind around it, yet it bears the need to discover whether such could happen in our technological world that our present has become.
Come Sundown by Linda Howard and Linda Jones is published by HarperCollins with a shelf date of March 31, 2020. I know that many readers are Linda Howard fans, as am I. This novel is one that should not be missed. I was impressed by the writing, ideas involved and the characters developed. I appreciate Harper Collins for allowing me to read and review Come Sundown. It was an amazing read and can’t imagine that it won’t hit movie theaters at some point. Due to NetGalley I was able to request the book. I hadn’t read any pre-reviews and appreciated being able to read it without spoilers. Be certain to put this on your ‘to be read list’.

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