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The Other People

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"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"

A man driving down a highway sees his daughter in the back of a car ahead of him. She mouths "Daddy" and then she is gone. He spends the next three years looking for her. A woman and her daughter are running from those who hope to catch them. A waitress who frequently waits on the man who will not give up searching for his daughter. Their stories will collide as this book progresses.

"The greatest acts of cruelty are born of the greatest love."

Then there are The Other People. They know what you are going through. They might be able to help...

When I reviewed her other book The Hiding Place, I mentioned that she reminded me too much of Stephen King and I only wanted to think of her as an Author while reading her work. Well she brought it in this book. I felt this was entirely original, creative, well thought out, and perfectly paced. There is some creep factor, some paranormal, some darkness and some mystery here. There are also secrets (plenty) and full of people who have suffered loss, and those who are not willing to let go. There is desperation here, some fear, some hope and some justice.

I read this in two days as I did not want to stop until I had all the answers. She had me curious from page one, trying to figure out the connection (if any) between the characters. This was a page turner which had me guessing and second guessing what was going on. I really enjoyed how everything came together and made sense.

Captivating, engaging, creepy and dark.

Thank you to Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. The thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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I was excited to read this because I've liked C.J. Tudor's other books and I enjoyed this book mostly. I read it all in one day yesterday. But the story was a bit far-fetched and some of the storylines were not quite resolved.

Izzy's narcolepsy, her fear of mirrors and the pebbles are never fully explained. How does this tie in with Isabella? When the rest of the writing is this good, you can't leave this thread hanging. Izzy was only 9 months-old when she met Isabella. There has to be more of an explanation.

And what about the Sandman? Isabella knew that the Sandman was coming, but she also mentions the stories that Miriam had told her. And then the Samaritan introduces himself to Miriam as the Sandman.

I usually avoid horror, fantasy and sci-fi books. I made an exception for this book and I loved the writing. I really like this author, but the fantasy/supernatural aspect of the book is the part that is lacking...

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C.J. Tudor has redeemed herself with me. I know she was worried about the state of our relationship so I thought it important to start off with that statement. We cool, C.J. ✌

Compelling and propelling are the most legit words to describe this book.

This is a bleak story full of characters that are all enduring a life filled with the worst of pains, the loss of a loved one.

"Missing is different to being dead. In a way, it’s worse. Death offers finality. Death gives you permission to grieve. To hold memorials, to light candles and lay flowers. To let go. Missing is limbo. You’re stranded; in a strange, bleak place where hope glimmers faintly at the horizon and misery and despair circle like vultures."

The star of this book is Tudor's writing.

This is one of those stories that you have to fight with yourself to stay on task because your eyes keep trying to roam ahead to see what's going to happen at the end of the scene. I wasn't always successful on this front.


I HAD to know the answer to the mystery. Tudor doesn't waste a word so I couldn't even skim! Aaaarrrrgghhh!

Two things kept this from being a 5 star review for me.

First, it ended with too many ambiguous and unanswered questions. I still haven't completely wrapped my head around the chain of events.

Second, the epilogue. So predictable. After such gripping drama, I expected more. It was a real letdown for me.

"We’re all capable of good and bad. Very few of us show our real faces to the world. For fear that the world might stare back and scream."

Ain't that the truth...

** Thank you Kathleen at Random House for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. **

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Wow! I have read C.J. Tudor's first two novels and really enjoyed them. I think this novel, The Other People is his best by far! As I started the book, I was a little confused as to what was going on...I didn't know how the characters that were introduced would fit together. C.J. Tudor does a remarkable job of having the reader question and wonder as he weaves a story that all comes together at the end.

This mystery is unlike any I have read before. It was not at all predictable. I see this book being made into a big screen movie. Wow!

Gabe lost his wife and daughter 3 years ago and now lives in his van as he travels the same roads looking for leads because he believes his daughter is still alive.

We meet Katie who is a single mother working at a service station and waits on Gabe once a week. I didn't understand how a connection was going to be made between Gabe and Katie until later on in the book and thought the development was genius.

This is a fantastic read! I would recommend this to all mystery and suspense genre fans.

Thank you to Random House and NetGalley for giving me an advanced copy of the book for my honest review.

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Having adored Tudor's first two novels, I jumped at the chance when offered this latest one and moved it to the top of my queue; it's now my favorite of the three! It's a little reminiscent of The Chain but even more chilling and creepy--almost a bit gothic in its atmosphere. Told from multiple viewpoints, the novel centers on Gabe, a grieving father who lost his wife and young daughter, Izzy in a home invasion and murder and yet the same night, believes he saw her in the back of a car mouthing, "Daddy." Katie, a waitress in a cafe sees Gabe frequently and wonders what his story is. Fran and her daughter Alice are on the run from something and Alice has frequent meltdowns and a backpack full of pebbles. And somewhere a comatose girl on life support is cared for by Miriam. Yes, these stories are all connected but you can't begin to imagine how or why. And yes, the Dark Web is involved which is fascinating on its own. Proceed with caution and know you won't put this book down once you pick it up! My brain is still reeling with the many twists and turn up to the very last page!

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Gabe has been through a parent’s worst nightmare. He saw his daughter’s face appear in the rear window in an old car in front of him on the highway, calling for him. Three years on, he’s still looking for his missing child, driving the highway where he last saw her, refusing to give up hope that she is still alive. When the car he saw that night turns up at the bottom of a lake with a body inside, Gabe begins to believe he will never see Izzy again. But there is a witness to what really happened to Izzy, and she and her own little girl are on the run, knowing that if they’re caught, they will be the next ones to disappear. Scary good!

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Wow is all i can say, one hell of a wild ride!
It couldnt be possible could it? A Chance sighting, one moment of not believing your own eyes was all it took to change Gabes life in an instant. When Gabe daughter is supposedly murdered he cant believe the news, not because he cant accept that but because he is certain he saw her in t he back of a strange car at the very time she was to have been dead. His whole life becomes focused on finding some answers, he can not stop blaming himself if only he had reacted differently that day when he thought he saw her.
But why did this happen? Who are the mysterious Other People he hears whispers of.
Hold on tight this book if full of twists and turns as you catch glimpses of a web that finally comes together in a crazy ending that will leave you speechless.
Edge of your seat suspense, amazing characters, fantastic writing and one heck of a plot make this unique story one you do NOT want to miss. I literally could not put this one down.

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