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Hero's Haven

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Rebecca Zanetti adds another unputdownable, non-stop action read with explosive chemistry to her Dark Protectors series.

Haven Daly had resigned to the fact that she wasn’t normal. How else could she explain the dreams of other worlds she so expertly exhibited in her paintings? Or the incredibly handsome man she envisioned she could talk to and practically feel? Then that man appeared before her. Naked. In a snowy field while being attacked by strange men with fangs. It was at that moment that she knew she had completely lost it or her worldview had totally been turned on its axis. She had survived so far, she could find a way to survive in this new crazy world. Right?

A long time ago, demon-vampire hybrid Quade Kayrs endured an excruciatingly painful ritual to become one of the Seven and sacrificed his life to guard the world against a great evil and the only way to maintain his sanity against the endless torture was to focus on the lovely vision of Haven who after centuries led him back to a world he hardly recognized. He’s only certain of two things: he wants Haven and needs to find his family to help keep evil at bay.

Every time I open a Rebecca Zanetti book I know I’ll be getting all of my favs: a strong heroine, delightful familial bonds, heart stopping action, a hooking plot, a delicious alpha male and scorching sexy times. Hero’s Haven gave me all that and more.

Once back on this world, Quade instantly recognizes Haven as an immortal being (even if she doesn’t know it), AND as his mate. He thought he’d never have one. He knew he’d sacrifice himself for the greater good, but as he acclimates himself to this strange new world (so funny) and while he finds his brothers, he will be her protector.

Of course Haven has options on the latter given that she’s been on her own for a long time and every interaction between them not only helps build their relationship but also ratchets up the sexual tension between them. Yet there are many reasons and circumstances that keep getting in their way. But the romance unfolds in a way that made me savor each word and also want me to reach the end.

I loved reading more about the Seven and past characters. The overall arc keeps getting more and more thrilling and I can’t wait to continue reading this very exciting series.

Hero’s Haven is book #11 of the Dark Protectors series by author Rebecca Zanetti. It is an exciting standalone paranormal romance, told from various points of view with a happy ending.

My super quick review/recap:
➵ Cover: 5
➵ Hero: 5
➵ Heroine: 5
➵ Sexiness: 5
➵ Feels: 5
➵ Plot/Pace: 5
➵ Overall rating: 5

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Quade has been trapped for millennia guarding the world against an evil being. Haven has lived a horrific life with adoptive parents who think she is possessed by the devil and constantly try to exorcise her. Quade knows Haven is his Mate but Haven has to warm up to the idea as they fight to keep safe and toward a final battle with the evil one.

The world building is interesting with vampires, fae and other immortals. Following Haven as she dreams her way through many worlds/realms is also entertaining. A subplot where Haven saved a group of fae felt contrived and abrupt, though, as were other subplots.

I would not recommend this book to my patrons.

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While vampires and otherworldly beings are not my typical go-to genre, I love Zanetti's world of Enforcers. Present are all of the great elements that make her books supreme: robust characters, exciting pacing and enjoyable world building. I love a tortured hero!

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I love this world, and following everyone as they find each other, start relationships, and have children.

This is Quade Kayrs and Haven Daly’s story. Quade has spent an eternity living in a hell dimension fighting to keep Ulric, an enemy, from returning to our world. The only thing that has helped him stay sane is a woman who visits him in his dreams. Haven doesn’t realize her dreams are real, but when others see her paintings, they recognize Quade in them. As the ability to visit other dimensions has been lost, Haven is the only one who can help Quade escape and return to his family.

I liked catching up with the characters in this series, and Quade and Haven’s story is one of survival. I was surprised at how quickly Quade adjusted to our current world. Haven is such a strong, resilient woman, I loved following her on this journey.

I received an advanced copy of the book from Netgalley to review and this my honest review.

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Let me start by saying paranormal is not my favorite genre. I have read non-paranormal books by this author though, so when I saw it I thought, meh...let me give it a try. Now I'm like a little kid doing the gimme-gimme hands. Gimme more! Hero's Haven is a spectacular paranormal romance by Rebecca Zanetti. Ms. Zanetti has provided readers with a well-written book populated with a phenomenal cast of characters. I would say this book captured me at page one, but really, I was hooked by the blurb. Quade is one of the Seven and is fulfilling his duty. Haven has thought she was crazy and takes her meds every day. Quade and Haven's story is packed with drama, humor, sizzle, action and suspense. I enjoyed every page of this book and look forward to reading more from Rebecca Zanetti soon. Gimme! Hero's Haven is book 11 of the Dark Protectors Series but can be read as a standalone. This is a complete book, not a cliff-hanger.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I have been looking forward to Quade’s story since the introduction of The Seven in Vampire’s Faith, and I was not disappointed.

Haven rescues Quade from the dimension that’s about to implode and brings him back to his brother and the rest of The Seven. Quade quickly adapts to things that have changed in the centuries he had been in the other dimension, except for the fact that toothpaste is used to brush his teeth, not to eat. His love of eating the toothpaste, and Haven’s scolding him for it, kept making me laugh. Even Hope tries to get him to eat mint ice cream instead.

At times Quade comes across as extremely overprotective of Haven, but Haven always puts him in his place. She refuses to be treated like she can’t make her own decisions or that she can’t protect herself. She had been doing it for years and wasn’t about to let Quade act like an Alpha and take that away from her.

As the series progresses, The Seven have more interactions with other members of the Kayrs family in the Realm. I enjoyed seeing them all interact and how the younger Kayrs family members look out for the older ones, even if they don’t care for The Seven and what they did with the dimensions.

Things are progressing and we get more of a glimpse of Ulric. Ulric also seems to be creating a rift between Hope and Drake. Hope believes The Seven’s claim that he’s bad, but Drake views him as the spiritual leader for the Kurjans and believes The Seven are wrong about him. I’m looking forward to seeing how it plays out and how it affects their relationship.

This is the eleventh book in the series. I would recommend, if you haven’t already, starting with Vampire’s Faith, which is book eight in the series. That is when The Seven are first introduced and explains the concept of The Seven and creating the alternate dimensions. While this could possibly be read as a standalone, the Ulric storyline has been on-going since Vampire’s Faith and readers may feel a little lost without having the background from the previous books.

While I’ve enjoyed all the books in this part of the series so far, this has become one of my favorites. With well-written characters and some suspense, fans of paranormal romances will enjoy this one.

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OMG OMG OMG!!!! This was amazing!!!!!! I'll admit that I haven't read all of the books in this series (mainly the last 4 or so), but this one....OMG!!!!

DISCLAIMER: If you haven't read this series yet, you might not want to read my review.

If you've been following this series, then you know that Quade has been protecting the realms for-ever!!! You also know that there has been a woman visiting him in his realm, although he hasn't exactly felt as though she was real.'s about to get really real because his realm is collapsing and she's his ticket out of there.

Haven is special. At least that's the only explanation she can come up with since she literally finds herself dreaming of people and strange places that some how become a reality. I mean, she's been seeing faces and drawing them, only to come face to face with a few in real time. And now? Now she's grabbing on to the one man she thought wasn't real, trying to save him from something she knows nothing about. What's going on?

There is soooooo much going on in this book that there's no way I can explain it nor prepare you for the incredible ride you're about to embark on. But rest assured, you'll be turning these pages with your mouth hung open repeating "OMG, are you serious?" at least twice. Not only will your fall in love with Haven and Quades' story, you'll be giddy with the other protectors and their women as well.

But let's get serious here for a second.......when's the next one coming out because the suspense is KILLING ME!!!!!!

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There's always a danger that when you get to the eleventh book in a series, that it might become hard for new readers to follow what's going on. Although I have read some of the others in this series (the last two) I don't think that's the case here. You could come into the world at any of the books and not be lost in what's going on. That's not to say that there aren't links with the previous books. The characters appear across the series and play various roles.
There is an overarching storyline here and each book does seem to lead a step closer to what I assume will be the final conclusion. But you aren't left feeling that the book isn't a complete story itself and as a standalone, these all work fine.
Hero's Haven deals with Quade and Haven. Haven has grown up thinking that she's mad. The family that adopted her have abused her in an attempt to change who she is. What she didn't know is that she is a fae demon hybrid. She has been visiting Quade for years in her dreams, not realising that he has existed in another dimension and not simply been part of her imagination. Now that they finally meet for real, she struggles to trust him and to believe that there can be anything between them.
I loved Quade, in some ways he seems like an overgrown kid. He's been exiled for centuries away from the earth, so much is foreign to him. He even keeps eating toothpaste because he likes the sweet minty flavour. He's full-on and overbearing, but this type of hero often is. I'm not sure I'd want to cope with someone like that in real life, but he's fun to read about in a book.
I'm not sure where to next for this series, but I'm looking forward to reading more and finding out.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Not a fan of this paranormal romance. Although the characters seem intriguing the plot is not. The hero is not of the same world and is half vampire and half demon. He is rescued by Haven who apparently is his mate but he can't mate her because he swore to destroy his enemy. They stay together and attempt to escape his enemies. I'm not a big fan of novels that mix in too many paranormal character and beings. It gets very confusing and I lose interest.

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“He had returned. This world had better be ready.”

5 stars!

OMG, I love this book! It’s action packed and a wild ride from start to finish, I was hooked from the very first moment and struggled to put this one down. It’s exciting, fun and intriguing with fantastic character dynamics and a gorgeous romance, and I loved every little bit of it.

I’m a huge fan of the Dark Protectors series and am loving the direction of this second story arc that began in book #8, shifting the storyline away from the Realm and to the Seven – a secretive, elite group of immortal warriors charged with protecting the world from super-villain, Ulric.

Quade Kayrs (great, great uncle to the original Kayrs boys in the series) is a demon-vampire hybrid and was one of the original Seven. He was chosen to exist in a ‘bubble’ realm created to keep Ulric captive, and he has endured centuries of endless torture, dying over and over again as he works to keep Ulric’s prison intact. His one touchstone has been the soothing glimpses of a beautiful but mysterious woman, Haven, and when his very world began collapsing around him, it is her voice that leads him through to safety.

Haven Daly is a woman on the run from her past. She endured unimaginable torment at the hands of her adopted family who believed she was possessed by a demon. Why else would she have strange visions, and dream of supernatural creatures? Well, it turns out she’s an actual demon… not that she knows that. She now lives her life in hiding, accepting of the fact that there is clearly something wrong with her, and content to follow her feelings as she is pulled in a particular direction, to a man that she has seen only in her dreams, and now, for the first time, in the flesh.

“This is real,” he said, his voice guttural and raw. “You have to know. This is real.”
She could only nod. It had to be. Right?

Quade is back on earth for the first time in over 2,000 years, and the first person he sees is the woman who helped him find his way home. He instantly recognises Haven as a fellow supernatural, and not only that, but as his fated mate. It’s something he thought he’d never have, and as a member of the Seven, it’s not something he thought he’d be allowed to have. But the female is his, and he puts himself in the role of protector as the two of them team up to find his ‘brothers’ in the Seven, all while danger is closing in on them.

“There was a time he’d accepted the fate of dying alone on that horrible world. This was another chance to live a different life, one he had not even dared to dream about before. The female had saved him, and now he would save her.”

God, I love this story. Quade and Haven are absolutely sensational characters - both with their quirks, which is very understandable given the lives they’ve lived. Quade’s reintroduction to life on earth is so entertaining, and the bickering and bantering between the two of them is so much fun.

"She licked her lips, and his eyes flared. “I’m not into the whole alpha male thing.” Not true. Her body was all in. She never should have drunk half a bottle of whiskey. Four steps forward, and she could have her mouth on that hot male skin. “Sorry.”
“Alpha male thing?” He rubbed his cleanly shaven jaw. “Explain.”
“That. That order,” she burst out. “I’m not into guys who think they’re in charge and are all grrrr.”
He frowned. “I’m not all grrrr.”
This was getting ridiculous.
“But I am in charge.”

Every interaction between them is underpinned by their sizzling chemistry. As destined mates, it’s hard for them to resist each other, but there are things in the way of them being together, and the push and pull is absolutely delicious! The sexual tension builds brilliantly, and I loved watching them find their way forward in their own unique way.

“He paused and looked up at her until she focused on him. “You are worth waiting for, Haven Daley. Someday, when you’re ready, your heart will be mine.”
His words barely computed, but her heart warmed anyway.
He twisted those fingers inside her, sending electricity along every nerve. “For now, your pleasure is.”

It’s sexy and sweet, and the love story develops beautifully, and I loved watching it happen. And it all unfolds amidst much excitement as they constantly fight for their survival against enemies old and new, and I couldn’t flip the pages fast enough.

There is drama and some gorgeous emotion with the long-waited reunion with the Seven, and their meet up with the boys of Realm is awesome, giving us the chance to catch up with characters from the previous books – including earlier in the series – and I loved that so much. The storyline is continuing to build to its exciting climax, with Haven a big part of that, and with books coming for the rest of the Seven, and an intriguing story continuing to develop for little Hope Kayrs-Killwood, I’m so excited for what is to come!

This book is everything that I love about paranormal romance, and I freaking loved it! 5 stars.

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I haven't read any other books in this series but that didn't take anything away from this story at all. It was easy enough to follow the past story and stay interested (not always easy to do in picking up a series at the bottom). I enjoyed the story immensely and will be looking for both the previous stories and any future ones.

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Quade Kayrs has met his match in Haven Daly. She is not taking his directives as seriously as this pure alpha male wants. Their match is hilarious and escalates quickly, but not exactly as either expected. Haven turns the tables on Quade. "You will cease this bossiness," he snapped, his blood beginning to burn for her. "Not a chance" She leaned even closer. " Come on big boy. Take a bite."

I loved the whole serious-we have to save the world-but charming-I'm not a fairy-vibe within the entire book. And please, guard your toothpaste. This is officially now my favorite of the Dark Protectors series! No one should miss out on a great book like this one.

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I received a copy from Netgalley for free for an unbiased review. The opinions are my own.

Absolutely amazing! I could not put it down. I fell in love with Haven and Quade from the first page. The world is in danger, again, (see Zanetti’s previous series called the Dark Protectors). Quade is one of seven men (sorta of) tasked with saving the world. There are some glitches. I don’t want to spoil the book so I am going to be vague on those glitches. Haven is a wonderful foil to Quade. She is both strong and vulnerable. I love the chemistry between the two and the way Zanetti brings the story together in the end was amazing. The only downside is that I I would recommend you read the previous books in the series first. There is very little back story and you will be confused without it. However, the series is worth reading and you won’t regret it.

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So cute and hot and omg everything combined. Where can I get myself a Quade? He's swoon worthy and Haven was just too funny. The way she cept standing her ground and not budging was hilarious. Also I'm a sucker for a happy end. I would have just loved to know how the leaders of the Realm reacted to Ulric's death since the Kurjans believe him to be the good guy that could have been an interesting angle but this book is nonetheless really good.

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Hero's Haven is another splendid paranormal romance by Ms. Zanetti. the storytelling was quite good and the writing as always excellent.

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Hero’s Haven
by Rebecca Zanetti

The most thrilling read I’ve come across in a long time. No slow start here, it started intense and stayed that way all the way to the final word.

Quade Kayrs, is a half vampire and half demon, and is the last one of the Seven protecting the prisoner Ulric. Over the years a female vision would arrive, but this time it was different, he was dying again and he hoped she was the angel coming for him. She, Haven Daly doesn’t know how she continues to travel to strange worlds and his particularly.

Things turn out different this time as she finds them both in danger. Then without thought she grabs his arm and that touch gave him an electrical jumpstart. They jump! And everything changes he’s on earth and she wakes up! And the hair raising adventure starts from there.

If you want to find out all the craziness they endure, grab your copy and get caught up in this
extreme thriller. The backstory and plot were detailed perfectly and I loved the characters and the extreme challenges they face. To watch them grow and learn to trust each was endearing.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


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This author never disappoints. The story is very timely built to a crescendo and touching ending. Where's fondness of toothpaste was chuckle worthy. Each time! Ronan flying the helicopter should have been scary yet I found myself laughing out loud with the "my bad" comment. When I got to the destruction of the portal I was literally holding my breathe. Awesome book!

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Haven has been told she was crazy for a very long time. Her family tried to exorcise her for heavens sake! Her main vision feature a certain tall, brooding warrior-like male. The very idea of him should make her shiver with fear, but he ghostly guy makes her feel nothing but safe. Okay...he also makes her feel very, very hot!!!

Quade's "bubble" universe had been decaying for a while. He had dies many deaths within it but when it finally crumbled, he arrived back in his home dimension, naked as the day he was born. The woman who comes to his aid is the same female from his dreams. The one who got him through some of his toughest challenges.

I loved Quade! He is full on alpha, ven though he is so out of step with modern times. He does pick things up helluva fast! Haven is proof that you can overcome your past and make a bright future. Those junior protectors are going to be the death of someon!! The three musketeers are going to be a handful, you can just tell!

Superb! This series just goes from strength to strength. Never feels samey or slapdash. The characters are always engaging and have a purpose, never just there to fill up the word count! Now for the wait for the next one. Siiiiggghhhh!

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This series is awesome and I havn't read one in a good minute. I have followed this journey from the very first book! I love Quade and Haven's story! This is a good read. Haven is lost and on the run. The dreamworld is something Haven thinks is not real and that she is just crazy. Quade is on another realm and has visions and sights of Haven. This is a rollercoaster of emotions and will the seven prevail? We are still on the journey with hot alpha and other worldly men! I mean what is not to love!!! A series that is a must read!!

I received this ARC from the publisher at my request via net Galley for my honest review. The opinions written are solely my own. Thank you Net Galley!

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Highly recommend this book to everyone. Can't wat to read more from this author.

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