Member Reviews

I was really disappointed that I didn’t enjoy this book more. I started reading it expecting it to be similar to Caraval or The Night Circus or The Crown’s Game, but instead, Where Dreams Descend had confusing and far too little world building, and the competition itself was not fully fleshed out. The book as a whole seemed more like a collection of (very well-written) descriptive scenes, rather than a cohesive plot.
I did like the characters a lot, especially Kallia. She constantly shocked the men around her with her confidence, skill, and irreverence, and by about halfway through the book, I was entirely reading for Kallia’s interaction with men.
Other than that, I thought the conflict was very low-stakes, I didn’t understand why we rarely got Jack’s perspective or even who Jack really is. I thought Daron was kind of bland, and I just wasn’t very interested in the outcome of the competition.

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The Good
The atmosphere: The beginning of this book is very ominous. I was so curious the entire time about what this place was, and I was itching to learn more! It was such an aesthetically pleasing story- especially because I love all things circus and magic related!
The feminism: Our main character, Kallia, is strong and fierce. She does not get intimidated by the men who are clearly trying to sabotage her performances, and she does not quit. She stands up to them the entire time, which I admired a lot.
The ending: My favorite part of this story, and what probably ended up saving the book for me, was the ending. It leaves off at just the right part- I want to know what happens next and I can't wait to read the second book now.

The Bad:
The writing: This story felt quite choppy in a few places, and it didn't always make sense to me. I was getting lost by it. It felt like it was strung together a little awkwardly, especially at parts where the POV changed. I feel like the book focused a little too much on having beautiful prose instead of explaining the plot.
The character and story development: The characters didn't feel fully developed to me, either. For example, Aaros, Kallia's assistant, felt very one dimensional. I wished we could see their development more, but they instantly became close and it felt a little unnatural. We also don't get to see much development from Jack, and I feel like his history (and Kallia's) was never fully explained. That part left me a little confused as well. Also, I feel like too many things were left unexplained. The magic system could have been so interesting, but instead, I was left really confused by it- especially the mirrors (you'll understand after reading it). I'm hoping that all will be explained in the next book, which is what I'm really holding out hope for.

Overall, this duology has a lot of potential, and I am excited to see where the next book goes!

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What an odd title for this book. I never did figure out what exactly was going on in this book. I loved it but wish more of the mystery was revealed. I'm not a big mystery fan though.

I'll read the next book in the series though.

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Where Dreams Descend has to be one of my top 5 books that I read this year. The way Janella Angeles created this mysterious and magical world had me feeling like a kid and believing in magic again.

Although the story has 3 pov's, Kallia is front and center, she is the star and my favorite. I adored Kallia and the relationships she built throughout the story and how she never gave up even with the odds stacked against her. She always stayed trued to herself and never once hid had talented she was, and she was proud of it, as she should be. There are many exciting twist and turns in Where Dreams Descend but my favorite parts have to be Kallia’s practices and her performances; you feel them, as if you were actually there on stage with her and like I said before it’s pure magic.

From start to finish, Where Dreams Descend was a real mystery. All my theories were proven wrong and left me with many unanswered questions that I’m sure will be answered in the sequel.

That ending was super intense and I know the wait for the sequel is going to be torturous but I cannot wait to see how everything unravels. Overall I really enjoyed this story and the characters, thank you Janella Angeles for this spectacular show.

Also Thank you Net Galley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with an advanced e-galley.

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Where Dreams Descend is the debut novel from author Janella Angeles. With a unique and intriguing plot, readers are sure to devour this book in just a single sitting.

When I first stumbled upon Where Dreams Descend, I was immediately intrigued by the cover. It was really unique and had me wanting to know more. So, of course, when I read the synopsis for this story, I knew I had to get my hands on it.

Where Dreams Descend is a promising debut fantasy novel. It's well written and I really liked the world this author created. I found the characters to be interesting, and I definitely wanted to know more. This story had a ton of fun elements to it. I loved the intrigue, the magic and the darkness of the characters past. For the most part, the story was paced well and the fact that the chapters were pretty short, led me to devour this book rather quickly. 

What can I say about Where Dreams Descend? The characters are strong and their world is fascinating. There is a love triangle, which of course kept things interesting. The Phantom of The Opera & Moulin Rouge vibe was a definite hit for me. There's magic and intrigue. Moments that will keep you guessing and leave you with a million and one questions.  And of course,  an ending that will leave you dying to know what happens next. 

If you're a fan of YA Fantasy and are looking for something a little different, this book is for you. This series has a ton of potential and I'm looking forward to seeing how it will all come together in the end.

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I have to start this out by saying I went into this with low expectations because I have thus far not loved circus-magician type stories. Where Dreams Descend proved me COMPLETELY wrong. I was drawn in from the first chapter and could NOT put this book down.

Form the characters to the setting to the plot, this story was absolutely fantastic. The mystery was set up very well, and I was intrigued the way the pieces fell together. I could have used an extra chapter or two at the end – it was a tad bit rushed – but I’m nit picking.

This book did relationships extremely well, as well as the characters’ back stories. I thought that the history of each character (and that of the city) really gave this book depth. Everything was a push and pull, action and reaction, making the plot flow from beginning to end. I’m so so so excited for the next book. Thank you NetGalley and Wednesday Books for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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This book is a delight from start to finish. Poetic writing interwoven with a tight narrative make for a gripping read. I enjoyed every word.

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Ah man, I have to wait for the next book of the series to see what happens?! I can't wait to read the next book. If you loved "The Night Circus" and/or "Carnival," you will love this book.

Kallia was born with magical powers and was trapped by Master Jack as a showgirl in his magical club. She finds a way to escape her confinement to compete in the magical Spectaculore. Daron Demarco used to be a magician, but he is now retired and plans to judge the competition. Now she has to woo the judges and beat the other magicians with her expertise. Of course there is a love/hate connection between Kallia and Daron that drones on. She will also have to try and figure out why the competition starts to disappear.

I loved so much of this book, but I found it hard to handle the love/hate connection between Kallia and Daron. It got a little drawn out. Also, her character was a little immature and witchy at times. However, I did love the strong will of her character to fight her way into a male driven magical show. I can't wait to read the next book in this series.

Thank you Netgalley and publisher for my eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book was absolutely epic! I really enjoyed my reading experience and the writing style. I am so happy to have gotten the chance to read and review this!

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Where Dreams Descend is marketed as The Night Circus meets Moulin Rouge, it also is reminiscent of Caraval and Ace of Shades. And I honestly don't have any real complaints, if that sounds like something you'll love, you likely will love this one. I just think this isn't the type of book for me as much as I want it to be. Perhaps I'm too old and jaded to be enthralled by the whimsical,but don't let my stop you because I'm sure this will be a big hit.

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4.5 stars for this one.

I'm struggling on whether I should round up. The end of the book was incredible - especially that ending! - but I found the beginning of the book dragged. I also wished we got more world building then we did. This might have been why the beginning was so much harder for me? It was well-written throughout, but the lack of information on the world made it hard to sink myself into as quickly as I wanted to.

I loved the concept of this! Circuses and mirrors and mysterious magical figures. I didn't want to stop reading until I figured out every secret.

The writing is so atmospheric, and I love the build to the reveals, buuuut I wish we got more reveals in this one! We barely know anything about two of our three MCs' pasts, and I wished we could have had a little bit more information. I do understand this was primarily from Kallia's perspective, so this represents what she knows. I just wish our girl did a little more investigating with everything happening. That might be more my own need for information and less a critique for the book ;).

However, even with how little we learned, I loved all the characters in this book. Jack would have to be my standout (I can't wait to see more of him!), but I really loved all the minor characters as well. Angeles delivered a fun cast, and I eager to dive into the next book.

I recommend this book to any of my fellow fantasy lovers, especially if they like characters that live in the gray. Can't wait to read more books by Angeles in the future. Her style is absolutely gorgeous.

Thanks for St. Martin's press for sending me the eARC!

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Where Dreams Descend was an engaging, exciting, immersive story. I loved learning about this world of magicians and getting to know the three different main characters. Several twists took me by surprise, and I'm excited for the next in the series!

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In a world where men are the only ones who are praised by their use of magic, we are introduced to Kallia. A very passionate and fierce female magician, with a very mysterious and intriguing past. She works at Hellfire House, a club where she is the biggest attraction, not for her awesome magical abilities but because of her beautiful dance moves.

But Kallia wants more, and life gives her the opportunity of a lifetime when she finds a flyer announcing a competition for magicians. She decides to leave everything behind, and goes to the city of Glorian to accomplish her goals, and pursue her dreams. But once there, she is told that her only chance to be on stage is just as an assistant, a beautiful accessory for the male magician,

However, she plays all her cards to make sure that she gets the spot she deserves as an official competitor. But being part of the competition becomes more difficult with each passing day, and not just because of the angry Mayor and the arrogant judges.

The events that will take place within Glorian are something that you should discover on your own. Come take part of the magic, enjoy the show, and be ready to discover “Where Dreams Descend”.

Within the pages of the book we will see that Kallia’s battle does not just involves competing against her male rivals on stage. From the first day that she dared to put her feet on Glorian, she has to fight for respect and equality on a daily basis. People judge her because of the way she dresses out, just like nowadays, where we still cannot choose or dressing in peace. But there is more. Kallia also is also submitted to public judgement because she shares a room with her male assistant. What is more, having a male assistant is also something she will be criticized for.

But our female protagonist does not let anybody let her down. However, this does not mean that she does not feel bad or that she is not affected by the comments and looks people throws at her. It is true that Kallia has lots of self-confidence, and she is also fierce, strong and ambitious; but she is also human, and she feels the pressure of living with this type of burden. She is not willing to let people know that what they do actually has an effect on her, and she is ready to do the necessary sacrifices to keep on her mask. Because “No one could perceive you as weak if they could not see you”, right?

Magical performances, gleaming scenarios, and mysterious disappearances all come together to create an outstanding story that is as glam and shinning as a burlesque stage-show. Are you ready to come see “Where Dreams Descend”?

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An absolute GEM! Such an original story with absolutely fantastic world-building! I couldn’t put this one down and I cannot wait to see what will happen next!!

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I loved this book!! It was so fun and captivating. The world that is built by Janella Angeles in Where Dreams Descend was so special and I was immediately caught up in the magic and mayhem of the circus.
This book gave me major The-Greatest-Showman-meets-Caraval vibes and I was soooo here for it! This story has literally everything you could want; secrets, romance, mystery, tension, and shocking twists and turns. The writing style is so beautiful and atmospheric. The characters are deep and relatable, each in their own morally gray way.
This book is sure to keep readers on their toes as they dive into the world of the Conquering Circus.
I cannot wait for the second and final book of this duology!!

Thank you to Netgalley, Wednesday Books and Janella Angeles for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Magical storytelling holds you under a spell from the moment you start this book. I'm pretty sure I fell in love with Jack from hello. Kallia also starts under his spell but that's just the start as we follow her into places that could prove more... well dangerous. The descriptions were vivid, painting with a flare that matched the magical theme and shining light into the dark corners of the world.

I enjoyed the idea of the competition and the range of characters involved. I found myself latching on to different ones as the story unfolded. Aaros was another who had me at hello. The first meeting interaction between them was wonderful. The plot rolls on, secrets swirl in and out of the shadows and that end... I'm dying for part two.

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Lush and romantic and dark and divine! Angeles weaves together a rich tapestry of a story with three characters, Kallia, Jack, and Demarco, who leap off the page. I cannot wait for the sequel--more Jack please!!

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**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review."

I had really high hopes for this story. The comparisons to Moulin Rouge and Six of Crows, and phantom of the opera. For me, throwing elements of other stories is not the same thing as incorporating elements into the story.
The first is so confusing that it made it hard for me to connect and care about any of these characters.
I know there is an audience for this book but it is not me.

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Title: Where Dreams Descend
Author: Janella Angeles
Pub. Date: August 25, 2020
Rating: 4.5

This will be a spoiler free review. Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this book. I loved the atmosphere, the characters, the slow build plot. I binge read this book in like 5 hours because I couldn’t put it down.
The atmosphere of this book has the chaotic energy of Moulin Rouge, with the dark mystery of Phantom. It’s like this perfect blend of wonder and magic that has the story coming to life on the page. You’re sucked in, and suddenly you are there, at Spectaculore. The whole magician competition element is what reminded me of Escaping from Houdini – and the fact that both have mystery elements. There’s the whole dark undertone of it all, and anytime mirrors come into play…I’ve seen enough horror movies with mirrors trapping people and souls, that I just have a bad feeling, but I’m here for it, because I really want to know what happens next.

If you’ve been on the fence about this book, get off it, and get to reading…or pre-ordering so you can read it the second it comes out in August. You’re not going to want to miss this book. Where Dreams Descend comes out August 25, 2020 so make sure it’s on your TBRs!

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I cannot express how excited I was to read this book! It was one if my most anticipated releases of this year, and the premise sounded absolutely amazing and like something I would totally love. Turns out, I actually really enjoyed it and thought it was such an interesting first installment, and I cannot wait to see what happens in the sequel.

When I first heard this book was pitched as Phantom meets Moulin Rouge, I knew I had to pick it up. Not only I love that movie and the musical, but also I was so excited to see the take the author did to create this story, and how similar to those two things this was going to be. And I have to say, I understand why it was pitched that way, though in my opinion, it was a bit more loosely based that what I was expecting. However, I loved the plot of this book so much that I wasn’t let down by that discovery.

But even though the plot was really interesting and I was enjoying it, I think the strongest part of Where Dreams Descend was the characters. They were absolutely fantastic and for sure my favorite part of the entire book, and what stood out to me the most.

Our main character Kallia was such a different protagonist from most of the fantasy books I’ve read before. Not only she was such a Slytherin, but also her motivations were a breath of fresh air, and because her personality was a bit more unique and her goals were something I did not expect, she resonated a lot with me. I think writing a protagonist who wants to shine and win a competition and become the best magician in the world gave such interesting under layers to that character, and she had a great evolution throughout the story.

Not only that, but also I really enjoyed her relationship with the other characters, but specially with Jack and Demarco. I think Jack and Kallia’s relationship was so interesting and they had such unique dynamics. My only complain about that was that because we didn’t know much about Jack and it was purposely done by the author, their relationship was so mysterious and I would have liked to see more about the history between those two characters, because I didn’t really understand what it entailed.

However, one thing I really enjoyed was the romance. Not only it was slow burn and angsty, which are two things that I gravitate towards, but also I adored the chemistry between Kallia and Demarco shared on page. It didn’t overpowered the plot and everything that was going on, but still added a little bit of something that I really enjoyed.

I also think that the magic was super interesting. My only complain is that there weren’t a lot of explanations about how that magic worked or what its limitations were, and I don’t know if we’re going to discover more in the next installment or not, but that’s something that I would have liked to see and would have been pretty helpful for the reader to understand more the world and the characters.

What I found pretty lacking was the world building. I understand that we didn’t learn a lot about it, because the entire book took place in one setting, so it was a little bit hard for us to discover more places, but it’s true that we didn’t know much more about that world apart from that town, but I still have high hopes that we’k know more about it in the sequel.

Overall, I really enjoyed Where Dreams Descend and think it was such a great first book in a series. I adored the characters and the relationships they formed throughout the story, and the plot had that mysterious element that kept me reading to know what was going to happen next.

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