Cover Image: The Bridesmaid and the Jerk

The Bridesmaid and the Jerk

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Member Reviews

Oh man, Sienna was annoying and a jerk. She made it hard to enjoy the story. It was kind of quick and sweet.

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Super cute and easy to read book. It was a light read that you don’t have to think about to follow. Good characters but nothing deep at all.

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This book was easy to read and perfect for an escape from cold weather or the pandemic. I will be reading more books by this author, I highly recommend this book if you enjoy romances.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I felt like most of the book was Sienna and Fox being jerks to each other, but Sienna was obnoxious and made it hard to stick it out through the whole story. I know they are enemies to lovers, but I didn't really root for them throughout the book and the premise could've been so much funnier.

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This book was just as lighthearted as I was hoping it would be. After all of the craziness of being an essential worker, I really just wanted something that I could just fly through and enjoy and this book delivered. One part mistaken identity, one part secret past, and one part stubbornness made for a great time that kept me turning pages. My only complaint about this book was that it ended before I was ready for it to be over. I cannot wait to read the second book to find out how the Wedding Games will turn out.

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This has a really fun premise - family and friends join a reality show The Wedding Games to win a free wedding for their loved ones. It has fun games where the bridesmaids and groomsmen complete to win the opportunity to make wedding decisions like food, music, flowers, etc.

This book focuses on Fox and Sienna who are both nice people with a nice story but it did not capture me as much as the underlying story. Sienna seemed still a little young and dramatic for me personally and I did not understand what the age difference between her and Fox was, and also the attraction in general.

That being said, I am really looking forward to reading about Harper in the next one, i hope.

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This was so fun - centered around reality TV. However, I didn’t love the characters. The girl was the whiney girl you don’t like on reality TV. It put a damper on the book for me.

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This was a fun story with a cliffhanger ending.
It's my first book by these two authors. I wish the characters were more developed, Had a bit of a hard time connecting but I'm willing to give the next book a try.

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This books is super cute!
I loved the back and forth and the build up.
But I hate when you have to wait for the next book to find out what happens next.
Overall this was a cute read and something a bit different in the storyline.
I don't think I have ever read a romance that had to do around a wedding reality game show.
So mad props to the authors for thinking that up.

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***Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***
Though I normally love enemies to lovers kind of situations, I did not love the Reality TV aspect and the main character was immature and not very likeable.

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The good:
> I'm a big fan of reality TV so I enjoyed that backdrop
> The dialog was well written and quite believable.
> This was a very quick, easy read.

The bad:
> The heroine was.immature and whiny. I didn't like her at all.
> The interaction between the heroine and hero was very superficial. I didn't buy into their relationship growing so quickly.
> I hated the abrupt ending. While I wouldn't exactly call it a cliff hanger, much of the story is left to next books in the series which left me hanging. So yes, I bought the next book in the series to see what happens.

Overall: 3 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Let me start by saying I truly loved this book. This was such a sweet, cute, easy read and I couldn’t get enough of these characters! This was my first read by “Daphne James Huff and Kayla Tirrel and now I want to go and read everything they have ever written which is my I’ve gone and bought the rest of the books in this series so far!! Happy reading!!

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I didn’t really see where the love story was in this, there wasn’t enough build up to it, no real experiences between Fox and Sienna. The book was a little short to build the characters enough nor the tension and passion between them.
I like the idea of the series and probably would read the next instalment to find out what happens I just hope there’s a bit more depth in the second.

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Reality TV mixed in with a wedding and two people who rubbed each other the wrong way at their first meeting. It doesn't bode well for a happy ending. But, opposites attract and all that. This is my first book by the authors and I found it funny with many laugh out loud moments coupled with some frustrating WTF moments between the two main characters. The story ends with a cliffhanger, but the two main characters get their HEA. It's like the authors gave us bites and then left a trail of crumbs to follow into the next story. Now I'm off to find the next one.

I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This was definitely cute! I loved the interplay between Sienna and Fox -
I wish there was a bit more of the fun rivalry, though!

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(3.5 stars)

I was provided with a review copy by the publisher.

As the title suggests, it's a story of a bridesmaid in the TV reality show who wants nothing but a) have a decent and beautiful wedding for her sister and b) make sure that she finally gets her big chance. The jerk here is a mysterious man (not that mysterious except you don't really know what goes in his head most of the time).

I really enjoyed the reading and it was sure one that hooked me up in the starting. For me, it was kind of a different plot with TV reality show being into action. It was written through the perspective of both the characters which made it even better to read.

"He wasn’t, but something about her brought out the teasing schoolboy in him."

I really enjoyed the pair of Sienna and Fox. Sienna was a character that I really liked despite the fact that she might be a bit 'too' much because honestly, she didn't seem too much. Fox had me thinking between the lines of killing and adoring him. In the starting it didn't make sense why he was being portrayed as the jerk but as the story progressed, it was evident that he was kind of 'too' much. For me he just sometimes behaved like a big boy. But in spite of this, I really liked both of the characters as they had a deeper understanding running between them.

It was a quick read for me and I sure had a pleasant time reading it.

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#TheBridesmaidandtheJerk #netgalley

Spoilers & foul language ahead...

I try to not include spoilers because I hate to ruin something someone else might enjoy. I cannot imagine this would be the case with this book, so I'm taking the risk.

I tried to like this book. I usually like a funny enemies to friends trope, but ugh... These characters are unlikable! As readers, sometimes we don't like one character, or their choices in the book, but these two - Fox and Sienna - are just the worst.

She is immature and selfish and he's a pompous asshole. Their attraction is boring, the things keeping them apart are completely insane and their get-together is underwhelming. And then this damn book ends on a cliffhanger. Listen, y'all- I am not interested! (Unless they're going over a cliff!)

Whenever I have problems with main characters, I like to focus on the secondary ones -- zany sidekicks, wine-o mom's, saucy seniors, etc... This book! We couldn't even get fun caricatures of people. One guy's whole personality is "tattoos." C'mon!

This book reads like a detailed outline of a plot, not a novel. The authors describe scenarios and conversation, but do not show readers much or have us guess of intuite anything.

I can't leave without saying anything positive. The setting was well described and felt like a real place (obvs, it is a real place). I have never been to NC, but the description of lush mountains and countryside have me tempted to change that.

If you like wedding themed books try The Wedding Date (and/or Party) they were both great. Maybe the next one is better? 🦄 LMK bc I sure ain't going to read it.

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I'm going to say it straight up. I didn't really like this book. (Again, this is just my personal opinion. There are a lot of reviews that love this book). I just couldn't connect with either of the main characters. I found both of them to be, quite frankly - annoying. There were multiple moments where I was tempted to just stop. Frankly, this is quite unusual for a book featuring an 'enemies-to-lovers' style trope, as it's my absolute favourite trope. Unfortunately, this just didn't work out for me.
I will say, the concept of a free wedding in exchange for a reality show, was interesting although there is so much more that could have been done with it. Oh, and also - it ends on a cliffhanger. That's all well and good, it's just not something that I particularly love. But, there seems to be more coming.

I think this is where I had the most issues with this novel. Personally, I just couldn't get alongside Sienna. I couldn't root for her. She seemed nice enough, and it's not like she was 'awful', just fairly annoying (to me). I'm sorry - I just found her to be vain (and I know that that's purposeful, and it was meant to be revealed that "no, she isn't really, it's just her job", but I never really found that first impression to be subverted).
Fox - he was a bit meh - for me. Judgemental, moody, 'scarred' from his past relationship. He constantly makes judgements against Sienna, which I do know is part of his growth but it just bugged me too much in the beginning that I found it hard to like him, even as he 'grew'. He made comments about Sienna like "Probably just something to draw the camera's attention." and I just... I couldn't like him.

Storyline, Writing and Plotting.

Again, like I mentioned - an interesting concept of a reality show. And yes, this is only the first in a series, that from what I gather, is meant to form a whole storyline - so the story isn't quite finished. Look, for me, personally, I just didn't connect with these authors' writing styles. I found it difficult to enjoy their writing. But I guess that's part of the beauty of reading. Some people connect with some authors and not others. This isn't a comment upon the author overall, just from my perspective.

Overall - would I read again? No, simply because I personally didn't enjoy it. I don't really know if I would recommend this to my friends earlier, but this is certainly a book that I know some people have liked.
Note: I received an ARC of this novel from the publisher and author in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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I would say this was a 3.5 to 4 star clean romance. The storyline was fun, and the characters were engaging and it ended in a HEA of sorts (has a feeling of a quick loose end tie up for the main characters)-more of a to be continues in the next book with other main characters. Sierra is going to her sister's wedding, a reality TV show based on the prep before the wedding, which sounds like fun and a way to get her face out there since she's an actress hoping for a break. But what should have been a fun time helping her sister win her wedding turns out quite different. Fox doesn't want to be in the limelight, he had his chance years ago but lost it after a hard break up with his girlfriend, but for his best friend he's willing to do anything to help out even putting up with a bratty want to be star of the bride's little sister.. Fox and Sierra mix as well as oil and water, even with the underlying attraction. Misunderstandings, cameras everywhere and wedding hi-jinks makes this a fun read. I felt that even though the age difference was stressed many times by Fox he seemed just as immature in his action as Sierra. I found that there are many storylines were hinted at but not answered/addressed fully, maybe in the next book? In the end it was a good book but it left me wanting to know more.

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I really struggled with this book and actually gave up about half way through.
The "heroine" was just a spoilt brat and, while I appreciate that she probably changed her ways as these people do by the end of romance novels, I just couldn't take it anymore. I feel like I could have liked the hero and even the storyline, I was curious to find out more about their estranged brother, but the main character put me off.
I have nothing against this author or the way she writes and would happily try another of her stories, unfortunately it was aaaall to do with Sienna. 1 star.

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