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On the Corner of Hope and Main

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I hadn't realized how enmeshed Jenkins's books are in her super well-established world, so some of the nuances were lost on me, but I look forward to reading more of her books.

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A deeply moving story that brings out family and relationships. It will touch you with it’s rawness and realness. Loved this one for everything it was.

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Beverly Jenkins', On the Corner of Hope and Main, was a perfect small town drama-romance setting that lived up to her familiar stories. Since I am from a small southern town, I can sympathize with all the excitement and drama that makes for "big news." Her book was a delightful read.

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This is the first Blessings novel I have read. I could not put it down! This small town, Henry Adams, is packed with loads of drama. While the author referenced previous books, I was not confused about the present story. I will be reading all the previous books, because it seems that I have been missing out on a lot more drama! I really liked Bernadine Brown, the wealthy divorcee whose divorce settlement enabled her to buy Henry Adams. Her ex-husband, Leo Brown, is living there as well and causing all sorts of headaches in the mayoral race that is gripping the town. I just fell in love with this town and most of its population and I am grateful to have found out about this series. Thank you to Netgalley and HarperCollins for the copy. All opinions expressed are my own.

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DNF @50% / 3 Stars / 0 Steam Fans

Sadly, On the Corner of Hope and Main will be returning to my want to read list. This is the tenth book of the Blessings series, and it is not a series that you can read out of order. The citizens of Henry Adams, Kansas needing to elect a new mayor. The series is obviously filled with drama, murder, kidnappings, infidelity, and so much more. In classic Beverly Jenkins's style, there is a history of African Americans tangled with engaging storytelling.

If you want to read this book, start with the first book to avoid the whiplash of information filling this book.

Video review available in Week 43: Oct 18 – Oct 24 weekly book reviews and the Week of Netgalley Vlog, Episode 6 (coming soon).

For other video book reviews, check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Romance Book Talk.

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I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange of an honest review.

I definitely needed to read the previous books to really enjoy and understand this book. I had hard time with this book.

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The Blessing books are small town opera mixed with women's fiction and romance. I've read two so far, and hoo boy, are they soap opera. Divorce, infidelity, jealousy, theft, treachery, teen drama, adult drama, politics, all entertaining for sure, but over the top at times. Did I mention the giant, man-killing hog? No? How about the fact he becomes a Hollywood star? It's sure not anything like the small town I grew up nor the one I live in now. Of course, both of those were/are New England towns whereas Henry Adams is in Kansas. Yes, the state that gave us Dorothy and Toto. And of course, the town of Henry Adams is fictional. Henry Adams is a storybook town where people mostly get along, look out for each other, and help each other out

Bernadine owns and mostly runs the town of Henry Adams, which was founded by freed slaves. While there is a mayor, Bernadine basically runs, and funds, the town. Most of the story is told from her POV, with some from her ex-husband, though none from her ex-boyfriend, and a few other characters. Bernadine's a kind and generous woman but she has a backbone and doesn't put up with crap from anyone. The town has a small population and Bernadine manages to get involved in pretty much everyone's life. Life keeps her busy, but Bernadine is trying to slow down, and enjoy life more. That includes opening herself up to love.

For the most part, I enjoyed "On the Corner on Hope and Main". It was a bit much sometime with everything going, and there is a large cast and multiple POVs going on, and it gets confusing. There were a lot of plot threads, mostly from previous books, some of which get wound up in this one. While you *could* read this as a stand alone, I strongly suggest reading at least one of the earlier books, any one, pick one. While Jenkins provide back story on the different people and situations, some context would be helpful.

"On the Corner of Hope and Main" delivers a sweet, quirky, often crazy story about people who are making the best of their lives and the second chances they've been given. Bernadine has had a hand in those second chances, directly or indirectly, and I liked seeing good things come her way too. The story is full of hope, kindness, generosity, and love. It's ultimately uplifting and it's a good story for when you need a little comfort in your life.

Favorite quote:

"...and two, people online set themselves on fire and eat detergent pods. Why would you take relationship advice from them?"

My review of book 2, A Second Helping. -

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Whether you have been keeping up with "The Blessing Series" or this is your first title in the series, you will still be caught up in the town of Henry Adams and it's community.

The author wrote the town in such a way you find yourself longing to be one of its citizens. You experience that small towns sometimes have big town issues and the unique way in which they deal with them. We are bought back to the town when Mayor Trent July is ready to hang up his hat and we are in the midst of an election. We know that an election can bring out all types of elements. If you know anything of the July's, you know drama makes up part of their DNA, that coupled with the town's hesitation to change we find ourselves in another great small town adventure.

If you love small town adventures this one will not disappoint. In full reader's disclosure, if you haven't read the rest of the series, you will still find enjoyment in this one, but it will have you longing to go back to where it all started. Loved It!!!

Thank you Netgalley and Harper Collins for the opportunity to review this one.

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On the Corner of Hope and Main is the tenth book in the Blessings by Beverly Jenkins and it was just released released on March 3 2020. I have not read the previous books, so there was a good deal of catching up to do, but I think other newcomers can fully enjoy the book without the prior reads as well, although I am likely to go back and read the whole series from the start now.

Citizens of Henry Adams, Kansas, know there’s never a dull moment in their small town. Trent July has been the mayor of this historic town for the past four years, but now he’s ready to let someone else take up the mantle. Barrett Payne, a former Marine, decides he wants the job. But when a surprise candidate also enters the ring, the town has opinions on who would be the best candidate. And of course that’s not the only drama, as Malachi “Mal” July continues to make reparations for the damage he’s caused and to the people he’s betrayed, especially his lady love Bernadine. Is she finally ready to forgive him and let the past go? As the residents of Henry Adams have learned, life will throw obstacles their way, but it’s how they come together and rise above these challenges that keep the bonds of their close-knit community strong.

On the Corner of Hope and Main is a book I requested from Netgalley without even reading the description. I had seen so much from authors I follow on social media about what a wonderful person and writer the author is that I knew I was missing out. I did not even read the description before starting reading, and it took me a bit to get into the story- mainly because I have no idea of the genre or that it was book ten in a series when I started. However, the book does a wonderful job of sharing the needed history to understand characters, their relationships, and specific interactions. Readers get the viewpoints of so many characters that the story is that of the town, rather than a single person or family, and I really enjoy it. The character work was so well done that even when a character was doing something shady or underhanded, when they were making a decision that I could not agree with, I still understood how and why they got to that point. Each of the characters had such depth, and the machinations of those who want power or money were completely on point. I just got lost in the depth and layers of the stories, and feel like the characters faced such real problems that I think that everyone can relate to one or more of the characters as they all just try to get through the day and do the best they can for their families and town. Isn't that what we are all doing, even if we don't have a crazy hog or greedy oil company at our door.

On the Corner of Hope and Main is a wonderful book with solid characters and a ton of heart. My only disappointment is that it took me so long to pick up one of the books from this series.

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Welcome back to Henry Adams, a small town founded by free African Americans. Trent July, descendent of the original founders has been the mayor for several years, but want's to pass the mantle. several people are running to take his place, , some for the betterment of the town, (including a former marine and his wife) and some for scrupulous reasons (Percy and Theo). Who will decide the future of Henry Adams. Bernadette, who bought the town (off ebay, no less) has to decide if she wants to give former beau, Mal July another chance and let him back in to her life.

I love this series, and this book doesn't disappoint. I had to truly force myself to put it down so I could sleep. To me there was just enough drama and excitement to keep me interested without going over the top. I also enjoy seeing the relationship between Bernadette and Mal. It is probably a very good idea to read several of the older books in the series so that you won't get too lost when reading this one. I would definitely read any future books in this series.

I received a copy of this book via netgalley and the Publisher and am voluntarily leaving a review

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Shame on me for not doing more research before I requested this book. I wrongly assumed that this was a series that I could jump in to at any time and be fine. I was wrong. In the first few chapters there are many mentions to the previous characters and inhabitants of the town of Henry Adams and I didn’t know any of them. I felt very much out of the loop. I will need to back track and start at the beginning and then read this one. Of what I did read, it was enjoyable and I really do hope I have the chance to read the rest some day soon.

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A strong 3.5 stars.

On the Corner of Hope and Main is a cute read. The story is being told for several different POVs but mainly our main protagonists Bernadine Brown.

Bernadine bought the small town of Henry Adams, a town founded by freed slaves. There is a LOT going on in Henry Adams and I'm not talking about just small town secrets and rumors. Almost everybody has a issue and Bernadine is trying to sift through it all while trying to build the town up from its damn near ruination. She's there but there is still a some ways to go. What she doesn't need is the showing up of her conniving ex-husband who wants his revenge against her. A ex-boyfriend who stole from her and who is trying to rekindle a flame Bernadine isn't sure she wants extinguished.

For the most part, I enjoyed on the Corner on Hope and Main. BUT, I strongly advise reading the previous books in the series because this is a continuation of what seems to be many stories going on in Henry Adams. It got a bit overwhelming because I felt like I was missing so much especially with multiple POVs going on. And listen this is book ten! whew whew chile. Ms. Jenkins does however bring on the drama and crazy that tends to come with small towns read and I can appreciate that.

If small town reads are your thing, I would say definitely add the Blessings series (as a whole) to your reading list, I think it would be worth while.

*thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to read/review.

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On the Corner of Hope and Main is the 10th book in the Blessings series by Beverly Jenkins. Henry Adams, Kansas, may be small but usually there's not a dull moment in town. It is election time; Trent July has been mayor for the past four years and ready for someone else to take the reign. One of the residents, Barrett Payne, is very vocal that he wants the job. But a surprise candidate makes it quite the mayoral race.

I expected more from the tenth installment of this series. Maybe more excitement, fanfare through the town, a big 'ole celebration or something. Instead it was a bit uneventful. Even with a competitive race for mayor and the unwelcome presence of Bernadine's ex-husband, it was a bit boring. It did not help that several grammatical errors threw my reading off. I am still a fan of the Blessings series but On the Corner of Hope and Main missed the mark.

Happy Early Pub Day, Ms. Bev Jenkins! On the Corner of Hope and Main will be available Tuesday, March 3.


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Bernadine probably thought she had seen the last of her ex. Regular Blessings readers probably thought so as well since we haven't seen him in a couple of books (at least that I remember). But he's going to pop up again trying to cause trouble for the town while making money for himself. His plan this time is to back disgraced former mayor Riley Curry.
Riley has some competition though. Barrett Payne, formerly in the military, currently in charge of security for the town thinks that he is going to be a shoe-in. But his wife, Sheila, decides that she's tired of hiding her light under a barrel and decides to run herself. Of course, the Julys have to through in a family member as well.
We also get updates on various town members. Robyn, now living with her aunt, Pastor Paula, is slowly starting to learn how to live in Henry Adams. Mal and Bernadine work toward a better resolution of how their relationship ended. Cletus, the pig who formerly belonged to Riley is now famous and his team would like to bring him back to Henry Adams for a home town parade.
Jenkins is an incredibly steady writer. Readers who have loved previous books (and there are so many characters with intertwined stories, I really would recommend reading those books first) will enjoy this one to the same extent. I personally enjoy the books but there is something that keeps me from diving right in and enjoying the story. Part is just the flow - with so many stories you don't stick on many for long. Part is also the characters. We've gotten to know the characters over the course of 10 books but there are sometimes big life changes without really getting to see the character's motivation or getting to see why certain decisions are made because we are looking at so many people. To be fair, this series has always been that way so it's not like Jenkins is just piling on more characters. We do get one or two more in each book but the additions are judicious.

Three and a half stars
This book comes out March 3rd
ARC kindly provided by HarperCollins Publishers and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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This was such a cozy read. Even though I didn’t read the description carefully enough to realize that this was part of a series (since it was my own fault, this did not affect my rating), I felt like I got to know all of the characters really well. This is a great pick if you’re going through a stressful time or a period of transition—it’s a warm hug of a book.

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Couldn’t get into this so abandoned at 28% - I haven’t read the previous titles in this series so perhaps that contributed. I didn’t feel the same immediate pull into the plot of characters that I usually do with novels by this author

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As usual, Ms. Jenkins did not disappoint! I loved this book and can't wait until the next Blessings series book comes out! So happy that Bernadine and Mal got back together!

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I couldn't follow this book because I didn't read the ones before this. i didn't realize it was part of a series. i do want to thank netgalley, the author , and publishers for giving me a chance to read and review this book.

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I couldn't pass up the opportunity to read a brand new Beverly Jenkins book! I put this one on priority. I have skipped around the Blessings series to know enough about the characters that this read was perfectly fine, even if you haven't caught up. Sometimes I need a nice evening read, no intrigue, little drama, nothing that involves deep thought. The Blessings series is like that for me. A good read from a great author.

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I enjoyed reading about my favorite Henry Adams family! Leo & Riley will never change. And I couldn't wait to see what type of antics the Oklahoma Julys will cause in HA. Ms Jenkins never disappoints! I can't wait for Rev Paula & the new chef's story...

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