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Mixed Match

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Cute story that will make you laugh out loud in some spots. Definitely a great weekend read that you will get through in no time.

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I did not like Everett one bit, and his chemistry with Sophia felt strained and just wierd. Zora was adorable and interesing, very wise.

2.5 stars.

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This books inner dialogue by Everett totally took me by surprise. This is definitely an adult romance. I laughed out loud when Everett’s inner dialogue was admiring sophias braless boobies. Lol. I get it, cuz it’s how guys actually think. It was interesting to get that in this book.
I’m not a big romance reader but I did enjoy this book.
It is the sort of book that you want to read when you need a relaxing weekend! It wasn’t the best book I’ve ever read, but it’s not the worst either. I think it was too short. I was hoping for a little bit more for both of Everett and Sophia.

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É um livro um tanto que divertido, mas eu esperava mais. Achei o enredo corrido e a Sophia não merecia receber mais estresse em sua vida do que já tinha com o divórcio. Não consegui me apegar muito a leitura.

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This book was an okay, decent read but it wasn't my favorite. Nothing about the plot or the hero or heroine really clicked for me.

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Not at all what I expected! I usually dont like surprises, but this one worked! Funny story with a hint of reality for the win!

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A cute and quick read! I would of liked for a bit more development but overall still a good read.
Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with and arc for an honest review!

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Although this book could be a little predictable at times, I really liked it! “Mixed Matched” was the first book I have read by Mia Heintzelman, but it won’t be my last. The first thing that drew me in was the cover. I’m not going to say that romance is my favorite genre or one that I immediate gravitate to, but this book was steamy and fun. It was a fast-paced read, maybe a little too fast. The characters were developed but I cannot say I really connected with them. I would have liked just a little bit more of a buildup. Overall, this was a good read. I will be checking out more of this author’s work in the future.

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To be honest at first I thought ok I like this book but then I started to love it. These two people deserve the love they we're able to give each other and I'm glad they didn't give up!
I think that people who are fans of realistic love stories with strong female leads, especially after divorce will connect with this story.

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This was just average for me. A standard formulaic romance. I did not enjoy the wedding scene as it was just so over-the-top making me cringe all over.

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I liked that reading from the perspective of Emmett was like reading a paranormal fantasy with werewolves and I don’t know if it was intentional or not. BUT, I think this book was too long for what could have been ideal, even if the plot was really full of stuff.
Unfortunately the characters didn’t grip me and I didn’t care about them.

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The concept of this book is what initially interested me. I like a story where the couple meet under difficult circumstances and a white lie snowballs out of control ( a weird thing to enjoy reading, I know!) So I knew going into this I was going to enjoy the story ahead.

I found both lead characters and the overall writing style engaging. I could feel myself getting increasingly frustrated the longer the charade of Everett's went on, but it was an enjoyable frustration that left me hanging on to every page of the book.

I would have liked to have seen more from Sophia in terms of anger over the lie, because it was a hooter of a charade considering how close Everett and Sophia become during the course of the story. However it wasn't enough to put me off the book and as a piece of fiction goes, it's not the most unbelievable reaction I've ever read!

All in all Mixed Match was an interesting and engaging read full of sizzle, laughter and romance.

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Thank you Netgalley/Publisher for the read!

Mixed Match by Mia Heintzelman was my first read from the author and it was fun! The language sort of took me by surprise, but we are all adults here. ;) Although, I would have liked more steam leading up to their sex scenes.

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Sophia and Everett were not as mixed matched as I originally thought. In my opinion, with this one being filled with secrets, betrayals, greed and feud of land, it gives it Hatfield and McCoy feel. You know from the very beginning; this is a recipe for disaster without recovery and wonder these two can come out of this unscathed.

The two meet under strained circumstances. Sophia, in her escape from a messy divorce, she inherited the house that held so many memories, but had no idea things were in place to take it all away from her. Everette Monroe is trying to fulfill a request from his grandmother’s death bed and is not happy about the circumstances in which he needs to fulfill this request. As this suspense unfolds Sophia realizes she is caught up in a generational family feud and the person she is falling for is involved in her potentially losing the property.

I enjoyed the premise of this story and the journey to forgiveness and healing.

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Sophia Kent divorced her husband Austin and moved to Portland, to make a home for herself in the house she got from Austin in the divorce. Then a messenger delivers legal papers that claim Sophia isn't the rightful owner of the house and she's being sued for ownership by Everett Monroe, the grandson of the original owner. Aside from being a successful real estate investor, Everett also happens to be the messenger Sophia is instantly attracted to. And the feeling's mutual. But Everett doesn't know if he can trust the woman who's living in his grandmother's house. So he arranges for a few "chance meetings" with Sophia, to get to know her better. But when they start falling for each other, it becomes more and more difficult to tell Sophia the truth about who he is.

I wish I could've liked this book. I read a lot of romance and I can honestly say that I've never read anything with this kind of premise. Unfortunately, the execution was disappointing. The writing style just didn't work for me. I could connect a little bit to Sophia's grief, but then she immediately went all-in on this relationship with Everett and that's where this story lost me. He is hiding a massive secret from her, and I feel like the book spent more time on showing us how awful he felt about it than on Sophia's anger once she found out the truth. There were several instances where the reader is made to feel sorry for poor little Everett who has had such a hard life so of course he deserves to win back Sophia despite lying about who he is for the entire time she has known him. Not to mention the fact that he had sex with her several times without telling her who he is. Bit rapey.

And let's talk about the sex scenes in this. I don't mind explicit scenes, but at least build up to them. There is literally a chapter in this book where they go from looking at a possible location for her restaurant to Sophia giving Everett a handjob in the car while he's driving. He's constantly hard and she's constantly horny, so the author doesn't see the need to get the reader in the mood for one of those scenes. Which leaves the reader (aka me) time to focus on other things, like how dangerous and idiotic it is to start fiddling with each other while you're driving a car. Is your orgasm really worth the risk of a potentially fatal car crash?

I hated every single character in this. They're either liars, manipulators or doormats. Except Everett's dog Blue. Blue can't help it if their owner is a creepy stalker jackass. Poor little dog...

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It was a very compelling idea, and I got through the first twenty percent really quickly. Soon after that the book fell apart. I couldn’t keep reading, I didn’t finish the novel which hasn’t happened in a while. I didn’t like the writing style and the intimate scenes, were either too much detail or out of the blue and annoying. I thought the characterization was disorganized and the plot was confusing, but that could have been because I had to force myself to read the book, at least once a week. Normally I finish one of these types of novels in two days even with a busy schedule, this book took me a month which is why the review is so late. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend this book.

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Sophia Kent is finally divorced from her conniving ex husband and moves into the house she was grated in the divorce. But unknown to her that house comes with drama, when she finds out after moving in. Real Estate Investor is determined to get his ancestor's property back, not knowing who's living in the house. Where will he put his focus on? The house or the woman now in the house.

I didn't know that this was actually book 2 in the series. This book starts off and is very in your face on the sexual side, and if that's not for you, you might want to pass. But other than that, I thought it was an interesting read.

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I felt like it was way too rushed. But it was good in that whole romance novel kind of way. I did enjoy it especially the friendships and family.

Thank You to the publisher and Netgalley for the free E-copy to review.

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#netgalley #mixedmatch

I got this book from Netgalley for an honest review.

It kills me to only give this book 2 stars... The characters were so fun and well rounded. I feel like so many books are missing family dynamics, but this book has it in spades.

This book has some great female (and male!) friendships. Also, this book is not just about white people... It's so nice to read a book that's not just for and about rich white people. Also, there is some discussion of abandonment and how that shapes our characters, but positively and negatively.

I get this is a fluffy romance novel, so I am not comparing the writing to Austin or Hemmingway, but I think some of the writing could have used some more focus. The pacing is all over the place, feeling rushed at times.

But I could have excused all that... My main concern is I just could not get past the big lie. I don't think it's a spoiler, but I'll say SPOILER in case... The dude, Everett, lies (by omission) about who he is. Ok, not cool, but believable. The main character, Sophia, never asks him his last name. Never? NEVER! Even after they... And even when she tells him... I mean never. I am sure I have tolerated much less believable scenarios in books (hobbits, wizards, kind billionaires) but I cannot abide this nonsense. I mean, I understand that if she had asked, and he outright lied, the reader will find it hard to forgive him... I just would have liked to see another way around this.

The book is setting up a series throughout the novel involving Everett's sister Zora. I would be interested in reading the next in the series since my problems with this book do not outweigh the things liked about it.

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While this wasn't a favorite of it genre.... I didn't mind this book. I felt like it dragged a lot and while the author really gives a lot of sexy and a lot of suggestive descriptions.... I just didn't find myself really invested in the book. I liked the concept of the plot as it seemed like one that I hadn't read before. And I really enjoyed the fact both of the main characters where minorities! I liked both Sophia and Everett and their story was ok. I just wanted more from this read.

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