Cover Image: Florence Adler Swims Forever

Florence Adler Swims Forever

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The Adler family lives in Atlantic City - Joseph, the patriarch, his wife Esther, and their two daughters, Florence and Fannie. Florence attends college but has dreams of swimming.
Fannie is married to Isaac. She is in the hospital on bed rest due to a precarious second pregnancy.

Florence dreams of swimming the English Channel. She practices in the Atlantic ocean, but one tragic day, she drowns. The Adlers make a decision to keep Florence's death a secret from their other daughter, Fannie.

Everyone, including Fannie's young daughter and husband Isaac, hide Florence's death from Fannie.

The characters were unique and believable. This is a story about the length a family will go to protect the ones they love, and how secrets can be destructive.

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This is a unique and fascinating book. It focused on the Adler family during the summer of 1934 in Atlantic City, NJ. The story was told in 3 parts- each covering a Summer month and alternating viewpoints between several characters.

The story starts with a bang- a tragic loss of the Adler's youngest two daughters. Drama unfolds from this tragedy.

This book deals with loss, sadness, grief, anger along with love and hope. The author stated the book was based on true events and people which I feel added to the story.

I really enjoyed this one.

Thanks to Netgalley for my advanced ebook copy.

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Set during WWII, a poignant piece of historical fiction based on real people, places and events. This was a lovely read that sweeps you into a family story. I really enjoyed this book!

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I want to thank NetGalley, Simon & Schuster, and author Rachel Beanland for providing me with an ARC of this novel!

This was such an awesome read. I also enjoyed that this was based on true events and real people. I love that this novel opened with a tragic event; it really set the tone for the entire read. The writing in this novel was so beautiful and I loved how Atlantic City was captured. I felt like I was right there with this cast of characters. If you enjoy historical fiction, I 1,000% recommend you pick this up to read. It’ll tear at your heart strings and educate you along the way. I loved spending this time with the Adler family!

Thank you again to those named above for the opportunity to read and review this novel!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for this early copy!

Did not finish - I did not connect with the plot and writing and decided to put it down. I am not a fan of historical fiction.

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This story was so rich and beautifully told, it made a perfect escapist read during these crazy times, I can't wait to share it.

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This was an enjoyable read. The author writes smoothly and transitions nicely from one point of view to another.
Shortly after the story opens, tragedy strikes the Adler family and we follow the family as they react to the tragedy, each in their own way. There are several extra characters that we meet that have ties to the family as well. There are ups and downs, relationships grow stronger, some fade away.
I didn’t feel strongly pulled in to any of these relationships, for me it was more like hearing of a friend’s friend’s family. I’m not sure if I will be thinking of the characters in a few days time, a.tough I wish them all the best.
Thank you to Book Club Girls, Net Galley and the publishing house for early access to this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I enjoyed so many thing about this book, especially the Adler family dynamic, the timeframe nestled right between the two world wars, and most of all, Florence and Gussie. The story follows the Adler family following a tragedy early in the summer through June, July and August. Set in Atlantic City when it was a destination to desire, the book transports you back to the summertime days of beaches, the boardwalk, and even some of the best summertime snacks. All of this was contrasted with a very honest portrayal of the family, including the positive and many negatives of each character's personality. The book did feel a little slow right in the middle, but it was definitely worth reading to the end - including the very touching author's note.

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Really enjoy reading this story. Love the fact that it is set on the shore and in the time of World War 11. Love the secret that is being kept. I can't wait to find out the consequences of keeping the secret.

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I ended up really liking this novel overall. This story, based on a real person and event, is poignant, complex, and true. Chapters take on different points of view throughout the novel. The historical time period feels accurate, and the setting is believable. I would read another book by this author!

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3/5 - i picked this book because i enjoy historical fiction and family sagas and secrets, and i keep hoping i'll find the next "everything I never told you" (celeste ng). this unfortunately was not that type of book. the story alternates between several characters' POV; out of all of them, I found Esther, Stuart, and maybe Joseph the most compelling. I felt very little sympathy for Isaac, although I do hope that he and other men like him find their happiness at some point. I would've wanted to see a chapter from Fannie's perspective at the end after everything came out, but I suppose I can see how/why the author ended it with Anna. I was surprised to find out that the author studied at VCU and lives in Richmond! Small world. the storyline picked up a lot more in the last 1/3 but it was slow leading up to it. I think we could've had reveal of secrets earlier to entice the reader along.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC of Florence Adler Swims Forever.

Oh my goodness, this was a heart string tug of a read, I really enjoyed it. I loved getting a glimpse into the Jewish faith, and being a fly on the wall into this complex family and community through such a difficult event.

Around the time that there are rumblings of WWII, Florence Adler is determined to be another female swimmer of the English channel. But her goal quickly turns into a tragedy, which deeply affects her loved ones. Told from the perspective of so many of them, we see how a family can heal, secrets can be discovered, and new love can emerge.

I adore family dramas, every family is so unique and complicated and lovely and dysfunctional. This was written very beautifully, clearly hitting on emotions, without being overly dramatic or emotionally manipulative.

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This book begins with a tragedy and really draws you into the family's story. The ending was a little predictable, but overall still an enjoyable read!

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Florence Adler Swims Forever started off really strong in my opinion. Rachel Beanland's writing made this a sweet and easy read. I gave this book a 3/5 rating because it got a bit slow for me in the middle and I wish it ended differently. I enjoyed the bits of history throughout the book and that it’s actually a true story based on the author’s family! I didn’t love this story, but I didn’t not like it either. The family secrets, tragedy, history, and little bit of romance kept me intrigued. This book would make a really great beach read.

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I did not finish this book so I will not comment on Goodreads. There are many good reviews so this just may not be a good fit for me. I like to encourage authors especially debut novels therefore I will give a middle of the road 3 stars.

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This was such an original story and I love that it was based on real events from the author’s family. The setting of Atlantic City during the 1930’s was almost a character in and of itself. I felt like I was there. The family drama really drew me in and made me think what I would do in a similar situation. Right or wrong, it was evident that the Adlers cared for their loved ones and did what they thought was best. Very well written, especially as a debut novel. Highly recommend.

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Too depressing to read during the quarantine we are under only got through the first 2 chapters. Might read at the beach.

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Florence Adler Swims Forever is a wonderful, based on a true- story, about Florence, who is determined to swim the English Channel and her Jewish family's life set in Atlantic City in the 1920- 30s. If you enjoy reading about that era and Atlantic City, the beach and ocean, then you will enjoy this story. The author draws you in by making you feel like you are in the story living through the characters eyes and hearts. Florence trains every minute she can to swim the channel, her older sister Fannie is pregnant and her father's past all come together in this beautifully written story about love, determination, loss and acceptance. This might be a book that I would reread it is that good.

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Florence Adler Swims Forever
Rachel Beanland
I received this book, with gratitude, as an ARC from netgalley in exchange for honest feedback.

The first third of this book was super tough to get through. The second two thirds were extremely enjoyable and really picked up for me.

The beginning just felt choppy and the characters were not doing much of anything for me. I was feeling a bit like I was being spoon fed a story and not experiencing the story myself. This was in direct contrast to the balance of the book, which moved along smoothly and seemed much more polished.

An example: there is a scene in the beginning when the title character, Florence, is at the beach with her young niece who is asking her to play “mermaids”- a fun sort of swimming game in the ocean. Florence is staring off in the distance. The way that sentence is written is loaded- as a reader, I expected that look to be revealing of something deeper as the book progressed. I don't believe it was ever referenced again.

Another example is a scene where Esther (Florence’s mother) has a bit of a skirmish with Stuart- the boy/ man who encouraged Florence’s swimming and acted as her coach. The scene again, left me with – well, what on earth was the point of that? If the scene was crafted for me to hate Esther, then job well done. I did not like her at all after that. But I still don't understand what was trying to be conveyed- that Stuart was not Jewish? That he was somehow at fault for what happened to Florence? This scene also goes unresolved.

Now here’s what really bothered me- (spoiler, though really, it’s explained in the description of the book) Florence drowns in a swimming accident. She is supposed to be a world class swimmer- training to go off and swim the English Channel. And she drowns right there, on a regular old beach day off the coast of Atlantic City. No real explanation at all for us. We are expected to believe this with nothing more to it- the entire book hinges on this - it is the TITLE! Then, because Florence has a sister, who is pregnant, and who has given birth to a baby who died shortly after childbirth in the past, everyone is complicit in not telling the sister that Florence is dead. And I mean everyone- like the WHOLE TOWN and all of the hospital workers where the sister is living for the remainder of her pregnancy and her SEVEN YEAR OLD daughter goes along with it. Um, ok.....

Ok, so then there is the good part- the last 2/3rd of the book, I felt like a different author wrote it. The story shifted and the characters started to get developed and I had something to sink into, and I enjoyed it very much- really, I know from the earlier parts of this review you wouldn’t think so, but it definitely redeemed itself.

The story line with Anna and Isaac were interesting and lent something much needed into the story. I really enjoyed getting to know more about Stuart, and even little Gussie. But I did have a serious issue with Anna/ Florence relationship. Without spoiling anything- it did nothing other than make me question Anna’s intentions later in the book, and though I do believe it was meant to show Florence’s true nature, that could have been done with Anna being shocked, or disturbed and then I think the secondary storyline of hers and Stuart's would have felt more believable. Readers want to root for characters they like, they don’t like get behind characters whose motives are questioned.

So here’s the REAL PROBLEM I had though-at the end of the book, an author’s note appears. And it is in that note that we find out that the events of this book are based on real life events and people in the author’s family. Well, now I just felt terrible for my opinion about the story line in the beginning, because here’s an author just trying to retell her true family history- and who am I to judge that? But I found it interesting that she did mention that the reason Florence died was thought to be caused by an underlying heart condition. Please- tell the readers that- give us some closure before the author’s note and let us buy in a little more to the story.

The first third of this story was a two-star story for me and the last two thirds was a 3.5 leaning toward a 4 with a couple of minor changes.

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“Florence Adler Swims Forever” by Rachel Beanland is a book that will, as the kids say, give you all the feels. It opens with a shocking tragedy which leads the reader to ask, “where can this story possibly go from here?” But keep reading because what follows is a beautiful and heart wrenching story of a family who must go to great lengths to cope with the tragedy and to mitigate its effects. The writing is superb and the reader becomes intimately acquainted with each of the characters, feeling their sadness as well as hope. The ending is a bit predictable, but that does not take away the fact that this is an absolutely wonderful debut novel. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Many thanks to NetGalley, Simon &Schuster, and the author for the privilege of reading this lovely story.

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