Member Reviews

The description of this book sounded really interesting to me, so I requested it and got approved for it via Netgalley, and then it took forever for me to start reading <em>and</em> continue reading. It wasn't what I expected it to be. The writing is bright and quippy, and I'll be interested to see what Tschida does next, but the execution of the concept seemed to fall apart in the second half of the book because the concept is #ambitious to say the least.

What I liked most about it is that it is a commentary and satire of modern millennial culture and the social media use within famous/rich circles. It pokes fun at food bloggers, influencers, and high society in Los Angeles, and that glimpse into the glossy pages of a gossip magazine is what kept me reading through til the end. However, the characterizations started off strong but by the middle of the book seemed too contrived and so much felt contrived and convoluted to fill the space created by the concept. Ultimately though, I think this story would work better in a visual medium and would make a super cute movie! I just don't think it worked for me in written form because it took almost a month for me to finish this, mostly because I was dragging my feet every time I thought about reading it. The best part about it for me was Mia's self-discovery once she figured out that her behavior before the accident was nothing like she was once she woke back up and the reconciliations she had to do with herself and the people around her once she decided to take her life in a different direction.

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Loved the premise but this fell short for me... too much was too unbelievable. So hard to swallow because I feel like this could have easily been told in a less unbelievable way.

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I’m sorry to say that this really wasn’t for me. I thought I’d find it interesting, and that I would find the hashtags and the pop culture references a good laugh, but unfortunately I just couldn’t connect with the main character and found it really hard to sympathise with how she was behaving. I didn’t agree with any decision that she made and found it hard to recognise why she came to the quick conclusions is that she did. She just didn’t seem like a real person at all. I know this is probably part of the plot and by the end of the novel you realise that there is something deeper going on the whole time, but unfortunately I just didn’t connect enough to want to get there. I can really see readers having fun with this as a fun light-hearted beach read but for me it just didn’t hit the spot.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review. This was a fun and light read, and does a fantastic job of making fun of the excesses of influencer culture. However, it isn't a mystery, but it could have easily been done after the first quarter, and I can't get on board with characters ignoring the obvious.

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What a fascinating book. I was impressed by the storyline and the characters were all well written and complex. Where there are complex storylines combined with intriguing characters the reader experience is magnified tremendously. To have a book that is well written as well as entertaining is a delight. Reading is about escaping your world and entering another one. Here I forgot about my own life and was immersed in the world created by the author. I would recommend this book.

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I started reading this book thinking I wouldn't enjoy it but ended up wanting to know what happens next. Mia was slightly annoying at times but her head injury has caused her a lot of confusion. This book is a great short read about someone finding who they really are and facing the consequences of her past.

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This is a story about Mia, who wakes up in a hospital and does not remember anything about herself. Through this book, we follow her journey of remembering with the help of her phone and Instagram.
The title and premise of the book were very promising. This was a fresh and unique book plot, which is the main reason I picked it up.
That being said, the book did not live up to everything it promised to deliver. The protagonist was unrelatable and I did not feel invested in her story.
This was a good casual read and I liked the uniqueness of the premise, but it is not a book I will be recommending widely.

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Can you imagine waking up without remembering anything from your life?
This is the story of Mia, her path to discover who she really is. The story is easy to enter even if Mia is not a very likeable character to get immersed to the story and discover the truth behind all her lies.
This book has a little bit of everything; humour, romance and mystery, so it's quite difficult to classify, but really easy to read!
I think this book will make you disconnect for a few hours and make you think about your life choices!
Ready to discover "Siri? Who Am I?"

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I had a bit of a love/hate relationship with this book. I really didn’t connect with any of the characters but I couldn’t not finish it to see where the story was leading. I struggled to get in to the book, I didn’t find the main character that likeable and the story just seemed to veer of in directions with no real structure or content. The book centres around Mia, who makes up from a head injury with no memory. What follows is Mia’s journey to work out just exactly who she is. The book spans across 5 days and it feels like it is all a bit too rushed. If it had been set across a longer time frame even a week longer then we may have been able to see some more character building. I didn’t like the ending and felt there was a lot more that could have been done to tie up the story. Overall I felt like the whole book just lacked a little something and left me feeling disappointed.

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This book was funny and a super easy read. The premise was great and worked for the most part, but the plot fell a bit flat for me after a while. There was still a lot to like about it though.

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Waking up in the hospital sucks! For one young woman, things are about to get a lot more complicated as she doesn't remember who she is or how she got there.

Siri, Who Am I, was fresh, brutally honest, and raw! This novel was what rom-com dreams are made of; a funky and infectious story about an amnesiac, sorting through the random puzzle pieces of her social media life to find her true self, beneath all the glitzy and glamorous Instagram photos.

I honestly felt like if I was playing a chaotic game of "Find the Mia" which consisted of the most random series of events that should be totally bizarre but makes perfect sense! It takes a very special mind to come up with half the smack talk in this book, so hats off to the author for penning this engaging and dynamic story.

The MC's narrative was over-the-top hilarious while still being highly relatable with her skillfully sarcastic retorts and larger-than-life personality. The only thing funnier than her witty monologue was Max- the sweet neuroscientist who was " a genius intellectually and a basic bro emotionally."

There was a surprising depth to this novel that elevated it from a regular chick-lit to something very intellectually and emotionally fulfilling. I relished the references to social media being used as a medium to reinvent/paint a prettier picture of your lifestyle. The relevance, especially within our current social media-crazed society where merit is based on the number of likes/comments/follows was germane. Siri, Who Am I, provides an essential reality check about the dangers of social media- not everything you see is real.

"Is there power in choosing to be fake?"

The revelations being unraveled the further we delve into the book shocked me to my core and forced me to reassess how I perceive events. The author makes constant referrals to memory, or rather one's ability to recall events and how your perception can cloud your judgment.

"Maybe the truth is like memory-shifting depending on the perspective."
"Memories change over time, Everyone has different memories of the same event. Memory is just a story we tell ourselves, not an objective truth."

Also, I want to applaud the author for including my humble little island of Trinidad and Tobago- we really do have some of the best cocoa beans in the world.

While I thoroughly enjoyed the overall book, some things detracted from my reading experience. Max was written as such a sweet and innocent guy and I honestly saw no merit or value to the overall story by the constant references to his skin tone or the fact that he's "black".

I fell in love with Max's naivety and down-to-earth personality and could honestly give two hoots what color his skin was. This incessant need to reinforce his "black skin and being a person of color" was, in my humble opinion, unnecessary, purely because this approach was not taken with any of the other characters.

Another aspect that was challenging was the writing style, specifically, the use of footnotes. I like an inside joke/tidbit as much as the next person but I did not enjoy constantly flipping through the chapter trying to place a footnote that was 15 pages before. Eventually, I just ignored them altogether which I regret as I am sure it would have added great comedic value to the story.

Besides these minor peeves, I believe Siri, Who Am I, was an excellent spin on the memory loss trope without being cheesy or cliche. It was a quirky, light story of self-discovery, loving the skin you're in, and being real!

Thank you to the author Quirk Books and NetGalley for providing me with an arc of this book.

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This book is ridiculous but in the very best way ‘ridiculous’ can be. It’s fast, it’s fun, and it’s way over the top with satire about social media culture, but it also made for very addictive and hilarious reading.

20-something Mia wakes up in the hospital with a nasty head injury. She’s wearing an expensive Prada dress, a rhinestone tiara and has absolutely no memory of who she is or how she got there. Luckily she has her phone with her, so she can scan through her recent call list and retrace her steps using her hugely popular Instagram account.

It’s by no means a serious mystery kind of book, it’s actually surprisingly funny (I assume real-life amnesia wouldn’t be funny!). And I couldn’t help but imagine Anna Farris playing Mia (if she were 20 years younger)!

There are some heartwarming relationships built and revived, as well as some delightfully confusing feelings towards whether or not she was vegetarian and/or dating a millionaire in her previous life. It was just the kind of cheesy mood boosting book I needed this weekend.

Favourite quote(s), just so many funny lines!:

‘“Yes, all those roasting vegetables smell so good,” I say even though the only vegetable I can smell is garlic and it’s probably in a pork marinade. Being a vegetarian is both the worst and only decision I’ve ever made.’

‘I spot Kobra immediately, and he sees me too. He’s wearing an unbuttoned shirt and his snake tattoo covers his whole torso. I feel sexually harassed just being in his presence. “Hi Kobra.” I try to act as normal as a person can while saying hi to a guy named Kobra.’

Thank you to Quirk Books for the ARC. Siri, Who Am I is out now!

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Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Release Date: 12th January 2021

Mia doesn't know her name yet. After waking up in hospital with Amnesia, all she knows is where she is and not a lot else. She's well dressed, well groomed - she looks pretty wealthy so that's a good start. And when a nurse hands her a very broken IPhone, it's time to start putting the puzzle together. In a world where everything is meticulously documented on Instagram, it doesn't take long to figure out who she was ... or at least who she was pretending to be under the glamourous filters.

After using Uber to figure out where she lives, she stumbles across Max, science student slash house-sitter and they embark on a mission to find out exactly what caused Mia to lose her memory - and maybe it's not the accident she was made to think it was.

This was a hilarious mix-up of millenial humour and a classic mystery - with an iconically witty style and full of hysterical cringe-inducing moments. A farcial take on our obsession with social media culture and once you realise this isn't meant to be a serious mystery you can settle into the utterly absurd antics of Mia and Max on their quest to find the missing memories. I adored the Pop culture references (Hello, Keanu Reeves and Kristen Bell) and the footnotes left along the way, like the little afterthoughts we all have a few seconds too late.

I found it really hard to connect with Mia as a character, which unfortunately made it very difficult as we approached the last half of the book for me to stay invested in her mission and keep up with the unfolding drama around her - sometimes I felt like the shock factor went just a little too far for me and made it very difficult to peice together. This was definitely a fun little read with an interesting idea, and while I personally couldn't find myself dying to know what happened I'm definitely glad I was there to get to the finish line with Mia.

If you're looking for something light, fluffy and funny to suspend your reality for a while - I think you'll like "Siri, Who Am I?"


Thank you to Sam Tschida and NetGalley for an reviewers copy of this book in return for an honest review.

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Sam Tschida’s debut novel, “Siri, Who Am I” is a breezy update on the classic “girl wakes up with amnesia” storyline. It reminds me a lot of “Remember Me?” by Sophie Kinsella. In fact, I’d recommend this book to anyone who like’s Kinsella’s writing.

The plot is a little all over the place, but it’s a fun and easy read that’ll make you want to keep turning the pages to find out what happens. It’s not fine fiction and, like a soap opera, the plot requires total suspension of disbelief, but the whole thing is a nice way to disconnect from reality for a few hours.

I’d definitely be interested to read the author’s next book to see how she improves upon this debut!

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Siri, Who Am I? is a debut book for this author.

This book is a bit difficult for me to rate. I think that the title, cover and premise are really great. And I found the beginning really intriguing. But then the book leveled off a bit for me.

The book is about a woman who wakes up in the hospital with amnesia. She doesn't even know her name. So she has to use clues (some from her phone) to try to put the pieces of her life back together.

I love first person narratives and hope to find more books like this - there are not enough of them out there.

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This book was just pure fun! Imagine waking up in the hospital after an accident and having to use Siri to tell you what your name is and having to use your Instagram app to help you piece together your life, especially when the phone number for the person listed as Mom has been disconnected. This was a fun and addicting story that I read in a day. I look forward to more books by this author.

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"Siri, Who Am I?", by Sam Tschida, has an intriguing storyline: Mia is hurt and receives a brain injury. As a result, she has no memory of her past life or who she is. Having only her phone to help her, she goes digging into her past. Unfortunately, Mia is very unlikable, as are the people who she spends her time with. She essentially cheats on her boyfriend with his house-sitter, and it's written like it's a cute romance. Mia also works at a strip club and has cheated her boss (also her boyfriend) out of an app idea he started. As you can tell, I really wanted to like this book, but the characters made it hard to do.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I thought this was a super fun, quick, cute read. There was a little bit of mystery involved, but nothing that was too deep. There was also some romance involved but I will admit that I wish there was more. This was the perfect easy read for me & for the most part, I really did enjoy it.

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Thank you @netgalley
This was a quick read...but quirky and unrealistic.
The first half had me wanting more, the build up of wanting to know who she really was...but then the last half drug on, and took and odd turn.
If you like quirky and don't mind the unrealistic parts then definitely give this a read.

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Disclaimer: I was only provided with an excerpt of the first chapter, so I’m basing my review on this.

Siri, Who am I? has an intriguing start. Even typing this out on my phone makes me realise just how reliant we are on technology. It seems the protagonist, from what I can figure out, is the same. I don’t really know what the premise of this book is entirely, but it does start off in an intriguing way.

I’m very tempted to buy this book and see what happens next...

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