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The Two Lives of Lydia Bird

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This title really delves into the reality of grief and unimaginable loss. When her fiance is killed in a car accident, Lydia finds it impossible to move on until the doctor gives her an experimental drug to help her sleep. With sleep comes an alternative reality, one where the accident never happened. This is a moving story that will touch many hearts.

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*Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.*

My review can be found here:

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I loved Silver’s earlier book, “One Day in December” so I was excited to get my hands on this book. Unfortunately, it didn’t impress me as much as its predecessor. While I appreciate the detail with which Silver writes about grief, I often found myself bored and just trying to power through. It was just a bit unremarkable. Additionally, I was just not a fan of the ending. I’d definitely try another book by her based upon my love of her first one. This one is 3/5 stars ⭐️ for me.

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Wow. What a profoundly beautiful book. Much like her debut novel, Josie Silver’s latest will take you on a ride of grief, self-acceptance, romance and so much more.

Lydia Bird, a new widow, aims to navigate her life after her fiancé passes. Then, she realizes she can visit him in another version of her life in her sleep. Lydia must eventually recognize the consequences as such, and learn how to heal, forgive and move on.

Silver’s character and story development will simply envelop you. Her writing is quite unlike any other — so original, genuine and heart-warming, even surrounding sad topics. Can’t wait to read her next novel!

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Oh my gosh, I read this book at just the right time in my life. Is it melancholy? Yes. Kind of. Is it uplifting? 100 percent. This is such a good book about what happens to the people who have to go on with their lives. And it's written in such a way that I just loved it. I fell in love with the characters.. with Lydia and Elle, with Jonah, with Freddie. And the setting is perfect. Anyway, this is the second book I've read by Ms. Silver and I think it's safe to say that I would read anything she publishes. 5 stars.

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Trigger Warning: Substance Addiction

"I miss Freddie, and I miss dancing, and I miss love." He doesn't answer me, because there aren't really any appropriate words.

SYNOPSIS | On Lydia's 28th birthday, her husband Freddie is picking up his best friend Jonah when he dies in a car accident. Lydia is understandably distraught and whilst she struggles with the grief of navigating life without her husband she is also having issues sleeping. Her doctor prescribes her some medication to help her sleep however it also unexpectedly takes her to an alternate timeline where Freddie isn't dead. Lydia tries to live in both worlds which has an emotional toll and she doesn't have an unlimited supply of medication.

MY THOUGHTS | This plot line reminded me a lot of In Five Years and Forever, Interrupted (both of which I read earlier this year). It took a while for me to feel invested in Lydia's loss and I didn't enjoy the frequent comparisons between Jonah & Freddie. It felt like the author was setting this pairing up from very early on in the book and while this is a romance story, I didn't want it to be THAT romance story. Overall, I really did enjoy it though.

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I cannot think of a better time to read such a wonderful love story than now in this crazy world. Reading can take us away from all of it for a few precious moments and this one definitely did.

Lydia loses her fiance Freddie in a tragic accident and as she tries to deal with her grief, the little pink pill she takes at night to sleep seems to take her into another life, one where Freddie is not dead. She begins to live for those sleeping hours. It starts to take a toll on the real world. You do wonder just what is real and what isn’t at times. I started to get a little confused, I admit. They are lovely little moments for her but she has such a wonderful support system in the daylight. You will fall in love with all the cast of characters, their quirks and all, especially Jonah, Freddie and Lydia’s friend since childhood. You will definitely know the way you want this story to play out.

Grief is such a crazy thing. It is so different for each who grieves and Lydia’s was written so beautifully. Your heart breaks for her and you cheer her on as she becomes the Lydia she is inside.

Yet another wonderful read by Ms. Silver. She has the handle on a love story, that’s for sure! Yes, I was crying. My heart was full.

Thanks to Netgalley and Ballantine Books for a copy of this lovely novel. The review is my own opinion but I know I am not alone.

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This was actually my first book from this author since I have yet to read One Day in December.
I think the concept of this book was very interesting. Lydia’s fiancé, Freddie, has a tragic accident while he is picking up his best friend to go to her birthday dinner. Told over the course of a few years we see how Lydia deals with her grief in the real world and the alternate universe that she lives in when she takes her sleeping pills. In this alternate universe her fiancé is alive but she slowly realizes that maybe it’s better living her real life even if her fiancé is not alive in it.
I will admit that some parts were emotional and it brought up a lot of interesting things that can be discussed with others. However, I also felt like something was missing for me. What helped me bump this one up was the ending. I found myself really thinking about the last chapters after I finished the book so that was a plus. I think many will still fall in love with this book!
Thanks to netgalley and publisher for my review copy!

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The Two Lives of Lydia Bird is the second book by British author Josie Silver. In a most unique story, Lydia Bird, a young woman who tragically loses her fiancé Freddie in a car accident, finds solace in her alternative dream world. However, the dream world is not as idyllic as she would like and the things that happen there have their own repercussions.

Jonah Jones, best friend to Lydia and Freddie since childhood, is going through his own torment. His best friend died in the accident Jonah walked away from. In his own journey through grief, Jonah feels he has lost himself in that he has lost both Freddie and Lydia as a result of the accident.

As they each distance themselves from home and the constant reminders of their loss, can they find their way through grief and back towards friendship and the future?

This was such a different story. A little bit fantasy, a whole lot of drama, but with healing as the theme throughout. I truly enjoyed this book and I do recommend it!

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Unfortunately, this book was a DNF for me. I tried hard to get into the story for 100 pages, but still found myself bored and lacking an eagerness to pick up the book. I had extremely high hopes for this book after loving One Day in December. The Two Lives of Lydia Bird sounded exactly like a story I would love, but I found the plot to be repetitive and mundane. I didn't feel the emotional pull towards the characters I hoped for. Though this should have been an evocative novel, it instead felt like a cheapened version of P.S. I Love You.

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4/5 ⭐️
Okay so I really enjoyed this and how it went from two different time lines. I also really enjoyed Fred’s character. I enjoyed how there was so much grief in this book, but the MC came above it and became stronger. It was a bit confusing at first, so be warned.

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I've recently experienced a loss similar to Lydia's so this book really resonated with me. I nodded in recognition at her grief and how she handled it because I'm going through the same thing (though I don't have any pink pills to help me through it).

This is a beautifully written book that handles with great sensitivity something many people must go through. The characters ring true and I was so glad for Lydia that she came through this stronger than ever.

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What wouldn't most people give to bring back to life their loved ones who have passed? What would you sacrifice to be able to see them just one more time? Such a concept is explored in Josie Silver's new novel The Two Lives of Lydia Bird. Silver returns after much success with her first novel, One Day in December, to explore how a 20-something woman moves through grief after her fiance is tragically killed in a car accident on her birthday, yet finds a way to, in a sense, bring him back to life.

Lydia Bird has just lost her fiance Freddie. He died making a detour on his way to her birthday dinner, and as can be expected, Lydia is in the throes of horrible, dark and deep grief. Unable to sleep to much effect for months, Lydia gives a new sleeping pill a try and discovers that she can be with Freddie in her dreams. Here on the other side of sleep is a parallel universe where Freddie is alive and their plans to be married are moving forward. Lydia cannot believe her luck, and pretty soon the temptation to spend more and more time with Freddie in her dream world is overtaking her life in the physical world. Grief is exhausting enough as is, but living two lives is even more emotionally taxing. Will Lydia choose to live her life in her dreams, or will she find a way to cope with her reality - a life without Freddie here on Earth?

The Two Lives of Lydia Bird is a pensive, heavy-hearted book about living with grief. Focused much on how Lydia copes with the death of her fiance and how she molds her life around his loss, this novel is not a sweet romance, but instead a story about what it means to have loved and lost in the worst possible ways. But while this story is sad and tragic, it is also hopeful, showing that although grief forever changes us, people do persevere and find ways to remember and cherish their loved ones who have departed and live their life again. Author Josie Silver also examines the very real other side of grief, which is living too much in the past. Lydia struggles to maintain balance between her dream world and her real world, making her grief more complicated and heartbreaking. In all, this book is a story of personal growth and self-awareness; a novel about a young woman coming to terms with a life she never expected to live.

The Two Lives of Lydia Bird will be enjoyed by readers who enjoy bittersweet stories of love and loss. Heartfelt and character-driven, this novel will appeal to those who love quiet, introspective books where not a lot happens, but the characters grow and learn more about themselves. Sometimes slow, plodding, and muddling, readers who can only tolerate books that move swiftly with clear focus may lose interest with this novel's languid pace and should take that into consideration before reading.

Thank you to Netgalley and Ballantine Books for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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After reading One Day in December, when another Josie Silver book came around I jumped. With high expectations going in I was worried, but The Two Lives of Lydia Bird did not disappoint. Lydia's heartbreak is devastating, but when she gets the chance to live life with Freddie again, who wouldn't jump at that chance. Seeing the toll it takes on Lydia makes you wonder how long one could keep this up. I felt every emotion in this book: heartbreak, love, passion, laughter, anger, sorrow... you name it. I can't recommend this book enough. Thank you NetGalley for the early review copy.

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I had a hard time getting into this. I took sometime to read my other choices. I then started back with Lydia and I really began to enjoy it. Her involvement with others after Freddie's death made the book much better. Lydia mourns and then slowly learns to live again. The book covers over a year of time. She finds a new Lydia. A new Jonah.

I liked the characters in this book. They evolve with her. I am glad I went back and finished.

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This is a good book, dealing with the trials and tribulations of the grief caused by losing a loved one. It takes you through the ups and downs on an emotional roller coaster and leaves you with a smile on your face.

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Thank you NetGalley for this copy in exchange for an honest review.

Lydia and Freddie. Freddie and Lydia. They'd been together for more than a decade, and Lydia thought their love was indestructible.

But she was wrong. On her twenty-eighth birthday, Freddie died in a car accident.

I really enjoyed this book. I like the idea of seeing how your live could turn other with different sets of circumstances.

I love Josie Silver. She has become an author I will follow.

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I really liked this story, it was sweet and at the same time it had an interesting premise. It caught my attention when it was compared to Kate Atkinson's Life After Life, which is one of my favorite books ever, but it wasn't really like it. In spite of that, I felt like there was a lot of repetition that didn't really add to the story and I started growing tired of Freddie somewhere in the middle of the book.

Once I got over that hump, I enjoyed reading about Lydia regaining her sense of self and her confidence. I loved the dynamic between the Byrds, loving people, but far from perfect, with a true sense of family and loyalty.

Without giving anything away, I was hoping it would end the way it did, but all throughout I was cheering Lydia on.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC

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Josie Silver beautifully captures grief and life after loss with The Two Lives of Lydia Bird. She made me feel every emotion and I felt like I could completely connect with what Lydia was feeling in every situation. Everyone experiences grief and continues living differently, and this story had some beautiful messages embedded throughout.

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This story was a hard one for me because it is heartbreaking right at the start and that really hit me. I loved the writing though and the uniqueness of the story right away too. This book really delves into the themes of loss, grief and love in a way that I haven't seen before. Overall I enjoyed this beautifully written and touching story.

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