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Unforgiven was a whirlwind story of second chances, emotional turmoil and suspense.

Kody Lawton has never had an easy life but she has always been surrounded by love. Good love that nurtures and helps you grow and bad love that tears you down at the same time it teaches you to build walls around your heart. Kody is fiercely loyal and fiercely independent with a fiery temper that has her making decisions that aren’t always the best for her.

Hill Gamble is an alpha male with a soft side, a tortured soul who's full of guilt. Hill is the guy you can count on, he’s the one who loves with every part of him. He’s also been aware of his feelings for Kody Lawton since they were young.

The tension between Kody and Hill is palpable, the history that have has a huge effect on how they feel about each other.

Unforgiven is a continuation of the storyline that began in Unbroken and will continue in the next instalment, Shot coming later in 2020. I’ve absolutely loved diving into the world of Loveless, Texas. I love that the characters are all completely different and all so loving and caring. The storyline tats been following through the series is so full of suspense and intrigue and questions and I love the feeling of being on the edge of your seat, having no idea whats coming next!

Jay has always been one of my favourite authors, I connect with her words and her characters, I’m always captivated by her storylines and I love that even after the ton of books of hers I’ve read I'm still always surprised by her style of writing and the direction she takes her storylines. Her writing is always addictive and never stale. Her talent knows no bounds!

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je me suis attachée dès le départ à Hill et Kody, j'ai aimé l'alternance de point de vue qui fait que l'on ne s'ennuie pas une seule seconde d'autant que l'enquête policière amène un petit côté encore plus stressant à l'histoire. Ils ont tous les deux de forts caractères, ne se laissent pas dicter leurs actions et vont toujours agir en accord avec leurs cœurs malgré les peurs que cela engendre. Leur chance est arrivée et ils sont tous les deux décidés à la saisir même s'ils ne se pensent pas suffisamment "bons" pour l'autre. C'est donc au milieu de ces doutes et des fantômes du passé que l'on navigue et j'ai adoré la façon dont les choses se terminent... Et je suis d'autant plus curieuse de lire la suite et ce qu'elle implique....

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ARC for honest review with no compensation 4.5 stars received from NetGalley and Forever

Unforgiven is book 2 in the Loveless, Texas series by Jay Crownover, a new to me author and will definitely be reading more of her books and this series!

Hill Gamble, Texas Ranger has come back to Lovelace, Texas to investigate the death of the town’s corrupt sheriff and father of the woman he fell in love with years ago except she fell in love with his younger brother Aaron who had lots of issues and has passed away.

Kody Lawton fell in love with Hill and his younger brother Aaron but when push came to shove she chose the younger brother. Hill backed off and left town but now he’s back to investigate her dad‘s death and all the old feelings arise again but can she open her heart, leave the past behind and let her love shine through…

Suspense, tragedy, anger, longing, mystery and a love everlasting are just some of the things you will find in this book.

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Kody Lawton is a tough as nails woman, but you know she has a soft heart. Though it took Hill Gamble to soften her walls and find the true Kody.

Hill is such a strong, beautiful man. I adored him from the first moment I met him in this series. I absolutely loved him and Kody together. Kody had to work through a lot to see all of Hill because her baggage was getting in the way.

I loved that Kody's character stays strong throughout and doesn't weaken once she finds love, as sadly that happens too much in this genre.

~ We took a minute to hold each other and silently say goodbye to the kids we used to be and the parents we no longer had. It was emotional. It was tragic. It was healing. ~

What the Lawton siblings have to go through is heartbreaking but it only makes them stronger and closer together. And now that I can't wait for Shot's and I assume Presley's story. We get to know Shot a bit more in Unforgiven and we are introduced to Presley but we know she has more story to her plus the fact that the mystery in this book is left unsolved as it has morphed to be around Presley. So, now I can't wait to see how that all comes to an end.

I adore anything from Jay Crownover and I love this Lawton family.

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Jay Crownover fait partie des auteures que je lis généralement en VO sans attendre la traduction et j'adore sa dernière série "Loveless" qui se passe dans une petite ville du Texas et qui mettait en scène pour le moment une fratrie, les Lawton, de deux hommes et une femme : c'est cette dernière qui est l'héroïne d' "Unforgiven" : nous avions progressivement et évidemment découvert Kody dès la novella 0.5, mettant en scène Crew, le plus jeune des frères mais c'est surtout lors du tome 1 "Justified" sur son frère Case, que nous avions constaté qu'elle avait un sacré caractère et qu'elle en voulait visiblement au meilleur ami de son frère, un Ranger du nom de Hill Gamber, venu leur annoncer, dans les dernières pages, que leur père (l'ex-shérif de la ville et surtout un policier ripoux qui avait dirigé la ville par la terreur et la malhonnêteté ) avait été retrouvé mort, assassiné. On comprend qu'il y a un antagonisme certain entre ces deux-là et pourtant, on réalise très vite qu'ils sont aussi attirés l'un par l'autre : alors, l'on était en droit de se demander ce qu'il y avait de si grave entre eux pour qu'ils ne succombent pas à cette attirance. Et bien sûr, on va le découvrir dans ce tome 2.

Mon avis : on va faire simple : j'adore cette série et je n'ai qu'une hâte, être déjà en octobre pour lire la suite et donc le tome 3 qui mettra en scène un des amis de Kodi, un biker qui fréquente son bar et.... chut! je ne dis rien pour le moment (attention, risque de spoilers plus loin, vous voilà prévenus ;) )

Le tome 2 reprend donc quasi où se terminait le 1er (le "premier" est un 0.5 puisque c'est une novella) et l'on retrouve donc Kody qui va devoir faire face à l'assassinat de son père qui était non seulement un ripoux mais un homme affreux avec ses enfants, trompant sa femme mais étant violent avec eux, aussi (ses frères la protégeaient du mieux qu'ils pouvaient) On ne peut pas dire qu'elle soit éplorée mais cela reste son père, malgré tout et c'est Hill, le frère de l'homme qu'elle a aimé (mais qui est décédé au moment où commence cette série) , qui vient lui annoncer la nouvelle, une fois encore : en effet, Hill et son frère Aaron étaient tombés amoureux d'elle mais ce dernier était plus proche d'elle par l'âge et le fait qu'il était l'ami de son frère avait sans doute créer une barrière... De plus, si Kody et ses frères n'ont pas été heureux avec leur père, ils avaient au moins (un temps du moins) leur mère sur qui s'appuyer mais l'on apprend que c'est loin d'être le cas de Hill qui a donc fui très vite ses parents (des gens plus que particuliers) et donc la ville pour devenir Ranger (vous rajoutez le fait qu'il ne pouvait supporter d'être amoureux de la fiancée de son frère et de voir leur bonheur). On apprend aussi qu'Aaron était un être dépressif et que malheureusement, personne n'a pu le sauver et qu'il s'est suicidé : c'est Hill qui l'a trouvé et l'a annoncé à Kody. Cette denière lui en voulant parce qu'il n'avait pas su, selon elle, aider son frère à temps et donc la soutenir : c'est donc une jeune femme très en colère après Hill que l'on découvre au début du roman. Mais là encore, on découvre qu'elle avait été attirée par ce dernier avant de succomber à son frère et qu'après la disparition de son fiancé puis de sa mère, elle a acheté ce bar dans lequel elle travaille et qui reçoit le club de motards de la ville, qui semble lui apporter sa protection (et pourquoi? cela ne plait évidemment ni à Case (devenu shérif) et encore moins à Hill)
On va donc avoir plusieurs histoires en parallèle dans ce roman mais qui s'entrelacent parfois : la romance entre les deux héros, la quête de l'assassin du père des Lawton et la raison de cet assassinat et la découverte d'un pan de la vie de cet homme et donc l'apparition d'un nouveau membre de la famille et les implications, là encore, que cela va voir sur la vie des uns et des autres : on ne peut donc que tourner les pages pour essayer de déméler tout cela et surtout voir comment nos deux héros vont finir par se rapprocher et Kody passer outre sa colère pour Hill, afin de succomber enfin à son charme...

Je vous l'ai dit, j'adore cette série, j'attendais particulièrement celui-ci en raison du caractère rebelle et intrépide de la jeune femme, vu dans les tomes précédents et je n'ai pas été déçue, bien au contraire. C'est une jeune femme qui a souffert de la mort de son fiancé (elle s'en veut de ne pas avoir vu qu'il allait si mal) de la mort de sa mère et évidemment de l'enfance affreuse vécue à cause de son père : si elle est ravie que ses frères aient trouvé le bonheur, elle se sent seule et pense qu'elle ne connaîtra pas un homme qui sera capable de tout faire pour elle. Bien sûr, il y a "Shot", le biker avec qui elle a eu une brève liaison et qui est son fidèle ami, mais elle sait qu'il n'est pas le bon! Quant à Hill, il l'attire mais elle est tellement en colère au départ qu'elle ne lui laisse pas de place et est même odieuse avec lui (je vous le dis, il est patient!) mais progressivement, elle va baisser sa garde entre le décès de son père et les menaces qui semblent en découler sur elle et sa famille. Elle va enfin voir quel homme génial il est (son frère ne cesse de lui dire mais elle est têtue, la dame ^^ ) et saura faire face à tout ce qui arrive : on avait vu son courage dans les tomes précédents quand elle venait aider Aspen, par exemple, ici, elle va le prouver une fois de plus. C'est une badass comme Jay les aime.

Hill est un héros quasi parfait : c'est le genre d'homme dont vous avez envie dans votre vie : il a su s'effacer quand son frère est tombé amoureux de la femme qu'il aimait lui aussi. Malheureusement, en fuyant leur bonheur, il n'a pas vu (ou n'a pas voulu voir) combien ce dernier allait mal et quand il l'a réalisé, c'était trop tard : comme Kody, il culpabilise et le fait que la jeune femme qu'il aime toujours, lui jette sans cesse à la figure n'aide en rien à ce qu'il aille mieux. Il s'est donc résigné à vivre seul, il est une version moderne du cow-boy solitaire MAIS avec le meurtre du père de la jeune femme et de son ami Case, il est de retour dans sa vie et va lui montrer qu'il est prêt à se sacrifier pour elle, quand elle est en danger. Bref, vous ne pourrez que craquer pour cet homme courageux et qui a aussi des valeurs (en effet, même s'il est amoureux d'elle, il ne peut accepter qu'elle ait des liens avec un club de motards hors la loi !)

On retrouve les deux frères de Kody, Crew et Case, et leurs compagnes, avec plaisir.. On découvre encore davantage Shot, le président des bikers qui ont leur quartier dans cette ville et notamment le bar de Kody et qui sera donc le héros du prochain tome : un type vraiment attachant et même s'il est en dehors de la loi, il sait protéger ceux qu'il aime et c'est le cas de Kody qu'il semble prendre comme une sorte de soeur, maintenant... Gare à ceux qui la mettraient aussi en danger. Là encore, on sent que l'on a un personnage très prometteur. Quant à la jeune femme qui sera son héroïne, je ne vous en dis pas plus pour le moment : sachez qu'on la rencontre dans ce tome et qu'elle est liée aux Lawton d'une certaine manière. Elle semble être tout son opposé tant elle semble fragile (une sorte de petite souris) mais dans les dernières pages, elle montre un aspect d'elle, une force de caractère inattendue, là encore, plus qu'intéressant.

Je ne peux que souhaiter que cette série soit vite traduite en France afin que vous la découvriez :)

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After reading Justified and that ending, I needed to know what would happen next. Unforgiven picks up where the last book left off. There is a mystery that needs to be solved and woven into that is a romance. For me, it did feel like the mystery overtook the romance at times. I wanted more of Kody and Hill. Certain aspects of their romance was interesting and I wanted more of the development. But I did like what we got with them. Hill was just a sweet guy and I really liked how he cared for Kody all this time. Their romance was pleasant. I also enjoyed seeing Kody's brothers-Case and Crew and their loves Aspen and Della respectively. The bond between the Lawton siblings is strong and seeing that bond displayed was great. Unforgiven was a nice read. It had romance, suspense, mystery, family atmosphere, and more. I'm intrigued to see how the next book Blacklisted will go. It is sure to be an interesting one for sure.

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I love this author and have read most of her books so I was very excited about this new story. However, I read this book and felt conflicted the entire time. Unforgiven was well written and emotional but somehow couldn't really hold my interest. It took me days to finish the book because I was having a hard time connecting with Hill and Kody's characters. The ending felt so abrupt and unfinished, I hate books that end in cliffhangers. Hopefully the next book is better.

I received a free ARC from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. All thoughts are my own.

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An angsty Southern romance full of first loves and tough hearts?! Um yes!

I absolutely loved our hero and how he presents himself. Full of that tough exterior only to have that soft heart that make you want to flutter!

It had the right amount of romance and suspense while also supplying a delicious chemistry that I couldn’t stop cheering for.

In this one, I gave it a solid 4 out of 5 stars and highly recommend it for readers who want a smokey romance! I’m definitely continuing on with this series.

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What struck me, when I read the first chapters of this novel, is the speed and the ease with which Jay Crownover manages to install a dark, complex and intense story in a few words. I will talk very little about the intrigue because – obviously, it kept me hooked from the beginning to the end but – the thing that marked me the most in this book is the touch of passion long contained emanating from Hill. I’m very fond of romances that consume us. I love « slow-burn romances » as Anglophones call them.

So, with a character like Hill, who exudes a crazy magnetism, it’s the pompom. I loved seeing his facade so perfectly constructed to let nothing filter in, going up in smoke in front of a Kody completely oblivious to the effect she produces on him. We want to be her. I loved this slow-burn romance which highlights the value of the family and which takes us on a captivating investigation with equally interesting secondary characters. I had a great time!

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This is the first book in the series that I read and absolutely loved it.

Kody and Hill have major magnetism and Kody definitely had this love/hate with Hill that makes you cling to every word and page. Another plus for me is a Texas Romance. It has to be one of my favorite genres and Jay did a fabulous job at capturing the flow of small towns and I found myself enraptured with the story and the growth of the relationship of Hill and Kody.

This book will most certainly take you on a ride. I can't wait for the next in the series and in the meantime, I will be going back to read books 1 & 2!

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From the first page to the last, this was a book with a lot going on. From its romance of second chances to a mystery that kept me on the edge of my seat, this tale will keep you guessing and waiting for the next twist or turn. By the turn of the final page readers will be satisfied by all that came before while looking forward to the next shoe to drop in a conclusion that will leave readers waiting with breathless anticipation.

Picking up right where the previous book in this series left off, readers are reintroduced to brothers Hill and Aaron Gamble and their deep connection to Wild Child Kody Lawton. It’s a connection that takes a romantic turn and ultimately has Hill leaving so he doesn’t stand in the way of his brother’s happiness with Kody. Young love soon turned sour though, leading to death and a broken heart that Kody still hasn’t recovered from. With the recent murder of her father, Kody’s life takes another unexpected turn towards danger that only Hill can save her from. With his return though her anger over the past is unleashed along with the thawing of her heart that has her counting on Hill to keep her safe while guarding her heart and body from a villain still focused on destroying her family. Kody’s an outgoing heroine who’s always lived life on the edge. When Hill left he took her heart with him and it had her landing in the arms of Aaron in a relationship full of heartbreak due to his mental disorder, and subsequent suicide, that she still blames Hill for. Because of this their reunion is messy with lots of harsh feelings from the past keeping them from quickly finding HEA. Their scenes are full of conflict and flirtiness and often overshadowed by the overall mystery. Though I can understand Kody feeling hurt by Hill leaving all those years ago, she should’ve been able to forgive him much quicker as he too experienced loss with the suicide of Aaron. For me, her anger went on a bit too long.

Hill and his brother were tight knit as children and with Kody by their side they were like The Three Musketeers. Even as a young man Hill knew he was attracted to Kody but never felt worthy of her. She needed someone just as outspoken as she was and his cool, calm, and collected nature had him walking away so his brother could find happiness. He’s never forgotten her though, and when he’s assigned to find the murderer of Kody’s father, he’ll not only get the chance to bring a killer to justice but he’ll also have the chance to make amends with his and Kody’s past. Hill’s a drool-worthy hero through it all, intense and reliable, a man you can always count on to do what he thinks is right. Throughout the years he’s taken whatever morsels of attention Kody’s thrown his way so it’s about time he deals with their feelings for each other once and for all. It’s a rocky road towards HEA full of push/pull moments that leaves them heading in the right direction by the end of the story, but with a cliffhanger that will leave readers counting down the days until its resolution arrives.

On a whole this was a compelling read focused a bit more on the mystery and suspense than on the second chance romance of Hill and Kody. There was quite a bit I found enjoyable actually, while there were some areas that could’ve been done better. Focusing more on the mystery lessened my connection to this couple a bit, but still had me rooting for them to put the past behind them. With combustible interactions and scenes teeming with sexual tension I still found them to be a likable couple worthy of a HEA. While the identity of the villain was pretty obvious, the twists and turns along the way were entertaining and brought in other characters that will be featured in the next installment. These characters were left in a precarious situation that has me greatly anticipating whatever comes next.

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As a fan of Jay Crownover's books, I was looking forward to reading Unforgiven as it has been a while since I read a book by this author. Unlike her other series though, I have to admit I found this one a slower pace book to read, the ending for me too was a bit weak and disappointing in away. Once upon a time, there were three people - two boys Hill and Aaron and a girl Kody Lawton. Both Hill and Aaron loved Kody with all their hearts and Kody loved both boys but settled with Aaron as she felt Hill was too good for her, at least Aaron had a few demons of his own. However, Aaron's demons got the best of him and he passed away - Hill stayed away as he didn't want to admit he had always loved Kody. Hill is back in town as Kody's father Conrad was found murdered. The investigation means Hill has to spend a lot more time in town and around the Lawton's including Kody. The investigation also brings up a new sibling that the Lawton's didn't know they had. As they get along in the investigation, it seems like someone is trying to set up their new half-sister. Who killed Conrad and is trying to frame the newcomer? I have to admit when I found out who the killer was, I was a tad disappointed as the reasoning behind it felt too weak for me and I needed more background into the why. Yet, of course, the other storyline of whether the guy gets the girl was spot on.

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I have found my next one click author! Jay Crownover is a new author to me but by the time I got to chapter 10 in this book, I was buying the previous books in this series. Full of angst, heat, intrigue and strong characters, I could not put this book down. My favorite quote: “Being away from you hurts. It always hurt, but now it’s impossible to ignore. My heart aches.” I am eagerly anticipating Shot and Presley’s story.

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Unforgiven is a dramatic suspense, heartbreaking, and deep emotion romance read. Its a wonderful well written story. It has a good storyline. I truly enjoyed reading about these two characters Jody and Hill. They are enjoyable to read about.
I read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are of my own. Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this story.

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Heads up, you must read the previous books in this series before starting this one. The story starts right where the previous one left off. Also a trigger warning for self-harm and suicide.

Hill and Kody have a complicated pasts, and investigating a murder has them working together after Hill spent years away. They both loved each other from afar, that was also complicated because Kody was involved with Hill’s brother Aaron, who committed suicide and that left brutal scars on both of them. Now that they are forced to be around each other the simmering tension is back and hotter than ever.

I was so excited for this book because i really loved Justified, however this book just didn’t ensnare me nearly as much. The chemistry is there and it's steamy and they obviously love each other but i was disappointed because the book seemed to focus more on the mystery element and less on them, it just felt like they were a side story to the mystery, we never really dug that deep. Despite all that though the ARC throughout the series really has me hooked and i’m excited to see how the series is going to conclude in the next book!

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Everyone remembers their childhood love. For Hill – Life with the Lawton siblings was forever etched in his brain. One sibling in particular left Hill with an ache that couldn’t be extinguished. Kody was everything that Hill was attracted to. The only problem with allowing his love to shine was the fact that Hill’s brother was also enamored with the Lawton sibling.

As the years pass, Hill and Kody have gone their separate ways. When the news breaks that Kody’s father was murdered, Hill finds himself pulled right back to the one place he never planned on returning. Determined to help the Lawton siblings find out what happened to their father, Hill knows that eventually he will have to speak to Kody. With their tattered history, there is no wonder at the hesitation Hill is feeling. Nothing between Kody and Hill has been ‘simple’, and the events that unfold surrounding the Lawton family only amplify the attraction that has lingered through the years.

Let me start by sharing how much I have loved the Loveless, Texas series by Jay Crownover. Kody’s story was beckoning to me for quite some time. So – I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Unforgiven!! There is so much history surrounding Hill and Kody. The ups and downs of their lives intersect so many times throughout the years. Once again, tragedy has brought the two full circle.

Typically – I never find ‘fault’ in a Crownover novel. This time, I found myself wondering why the saga between Hill and Kody seemed forced. There was a lot going on in this novel, and it felt rushed from the halfway point forwards. I found myself arriving at the end of the story only to say, ‘Is that it?’. The plot points didn’t really blend well, and the whole thing felt forced. After anticipating Kody’s story for so long, I feel jaded with the direction this story traveled. I found myself in awe that the one book that teased the most in the series was the one that fell flat in the end.

There is still more that will play out in this saga. The next installment will be here before you know it. Hopefully – it will pack the punch that I have come to expect when diving head first into the worlds that Jay Crownover creates.

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Loveless Texas #2, I'm listing this as more contemporary then suspense because while there is a mystery and some action it falls secondary to the emotional romance between Hill and Kody. I was so excited for Kody and Hill and it did not disappoint. Hill has loved Kody from the very start of their friendship but as they got older Kody fell for his brother. Hill while happy for them was heartbroken and as soon as he could he left. Kody was torn between the two brothers, Aaron was her age and the most like her he was quick to react, moody, and so sweet. Aaron and Hill Gamble were Kody's first real friends and even after Hill left Kody would call on him for advice. But Hill could only take so much loving Kody from afar and seeing how Aaron was falling apart and sometime horrible to Hill so Hill started to back off. It wasn't fair that Aaron killed himself before the wedding and it wasn't fair that Kody spewed all her anger at Hill and Hill took it because he thought she was right it was all his fault. Now he's ready to take the brunt of her anger and hatred again because her father was murdered and he was the one who told her.

Kody starts to remember that her feelings for Hill go way back and even as mean as she has been to him since Aaron's death Hill still stands by her, he still worries about her and he still in little ways shows her he cares. Little by little Kody starts to realize her anger was misplaced and that his abandonment all those years ago is what fed her anger. But Hill his here now and although the timing might not be ideal Kody and Hill are finally getting their chance to clear the air and as long as the psycho killer doesn't get to her first they are willing to try for their HEA.

The small suspense part deals with who murdered Conrad Lawton and why. Hill while not technically on the case is helping out because the Tx Rangers believe have a local will help loosen lips and as hated as Conrad was the suspect list is endless. Now the ending is a little open ended all the major question get answered but one little detail is left which is what leads us to the next book. Overall, outstanding book. It's an emotion book about unrequited love finally coming to fruition. The suspense part was good, I enjoyed it and I kind of figured it was going to leave off the way it did.

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Hill and Kody have a complicated past where both have loved each other from afar. It was complicated as Kody was involved with Hill’s younger brother, Aaron, before Aaron took his own life. Lots of guilt, blame and anger have colored their relationship since, but underneath it all, Kody has always loved Hill.

Hill was more honest to himself with his feelings from the beginning. Knowing that he loved his brother’s fiancée made it impossible to stick around home. He couldn’t stay and feel the way he did for Kody and not feel completely horrible.

Being assigned to investigate the murder of Kody’s father brings Hill back home, making these two finally face their true feelings, and move on from the past, and oh did things get deliciously steamy!

I’m a sucker for the unrequited love trope, and a fan of Jay Crownover so I knew I was pretty much guaranteed to love Unforgiven! Like Justified, book one, Unforgiven is romance with a mystery/danger element, and while the culprit is identified, the Lawton’s are not out of danger yet. You don’t have to read any of the previous books first to love Unforgiven, but Justified was oh-so-good, too, and should not be missed! I’m already dying for the next book, Blacklisted, featuring Shot, the president of the local biker club, and Presley.

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I’ve been a long-time reader of Jay Crownover’s, and her innate ability to write complex, complicated bad-boy heroes, and in some cases antiheroes, has always fascinated me. I wasn’t sure exactly what Jay would do with cowboys, but she’s nailed it, completely sweeping me off my feet with the Loveless, Texas series in the process. She’s brought all those interesting qualities of her usual heroes and delivered them in a whole new, exciting way. I’ve positively devoured each book in this series so far, and I’m ecstatic that she’s announced another book in the series, because frankly, I’m just not ready to let the Lawton clan and Loveless, Texas go.

Unforgiven, Kody Lawton’s story, is the book I’ve been anticipating the most. Crownover’s two-pronged plot that drew me in from page one by pairing an angsty, steamy frenemies-to-lovers romance with a twisting, turning suspenseful arc. Unforgiven was an engrossing, unputdownable love story between two people with a long, complicated history. Hill Gamble, a Texas Ranger, is an all-around good guy and a kind, honorable man. Kody Lawton is the daughter of the corrupt former Loveless sheriff, and she’s wild in every sense of the word. Wildly angry, wildly reckless and wildly filterless. She takes all her emotions and reactions to the extreme, and she’s Hill’s opposite in all ways.

Hill fell for Kody as she was falling in love with his younger brother. Unbeknownst to him, though, she was falling for both brothers, but chose the one she thought she deserved. She put Hill up on a pedestal and settled upon the younger Gamble, becoming swept up in and consumed by his mental health issues. Hill was always the calm and steady presence in Kody’s life, though, and he was the person she relied on when Aaron’s issues became too heavy to bear on her own. As much as Hill wanted to be there for Kody, it became a struggle for him to conceal his feelings, so he began to push her away.

The sweet friendship they once shared is scorched by the implosion of Aaron’s issues and, therefore, Kody’s, and she holds a mean grudge for years as she believes hill callously turned his back on them when they needed him most. This story was so passionate in absolutely every sense of the word. Heart-breaking tragedy, gut-churning angst, Kody’s anger simmering between them, the longing of unrequited love and all the guilt that goes with it, and finally, the lust. Emotions run high and the passion runs hot in Loveless, that’s for sure.

Thick with emotion, smolderingly sexy with a heart-pounding suspense story that kept me glued to my Kindle, Unforgiven was quintessential Jay Crownover, but with a fresh twist, and I positively inhaled it. This is Jay Crownover doing what she does best: telling the tale of two opposites attracting in a difficult, hard-earned, emotion-filled and sexy love story. Five smooches from me for Unforgiven by Jay Crownover!
~Danielle Palumbo, Red Cheeks Reads

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The latest in Jay Crownover's Loveless, Texas series is Unforgiven. If I had to pick a trope for my romance reading, unrequited would be at the top. Although part of a series, Unforgiven can be read as a standalone. Hill and Kody belong together. I loved the chemistry and couldn't wait to see how they were going to get together. With a bit of suspense, I couldn't stop reading until the end.

I'm looking forward to reading more from Loveless, Texas, I'll need to catch up while I wait.

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