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A Spell for Trouble

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This was a light, enjoyable read and an excellent opening for a new cosy series.

I always enjoy witchy books and this one had a good little mystery going as well, with a big twist at the end just when you think you have worked it all out. Several story lines were set in place for future books in the series.

The magic system was entertaining if a little troubling at times. I am not sure I could live in a house where everyone was eavesdropping on my thoughts. The characters were all interesting and our main character already has the requisite two men in her life to cause maximum indecision and confusion. Lots to look forward to in the next book!

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I like how this story was presented with the introduction of the various characters that all have pivotal roles as this multi-arc story unfolds. The mystery was nicely done with suspects aplenty and clues spliced throughout the telling of this tale. When her aunt is the only suspect, Alex takes it upon herself to investigate butting heads with the local detective and with the town’s secret that some desperately want to keep hidden. It is those interactions with the characters that propelled this drama and I enjoyed watching it all play out as one by one, uncovered secrets take center stage as the identity of the killer led to a frenzy fight to the finish. The author did a great job in telling this tale that boasted a quirky cast of characters, engaging dialogue and a small-town atmosphere.

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Release Date: May 12, 2020.

I LOVED this book. I was a huge fan of Sabrina the teenage witch and this book is like an extension of that! I am hoping that Bellamy Bay is a going to be a series! @esmeaddison did a wonderful job explaining and explore the magical world in a way that made logical sense.

Alex moves to Bellamy Bay to stay with her aunt and two cousins, who she hasn’t seen in 20 years, after quitting her risk management job in NYC. She reconnects with a boy from her childhood, meets a handsome police detective and helps solve a murder of two! I highly recommend this book!

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This book was so fun and engaging. I cannot wait for the next one to come out.

Alexandra had not been to Bellamy Bay, NC since her mother died over twenty years ago because her father did not want her to go there. After her father's death and some work problems, she finally accepted an invitation to go visit her aunt and cousins.

While Alexandra is there she decides to help out at the family herbal apothecary shop and soon discovers that things are not as she expected. After a customer dies from poison, her aunt Lidia is arrested, and Alexandra decides that it is up to her to get to bottom of what happened. In the process she learns way more than she anticipated about her family history.

I received a copy of this book to review through Netgalley and thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I can't put into words how much I loved this book and I couldn't put it down. It gave me a Little Mermaid mixed with Practical Magic vibe which I loved, they are both my favorite movies. I am a sucker for books were the main characters reunites with family, then finds out about their magical roots. Alex is a great character but she does do something that could cause trouble not just for herself and family but the case as well. As she starts to understand her lost family a dead body makes them the prime suspect. The town of Bellamy Bay, North Carolina is a place I would love to visit and the author did a wonderful job bringing it to life. The writing was very easy to follow and it was fast pace. I could hardly put it down and I would definitely recommend this to my family and friends. I might even have to tell my mom to read it ASAP.

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This is a great story! I was hooked from the first pages.

The story features Alex, a woman who has recently quit her job in New York and lost her father. She is invited to visit her aunt and cousins in Bellamy Bay, North Carolina, whom she hasn’t seen in years, since her mother passed away. Immediately, you realize that Alex’s family is special, little things like them seeming to read her mind. I also love Alex’s German Shepherd Athena, who failed police K9 training because she is too friendly.

Alex’s aunt and cousin own a herbal remedy shop called Botanika. When an unwanted visitor from Aunt Lidia’s past comes to the store begging for a good luck potion, she is witnessed having quite a confrontation with him, but relents and gives him some tea. Later that week, the man is found dead, and Alex’s Aunt Lidia is arrested for the crime.

Alex learns that her family are descended from mermaids and are water witches. Alex is at a disadvantage because she grew up without magic as a mundane. Alex needs to learn how to shield her thoughts from others, and how to protect herself. Everything is not always what it seems. Add in the handsome witch Dylan, and a friendly but suspicious detective Jack. I really enjoyed this story with a plot twist at the end. I can’t wait to read more books from this series! I would highly recommend to anyone who enjoys a good paranormal cozy mystery.

My thanks to #NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I really enjoyed this new cozy series. Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Mysteries for the free Advanced Reader's Copy.

Esme Addison has built a cool new addition to the paranormal cozy. Aleksandra Daniels has returned to her mother's village Bellamy Bay, North Carolina. She has not been to visit her mother's family in many years. Her father, a police officer, has recently died. Aleksandra has recently lost her job. Deciding there is no reason not to visit anymore, Aleksandra goes for a visit.

While she is there, she finds out her family owns an herbal apothecary. The town seems to visit the store for herbal remedies of all kinds. Suddenly, her aunt is arrested for poisoning someone in the village. Bit by bit, Alex starts to discover that all things are not as they seem in the town or in her own family.

I found Esme Addison's writing fresh and engaging. The characters were well developed. I enjoyed learning about the legend of the mermaid of Warsaw and herbal remedies. I would definitely recommend this series. I am looking forward to the next installment.

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This was an outstanding first book in a new series!

Aleksandra Daniels hasn't set foot in the quiet seaside town of Bellamy Bay, North Carolina in over twenty years. Ever since her mother's tragic death, her father has mysteriously forbidden her from visiting her aunt and cousins. But on a whim, Alex accepts an invitation to visit her estranged relatives and to help them in their family business: an herbal apothecary known for its remarkably potent teas, salves, and folk remedies.

Bellamy Bay doesn't look like trouble, but this is a town that harbors dark secrets. Alex discovers that her own family is at the center of salacious town gossip, and that they are rumored to be magical healers descended from mermaids. She brushes this off as nonsense until a local is poisoned and her aunt Lidia is arrested for the crime. Alex is certain Lidia is being framed, and she resolves to find out why.

Alex's investigation unearths stories that some have gone to desperate lengths to conceal: forbidden affairs, family rivalries, and the truth about Alex's own ancestry. And when the case turns deadly, Alex learns that not only are these secrets worth hiding, but they may even be worth killing for.

I thoroughly enjoyed the paranormal aspect of this cozy mystery. The characters were intriguing and the setting was idyllic. I loved the premise of an apothecary family business. The whodunit was top notch and kept me enthralled and guessing.
I cannot wait to read the next book in the series!
I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

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Thanks NetGalley for the book. A very engaging and nice story. Looking forward to read more from this author.

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This was such a nice start to a new cozy series. I loved the setting of Bellamy Bay. Alex has come to Bellamy Bay to visit with the family she hasn't seen since her mother died.. What she doesn't know is that her family and herself are water witches. A murder occurs and Alex's Aunt Lidia becomes the prime suspect. Her and her cousins set out to prove Lidia's innocence. The characters were well written and very relatable. I loved Alex's character and really connected with her. The mystery had many twists and every time I thought I knew the killer I proved to be wrong. I did not see that ending coming. I also like Alex's blossoming relationship with Jack. It will be interesting to learn more of his backstory hopefully in future books. Overall this was a great start to a series. I highly recommend it. I received this book from net galley in exchange for a review.

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Alex is coming home. She is now alone in the world except for her aunts and cousins in Bellamy Bay. Their soap and herbal remedy store is full of flavor and spices. Are they witches as the town gossip states? Throw a couple of murders in the midst, two hot men and Alex has her hands full. The author has the setting for a part two and I look forward to reading it. You will enjoy this book if you like magic, mystery, family and hot men.

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What a charming book! Set in coastal NC, Alex finds herself at loose ends and visits her aunt and cousins, whom she has not seen in years. Family secrets abound, including a whopper secret her family being water witches!
Alex uncovers a family history she did not know, her own powers and reconnecting with a family she missed while solving the local mystery of who killed her aunt's arch enemy.

Loved the story, loved the setting and loved the magic. will be back for more!

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A Spell for Trouble is an enchanting start to a new series! Addison does a fantastic job creating the world of witches and mermaids in this series. I loved how magic was woven into the story but did not over take it.

Alex was an extremely relatable character. She was smart, kind, and really took everything in stride. I mean, she found out that her family were witches and she just processed it and kept on moving. And when her family was arrested for murder she did not hesitate to try and prove her innocence. Some cozy mysteries struggle to find a reason for their lead to solve a crime, but this was seamless. She was motivated by the love of her family. I think that is something that many people could relate to.

I am looking forward to reading more of this series and seeing where it goes.

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Aleksandra Daniels hasn't set foot in the quiet seaside town of Bellamy Bay, North Carolina in over twenty years. Ever since her mother's tragic death, her father has mysteriously forbidden her from visiting her aunt and cousins. But on a whim, Alex accepts an invitation to visit her estranged relatives and to help them in their family business: an herbal apothecary known for its remarkably potent teas, salves, and folk remedies. Bellamy Bay doesn't look like trouble, but this is a town that harbors dark secrets. Alex discovers that her own family is at the center of salacious town gossip, and that they are rumored to be magical healers descended from mermaids. She brushes this off as nonsense until a local is poisoned and her aunt Lidia is arrested for the crime. Alex is certain Lidia is being framed, and she resolves to find out why. Alex's investigation unearths stories that some have gone to desperate lengths to conceal: forbidden affairs, family rivalries, and the truth about Alex's own ancestry. And when the case turns deadly, Alex learns that not only are these secrets worth hiding, but they may even be worth killing for.

My Review
A Spell for Trouble is the first in what a hope to be a cozy mystery series. The characters are well-written and enjoyable. As we are introduced to Bellamy Bay in NC we learn that Alex is a witch. Maybe not a great witch, but nonetheless a witch and she goes about reconnecting with an old friend. While working at the family store she learns her aunt has been accused of murder. Knowing that is a mistake she takes it upon herself to solve the mystery..

This book was provided to me in exchange for my honest opinion and I love it. Esme Addison is a great storyteller. Great twists and turns keeps you interested until the very end.

Highly recommend A Spell for Trouble.

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This cozy mystery was a surprise in a good way. The blend of paranormal activities and a race to figure out who the killer is made for a fun ride. I like Alex developing a relationship with her relatives in Bellamy Bay, learning about her history, and learning new skills. The author had me interested the entire time to figure out who did it, and kept my interested in the chemistry between Alex and Dylan. I so want to see where that relationship leads! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to the next.

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A SPELL FOR TROUBLE kicks off the new Enchanted Bay Mystery series featuring former risk assessor, Alex Daniels. After some trouble at her New York office, Alex accepts an offer to visit her Bellamy Bay relatives whom she hasn't seen in many years. There is much she didn't know about her long lost aunt and cousins and their enchanted apothecary shop, and all the family secrets start bubbling to the top when Aunt Lidia is arrested for murder.

I have mixed feelings about this book. The good: I loved the charming setting of Bellamy Bay and the Polish folklore that was woven into Alex's family history. The world-building set a solid foundation for the series going forward. What I struggled with: Alex did some silly things that put the case and herself in jeopardy, especially since she has a career in risk management. I also thought the mystery itself wasn't that interesting once the "whys" starting being revealed. However there was a nifty twist regarding the culprit that I enjoyed.

With its magical roots I'm looking forward to seeing where this series goes in future books. 3.5 Stars

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I think I have found a new favorite cozy mystery series! A Spell for Trouble is the first book in the new Enchanted Bay Mysteries.

Alex Daniels comes back to Bellamy Bay, NC after years away. Her father didn't like her Aunt Lidia and her cousins. He said they were odd and not like them, and made her promise never to go back. But after his death, she goes back for some family comfort. What else do you do when you quit your job without a plan B? Her Aunt Lidia runs a herbal apothecary shop, Botanika. It sells tea, herbal remedies and a few extra things....luck potions and the like. Alex quickly feels a part of the family again and starts to think about how to put her life back together. But.....

There's always a but, isn't there??

But.....her aunt is suddenly arrested for murder. A troublesome customer is found dead....and Aunt Lidia is blamed. Alex knows she needs to do some serious sleuthing...because while her family exhibits some strange talents....her aunt is not a murderer!

This tale is cute, entertaining and fun to read! It made for a great afternoon of reading!! I like the setting (because I live in NC, I love reading cozies set here!), the characters and the basic plot. I can't wait to find out what happens in the next book!! Luckily Esme Addison is currently working on the second book in this the first book in another new series! I will definitely be reading both!

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from Crooked Lane Books. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

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A Spell for Trouble is about Alessandra Daniels who returns to Bellamy Bay, North Carolina for the first time in twenty years. Ever since her mother’s tragic death, she has been forbidden to return from visiting her aunt and cousins. When she finally returns, she finds darkness surrounding her family. When a local citizen is poisoned, her Aunt Lidia is arrested for the crime. Alessandra is determined to solve the case and unlock some mysteries along the way. This was a cozy mystery complete with witches and when Alessandra returns she learns she shares some history. The characters are very interesting. You can read this book in one sitting. Many interesting twists and turns. Thank you to Net Galley for providing an advanced reader’s copy for review.

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This is a great start to a new series. The story is “magical” with family secrets and murder thrown in. This is a new author to me and I look forward to her next installment.
Many thanks to Crooked Lane Books and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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A wonderful start to a new series. I couldn’t put it down once I started. I love the characters already! The only negative thing I found, is that I read it too fast and it was over way to quickly! I can’t wait to get my hands on the next in the series!

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