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When I Was You

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I really love Minka Kent, and it seems she can’t write a bad book.

This was a fun, twisty read, telling the story of Brienne, who, a year before, was attacked, and now lives in the home her grandparents left her when they passed. She has a roommate, Niall, who is a doctor.

Brienne has the tiniest crush on Niall, and she feels safe having him in the house with her.

Unfortunately for Brienne, and as we all know, things aren’t always what they seem, and Niall is more complicated than Brienne thinks.

As usual, I can’t wait to read more of Minka’s work, she never disappoints!

Thank you to Netgalley and Thomas and Mercer for the ARC of this book!

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I almost gave up on this book during the first half, and then the twist drew me back in. It was a shocker. This was a good cat and mouse type of psychological thriller. Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for the advanced reader copy.

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Predictable but very fast-paced! I did see the plot twist from a mile away but I still found it to be enjoyable!

The pacing was a bit of a problem for me. Part I dragged on for quite a bit because nothing really happens.
However, Parts II and III made up for the slow-moving plot and were very fast-paced and gripping. I kept turning the pages and before you know it, I was finished with the book!

In terms of the plot, there were a lot of plot holes and missing pieces. I was left with more questions than when I first started. Who was the man that Brienne saw in her house? Was it really a “visual disturbance”? Who was the person leaving out the cat food? What was the deal with Brian? So many questions!

In terms of the characters, I liked Brienne but I felt so disconnected from her. Her backstory was underdeveloped and parts of her life were only revealed because it was relevant to the plot. This goes the same with Niall. There was not enough backstory to understand his motives and aspirations.

Overall, this book was okay. Nothing really stood out to me but it was still a fun, easy read!

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Those looking for a high paced thriller will be disappointed. Minka Kent delivers a slow-burn, manipulative plot with just enough suspense to keep the reader on edge. The purposeful restraint that is put to the writing is deceptive and while some readers may feel it to be drawn out, the pace feels decisive and almost subversive. Love the range of Kent’s writing style and the broad characterization she utilizes.

Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC of #WhenIWasYou, which was read and reviewed voluntarily.

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I had mixed feelings about this book - at the beginning I thought it would be a slow burn psychological thriller but then we were given all the answers at the halfway mark... While the pace picked up after that, I also found it boring because we already knew what was happening. Niall's dialogue killed me - so corny and cliche. There are better thrillers to spend a day on.

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Another middle of the pack thriller. Very predictable from early on, an annoying protagonist that you want to scream, “JUST GO TO THE POLICE ALREADY!” at.

However, it did keep me interested enough once the pace picked up about a quarter of the way through. And I did enjoy the psychological thriller aspect of the book.

The last half of the book was a lot more intriguing and action-packed than the first half. But overall, like I said, just a very mediocre thriller.

Thank you to Thomas & Mercer for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book. This is my second by Kent that I read. She is definitely an underdog author that is making her way up the chain. I cannot wait for more twisty work by her.

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I enjoyed this book, who is she, is she the victim of identity theft, is she dealing with dual personalities or? i rooted for her and enjoyed the ride

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I really enjoyed the book and discovered the author. I especially loved the fact her books were available through Amazon prime. This had such a great plot twist that I was not expecting. I highly recommend this book if you want to read a suspense book that you could finish within a few days. I guarantee you, you will be sucked into the book!

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Wow! So, up to about 40% I was thinking to myself that I knew what was going on, how it was "so obvious" - WRONG. I felt like I was clicking up a rollercoaster, and then whoosh, plot twist, and I flew down the other side. I finished this book in 2 days, could not put it down!

Part 1 was very "in her head" (the main character), and wow, is she ever paranoid and constantly rethinking her own thoughts. Slight OCD tendencies in there, all making the character very believable and real, considering the trauma she went through.

Great read, this book took turns and definitely didn't go where I thought it would go!

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The really slow pace of this book made me want to stop reading quite a few times, but I kept on because of the way the author wove in a little detail here and another there, thus creating this very disturbing atmosphere that just keeps on building tension as you go along and you keep wondering 'what on Earth is really going on here?' The story thus does keep you intrigued and immersed. If you like fast-paced thrillers, this is not for you. But if you can do with a more leisurely pace that thoroughly gets you unnerved and uncomfortable, then this is the book you want to read.

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Ahhh, the good ole' mental instability plot.

Don't get me wrong, this was a good read. Unlike everyone else, I really enjoyed the first 40% or so of the book. It wa sthe end that kind of fell flat for me. Once the money part of the book was introduced, I knew the whole plot. While it was quite enjoyable, it would have been nice if the plot wasn't quite so transparent.

And even though I'm not a character driven type of reader, I thought the characters could have used a little more....oomph?

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At first I had a hard time getting into this book but I ended up really enjoying it! Some of the plots were a bit far fetched, but other than that I thought it was a great thriller. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free copy in exchange for review.


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Special thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a free, electronic ARC of “When I Was You” by Minka Kelly, received in exchange for an honest review.
After a harrowing attack that nearly cost Brienne Dougray her life, she is now living in near seclusion, with only her grandparents’ sprawling estate and her roommate, Niall, for company. One day, Brienne comes across unsettling information; a woman who looks very much like her is living in an apartment under her name, driving a car that is similar to hers and (after a social media diving expedition), even physically resembles her. In order to solve the mystery, Brienne must leave her house but as she delves deeper Brienne realizes that leaving her house is not the scariest thing she will encounter, and her life is about to take a dark and dangerous turn.
This novel started off pedantic and predictable, and quite honestly, I was frustrated with the main characters’ lack of basic common sense. She seemed too naïve for even the youngest and most immature of shut-ints (which she was not) and seemed to fall for anything that came her way. I was immediately skeptical of the unrealistic character of Brienne, as someone who grew up around money (as she did) would not be so openly trusting with a relative stranger.
The plot line itself was familiar, and anyone who is well-read in this genre will immediately be able to recognize and predict it. That isn’t to say that it didn’t provide ample entertainment along the way. Once the “twist” was revealed about mid-way through (and my faith in Brienne was reassured), it was smooth sailing and I almost completed the rest of the book in one sitting.
The ending was satisfying and just desserts were served, leaving very few unanswered questions. Being new to Kelly’s work, I have nothing to compare “When I Was You” to, but she has not completely turned me off. I may check out her other novels in the future, but they may sit on the TBR list for a while (but then again, doesn’t everything?)

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At first I thought this book was going one way, then quite suddenly, it turned, and we were going a completely different direction. I'm that type of person who usually doesn't try to figure out the end, and with When I Was You, it was like I couldn't help it. But then I was wrong anyway, so what does it matter?

When I Was You is a fast-paced, guessing game. You'll never be 100% quite sure what's happening, and then when you think you've got it? You don't. Loved this book and all the madness within.

4.5/5 Stars

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This one held my attention all the way through. Typical thriller with twists and turns. Quick, fun read.

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Thanks so much to NetGalley for sending me an ARC .
This is the first novel to me by Minka Kent but I enjoyed it.
It's little thriller and Brienna character is so lovely .
The first part is little slow but the second and third is more action and better.

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I was skeptical at first. It was a bit slow in the beginning but it picked up pretty fast. So please don’t give up on it!

Brienne was not my favorite character to be honest. I wanted to smack some sense into her a couple times but she got better thankfully.

I really enjoyed having both Brienne and Niall narrate. It made it that much more exciting. It kept me on the edge of my seat.

This book kept me on the edge of my seat.

When I Was You was unique and I plan on reading more by Minka Kent.

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While the plot of this novel was a bit far-fetched, I enjoyed. I thought I had things pretty well figured out early on, but boy, was I wrong! Interesting quick read with good characters and many, many twists.

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When this story starts, Brienne, recovering from a brutal assault that resulted in a traumatic brain injury, is living in her grandmother’s mansion with a roommate, Niall, who claims to be a doctor.

It’s important to know two elements about this book: Brienne is a millionaire several times over, having inherited her grandmother’s extensive assets, including her house; and. Brienne, due to her TBI, is practically agoraphobic. That’s the outline.

All I can safely say without giving anything else away, is that things are nowhere near as they appear, from the beginning of this twisted tale of psychological manipulation at the hands of a narcissist to the very end. And, I did not see an important piece of the end coming.

While I thought the writing was flat and the story literally implausible, I did find myself wondering what was going to happen next.

I received this book as an ARC from the publisher and NetGalley.

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