Member Reviews

Despite having read all four Stillhouse Lake books, I was surprised how far along the series was when I picked up this book, probably because of how fresh they still fill - and how excited I am reading them. I still remember book one as clear as day (which is quite a feat considering how much crime fiction I read!).
What got me hooked was Gwen, a different type of protagonist, a woman on the run not from a man but from a whole host of them: men and women convinced she is guilty of the horrific crimes her husband actually committed. Thankfully, the husband is now out of the way. Unfortunately, this has done nothing to stop people hating Gwen and wanting her, and her kids, gone from their small, previously quiet, town.
Convincing Gwen to leave, however, won't be easy. She has stubborn running through her core. This all changes when her job as a private investigator brings a case too close to home, and her children. A young man has gone missing, and those responsible are determined he won't be found. To get to the bottom of the case, Gwen puts everything on the line and - for a while, at least - it looks like she might lose.
Rachel Caine does really well mixing Gwen's story with that of the missing, tying them together in a way that doesn't feel false or forced. For me, this is a plus because - as much as I want the case solved - I want to know more about Gwen and what is happening in her life. It might also be a bonus because, otherwise, the story of the missing young men might have been a bit too predictable, something I had read before.
Thankfully, though, this isn't a route Rachel Caine went down and I was left more than satisfied with a great story, great characters, and killer ending. I'm a very happy bunny!

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I LOVE the series!

Reading the 4th instalment in the series made me realise how much I missed reading about Gwen and the others.
Bitter Falls doesn't disappoint! It is an action packed, suspense driven and pacy book. The tension and the drama continues in the story and I was fully invested. I liked it more than the last book, 'Wolfhunter River'.

The narrative, similar to previous installments, is split between Gwen, Connor, Sam, and Lanny. I have at times liked and at times disliked this dynamic, but it works rather well in Bitter Falls, in my opinion. Having said that I must say I still love Gwen’s chapters best.

I can't wait to read on and I think Rachel Caine is doing a fantastic job of having the readers hooked and invested in this series.

I would rate this book a 4!
Thank you to NetGalley for the digital arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoy this series so much. I love Gwen and her kids. And Sam. I like how they branched out to a different case but also kept some from the last like Vee. The whole book is very intense and action packed. I look forward to see the next adventure.

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I will leave a review on Amazon or B&N on Jan 21, 2020

My thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for an advance copy of this book. This is my fair and honest review.

Bitter Falls is the 4th book in the Stillhouse series. This was the first book I have read from this series and this author. This book contains a little bit of everything, the main character Gwen Proctor was formerly married to a serial killer that now she is a PI trying to protect her children and partner. That isn't always easy when the media has made your life a living nightmare. Hillbilly drug dealers, cult leader just a few of the characters you will find in this book. Overall I enjoyed the book, it was well written but at times it has a really dark overtone. I would recommend it to others.

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I fell in love with this series from book one (Stillhouse Lake) and loved book two (Killman Creek) but I thought perhaps I was done after reading Wolfhunter River. I didn't enjoy that one. Thanks to a reviewer I follow here on Goodreads I decided to give this book a try and I am so glad that Netgalley gave me the opportunity to read and review this book, it was just as good as the first two books in this series. I am now looking forward to the next book.

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This is the 4th book in this series and this family just doesn't seem to get a break st all. Gwen Proctor is one tough woman. She had to be her husband was a serial killer.If you’ve ever seen the TV show The Following it’s similar. He had crazy people doing his bidding. The place they thought was there safe haven has turned against them so they are ready to move somewhere new. This time she’s up against a cult full of religious fanatics. She’s investigating a missing person. This book is suspenseful and fast paced. On to the next.

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This was such a gripping book. It was so intense at times I found myself holding my breath. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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BITTER FALLS was a great progression in Caine's Stillhouse Lake series. Caine does a great job throughout the series of showing how this mother and her two kids survive the immense trauma of discovering that their respective husband and father is a serial killer. Well-written, great tension, all around good read. And although you could certainly read and enjoy BITTER FALLS as is, I highly recommend starting at the beginning of the series, STILLHOUSE LAKE.

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Thank you Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for the chance Bitter Falls by Rachel Caine. This is Bk 4 in the Stillhouse Lake series which I read in 2019 and truly enjoyed. Gwen is now a PI which she enjoys but people will never let her forget the past. The town wants nothing to do with her or her family, and the local drug family wants her gone. While dealing with home issues, Gwen’s latest case, a young man, missing for 3 years pulls Gwen into the path of a devious and evil cult leader.
This was another great psychological thriller, with Gwen trying to get her life back on track with a job she really likes and is very good at. The relationship she has with Sam continues, and I love the chemistry between them. The one truly scary part was the description of the school shooting drill that Conner and Lanny were forced to endure at school. I cannot imagine if these drills were actually real how terrifying they would be, even as drills.

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Rachel Caine is writing a series with characters that I love to read about. We have Gwen Proctor, a tough-as-nails mom and PI who is trying to navigate a world where trolls are still out to hurt her family because of the horrible crimes of her ex-husband. Her kids are tough too, but believable as kids, and they keep finding trouble. Sam is the love interest and it is all really complicated!

This one has a carryover storyline from the last book (creepy Wolfhunter River) and I think that was a great story arc. Gwen’s work as a private investigator is a good fit for her, but it does seem to drag her into trouble and danger! This time, it’s a cold case of a missing college student. As Gwen digs deeper, things are falling apart for the family in Stillhouse Lake. Gwen has tried to keep a permanent place for her family there and settle down, but the town seems to be constantly at war with them and they really don’t feel wanted anymore. The whole family gets drawn into Gwen’s investigation as they grapple with leaving Stillhouse Lake.

This book kept me on my toes with some surprises and super chilling cult happenings. I will continue to drop everything to read the next installment in this series. I hope Rachel Caine has a dozen more stories up her sleeves for the Proctor family!

If you are looking for a new thriller series to start in 2020 and you haven’t read the “Stillhouse Lake” series – I highly recommend it! I do recommend starting with #1, this is a series that works best if you know the whole story! If you already love this series, this new one does not disappoint, and I was thrilled to make it my last read of 2019.

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This book reminded me of why I love this series!

Bitter Falls is a psychological thriller about a dangerous cult and the mysteries behind it’s “saintly” members.

The Proctor family find themselves in danger once again. Gwen, now working as a kick-ass PI, unknowingly puts her family in danger (she's got quite the knack for attracting trouble) when she begins investigating a cold case about a man who vanished without a trace. It’s also not helping that Proctors have few friends left in Stillhouse Lake, and their neighbors are making it more than clear that they want them gone. When members of a crazy religious cult take two members of the Proctor family for ransom, it is up to the other two members to bring them home.

The narrative, similar to previous installments, is split between Gwen, Connor, Sam, and Lanny. I haven’t always loved this dynamic, but it works well in Bitter Falls. I still like Gwen’s chapters best, but the other character’s voices are growing on me.

Bitter Falls is an action-packed, suspense-filled filled read chock full of tension and drama. I was lured in by the case of the missing boy, and intrigued by “The All Saints” cult. The plot was tightly wound and when it fully unraveled it was pure chaos (in a good way). While it lacked believability, it was fun to read.

My only complaint is that the last few pages felt rushed. I was scared there was going to be a cliff hanger because so much happens in the last 10% of the book, and I wasn’t sure there was going to be adequate time for all threads to be wrapped up. However, all aspects are neatly tied together, perhaps a little too neatly. I didn’t love the last book in the series, but this book brings back all of the elements that I loved about the earlier books. Gwen’s story is finally moving forward and I can’t wait to see where the Proctors find trouble next!

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Will they ever be left in peace? All Gwen wants is for her family to be like every other family but then again not every family has a serial killer as their head. She hoped that they would be safe but someone wants them gone. She hopes that the latest incident will blow over especially now that she has been given a new case. She hopes that she can find the missing young man even if it is just to bring closure. But what she finds brings even more danger to her family. Can she put all the pieces together to save her family? Can she hold it together long enough for them to make it out alive? A great interesting read. I was lucky enough to receive a copy from netgalley and the publishing house in exchange for my honest review.

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This one was probably more like a 3.5 star read. I feel that maybe Rachel Caine keeps adding to the series unnecessarily. It probably could have ended a couple of books ago. Don't get me wrong, there was plenty of action in this one, but there was also some repetitiveness from other books. How many times do we have to hear about all the people threatening to rape and murder her children. Now even though I am not naive to Internet trolls, I still feel like I have to suspend my disbelief about there being so many people willing to hurt innocent children. I just don't get that. I am also getting wary of all the references to people hating her. I also can't stand Vee. Why did they bring her back? And in one of the scenes she was featured, she totally ditched Lanny and endangered her life because of it. She is awful!

All of that being said, I did enjoy the religious cult angle that Gwen was investigating. There was a lot of action there and a lot of twists as well. The last 25% of the book was a total roller coaster. The author left this one open for a sequel and I just don't think it's needed.

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I wasn't especially taken with the first book in the Stillhouse Lake series and didn't follow up with the next two books. However, after reading Bitter Falls, I kind of regret that... because I did enjoy this one.

Gwen Proctor attempts to lead a normal-as-possible life despite her horrific background as the wife of a serial killer-- stalked by those who hated her husband and by those who admired him. Her kids, Lanny and Connor, are her priority, but she knows she can't fully protect them from even the every day problems of life, much less from the bullies and trolls concerning her husband.

Although Gwen, her partner Sam, and the kids have found some security in Stillhouse Lake, things have changed and are at best uncomfortable and at worst dangerous.

When Gwen gets a new missing persons cold case--that of a young man missing for three years--she focuses on it, turning up new and disturbing information that will result in a terrifying situation for Gwen, her partner Sam, and the kids.

Characters from previous novels play their roles in this one. Some characters I recognized from the first book, others were new to me. It didn't matter that I skipped books 2 and 3 in the series; Bitter Falls didn't cause any confusion. Rachel Caine's skillful recap fills in all you need to know to enjoy the plot.

I may go back and pick up the books I missed--or not--but I will be looking for the next one.

NetGalley/Thomas & Mercer
Mystery/Thriller. Jan. 21, 2020. Print length: 336 pages.

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Bitter Falls is the fourth in Rachel Caine's Stillhouse Lake series. Gwen, Sam and kids Lanny and Connor are now living as a family, with Gwen working as a private investigator, pursuing the case of a missing college student. They are more settled but still dealing with threats carrying over from previous books, especially Wolfhunter River. The author also continues writing from all four characters' POVs, as she did in the previous installment, and she does this really well. It gives the reader a well defined sense of each character's personality.

I've been crazy about this series from the beginning and while I enjoyed Bitter Falls, it was a bit of a disappointment compared to the earlier books. I found it to be the least enjoyable of the series and I had to push through to finish it. Some of the "danger" seemed contrived, or at least brought on more by the characters themselves than by outside forces. I do seem to be somewhat in the minority in that I liked Wolfhunter River better than this one, but whatever your personal preference, I think it's worth noting that this series probably should have ended with the last book. If Bitter Falls is not the last in this series, then I believe the author should consider ending it with the next book.

3.5 stars rounded down to 3.

Thanks to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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After being disappointed by the 3rd book in this series I was very happy to be pleasantly surprised by Bitter Falls!

Gwen is back at doing her detective work, but this time it's blended nicely into the story of her family. I enjoyed the chapters told from her children's point of view showing more to the story.

I don't want to say too much and spoil it for anyone, but the action and adventure you'd expect from Stillhouse Lake is back! This time with cults!

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Bitter Falls by Rachel Caine is the 4th installment of the Stillhouse Lake Series. If you haven’t read the first three in this series, I suggest you do, because they are just as amazing.
In Bitter Falls, we are still following the Proctor family...formerly Royal family in relation to Melvin Royal/serial killer. The family is trying desperately to become normal, after they are found out to be the relatives of Melvin Royal, the community is less than accepting of their presence. The kids are trying to fit in at school, but it’s really difficult. Gwen is now working as a private investigator, which seems to be something she is really good at and helps pay the bills. Sam Cade is still part of the family too...although they are still working on issues from the incidents in previous books.
When Gwen’s next job comes up, a missing college student who vanished 3 years prior, it seems to be a pretty straight forward job without much to go on, but as Gwen starts to uncover secrets of a possible cult, her family is put in smack dab in the middle of danger again. To Gwen, it’s now personal...when her son and partner are abducted, Gwen will do whatever she has to in order to find them before they become the latest army of saints the cult believes they are building in heaven.
Gwen Proctor is a badass. Her kids have been trained to always be on guard for danger, but they are still just teenagers and want to do teen things. It becomes more difficult to keep them safe. This is one of my favorite psychological thriller series. Bitter Falls is just as good as book 1, Stillhouse Lake. You will be on the edge of your seat wishing you had enough time to binge read from page 1 to the last.
I would like to thank Netgalley, Rachel Caine and Thomas & Mercer for an advanced reader edition of Bitter Falls in exchange for an honest review. I highly advise everyone to read this series.

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There are books that are well-written enough -- and compelling enough -- that we tear through them, enthralled to the last page. It's not until the book (or the Kindle) is closed that we ask the questions: Could that have plausibly happened? Did it, in fact, happen in a previous book in the series? Is it consistent with what we've been told and shown about the characters?

After reading all four of the Gwen Proctor novels by Rachel Caine, I think that Caine has that gift -- she propels us through her books, our disbelief suspended (And we like it! Until those pesky questions set in after the fact.)

The main character, Gwen Proctor, is a role model for victimized women everywhere, and her family seems solid and relatable, despite all the ongoing trauma of their lives. The original setup is unique: Gwen was once , unbeknownst to her, the wife of a serial killer, and she has changed her name and her life to escape the spotlight.

So, yeah, I'd call her a fictional friend. But just as IRL, sometimes you ask yourself if that friend with the drama- or trauma-filled life doesn't actually court the damage and derangement? But then, if Gwen truly withdrew from peril, she wouldn't be Gwen and we wouldn't have this series.

I enjoyed this book more than I did the third one in the series, although this seemed almost like a long epilogue to Wolfhunter River.

Thanks to NetGalley for an advance readers copy.

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I have really enjoyed each installment in Caine's thrilling series about this family. It had been a long time since I read the last novel, so I was concerned that it would be a challenge to get back into the family dynamics and remember the backstories. Wow, was I wrong. I picked everything back up immediately and by 25% into the novel, I was hooked -- again. I also adore the secondary characters and was delighted that they all showed up in the story. A fun read and thoroughly enjoyable.

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This is Book 4 in the Stillhouse Lake series, and I personally struggled to get through it. It was a lot of the same. And I feel like the kids just get worse. I do love most books by Rachel Caine but feel like maybe this is the end of the road for this series for me!

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