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Bitter Falls

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Bitter Falls is another addictive, action-packed installment in the Stillhouse Lake series. Alternating between multiple POV's - Gwen, Sam, Lanny and Connor - we follow the family as they realize that Stillhouse Lake is no longer the safe haven it once was. Gwen's failed TV interview and everything that occurred afterward has only made things worse. Surprisingly, Gwen's past isn't the driving force in the feud with the local hillbilly mafia - a.k.a the Belldene family - although the increased media/police presence certainly isn't good for business. The credit here goes to Sam...mostly.

Now working as a Private Investigator, Gwen is assigned to look into the cold case of a college man who disappeared without a trace 3 years ago. Despite the fact that his mother refuses to give up hope, it isn't his parents who hired her. It's an organization called All Saints International, but the question is why? What interest could they possibly have in this case? Her investigation uncovers new sinister leads along with connections to Wolfhunter River. In going up against this religious cult, Gwen unknowingly puts another target on her family.

Between the problems with the Belldene's, Connor suffering from PTSD and Lanny struggling to fit in, it's time for Gwen and Sam to come to a decision. Are they to continue trying to make life at Stillhouse Lake work, or is it finally time to move on?

I still think Killman Creek would have been a good conclusion for the series but I'm continuing because I'm rooting for Gwen and her family. Although considering who they are, it's hard to believe they will ever catch a break and be able to settle somewhere peacefully...especially if Gwen continues working as a P.I instead of keeping a low profile.
They've suffered so much already and deserve a chance at a normal life. It would be nice to see people accept them and recognize the fact that Lanny and Connor are also victims. Gwen is as well but the children are completely innocent and shouldn't still be receiving so much hate/death threats because of Melvin's crimes.
I admit, I wasn't a huge fan of Vee's reappearance but the cult storyline was fascinating and needing to know how everything would unravel had me hooked.

I will definitely be picking up book 5 because I adore Sam and Gwen together and how they've managed to overcome the obstacles thrown at them to become a solid family unit.
I'm looking forward to reading about whatever trouble Gwen lands herself in next!

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Bitter Falls is the newest installment of the Stillhouse Lake series. Reading about Gwen's adventures is always a good ride. This time, her case brought her to Bitter Falls to investigate a missing person who seemingly vanished without a trace. As usual, nothing is as it seems and Gwen and the Proctor family face challenges. While the books in this series are all kind of similar, I do greatly enjoy this series and always look forward to the next one to be released. Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this book prior to its release!

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*4.5 stars rounded up!! Talk about non-stop action! Rachel Caine really knows how to write an exciting thriller. In the 4th book in the series, Gwen is working for a detective agency and is asked by her boss to look into a cold case: the disappearance of a young male college student that happened three years ago.

Meanwhile back at home, things are not going well for her family. Someone seems to want them gone from Stillhouse Lake and the kids have problems of their own. Gwen needs to keep her children safe but has unwittingly stirred up a hornet's nest with her investigation that brings more danger down on their heads. The tension builds and builds to a very dramatic, nail-biting conclusion.

I received an arc of this new thriller from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks.

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Gwen has had a hard life, atleast the last few years, and it seems like she attracts danger at every turn. She struggles to keep her family safe from all the evil people bring to her door step. Her new case searching for answers to a missing boys disappearance 3 years ago leads as I'm sure you suspect, to more danger. Sam has his own troubles that are taking a darker turn and the kids are targets yet again. Intriguing storyline with some action and suspense as well as the support and love of family and friends through it all! Definitely another five star read that should not be missed!

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I love the Stillhouse Lake series, so was really excited to read the latest book! I had wondered how Caine would continue the story when (SPOILER ALERT) her ex-husband was no longer alive to contribute to the plot, but she has done a great job of continuing the drama the readers love. This book focused on a religious cult that was seemingly kidnapping young men from the nearby town to join the Army of Saints, with the Proctor family determined to figure out how to help them. I am eager to see what is in the future

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I am a big fan of this series and each story continues to get better and better. There is drama, suspense and the anticipation of what happens next that has you wanting more. The characters are fantastic and their continued growth makes each story better and better. I cannot wait to see what she comes out with next. Definitely one series you want to pick up.

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I have been a big fan of the Stillhouse Lake series since the beginning -- however, I was a bit skeptical about how much further the story could go after the last book. Needless to say, all of my skepticism disappeared after reading Bitter Falls. First off, Rachel Caine has done such an excellent job of developing the main characters: Gwen, Lanny, Connor and Sam. She does a great job of toggling in between their points of view and really channels the voice of each character through her writing. She also has done an incredible job of weaving all of the plot lines together between the 4 books. Different characters and plot lines from the three previous books are expertly incorporated into this new book -- a MUST READ! I can't wait for the next one!

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Fans of Rachel Caine will be delighted with this book number four in the series of psychological thrillers about the Proctor family.
In this instalment Gwen Proctor is dealing with another cold case, disappearance of a young man called Remy Landry three years ago. The narrative is split between four points of view- Gwen, Lanny, Connor and Sam, which gives the story more depth. The family faces outright hostility from the neighbours, while the case Gwen is investigating is putting her loved ones in the path of a dangerous criminal.
As usual Rachel Caine's characterization is outstanding, while the story will keep you on the edge of your seat with never-ending twists and turns and its spellbinding ending.
Dark and intense, Bitter Falls won't disappoint the readers who have been following the Stillhouse Lake series as it is as well-written as the previous instalments.
Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas&Mercer for the ARC provided in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Wow, how much can one family take and still stay strong? After years of torment as a serial killer's wife, Gwen Proctor , her partner Sam, and her children Connor and Lanny are trying to put the past behind them. Gwen is working as a private investigator, and an interesting case has just arrived. A young man just disappeared into the night, without a trace, three years ago, and Gwen wants to find closure for his parents.

As Gwen gets closer to the truth, things start to get really dangerous, plus her past is catching up to her, and she's getting angst from internet trolls and locals alike. This book races to a spectacular finale, and I dare you to put it down.

This series is a wonderful, enjoyable read, with fantastic characters and well thought out plots. Recommended for all lovers of crime and mystery novels.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The fourth book in the Stillhouse Lake series by Rachel Caine. Gwen Proctor and her family are back, and they are finding it harder and harder to fit into their local community. Gwen's trying to keep her family safe and also keep herself busy. She takes on the cold case of a missing young man. Gwen's investigation leads to her discovering other victims, and wanting to discover who is behind the disappearances.

This is an action-packed and exciting series. Gwen and her kids are not well-liked, and it is extremely difficult on the kids. Things are becoming more serious in their community, and the entire family is uncertain of their futures. I like the different viewpoints, and that each family member's take on what is happening is represented. The characters in this book are likable and easy to root for. Gwen is still a badass, and she's raising her kids to be strong, smart, and independent.

A fast-paced thriller that kept me wanting to read more. Interesting mystery with plenty of bad guys, in both Gwen's personal and professional lives. Intriguing, dark, and intense.

I received a free digital copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Bitter Falls
Stillhouse Lake #4

Gwen Proctor is a smart, strong and dynamic character who will go anywhere and do anything to protect her family.


BITTER FALLS is the fourth book in the Stillhouse Lake series. Gwen Proctor has had a difficult life since she found out her husband was a serial killer. That was years ago and she desperately trying to put the past behind her, have a normal life and protect her two children, Connor and Lanny, from the internet monsters that haunt them. It’s not easy, and now the closed-minded town of Norton and her powerful drug dealing neighbors are also closing ranks against them.

Gwen is working as a private investigator for an out-of-town detective agency and is assigned a case of a missing twenty-one year old male college student who disappeared while out with friends at a bar on a Friday night. Remy Landry has been missing for three years. The police gave up on the case long ago, the file is thin and the case is cold. But Gwen knows what it’s like to worry about your children.

A church-related nonprofit hired the agency to look into the case, which is somewhat strange. But regardless of who is putting up the money, finding out what happened to the handsome Remy Landry has to be a good thing for his parents. Right? But it just might not be a good thing for Gwen Proctor, her partner, Sam or her two children.

Author RACHEL CAINE had me with her description of the waterfall that rambled and roared over the rocks above and broke into the white spray that floated weightless in the air. Her writing is vivid, riveting and evocative.

BITTER FALLS is a fast moving, and gripping thriller of a woman’s fight to protect her family. All the characters in the book are so well-developed, you can’t help but care about them and you’ll easily be caught up in the story. Gwen, Connor, Lanny and Sam each narrate various chapters in the book which add diverse perspectives to a tight plot. This is a perfect book for a quick weekend read!

Gwen Proctor is one of my favorite female characters. She is amazingly strong both physically and emotionally. She has had to be, at times she seems to be fighting monsters on various fronts. Her perseverance is phenomenal. She will go anywhere and do anything to protect those she loves.

Author Rachel Caine grabs her reader at the start and leaves them hanging from the edge of that waterfall the entire book. Caine is the bestselling author of more than 50 novels novels including Stillhouse Lake, Wolfhunter River and Killman Creek in the Stillhouse Lake series. Bitter Falls, the fourth book in the series is so well written you could read it as a stand-alone. But why would you want to?

Thanks to Netgalley for an advance reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Publisher Thomas & Mercer
Published January 21, 2020

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This book is well written and with great characters, but the stupidity of the main characters is not always believable. And don't take a break in the middle of a chapter, because you might not remember who the first person is, and get confused. Changing first person POV is just a bad idea.

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This was an incredible installment of the Stillhouse Lake series. It was creepy, riveting, compelling and scary as hell. As someone obsessed by the idea of "religious" cults, I really latched onto this storyline. My only criticism is that Lanny acted stupidly, and I found it unrealistic given her years of training with her mom. And the new use of "dad" for Sam was heavy-handed.

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I’m saying goodbye to this series. While Caine’s writing is good and engaging, the plot of Bitter Falls followed along the same lines of the previous novel and didn’t provide enough character or series development for me to fully enjoy things. The tight arc that existed in the first two novels is gone. This just feels like the characters aimlessly making reckless decisions that put them in danger for the sake of another book.

Personally, I don’t think there was a point to this. I was hesitant towards Wolfhunter River because I didn’t know where the story would go after the Melvin arc concluded and, one book later, I’m not ever sure Caine knows what’s going to happen. This seems like writing for the sake of writing and putting books out instead of having a clear outline.

So, the direction the series is going is not for me. The first two novels were wonderful and I love them, but the series is clearly not enjoyable for me anymore. I’m sure other readers will have a good time reading about Gwen’s journey and the mysteries she faces. I’m just not one of them.

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Rachel Caine has done it again. This is the 4th book in the Stillhouse Lake series and it stands very strong with the others. I’m so glad the author is not just focusing on the personal story of Gina but incorporates the cases she takes on for work. This one will keep you going until the end. I highly recommend this series and I can’t wait for the next book.

Thanks Netgalley for the advance copy of the book.

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This is the 4th book in the series and whilst it can be read as a standalone I recommend that the previous books be read first .
This final ( I think it is final) book is absolutely gripping , fast paced and full of action from beginning to end .

Gwen Proctor and her children were the survivor's of her serial murderer husband's wrath , with many of the Public and Law Enforcement totally convinced of her guilt in his crimes .
They had settled on Stillhouse Lake , along with her partner Sam , hoping to make a permanent home , but there are those who want them out and gone for good .
Gwen is now working as a PI and is given a case of the disappearance of a young man , Remy, missing for 3 years . Who wants to find him and why ? Is it really Remy they are looking for ?
Gwen's investigation opens a can of worms leading to kidnappings ,cults , torture , multiple deaths and finally the answers to many questions .
It is only with the help of those who believe in both her and Sam that they manage to survive and resolve those many questions left unanswered in the previous books .

This is an absolutely outstanding read and I look forward to what the writer comes up with next

I was given an ARC of this book by Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Gwen Proctor is 1 woman you definitely don't want to mess with! Especially if it involves her children or the man she loves.

This is the fourth installment in the Stillhouse Lake series and in my opinion it definitely is a series you have to read in order. I loved the 1st book and it was 1 of my favourite books of last year. The others were also good and this was also a fast read that I enjoyed but like the previous book it left me a bit disappointed in the end. The ending felt a bit rushed. Some things also seemed a bit too far fetched but maybe that's just me.

Glen is now a PI and is asked to look into the disappearance of a young man who has been missing for 3 years. Sam had to take on work away from home because the people of Norton have closed ranks against them. She opens up a can of worms with her investigation and again her families lives are in danger. Who hired her firm to look into the disappearance of Remy and why?

Thank you to #netgalley and #thomas&Mercer for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Love, love, love Rachel Caine’s series and I was escited to dive into this installment. It did not disappoint. I will be recommending the series as often as I can!!!

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I have been lucky enough to score the entire series on netgalley, and boy am i happy for that! I can;t stop reading and always want more of this storyline!

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I’ve been a fan of this series since day one, there is something about Caine’s writing that draws me in and keeps me engaged. This isn’t a series where you can just start wherever, you really need to start with the first book in order to appreciate everything that Gwen and her family have been through. The good news is that even though this is the fourth book they’re fairly quick reads and are easy to binge.

High points of this installment for me were Gwen as a private investigator and the fact that her case involves a cult. I have a morbid fascination and curiosity with cults and I never tire of reading about them. The chapters are pretty brief and you hear from Gwen, Sam, Lanny and Connor giving you a bird’s eye overview of all that’s going on, and with this crew, there’s always a ton going on.

Now onto the low points. You know how sometimes after the first few books a series can kind of feel meh? There was a little bit of that here for me if I’m being completely honest. You may be wondering why I spent the first part of this review trying to encourage you to read this series if this one was just ok for me, but stay with me for a minute. The momentum in the first few books was steady. I loved where these books seemed to be heading and was totally onboard. But something felt different with this one, almost like the exciting edge was missing? I’m not totally sure what it was but this definitely didn’t excite me as much as the other books. I have grown pretty attached to Gwen and her kids (and Sam) though so that’s why I’ll keep reading and recommending this one. I have faith in the author, especially since this one wasn’t bad by any means, it just felt lacking a little. I’ll definitely be picking up the next book in the hopes that the suspense and intrigue is heightened back up to the previous level and chalk this one up to a one off.

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