Member Reviews

The Night Swim has garnered praise for its tense, immersive storytelling and its deft exploration of themes like justice, trauma, and the impact of media on public perception. Megan Goldin skillfully uses the podcast format to add a layer of authenticity and immediacy to the story. This framing device allows readers to feel directly involved in the unfolding drama, creating a sense of urgency and engagement.

The characters are well-developed, with Rachel Krall standing out as a compelling protagonist. However, some readers might find the pacing a bit uneven, particularly in parts where the investigation slows down. Additionally, while the dual narrative structure adds intrigue, it can sometimes feel a bit disjointed.

Overall, The Night Swim is a compelling and thought-provoking thriller that combines a strong sense of place, a gripping mystery, and a deep dive into the impact of crime and media. Megan Goldin's ability to blend a tight narrative with complex characters and relevant themes makes this a standout read for fans of the genre.

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I received this book for free through netgalley for an honest review. Wow what a ride. I didn’t expect the twists (multiple) or the ending. From the start I was pulled in with the true crime podcast aspect of it all. It starts off really strong, but the end I got a little bored in the middle, and then the ending really picked up. I was going to rate 3 stars until the pick up at the end changed my mind. The whole being a woman and making calculated decisions every day to keep yourself safe was something I really connected with and I don’t think is talked about nearly as much as it should be. I’m very excited to read the next in the series and see where the next season of Rachel’s podcast takes us.

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The Juxtaposition between the Past and Present: Reading the story of Jenny Stills and the story of Kelly Moore was harrowing. Seeing the connections between the stories of these two girls was more harrowing still. I had a feeling that Bobby (noted in the quote below) was connected to the rape and murder of Jenny 25 years prior. I did not anticipate that Kelly's father was the main perpetrator of the violence against Jenny.

It is a sick form of justice that he saw firsthand how horrendous and dehumanizing his actions were once they were done against his daughter. It isn't sufficient justice for what he's done.

Truly, I don't know if it's justice at all for someone else to be hurt in light of his transgressions.

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This was an unexpectedly delightful book! It’s one that’s going on my to-be-read-again list. I loved everything about it — the story, pacing, characters.

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Goldin masterfully intertwines these two mysteries, with each chapter building tension and raising new questions. The past and present narratives collide as Rachel uncovers startling connections, forcing her to confront the dark underbelly of the town and its residents. The Night Swim transcends the genre of a typical thriller. While the suspense will keep you on the edge of your seat, the novel also tackles important social issues. Goldin explores the lasting impact of sexual assault, the power dynamics in small communities, and the struggle for victims to be heard and believed. The novel's strength lies in its well-crafted characters, particularly Rachel, who is both relatable and flawed. The inclusion of transcripts from Rachel's podcast adds a unique element, offering a glimpse into the world of investigative journalism and the impact true crime has on the public. The ending feels rushed with all the confessionals and is too tidy for such a heady issue. Still, the Night Swim is a gripping and thought-provoking read. Its intricate plot, complex characters, and exploration of relevant social issues make it a must-read for fans of mysteries and thrillers alike.

It's important to note that the book deals with sensitive topics like sexual assault. Readers who may be sensitive to such content should be aware.

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LOVED this book! The first I’ve read by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved the perspective from all angles and in a podcast. Truly a delight.

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Filled with mystery and intrigue you’ll be desperate to find out what happens. Megan Goldin absolutely shines in this book!

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Due to St. Martins Press refusal to address the remarks made by their employee regarding Palestine, I will not be reviewing this book on social media.

This in no way has anything to do with the author. But I refuse to support anything from SMP because of their refusal to address a major issue at hand.

I was gripped from the very beginning. If you are like me and many other people that love hearing about true crime in a podcast then you get it. This brought a whole new light to podcasts and how things work.

The research that is done for them along with what the host goes through when researching each new case. I will forever be amazed at how much this book accomplished within its pages.

Doubt was sewed into every interaction between Rachel and Hannah. Not to mention trying to figure out who was who and who did what. What could you truly believe. Did what was being pursued in court really happen.

So many hot topics were brought up in this book and it's something that more people need to be talking about. We can unanimously agree murder is punishable. But rape is so gray when it comes to convictions from people. The courtroom isnt about the law. Or facts that are presented. It's about the show that attorneys can put on with the grains of truth sprinkled in.

Privilege played such a large part in this book. It's something that runs rampant in our society and it shouldn't. There is nothing fair when it comes to who has the best lawyer or who has the most sway. Justice is never truly served when the crime is squandered in the court of law when it comes to personal opinions not based on cold hard facts.

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The Night Swim by Megan Goldin is a gripping thriller that explores the dark side of the media and the justice system.

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A masterfully crafted thriller that plunges readers into a gripping exploration of justice, the intricacies of a small town, and the relentless pursuit of truth. At the heart of the novel is Rachel Krall, a true-crime podcaster known for her ability to uncover the truth and set innocent individuals free. However, when her focus shifts to a small town engulfed in a harrowing rape trial, Rachel becomes the target of a mysterious plea for help. As she delves into the investigation, grappling with the pressure to make Season 3 of her podcast a success, she is confronted by a series of letters that lead her on a quest to uncover the truth about her own sister's past.

This is a compelling thriller that delivers on both the emotional and suspenseful fronts that keeps the reader guessing until the final revelation.

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and author Megan Goldin for the opportunity to review the advance copy of this book.

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I love it when you pick up a book and from the start you have no idea where it’s going. This was one of those books.

And it was such a tough read (HUGE trigger-warning for rape), but it was done in a way that after I caught my breath for a few minutes, I went right back to reading.

I loved having Rachel and Hannah be the narrators of the story and the blog posts.

Highly recommend this one!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. The infusion of the podcast into the novel was perfection. I was constantly worried for the MC and that’s just how a thriller should be.

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The Night Swim by Megan Goldin is the first book in the new Rachel Krall series and was an excellent book from the start to the finish. Once I opened my kindle and started to read it I was gripped and ended up reading it all day. However, it was hard to read in parts as this book covers rape and murder but well done to the author Megan Goldin for covering these sensitive subjects the way she did.

Big Thank you to Netgalley for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a riveting read that had me engrossed from page one.

I really liked Goldin's writing. Also, her characters were great.

My favorite part, though? The setting. I love books about small, seaside towns and this book was that and more. It was haunting and atmospheric...and I know I will be thinking about Jenny for a long time to come.

I will definitely read more from this author.

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This was such a powerful, emotional, rage inducing, frustrating story but it was so beautifully crafted and written that I could overpass all my triggers. This was a highly triggering read for me, I won't go into details, I never thought I'd be triggered and I was. I had to take breaks while reading. It reflects so much on the reality of victims, the injustice of the system and how powerful people get away with anything.

The podcast aspect was very well done, very intricately included and felt so realistic. Everything about this book just touched my heart, it felt so real, nothing was exaggerated, no reaction was too much. The way the 2 girls stories intertwine and show the unfairness of justice is crazy. 

This was my first @megangoldin book and it will not be my last. Her writing is immerseful, engaging, flowy and her plot was intricately researched exposing the realness of this issue and I LOVED that.

All I can say is check the trigger warnings as this one focuses on the victimization of women (everything included) and how it's deemed as normal in society.

If you're looking for a thought provoking, intricately researched thriller/mystery this one is fantastic!

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Wow! Wow! Wow! This was a really good book. The twists in this story had me staring into the void mouth opened. I thoroughly enjoyed this

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Rachel Krall’s podcast, Guilty or Not Guilty, was becoming more popular each season, and this case was sure to be one of the best. It was a rape trial, the young woman who had been assaulted was the granddaughter of a beloved former police chief, while the young man who had been accused was a star athlete, who had won countless awards for competitive swimming and was an Olympic hopeful. The town was divided in its support for K, the plaintiff, and Scott Blair, the defendant. When Rachel stopped for gas, she was unnerved to find a note tucked under the windshield wipers, asking her to look into her sister Jenny’s murder, twenty-five years ago this summer, in Neapolis, where the trial was being held.

Rachel attends the trial, and it seemed to be going along as she had expected. Witnesses testified about Scott being a hero, a great credit to the town, while K was talked about in a less than polite manner. While Rachel was chasing down interviews or additional information on the trial, other strange letters turn up, all asking for help with solving Jenny’s murder. Intrigued, Rachel starts looking into the circumstances surrounding Jenny’s death – from drowning, according to the death certificate. Recruiting her producer, Pete, to do some research into Jenny’s death, Rachel soon finds some discrepancies in the varying stories. Although Rachel is in Neapolis to cover Scott Blair’s trial for her podcast, the pull towards the mystery surrounding Jenny’s death is too strong to resist.

Why did I wait so long to read this? I know better, really, I do. Anyway, the book. I liked the alternating mysteries and really enjoyed Rachel’s involvement with both. Interesting storyline with an ending I did not expect.

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As a podcast listener and true crime lover, I loved this book a lot. The format between Hannah, Rachel and the podcast, was easy to follow and compelling to read. I also liked following the current court case and having the cold case getting reopened at the same time.

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Rachel Krall has become a very popular podcaster who provides information on murder cases. For this third podcast, Rachel changes things up a bit and follows a rape trial in NC. While spending time in the area to prepare her podcast, she is contacted by a mysterious woman who requests help for a 25-year-old cold case of murder that happened in the same town. No one is supposed to know what Rachel looks like, so when she receives these messages, she becomes concerned for her safety. The book chapters rotate between the blog of the rape case, Rachel's investigation of the rape case, and messages about the cold case. This writing style slows down the story somewhat. However, the writing is strong, and the plot twists are clever and unpredictable. Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing an ARC.

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I absolutely loved this book. Megan Goldin is a fantastic writer who expertly weaves two stories, 25 years apart, into one great book. Told in current day, with references to a crime 25 years ago via letters, and a crime today via podcast transcripts, 5his complex story was addictive and unputdownable.

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