Member Reviews

This book was intriguing from the start. The main character is a dog trainer and also consults with the police at times with his own dogs. Assisting on one case leads to so much more. With a puppy back from the brinks of death, this book keeps you guessing at every turn. Can't wait for more in the serious and get to know Vira , Kippy, and Reid more!

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As an avid reader, and a dog lover, I was thrilled to learn a new series was being launched by Jeffrey Burton. And, in a twist, this series would feature cadaver dogs. The book is divided into four parts. The first part, understandably, serves to introduce us to the cast of characters (good guys and bad guys). However, it's in the second part that the book really takes off. The characters find their voices and the plot races forward to a great showdown. Burton's villain is sufficiently clever and despicable. The chapters from his point-of-view are among the best. You'll find yourself warming to the characters in this book (human and canine) and looking forward to their next adventure. Thank you to Sara Beth Haring, St. Martin's Press, and NetGalley for my advanced reading copy of #TheFindersBook.

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First few chapters were total tear jerkers and I debated continuing, but once past them the story was well written. The identity of the antagonist was hidden until the end of the book and was a total surprise. Well written characters, looking forward to reading more in the future.

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I just wanted to hug this book and read it again! A golden retriever is rescued as a puppy. Puppy is placed with Mason Reid who trains dogs and cadaver dogs. But this dog, Elvira, called Vira for short, is very different. You have to read this to find out. It is beautifully written and I just loved all the dogs. They each had a distinct personality and Mason had a very close affinity with each one. There was humour and I laughed many times. There certainly was a twist towards the end which I never expected. And it looks like maybe there was a start of a romance. I was delighted to learn this was just the first book in a series. I cannot wait for the next one!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book is a first rate murder mystery. The inclusion of interesting working dogs makes it a step above first rate in my opinion. A sweet golden retriever puppy, through no fault of her own, wound up in Animal Control. Mason Reid, a dedicated dog trainer, did an assessment of this totally shut down pup and knew he could work with her. Ten months later she is a promising cadaver dog and becomes a part of Mason's team of dogs who search for human remains. A cunning serial killer gives Mason's dogs a chance to shine.

The story is fast paced and held my interest from beginning to end. The characters are well developed and believable. I specially liked Mason whose sense of humor makes him a likable protagonist. I look forward to reading what comes next in this series.

I received an Advanced Reader's Copy from St Martin's Press through NetGalley. The opinions expressed are entirely my own.
#TheFinders #NetGalley

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Fascinating book about a "genius" cadaver dog. The story seemed a little jumbled to me at first but once it got going. WOW! It was funny, tightly written, and kept me thoroughly mesmerized.

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Really enjoyed this novel. Mace and his canine buddies are well worth the read. When he brings home a shelter puppy with seemingly paranormal abilities, the plot thickens. His relationship with Kippy is icing on the cake. Prepare to enjoy

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A fast, fun k9 procedural. Mase and his dogs (trained as cadaver dogs) track down a pair of serial killers who have, on occasion, worked together. Lots of action and great descriptions of the dogs’ work. Thanks to Net Galley and Minotaur for an ARC for an honest review.

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For anyone who loves stories about rescue or cadaver dogs, this book is great. Promises to be a good series.

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The Finders is my introduction into Jeffrey B Burton’s writing take away is that he’s definitely on my “Watch” list for future releases.

From the opening paragraph, I was mesmerized by the plot and the exceptional character dynamics...including the K-9’s in that mix...especially Vira. The story was fast paced, twists and turns evoking my genuine curiosity as to the identity of Everyman...when that is finally revealed, not only was it a complete blindside, but a surprise with a, “Well I didn’t even guess it.” moment. Those are my favorite types of Mystery/Thrillers...where you are completely stumped until the author chooses to reveal all. I definitely don’t enjoy stories where I can see where the plot is headed way too early, thereby destroying my enjoyment of a good “Who Done It?” The lead in to the reveal was perfectly timed to keep the reader engaged and invested in the outcome.

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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I was so happy to get this book. I got more excited as it was about a dog.. it reminded me of Turner and Hooch and a little bit like scooby doo. Brilliant author cant wait for the next one

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A new superstar is introduced— no cape and no spandex, just four legs and an uncanny ability to sniff out trouble. Vira is her name, and as a cadaver dog, she is without peer. Finding an inept serial killer leads to an even more complicated case. Co-stars of the book include Dog Man Mace and Kippy the Cop. Hopefully, we’ll meet this characters again in future stories.

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A great start to a new series featuring dog trainer Mace Reid, police officer Kippy Gimm, and most importantly, his amazing dogs. Mace adopts a golden retriever puppy, Vira, that Kippy rescued from death. Like his other dogs he’s training her to become a finder of cadavers. Not only does Vira show extraordinary talent in this they discover she’s also able to pick out the guilty party in a crime. When Vira brutally attacks a bystander in the crowd who’s watching them recover a dead body, everyone thinks she’s lost it, however he turns out to be the perpetrator.

Mace Reid’s love of his dogs, and his self deprecating funny repertoire, endears him to me. Sometimes the writing reminded me of David Rosenfelt’s, and at one point I even googled Burton to see if they were one and the same.

I can see this becoming the start of a long-standing series, one I know our library patrons will thoroughly enjoy.
I know I’m already looking forward to the next book.

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Thank you St Martin's Press for inviting me to read this book. I'm a golden retriever owner (3) and dog trainer so it was perfect for me. It had an interesting twist that kept me reading. I finished The Finders quickly and hope the author continues writing about Elvira.

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I enjoyed reading this book. It had a good story to it. I liked the variety of characters in it. It is my first book read by this author. I hope to read more books by this author.

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I found this book to be very interesting. I loved reading about the training of dogs. I felt the dogs character was well developed. I look forward to more books in this series.

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In this intriguing, entertaining, and unusual new mystery, a cadaver dog not only finds the deceased but may be able to identify the suspect for the slaying.. Will the humans in the story pick up on her warnings in time to thwart and escape a vicious killer?

Most important: The dogs. They are each fully sketched, deeply felt characters, and the author imbues them with such personality and joy that if you don't have a dog, you will want one - or two - by the time you finish this book. There's the ostentatiously male Sue, the regal German Shepherd with a weakness for peanut butter. There are the slyly conspiring sisters, farm collies Maggie and Dawn. And there is Elvira ("Vira"), a loving, butter-colored Golden Retriever who was nearly gassed to death as a puppy, and who now has a preternatural sense for culpability.

Any time there is a dog on the page, this book is impossible to put down. The dogs actually act like dogs - playful, affectionate, jostling, goofy, smart, and funny. They are also integral to the exciting events of the story - detecting, protecting, attacking, and being attacked. The main human character endeared himself to me after one such attack when his first thought was for the safety of his dogs.

Oh, yeah, there are humans in this book, causing trouble and taking the spotlight off the dogs. There are a lot of cops, somewhat undifferentiated, and more than enough villains. The main character is Mace Reid, a dog trainer whose cadaver dogs assist local law enforcement. (Back on the dogs: It's fascinating to learn how cadaver dogs are trained.) Mace's love interest is the improbably named Kippy Gimm, the police officer who rescued Vira when she was a puppy. Mace is reeling from a recent divorce and from the (off-page and natural) death of one of his dogs; Kippy is temporarily off men because of a bad relationship. Their slow-burn attraction is developed well throughout the book.

A few things I didn't like: Pages sag under unnecessary explanation, as though the author didn't want research to go to waste or was trying to bolster against accusations of implausibility. Detours into serial killer statistics and potential explanations for Vira's gift just detract from the action. The darkness of the plot - made darker by the first-person POV of the killer - seems at odds with the furry, high-concept theme.

But did I mention there are dogs? Fabulous. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.

Thanks to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A golden retriever puppy who has a near-death experience becomes a search and rescue dog with near-mythical abilities. The mystery is intriguing but the humans around the dog-- the police officer who finds her and the man who trains her-- and the dog as well are great characters. 

Looks to be the start of a great new series.

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Thank you Jeffrey B Burton for an amazing start to a new series that is now one of my "followed" authors. This first in a series has a solid back story in Mace Reid training recovery dogs while struggling with his personal life. The community of characters, including a golden retriever cadaver dog, all bring to life a city being terrorized by a serial killer who is getting just a little too close to Mace and his dog, Vira. I really loved this book!

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Mason "Mace" Reid trains dogs to hunt for dead bodies to become cadaver dogs. He adopts a rescue, a golden retriever named Vira. Reid soon realizes that Vira is special with special instincts on not only finding dead bodies but also identifying the killers. Mace take ms on an assignment with Kippy Gimm from the Chicago Police Department to close in on a serial killer case.

Burton’s writing on this police procedural was exciting, fast paced, and thrilling. I loved surprise twists and smart killers that had me guessing until the end. With the addition of a very gifted and loyal K9, my heart was doing some tumbles as Vira on multiple occasions save Mace from a brutal serial killer. This was a real fun read I enjoyed very much!

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