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The Vacation

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Review by 2shay..........🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟.....❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️...


That’s the best words I know to tell you how much I loved this book! I enjoyed T.M. Logan’s former books, but this one hit a whole new level of suspense.

At first glance, this is an ordinary story, just old friends getting together for a fancy vacation, one that few could afford. Told primarily from Kate’s point-of-view, there wouldn’t be much to tell if not for her constant worry, with compelling evidence, that her husband, Sean, is having an affair with one of her friends.

There are the normal complications that happen when large groups get together in close proximity. The main complication, naturally, is dealing with other people’s kids. None of us think that your kids are as precious as you do! Odette, the five year old daughter of Rowan and Russ, complains constantly and loudly about everything and demands constant attention. She’s the child that makes you pretty sure you can end a friendship rather than listen to her running amuck all day long. Jake and Ethan are the teenaged sons of Jennifer and Alistair. They’re full of teenaged boy angst and mischief, a little annoying but staying mostly to themselves. Sixteen year old Lucy and her younger brother Daniel belong to Kate and Sean. Lucy is sulky from the beginning, a typical teenaged girl, while Daniel is just having fun. Izzy, the last to arrive, has never married and has no kids.

As a crime analyst back home, Kate knows that the clues she has about her husband having an affair with one of her friends will be tricky to investigate. She can’t be wrong when she finally finds the truth and confronts them both. There are brewing issues among the adults. One drinks too much, one smokes too much, one doesn’t think the kids are being supervised enough and Kate’s behavior is being noticed. She’s suspicious of everything.

And the tension builds to a climax that I did not see coming! It was a fabulous and shocking ending. Dee...licious! I loved it! I think you will too. Grab a copy and...

Enjoy! ARC graciously provided by St. Martins’s Press and NetGalley for an honest and voluntary review.

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This book held my interest from the very beginning. There were lots of twists and turns and I was shocked at the end. I stayed up till 1 AM finishing this book because I didn’t want to go to sleep without knowing the end. This is the first book I have read by this author and I plan to read more. I found the characters very easy to get to know and I just didn’t want to put the book down.

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3 stars rounded up to 3.5 stars. I'm not sure why it took me a little while to get into this read, I guess I found it kind of slow and boring with Kate "studying" all of the friends while on this vacation. On the other hand, I did want to know who her husband was having an affair with out of the best friends.

This really started to pick up the second half of the book, where it became much more of a page turner.

Last few chapters kept me on the edge of my seat, which I think makes this one a worthwhile read.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book!

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Thank you Netgalley for giving me a chance to read this ARC for my honest opinion. Have I told you lately how much I love TM Logan? He keeps writing such great books, I hope he comes out with another soon. I love when Im reading a book and think I know where this is all going to end, and them boom...a surprise twist. This was a 5 star for me.

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I really wanted to like this book more than I did. It started off good but fell flat in the middle. The “friends” were all getting on my nerves. A twist towards the end helped it pick up speed and had me glad I hadn’t quit. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review.

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Wow, great book! I thought I had it figured out a few times but boy was I wrong. This book kept me guessing and was very entertaining. I enjoyed the dynamic between the 4 friends and how they each parented their children.

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Long-time college friends have gone on a Mediterranean vacation with their husbands and children. After finding a cryptic message on her husband Sean’s phone, Kate becomes convinced that Sean is cheating and goes to great lengths to try and prove it, suspecting alternatively every one of her friends, clearly going off the rails into full-fledged paranoia for the bulk of the book. Meanwhile the children of this vacation group are a varied bunch, from cute and sympathetic to disruptive and dysfunctional. What propelled me to not give up were some clever twists and the tension building amidst the volatile relationships.

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TM Logan has written another twisting thrill ride of a novel! I spent most of the novel trying to figure out what the characters were lying about. I never could have guessed!

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TM Logan has done it again. This book once again had me guessing the entire way through and absolutely surprised me at the end-- this is the sign of an author I will recommend again and again.

The only disappointment I have is that I read this so fast and now have to eagerly await a new novel from someone who is becoming one of my favorite authors.

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This was a decent read. It was pretty obvious about a quarter of the way through thE book that there was no A. But it was an interesting read trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle.

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TM Logan has done it again with this emotional thriller! The Vacation takes readers on a trip to France, to a beautiful villa with the gathering of best friends and their families for a glorious week of food, drinks, and frolicking. The story is mostly told through Kate's perspective. Unfortunately, Kate has made an uncomfortable and unclear discovery on her husband's cell phone just prior to the trip. Now, she can't trust anyone at the villa, and the story proceeds with her trying to uncover the difference between truth and lies.

This story is incredibly well written! There were a lot of characters, and though I was a little lost at times connecting family members (lots of kids and parents) I was able to stay on course, and finish this suspenseful read in record time. I love this book and recommend it to my fellow female bibliophiles!

Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to read and review The Vacation.

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I received the ARC from NetGalley for an honest review. This is another outstanding mystery by T.M. Logan. The story has many surprising twists and shocking revelations.. The story is about four college friends and their families who rent a villa for one week for a reunion vacation. Most of the characters have deep, dark secrets that get revealed as the book progresses. The story delves into lies, coverups distrust and out of control behaviors. I enjoyed the story and the surprise ending, And trying to figure out who the villain actually was.

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This is a highly readable mystery, set in France when a group of long term friends gather at a luxurious villa for a vacation. The narrator is beset by suspicions that something is going on and over the course of the days that follow layers of deception are peeled back as the tension mounts. The author kept me guessing until the end and it is one of those mysteries that are hard to put down, although I didn’t find the characters particularly engaging hence my four star review.

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"Who was she? Which one of my friends had betrayed me?"

Kate and her three best friends from college, Jennifer, Rowan and Izzy, used to reunite every year for a vacation, until babies and husbands and work commitments got in the way. Now that they're all turning 40, they decide to go all-out with a week in the south of France, with families in tow. For Kate, that means her husband Sean, 16-year-old daughter Lucy, and 9-year-old son Daniel. Rowan has arranged for them all to share a magnificent vineyard estate. Sounds like paradise, right?

However, Sean has been acting odd lately, and when Kate snoops through the text messages on his phone, she finds evidence that he's having an affair—with one of her three friends! Now, instead of having a relaxing holiday, Kate (who works as a crime analyst with the Metropolitan Police) must try to figure out which of her pals is the guilty party. Plus, Lucy, as well as Jennifer's two sons, Ethan and Jake, are going through some major teenage drama; they may be hundreds of miles away from their London home, but thanks to social media, there's really no getting away from it all. And then there's the perilous cliff on the property, which looms over the proceedings like Chekhov's gun.

This is one of those novels where everyone is hiding secrets, and the mutual mistrust between the vacationers leads to huge problems that could be, at least to some extent, cleared up if people were only honest with each other. (Of course, when one person is finally about to reveal a shocking truth, they are interrupted by a disaster just as they're about to say something that could clear up most of the misconceptions.) More than once, I thought of the old adage, "Never assume—it makes an ass out of u and me." However, Logan is an ace at building suspense, and the conclusion genuinely surprised me. I didn't enjoy it quite as much as his previous book, 2018's "Lies," but this summer thriller would still provide a few pleasurable hours of poolside reading.

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I am a sucker for novels about a group of close friends who go on vacation together and someone dies, so I jumped at the opportunity to get a galley edition of The Vacation by T. M. Logan. The story involves four women who have been best friends since university – Kate (married with two children), Rowan (married with one child), Jennifer (married with two children), and Izzy (single and no children). For the occasion of the four women turning 40, they decide to take a trip to a French villa with all of their families. The day before they leave for vacation Kate discovers texts on her husband’s phone that seem to indicate that he is having an affair with one of her best friends. Instead of confronting him, Kate makes the highly questionable (and unbelievable) decision to go ahead on the vacation and try to figure out which friend it is while there. Really?!?
For about 75% of the book, nothing more happens except Kate waffling about whether it’s friend A, B, or C, and everyone seeming to have a miserable time. Seriously, over four days there’s not a single occasion when any of the twelve vacationers is having fun!! All of the action, such as it is, happens in the final 25% of the book, and I have to say that once the “big secret” is revealed, I was angry. A day later, I’m still angry. Almost all of the characters in this book are extremely unlikeable, including four of the five children. I simply can’t enjoy novels without a single sympathetic character, and The Vacation doesn’t have one. Moreover, once the secret is revealed, the reader also discovers that the characters are not only unlikeable but thoroughly lacking in moral fiber, including Kate who is supposed to be a criminal investigator for the police.
T. M. Logan is a talented writer, and I liked his last novel 29 Seconds, but I was hugely disappointed by The Vacation. My thanks to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for providing me a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review. I’d rate this one 2.5 stars, which I’ll round up to 3 because it’s well crafted.

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4-5 stars, what a twisted read! So unexpected making you think it’s one way, when in reality it’s a different! While I did have some suspicions correct, it was hard not going the route the author laid out, which in my opinion means it was hitting the mark it was supposed too! Very chilling scenes, as well as heart wrenching, and shocking! Well written, hard to put down, and fun! Love T.M. Logan and look forward to more by this author!
Will make sure I buzz it up on all the different platforms!

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I received a complimentary copy of The Vacation from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Great book! I was already a big fan of T.M.Logan's previous suspense novels, so I was definitely looking forward to reading this book. I was on the edge of my seat for most of this one.

I must say, I was right there with Kate, a forensic examiner. I was thinking the same things that she was...every step of the way. My heart broke for her as she contemplated her ruined marriage, her husband's infidelity, and the betrayal of one of her three best friends; Izzy the world traveler, Jennifer the near-model, and Rowan the soon-to-be millionaire. Some huge plot twists (with clues that I didn't immediately zoom in on) changed my entire focus, challenging my own ability to determine the truth of the situations Kate was facing. This was a well written novel, the stress of which (living vicariously through Kate) was actually quite enjoyable!

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Spoiler alert: there is no actual affair. There. Now that that's out of the way....there is plenty of sneaky evidence to the contrary. There is also a lot of kids behaving badly, adults behaving worse, and atmospheric tension that kept me up reading, way past my bedtime. I couldn't put this one down. My only complaint was the fact that Kate was the queen of jumping to conclusions, often to her own detriment, as well as the detriment of others, including her own children and her marriage. I wanted her to just LISTEN sometimes.....other than that, I just adored this book, and will.definitely be recommending it.

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This book has promise but it took me a long time to get through it. The ultimate reveal just didn't do it for me. Decent plot and characters but just average for me.

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T.M. Logan is back has written a taut and engrossing page turner of a thriller with The Vacation. Well worth the read!

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