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One Little Lie

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Member Reviews

Coble has given us another masterpiece in suspense and crime!
Tackling the subject of cults is difficult. If you have been in one (part of my own background), triggers, learning how to navigate in the real world, and healing continue for years. Those who have not experienced or studied cults, often find it difficult to understand the draw, the power structure, extreme control, and the forced naivety found within cults. It’s not a simple “let’s leave one day” to get out.
Coble does a good job of portraying the long lasting fallout from cults and how one lie can cause hurt and break trust with many people.
Follow Jane, her father, Reid, and his son Will on a journey of danger, misplaced trust, and that one looming lie.
My only disappointment was to reach the end of the book with bated breath only to find book two continues the story!

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I had difficulty getting into this book. The story kept jumping around a bit much for me. Good story, but just difficult to follow.

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I enjoyed reading this book. It had a good story to it. I liked the variety of characters in it. I have read other books by this author and liked them too.

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I cannot wait to read the second book in this series to find out how every one in this story is going to handle the secrets that were revealed in this first book. I loved the characters in this story. There were so many twists and turns throughout this suspenseful story. Every character seems to have a secret that needs to be revealed. I received a copy of this book from Netgalley for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.

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'Faith wasn't something Jane could wrap her head around. How did you trust something you couldn't see?'

Jane Hardy fled a cult 15 years ago with her father. Now, living in Pelican Harbor, Alabama, her father has retired as police chief and she has been appointed as his replacement when she is called on to solve a series of vicious murders. But more is going on than these murders.

Reid Dixon films documentaries and is good at what he does. He has come to Pelican Harbor to film the chief of police for a few weeks as she does her job. Jane does not want him to do so, but the mayor does. Reid, however, has some secrets of his own from his past. It all started with one little lie. That lie has the potential to wreak havoc in Jane's life.

After her father is arrested for theft, Jane is on a mission to prove his innocence while dealing with her own issues.

Colleen Coble has long been a favorite for me, but not since her wonderful Rock Harbor (which I have read several times) series has she done such fine writing! Some of her very best in my opinion. And this is going to be a series! So we have more to look forward to. Coble is at her very best here. I look forward to the next book in Pelican Harbor.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers through Net Galley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
best here.

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Just finished the arc copy from Net Galley. I always enjoy reading Colleen Coble books. There were a lot of characters and I have to admit I had trouble keeping some of them straight. I am looking forward to the next book I this series.

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Shortly after Jane Hardy is appointed interim sheriff her Father is arrested. Jane doesn’t believe he is guilty, but there is a little voice telling her that her Father has a lot of secrets. Maybe he isn’t who she thinks he is. Jane and her Father escaped from a cult 15 years ago and Jane has looked for her Mother to no avail. A documentary is being filmed of Jane and the role of a sheriff in a small town. The documentarian and his son Will develop a relationship with Jane, but they have secrets. This book had a lot of suspense. I guessed part of the story but there were other aspects that surprised me. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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Jane escaped a cult when she was a teenager ,after being married and had given birth by the age of 15
Believing her mom and her baby son have died in a fire, she escapes with her dad and even though there is lots of heartache and trauma, she manages to rise above and dedicates her life to law enforcement. She is appointed interim sheriff of Pelican Harbor, after her dad suddenly retires.
Now she’s trying to solve murders, kidnapping and even her father is wanted by the FBI , suddenly past and present are closer to her than she thinks .
I enjoyed this book and I recommend it !
I can’t wait for book two in this series

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There is so much happening in this book. There are so many lies and deceptions. Lots of twists and turns. Angsty isn’t a strong enough word to describe this book. The writing is clever and insightful. I was shocked at the end to find out the book is a cliffhanger, so to speak. I’m sure it was in the description and I just didn’t notice. I’m really looking forward to book 2. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Wow! I don't know how Colleen Coble does it, but this book is amazing!
This is the first book in a new series, The Pelican Harbor series.
This story was so interesting! Jane Hardy is the Police Chief of a small town. She is investigating a series of murders and her own father is implicated as a suspect.
She tries to do her job and find the killer while a man films her for a documentary he is doing.
Seems like her father has a secret (or a lie, depending on your perspective)
I loved this book!
I can't wait for the next book in this series.
Colleen Coble is such a talented writer.
If you like a good suspense book, you will love this one. It is available for pre-order on Amazon now. It should be released in March 2020.

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Wonderful romanctic suspense novel. Characters came to life. Would recommend this author.
Thank you for letting me read an ARC.

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Wow! Another outstanding book! I have read Colleen's books for
years but these last two are over the top! This one is such a great book!

Thank you so much, Colleen Coble, her Publisher, and NetGalley for the
chance to read this amazing book and review it!

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Thouroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to the next one in the series. From beginning to end, it kept me invested. No real surprises but a great story.

Thank you #negalley and #thomasandmercer for the eARC. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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One Little Lie is such a great romantic suspense. Colleen Coble is one of my favorite authors and she certainly didn’t disappoint with her latest book. Pulled immediately into the. Loved the characters and the setting which I am familiar with. I could picture Mobile Bay and the battleship USS Alabama. Will be impatiently waiting for the next book in this series. I received an arc from the publisher and Netgalley and this is my unbiased review.

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ONE LITTLE LIE is the first novel in the Pelican Harbor series by COLLEEN COBLE. I have been looking forward to reading it for quite a while and am definitely not disappointed. In her inimitable way, the author has given us a feast of mystery, suspense and romance, with a subtle Christian message. One Little Lie is my new favourite book by this author and I can highly recommend it as a most enjoyable and exciting read!
Things are not as they seem in Pelican Harbor with a vigilante on the loose, some gruesome murders, and politics and jealousy in the police department where Jane Hardy has been made chief of police.
I love the way Jane's character has been portrayed and cannot wait for the sequel to come out next year to see how things work out for her, and of course for all the other interesting characters. In no way is One Little Lie a cliffhanger, but it is easy to get attached to the likeable people we come to know in the book!
It is a story about secrets and lies - when exactly does the sin of omission become a fully fledged lie? When is the best time to tell someone the truth, especially if to do so could have life changing consequences? The problem of cults is also addressed and we see the effect they can have on people, even after they have managed to escape and live a new life in the real world.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Thomas Nelson. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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Another great story by Colleen Coble. There isn’t a book I have read by her that she didn’t like get my attention at the start. I always look forward to the next one by her.
Thanks for the advanced copy netgalley and the publisher.
Loved it.

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I always find Colleen Coble books suspenseful and jump on the chance to read one of hers and this one fits the bill. It starts off with Button, a young girl in a cult giving birth to a baby boy. Almost immediately her baby is snatched from her arms and she is later told the baby died. The story jumps 15 years in a small town, Pelican Harbor which is in the Mobile, Alabama area.. Jane Hardy has been recently appointed as sheriff there. Almost immediately a gruesome torso is found on a boat, Another woman in the town is found shortly after that. Jane has her hands full trying to solve the murder. Reid Bechtol, a well-know journalist breezes into town with his son but Reid is harboring a secret. Does the secret have to do with the recent murders or does it have to do with the events that had happened 15 years prior? I figured out Reid's secret pretty early in the book but I had no idea who the murderer was. I never did figure out the mystery until the end. I had no clue. This murder was solved but the repercussions of Reid's secrets will continue in the next book which will be released in the summer of 2020. I can't wait to read this book! One Little LIe is to be released on March 3, 2020.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Another great read by Colleen Coble. This book grabbed me from the start and I really enjoyed this book. I always like her characters and her story lines. This one tells how our main character deals with being raised in a cult. I did guess where some of the story line was going to go. But as usual this was another great story that I recommend

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