Member Reviews

I always get really nervous reading the follow up to a book I LOVED. Foundryside was amazing, I was so impressed with the introduction to the politics, magic and world that Bennett created. Could I be as entertained with book two? Would the shine have worn off? I had to go back and re-acquaint myself with the characters and what happened in Foundryside before I tackled Shorefall. That was no mean feat, since the story was so beautifully complex.

Shorefall took what was started in Foundryside and expanded on it, creating an even more rich and complete vision of how all the characters are tied together. I was completely satisfied with the continuation of the story, Bennett introduced new concepts and characters without losing what made me love the story in the first place. So relieved! Can't wait for number three!!

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This was my most highly anticipated book release of the year but it took me so long to read because of being in a horrible slump. But thankfully this lived up to all my expectations. Also I never thought I would even consider some of the villain’s more outrageous opinions as maybe valid and it just highlighted the author’s skill a lot.

I know I’m rambling but reviewing has been difficult these days, so I’ll just say that I highly recommend this series to any lovers of epic, action packed, tension filled fantasy worlds.

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So.Much.Happens. This was an intense book packed with so much details that I feel like I was twinned. I really love the world and absolutely adore the characters. I am highly anticipating the third book.

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I actually found this to be a faster read, especially as I got into the third part, than Foundryside, but both are still excellent books. Shorefall builds on the already excellent found family dynamics at the end of Foundryside, and on the fascinating world Robert Jackson Bennett created. While the ending did break my heart quite a bit, I look forward to the next book with great anticipation.

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Another great Bennett title. A fantastic sequel. Loved it and will 100% recommend to my fantasy and sci-fi loving customers!!

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I enjoyed the book more than the first book in the series. It has twisty full of surprises story line, and is a lot of fun to read. We have the same characters trying to make their world better and survive. There is a lot of magic and lots of unexpected stuff going on. I liked it.

I received a free digital copy of the book via NetGalley

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Shorefall is the second installment in the founders trilogy, a book that really enjoyed last year. The sequel expands more in the world building and introduces a interesting and complex villain. I enjoyed all the developments that each of the main characters and overall just love their found family. The only complain I have is that there is a lack of actions scenes compare to the first one. Overall a solid squeal and can’t wait for the finale.

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Shorefall is the second book in the Founders trilogy by Robert Jackson Bennett. Released 21st April 2020 by Random House on their Del Rey imprint, it's 512 pages and available in hardcover, audio, and ebook formats.

This is a phenomenally well written book. Despite the fact that I hadn't read the first book, this book hooked me. The review has waited a few months because I fell in love with the writing, but found the plot so hard to follow that I needed to go back and read the first book. (It doesn't work well at all as a standalone and they're both doorstop chonky books (512+ pages each)). Getting to the point of being able to write a review was a bit of a commitment. I'm glad I took the time.

I found this installment much less of a rollicking fantasy magical engineering marvel (but not "steampunk-y in the slightest) and more of an exploration of created family, loyalty, pragmatism, good-vs-evil and general epic high fantasy. The magic system is subtle and believable. The author explores the ramifications of the system logically and well. There's an appealing f/f romance subplot which doesn't detract from the main adventure, but might not be *enough* romance for readers who prefer a little plot with their romance.

In some ways, Bennett's writing (and this trilogy) remind me most of Yoon Ha Lee (Machineries of Empire) and Seth Dickinson (The Masquerade) which is sort of weird because they're both really SF writers and this is definitely fantasy. The point is, he's a top shelf writer of speculative fiction and this book is *really* good, maybe one of the best SF/F offerings I've read this year, just don't try to read it as a standalone. I've intentionally avoided offering a precis of the plotline for 2 reasons: first, every other reviewer does just that and second, it's too complex to sum up in a couple of paragraphs.

Four and a half stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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A good follow up. The world-building done in the original book pays off in this one. The story is well-paced and keeps the reader flipping pages. The ending left this open to more, yet did not have that cliffhanger feeling I hate that so many other people are starting to do.

A free copy of this book was given for this unbias review.

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I love this rather complex series. The first book was eaten up like candy in this alt steampunk world this on a bit harder to get into the flow. I am going to have to get the whole series for my library if the third is anywhere u to par with the first two, Definitely recommend. It keeps you on your seat edge & makes you think.

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When I read the first book in this series, I was extremely vocal about my absolute adoration of it. The world! The Characters! The magic system! I loved it all. The second book did not disappoint at all! Returning to the city and these characters (especially Sanca and Bernice!) was a delight. However, the second book takes a darker turn than the first. The Foundrysiders flirt with death so many times that it gave me anxiety! It was worth it though, the story was just as well constructed as intriguing as the first. I can't wait to see what Bennett does with the 3rd book!

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I posted my review for this on April 30, 2020. Sorry it took me so long to update Net Galley.

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Shorefall was an amazing sequel to Foundryside. I loved all of the characters. This book kept me guessing throughout the whole thing in regards to who was in the wrong and who was in the right. The rules of the world were a little over explained considering this was a sequel but if enough time had gone by since reading the first book I could see why this would be important. I gave it a 4 out of 5 on Goodreads and cannot wait until the final book in the trilogy.

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Shorefall suffered from second book syndrome. Not as good as the first book, but still enjoyable nonetheless. I enjoyed getting back into the characters and seeing how they interacted 3 years after the first book ended. I felt that we didn't get as much of Sancia talking to the scrivings which was cool to see how the logic played out. I did like getting to deep dive further in Gregor's past and see his relationship with his mother. Overall, I enjoyed Shorefall and will definitely pick up the next book when it is released.

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This was a great second book in this trilogy and I can't wait to read the next book in the series. Keep up the great work.

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A couple of months ago I picked up Foundryside and devoured it pretty quickly - the magic system is super fun and the relationship and back-and-forth between lead character Sancia and Clef (a sentient key) kept things going at a quick and fun pace. I also fell in love with the (relatively small) cast of characters.

I enjoyed Shorefall a lot, although it dragged in some places for me and the writing felt a little inconsistent from the first book. This could have something to do with the very complex magic system going deep into detail, and I found some things to be a bit repetitive. The conversational aspect was also very fun in the first book, whereas it was mostly missing from this one.

That being said, Shorefall was extremely action-packed and had the great steampunk/code-like magic system that pulled me into Foundryside in the first place. There was less time for character building here, but the characters are still lovable and we get glimpses at some backstories. The stakes got much higher in this installment and I couldn’t predict what would come next. It’s ending definitely leaves me wanting more, so I look forward to the next book!

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I really enjoyed this book and looking forward to the next. I do wish some parts were explained a little better but still a great read overall.

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A solid sequel to Foundryside, and one that promises more excitement and mayhem in the eventual third book of the trilogy.

This series remains at the top of the genre for worldbuilding, and boasts one of the best magical systems I’ve encountered.

This one isn’t quite as flawless as the first book of the series. At times there is too much going on at once, and the hierophants (like all other god-like fictional adversaries) remain problematic and underwhelming as villains.

Still, the trajectory of this feels much more promising than when we reached this point in the Divine Cities trilogy (of which I loved for the first two books but was deeply disappointed in the third).

Unfortunately we lose some of the buddy comedy feel of the first book in this one, largely due to Clef not making much of an appearance until late in the narrative and his story arc taking a turn that I...Don’t love. Still, the humor is largely on point even if there is less of it than we encountered in Foundryside.

Sancia remains a terrific heroine, and most of the secondary characters delight as well.

And while the ending leaves the reader in a place of, um...serious distress....It also certainly leaves one eager for the next installment.

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Following the steps of Foundryside, this is an action packed novel. A highly entertaining story full of twists and character development.

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This sequel to Foundryside is just as engrossing and dramatic. I loved the “industrial magic” of this world, as well as its central characters: scrappy Sancia with her ability to “speak” to scrived objects (enchanted by written spells); Gregor who hides both from his wealthy ruling family and his tormented past; Berenice with her extraordinary talents as a scriver and her love for Sancia; Orso who left a successful professional career working for a ruling family to help create a “people’s foundry;” and new ones as well. The very first scrivers, called hierophants, were able to remake time and space, and reality itself, and the original and most formidable of those, Crasedes Magnus, is bent on returning and re-making the world. His cause: bringing an end humankind’s propensity for turning every invention into a weapon by obliterating free will.

When is the price of peace too much? Can people ever learn to channel creativity and innovation into beneficial uses, or are they doomed always to turn to war and oppression? How do you counter an adversary capable of making you want to believe him?

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