Member Reviews

The Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon is exactly the romance novel I've been needing. It tells the story of Samiah Brooks, a successful young woman balancing a busy job in tech along with her personal life. She's preparing for a date one night when thanks to social media, she finds out that the guy she's been seeing is a two timer. Or actually, a three timer.

So she does what any woman who wants revenge does! She shows up to the restaurant and publicly tells him off (along with the other women he's been seeing). But when someone records the interaction and shares it online, the three women realize that they're in for a lot more publicity than they planned for.

The three of them hit it off and form a pact to follow their dreams. I thought this was such a cool aspect to the story. I read a lot of books where the main characters are floundering and looking to make their next move, so I really respected how this story was about strong and confident women who know their worth. Very inspiring!

As Samiah works to achieve her goals, she gets to know the new guy at work, Daniel. He's very sweet and the chemistry between the two of them was steamy right off the bat. I loved their work banter when they were at the coffee station.

If you're looking for an uplifting romance about a woman who believes in herself, definitely check this book out. The Boyfriend Project was a great introduction into the lives of these three career women and I hope we get to read London and Taylor's stories as well.

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The Boyfriend Project was my first book by Farrah Rochon and it held so much promise for me. As someone who's drawn to stories featuring strong female leads and deep, authentic friendships, I found myself immediately captivated by Samiah's journey of self-discovery and empowerment. From the moment she, along with her newfound friends, embarks on a journey to prioritize their dreams and ambitions over romantic entanglements, I felt a genuine connection to her character.

The dynamic trio of female leads resonated deeply with me, and I couldn't help but root for Samiah as she navigated the challenges of her career and personal life. Her unwavering determination to succeed in the male-dominated world of STEM struck a chord with me, reminding me of my own struggles and triumphs in similar fields.

However, as much as I enjoyed the camaraderie and support among Samiah and her friends, I couldn't overlook the shortcomings in the central romantic arc. While the initial sparks between Samiah and Daniel showed promise, I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment as their relationship failed to fully ignite on the page. The repetitive nature of their doubts and the underlying issue of Daniel's dishonesty left me yearning for a more authentic and fulfilling love story.

Despite my reservations about the romance, I found solace in Rochon's skillful portrayal of workplace dynamics and the unique challenges faced by Black women in STEM fields. As someone who's experienced firsthand the biases and obstacles inherent in these environments, I appreciated the author's nuanced exploration of these themes.

Moreover, the book's setting in Austin, Texas, provided a vibrant backdrop to the story, evoking a sense of familiarity and nostalgia within me. While I enjoyed the glimpses into Austin's rich culture and landmarks, I couldn't help but feel that the frequent product name-dropping detracted from the overall immersion in the narrative.

Overall The Boyfriend Project left me with mixed feelings. While I cherished the themes of female empowerment and found family, I couldn't ignore the shortcomings in the romantic storyline. Nevertheless, Farrah Rochon's engaging writing style and insightful commentary ensured that my journey with Samiah and her friends was one worth taking, leaving me eager to explore more of Rochon's work in the future.

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I’m not sure how I feel about this one still. I liked it while I was reading it but I found it very forgettable. I did really like the characters and the story line.

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I wanted to like this one more than I did - I like to inclusion of modern dating life, although anything tech-related is obviously not going to have enduring value to readers in the future.

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This one is definitely a case of it’s not you- it’s me. I picked this back up for a few reasons. 1. It was the oldest book on my “currently reading” list on Goodreads. A list I am trying to clear by the end of the year. 2. I really need to clean up my backlist Netgalley shelves. I have heard nothing but rave reviews about this series since it came out. When I put it down before - probably almost a year ago- I was having a hard time getting into it. And I found that picking it back up again these last few days, I’ve felt the same. I can’t quite pinpoint exactly why. I really, really enjoyed the female friendships in this book. Forming a bond when you’re slighted by a man instead of blaming the other woman? LOVE that. But I think this romance for me just wasn’t super believable or fleshed out. I’m not quite sure. I would definitely still pick up the next books in the series.

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THE BOYFRIEND PROJECT had me completely hooked from the get-go. Starting off with a Twitter scandal leading to unwanted Twitter fame, Farrah Rochon brings the laughs with entertaining dialogue and interactions between Samiah and her sister and her new friends Taylor and London. I loved this book for the friendships just as much as for the romance.

Samiah is absolutely wonderful. She's an incredible friend; she's witty and intelligent. She knows her worth and doesn't take anyone's mess.

What I Loved:
*Women in STEM!
*The Just Friends App - it's a cool innovative idea and I would definitely sign up
*The chemistry between Samiah and Daniel. And that hand massage! I mean how could they not catch feelings?

I enjoyed this book a lot - so much so that I included a copy in a pick-me-up care package for a friend. I hoped that it would bring her as much joy and entertainment for her as it did for me.

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Smart, Sassy Females - CHECK!
Office Romances - CHECK!!
Some Comedy - CHECK!!!
Steam - CHECK!!!!!

This was a fun, sexy read with a few details that shake up the story that I didn't see coming!
Great female MC that had her crew and wouldn't be messed with!

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for my complimentary eARC in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. Please excuse my tardiness in posting my review. My TBR list is continuously growing and I keep finding so many amazing books being requested + added to my pile! I have so much gratitude for this copy that has been shared with me.

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I really liked the book ! The main character was liakable and I loved the plot ,I wish it was longer tho ,to enjoy it a little bit more

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3.5, maybe 4 stars.

The Dating Playbook is a sweet, funny, and steamy fake dating romance. Taylor and Jamar make a sweet couple who are open with each other, and help each other. I liked Taylor's determination, her drive, and her reluctant acceptance of her learning disability and I related to her challenges with her family. Jamar was almost too good to be true - astoundingly loyal, intuitive, respectful, and generous. Rochon wove an engaging tale of love, grit, friendship, and romance. An important part of the story is Taylor's friendship with Samiah and London. Their relationship is a huge part of the appeal of this series for me and Rochoimn does a fantastic job writing it. Taylor and Jamar's story made me smile, and engaged my heart and my attention. I've enjoyed the first two books in the series and I'm looking forward to the next one.

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The Boyfriend Project has all the right feels. Sweet, fuzzy, but also empowering. A delightful read and I would definitely recommend it.

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3.5 stars
The restaurant scene was classic and will make you want to read the rest of the book to find out what develops with Samiah and her girl squad.
After and during an epic and very public fail of a relationship Samiah meets Taylor and London. They form a friendship of love and support. The work on themselves and but relationships on the back burner.
Danny is working undercover in Samiah’s company. He is a good guy, handsome and smart. He had some secrets but he had a job to do. Romance and betrayal.
I loved the 3 strong women and the laugh out loud moments.

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After learning her boyfriend is seeing at least 2 other women, Samiah befriends the other women, London and Taylor and the group encourages each other to work on new goals and reach their full potential. For Samiah that’s working on a new app and success at work. A new colleague, Daniel provides a distraction from her goals. A fun steamy read and the first in a trilogy.

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A fun (and steamy!) read, but not really a romance, which the blurb and cover led me to believe I was getting, I mean it was ‘sort’ of there, but the whole secret identity thing meant she had no idea who Daniel really was. Not great when she already has trust issues! Still an enjoyable read, although dragged in some parts.

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I really enjoyed this one, but is it wrong to say I was more interested in the friendship and app making than the romance?

I felt like I knew the friends better and I could see their connection and any talk of the app building was just my thing. I am in IT and this was great.

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This is a first-rate romance novel, in my opinion. This book is perfect for fans of the Wedding Date series.

This book has characters of color, a powerful female friendship, and a smart, successful female protagonist.

We can all relate to Samiah since we've been there. The narrative has very genuine reactions to conflict. A wealth of wisdom on the professional lives of black women. I desperately need to get my hands on the next installment.

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My public library bought this for me on my recommendation and purchased the ebook and paper book. It's been fun to see others reading it also.

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This was a fun, flirty read with a side of suspense. I loved the premise of a serial cheater being exposed, by someone live Tweeting nonetheless, and the women banding together and forming such a strong friendship from their shared experience. Strong female friendships are the backbone of this story.

I also loved the surprising twist of never knowing when the other shoe was going to drop with Daniel and when his real job and motives would be exposed, but yet I still kept rooting for him throughout.

Forgiveness, love, friendship, and boss babeing make this book wholesome!

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Do you want a boyfriend??! Lol well go check out this book! The author is truly amazing! Well written and funny insights along the way of reading this gem! Go check it out now!

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Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and the author Farrah Rochon, This was a good read. I like the relationship development and the togetherness of the book. The book was well written and executed well. I loved the techy parts of the book.

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The boyfriend project had me on the first page when Drake was mentioned:) I loved the story and the chemistry was fire!

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