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Restorative Yoga

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I found this book helpful in my yoga practice. It will be a “go-to” tool moving forward in my yoga practice. I’m glad I had the chance to read it and hope others find it just as helpful as I did.

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An excellent book to have during the pandemic, The poses were easy to follow and well described. I have been to a lot of yoga classes, this book provides a good reminder to make sure you are doing them correctly while at home.

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This book was truly enjoyable and I would recommend to all my friends who love yoga or have even been contemplating it.

It is very informative and easy to follow along.

The pictures are great and really explain the differences in poses.

I highly recommend this book.

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BOOK PREVIEW: Restorative Yoga by Caren Baginski

Let's see what beautiful tips we can find here…

STORY... Unlike active styles of yoga that focus on stretching and movement, restorative yoga emphasizes mindful rest by using props to support your body in complete comfort and relaxation - no flexibility required!

Whether you already practice yoga or are just getting started, Restorative Yoga is your step-by-step guide to deepening the connection between your body and mind with practical information on the amazing benefits of restorative yoga.

WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT WITH THIS BOOK?.... Restorative yoga is my absolute favorite yoga practice by far! And… this book gives me all the good vibes…

All in and ready to start reading… And rejuvenating... ✨😎✨

Restorative Yoga by Caren Baginski
2020 New Book Releases | October

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All my reviews can be seen at This Is My Everybody | Books & DIY Home Ideas | Denise Wilbanks at ... Including my video tutorials for DIY home ideas inspired by recommended books to support you in bringing your favorite books to life in your life and home.

You can see all my December Book Previews & additional features for Restorative Yoga by Caren Baginski at

✨😎✨A big thank you to Caren Baginski, DK – Alpha, Kristen Fisher (with DK) and NetGalley for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed in my review are my own.

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I’ve practiced other forms of yoga for years, but I had never tried restorative yoga when I picked up this book. It is so relaxing, and it feels very safe for me to do despite my rheumatoid arthritis and other physical limitations. This yoga practice requires many props such as blankets, bolsters, blocks, and straps, but the author offers some suggestions for working with what you have on hand.

The introduction explained what restorative yoga is, some of the benefits, and how to practice safely. I appreciated the discussion of breathing techniques and other methods for calming the mind.

Each of the 39 featured poses includes benefits, recommended time, list of props needed, contraindications and precautions, steps illustrated with photographs, variations, guidance for experiencing the pose, and how to transition out of the pose.

The poses are followed by 17 suggested healing sequences for conditions such as pregnancy, menstruation, jet lag, pain, fatigue, or anxiety.

The book concludes with an index.

I still prefer learning yoga from a teacher or a video, but if you are at all interested in yoga books, this is a good choice. Because of all of the illustrations, I suspect this will be easier to use as a paperback rather than a Kindle book.

The publisher, Alpha, provided me with an ARC through NetGalley that I volunteered to review.

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I have taken a couple of restorative yoga classes and done one teacher training but figured you can never have too much information about ways to relax and restore my energy. In those classes, I had not always enjoyed holding poses for long periods but figured it was probably something that I needed as someone whose mind races pretty much nonstop. I requested this book at the beginning of the year little realizing how much new ways to relax would be needed.
This book has amazing pictures. It is just beautiful to look at which doesn't always happen with yoga books. The explanations of the poses are good. I'm not sure whether a novice would be able to interpret them but I could. I liked that there were warnings about which poses might provide difficulties for some learners.

Four stars
This book comes out tomorrow
ARC kindly provided by DK and Netgalley
Opinions are my own

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I really enjoyed this book. It was a great introduction to restorative yoga. The pictures are great and the poses really help with stress and relaxation.

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Restorative Yoga is a yoga manual for our current era.

How many of us are suffering with extra aches and pains these days and needing more help with stress? Seems like almost everyone I know. This how-to yoga book with a ton of pose modifications couldn’t have come at a better time!

First of all, the sequences in this book with several poses, are excellent. They are why this book is super valuable for those of us who really need the restorative part of restorative yoga. Loved the insomnia and soothing headache sequences!

As someone with various ailments, I really appreciated all the guidance on pose modifications as well. This is the value of restorative yoga—even people with pain can find relief but we often need significant modification.

Finally, the extensive information about various calming breathing techniques, yoga equipment, and creating a relaxing space to practice are extras you don’t always see in yoga books/magazines. I read A LOT of yoga lit and this book is really useful for my permanent yoga library.

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Restorative Yoga is an illustrated tutorial guide for restorative and relaxation yoga written by Caren Baginski. Due out 3rd Dec 2020 from Penguin Random House on their DK imprint, it's 192 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats.

Especially given the current world situation, relaxation and stress management are important themes for everyone. The toll that chronic stress takes on our bodies is insidious and serious; it can even be deadly. Restorative yoga is a tool which is accessible and safe and effective and can be practiced by almost everyone no matter what their level of fitness or previous yoga experience are.

The book follows a logical progression: an introduction and tips for using the book are followed by what restorative yoga is and other basic info, followed by the poses grouped thematically: forward bending poses, backbend poses, inversions twists & side bends, and restorative sequences.

The author has a reassuringly positive and calm manner of writing. She's encouraging but not strident or preachy at all. The equipment used in the book is minimal and easily sourced (she provides alternatives which most readers already have around the house). The photography in the book is clear, well modeled, and illustrative. The tutorial photos are mostly shown in series from the side and are also well modeled and clear. Each pose tutorial is explained in understandable language with step by step photos and accompanying instructions. She also explains breathing in an accessible manner.

I have been having a lot of physical therapy for a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder. The progress has been positive but slow and painful. I've experienced benefits from the information in this book, less pain and more mobility. It's sort of difficult to really tell objectively (what would anyone have to compare it to?) but I believe my stress levels have also been ameliorated. I work in the healthcare sector, and I feel like I'm coping. I'm sure the breathing and stress management have probably helped.

Five stars, definitely worth a look for anyone interested in stress relief in conjunction with yoga practice. Works very well for beginners.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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An excellent home tutorial for gentle relaxing yoga. I love having a book to follow along, no instructor to keep up with or video to keep pausing. So easy to understand the moves and add them into your daily routine!

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Nice update on restorative yoga practices, and including pictures. However had the kindle version and those still don’t seem to work well. Thank you for the ARC.

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Restorative Yoga was an amazing and informative book full of yoga positions focused on creating less strain and more restoration of the body. The book included extensive step by step guides for a variety of poses, all of which included detailed photos to help with your form. Restorative Yoga would be a perfect book for a beginner yogi. There was a lot of equipment suggested to help with the poses, so if you’re not ready to make a big financial investment, these poses might not be for you but the book would be a great way to start for beginners who aren’t quite ready for the in class experience!

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Great wonderful book about restorative yoga. Thanks for the review copy. I really appreciate this during the pandemic.

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A great tool to building your strength both mentally and physically.

17 healing sequences for a variety of physical and emotional conditions including anxiety, insomnia, exhaustion, neck and shoulder pain, and hip and back pain, including gentle poses for pregnant yoga practitioners
Simple guidance for integrating props into your routines, performing basic starting and finishing poses, creating a peaceful space for your practice, using breathing techniques, balancing your energy centers, and more.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to advance read this book.

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Restorative Yoga by Caren Baginsku. DK Publishing.
Yoga poses include forward bends, back bends, side bends and twists, and a wonderful section focused on yoga to help specific needs such as anxiety, sleeplessness, headaches and more. Pregnancy variations of the yoga poses are shown to help expectant mothers. The book’s subtitle describes this guide perfectly: Relax. Restore. Re-energize. 5 stars!

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[Insert Netgalley disclaimer]
This was a nice introduction to restorative yoga. The explanations of the practice and equipment used were well done and not too long. As with many contemporary yoga books, the text feels a little more secular and divorced from its spiritual roots, but that might be something that readers are looking for these days. I liked that the images were of average people and not a single person with perfect physique going through every pose alone. They were regular people wearing average gym clothes from yoga pants to cotton shorts.

Additionally, I enjoyed the inclusion of pregnant yoga practices in a general book on yoga. So often, pregnant women are left out of these titles that are not specifically targeted for them. It was a nice, realistic inclusion.

I think the practices in the back are the most useful part of the entire book. The practices have pictures, reference pages, and timers in each image to tell you not only how long the entire practice takes, but also how long each pose should take in that practice. This was a very complete text that one could pick up with minimal understanding of yogic exercises and start doing them without hurting oneself.

It is not trying to be too much and fits exactly in the novice, restorative body niche of yoga.

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My thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I could actually see myself performing the poses which were very well photographed and explained in this must-have yoga manual. I used to practice yoga for many years, but a broken ankle and torn tendons/cartilage that never healed properly,and then vertigo, did me in; so now I stick to chair yoga when my busy schedule permits.

The explanations for each pose is concise, but thorough. The tone and pacing lull you into a calm, positive state: you go from "I'll never be able to do that!" to: "maybe I can, this way." The last portion of the manual gives you a sequence or "routine" of poses, with suggestions on how long to hold each pose. This manual was well planned - once you've read it through and are ready to give them a try, you can easily look at the collection of pictures in the last section, and refresh your memory on how to get into the finished pose.

There are several suggestions for modifications for each of the basic poses. The props are generally items you will find in your home, with the exception of the foam yoga blocks, but I suspect you could improvise with a couple of thick books, tied shut with sturdy twine. I highly recommend this book. Just reading it through relaxed me.

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I contributed this review to Really Into This

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Happy Reading, friends!

Special thanks to Alpha for providing our copy in exchange for an honest & fair review.

I love me some restorative yoga. While we are all homebound due to COVID-19, I thought I need to get my breathing, stretching & flexibility in order.

I really love this book. There are all sorts of easy modifications for you to create a restorative yoga practice at home. The pictures are great & the instructions are clear. This is a great addition to anyone who is looking to start yoga, improve flexibility, and/or just need a refresher.

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This was an excellent book to learn yoga. There was the moves and the equipment you would need to do that move. It would include why the move would help you, for stress, back pain etc. The photos were beautiful and this would make a great book to give for a gift.

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Although a few poses, especially chapter 3, are beyond me, this was a fairly well detailed book on the basics of stretching and calming yoga. Not extreme like other ones I've seen, and a good tip and advice with each pose. I like that there are variations for different skill levels, and also for cautions to prevent injury. A good introduction and instructional book. Highly recommend.

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