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Trouble by Adriana Locke is sassy, smart and fun. It has memorable and sweet characters that you will not forget

Avery has moved from Los Angeles to a small town, where she once had a one-night stand with a kind stranger, in hopes of forging her own life away from her demanding parents. She wishes nothing but to be loved and accepted for who she is and not for what connections she can give.

Penn is known as a playboy. He is even quoted as saying he is allergic to monogamy.

When they meet, Avery recognizes Penn right away but realizes he does not recognize her. She is embarrassed and saddened to realize that he does not remember her.

But, that doesn’t stop Penn. He is full speed ahead. He wants Avery. Unlike every other woman, this time it’s different. This time he will need to overcome his fear of monogamy if he wishes to win the girl.

Will Avery tell Penn who she is? Can Penn ever want something more that just a one-night stand?

Penn is charming and sweet. He is so endearing. He had me smirking and laughing throughout the book.

The flirtatious banter between Avery and Penn will make you smirk and your heart swoon. Throughout the banter, the sparks fly.

Her aunt Harper is cool and down to earth.

Avery and Penn's honesty towards each other from the get-go is refreshing. There is no misunderstanding what each of them wants from life and each other. It’s how to get what they want from each other while fulfilling what they need that causes a problem.

The story flowed so well and is completely engaging.

Definitely one-click material!

I received an ARC via NetGalley of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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4.6 stars

My favorite of this series, and possibly my favorite character from this author. I have been wanting to read Penn's story since he was first introduced. There was something so endearing about this character. Even in all his goofiness and almost manchild ways, there was just "something" that drew me to his character. I knew that there was more than meets the eye when it came to him and I was right. Sure he still was charming and flirted or joked a lot, but it became more apparent with this story that inside there was something a little broken. If I could hug a fictional grandpa for keeping a part of him intact I would.

Initially, I thought the heroine would be someone else. However, after reading this book, I have to say that the author couldn't have picked a better person for Penn because Avery was exactly what he needed. Hell, Penn was exactly what she needed too.

This series is rapidly becoming one of my favorites from this author which says something because I LOVE the Gibson boys. I cannot wait to see what comes next in this series. I just know that it will be amazing because this author doesn't seem to know how to do anything less than perfect.

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Although this is not my first book by this author, this is my first book from this series. I wasn’t sure I was going to like Penn as he seemed extremely gigolo-ish but as I continued to read and found out his background, I understood his insecurities. I loved that Avery was mature enough to know what she wanted from a relationship and didn’t settle. There was a wonderful dynamic between Penn and Avery as well as all the secondary characters. I loved Matt and hopes he gets a story. An engaging read.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Montlake Romance for providing this free advanced ebook copy in exchange for an honest review!

I was so excited to read this newest romance from Adriana Locke, seeing as I just binged Crank (Gibson Boys #1) a week earlier and finding this on NetGalley was an amazing surprise. It’s a small-town romance featuring Penn and Avery. Penn is a cute little muffin from page one, with tier one flirting and a heart of gold. His pick-up lines are as cheesy as they are sweet and swoon-worthy, but he's allergic to monogamy. Enter Avery: she’s a daughter of a famous actress and up-and-moves from LA to Tennessee - who does that? But she is a strong 30 year old woman who had her reasons and knew what she needed - someone to care about her for her, not to just climb the social ladder.

This romance between Penn and Avery starts from the very beginning (maybe even before the beginning) and develops into a healthy and realistic romance that other romance writers should pay attention to. I loved this book so much because it didn't have a huge "twist" like so many romance books try to pull off, and also it features a realistic relationship, one which communication problems occurred but didn't have you yelling at the characters to JUST TALK TO EACH OTHER (like I do a lot nowadays). I also enjoyed the cast of supporting characters: Dane, MATT, Harper, and Claire and hope to see these characters in more stories to come (definitely reading the other two Dogwood Lane stories that were previously released!) I also loved how the plot was focused on the two of them, their struggles together and apart, their personal troubles, and didn’t over-complicate the story with twists and turns that didn’t belong. It gave the story time to make their relationships and chemistry believable.

I think that the ending 10% of the story needed to be shorter, and could have been much more condensed, but overall it was a highly-enjoyable, binge-able realistic romance that will have me reaching for more of this author’s books in the future!

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I really like this series - light drama but still good stories. I was surprised the heroine wasn’t a different character given the ending of the previous book, but this heroine worked out better.

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I am utterly smitten with Dogwood Lane.

A sucker for these sort of quirky, small town stories - my heart is delighted every time I get to go back and visit this charming little town and its colorful cast of delightful characters.

And then?

Enter Penn Etling.

And now my heart doesn't even know what to do with itself. It's in a full-on swoon. And that's despite the fact that I wanted to knock him upside the head a couple times (an urge that was satisfied by some equally wonderful secondary characters in this story). Y'all this is the cutest, sweetest, most banterific thing ever. I smiled so hard. I laughed out loud. And I fell in love with Penn and Avery as they fell in love with each other.

I adored Avery too. She's the perfect match for Penn and I admired her commitment to herself and the way she was never willing to sacrifice her own dreams or self worth for Penn. And yet, she was patient and understanding and strong enough to walk him through uncharted territories. I loved the subtle emphasis on how equally they shouldered the load. This was just a completely lovely love story.

On top of that? The secondary character game is still so very strong. The banter between Avery and Penn was fantastic, but the banter between Pen and his friends was even better. Ms. Locke writes these characters with such an authentic voice, I wanted to pull up a chair and join them at the table - laughing, making fun, and reveling in their friendships.

Trouble is another Dogwood Lane hit for me. It's that perfect mixture of humor, heart, and heat that keeps me coming back for more, and leaves me happy and satisfied in the end. If you haven't been introduced to this fantastic series yet, this seems like the perfect time to start!

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Trouble is that book, that has instantaneous witty banter. It reels you in, with the one of a kind dialogue. I just struggled a tad with the development. I will say it is some what of a slow burn, but I struggled with the end of the beginning through the middle of the book. There was so much back and forth and self doubt, that it seemed repetitive. Personally, I think it brought the story down. I feel like it didn't set the pace of what this author was going for. Not only that, I feel as if the main Hero was immature in the ways he handled himself. Other than that, I did like the book. The chemistry was there. The secondary characters were a huge help in many ways, the were adventurous and supportive. The plot was not some big crazy thing, which made for a nice change of pace. Overall, I am glad I gave his story a chance.

Avery has set certain goals, that she plans to achieve. She has her reasons as to why she does what she does, and she is not going to let anyone change that. She is smart, and artsy. Friendly, and can banter with the best.

Penn is on a whole different breed. He is extremely outgoing, and friendly. Conceited, actually very conceited, but has a heart of gold. He would do anything for anyone with no questions asked.

When Penn and Avery come together, they are a force to be reckoned with. Can Avery and Penn have more that they ever dreamed possible?

*I recommend this book.

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<b>Here comes trouble ⭐️</b>

I’ve been waiting to read Penn’s story since July, last year!!! I was elated last night when I got an arc of the most anticipated novel of the year (<i>sharing the #1 position with Angry God</i>) for me. I didn’t even care it was already 1am and i knew i wasn’t going to sleep.

First of all, where’s Grace? 🤔 After <a href="">Tangle</a> I was sure Penn and Grace were destined to be together. Don’t get me wrong, Avery is awesome (yes, I know people don’t use this word anymore 😋). After knowing the whole story, I truly understand why it was Avery, not Grace. So don’t panic like I did. 😄

So, Penn Etling and Avery Perry. We’ve known Penn ever since <a href=" ">Tumble</a> was published. He was in both previous books in the series and there’s absolutely no way anyone could not fall for this guy!

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<P><b><i>"That’s okay. I’m used to women falling for me."</b></i></p>

For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, imagine Penn as the fun “boy-next-door”, full of mischief, very good looking and with <i>a predisposition to use innuendo as an actual language.”</i>. He made me laugh almost with everything that came out of his mouth.

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Avery is an artist and a hairdresser. She’s been living in LA all her life, with her famous mother and having fake, shallow friends, a douche of a boyfriend and a family interested in being in the spotlight more than actually being a family. So she had enough and moved with her aunt in a small Tennessee town, where I would definitely move too, btw. Plus, she refused to engage in another relationship that had an expiration date set from the start. She wanted so much more and was not willing to compromise.

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Penn and Avery actually met before, ten years ago. They shared a night none of them could forget. Now, she recognized him immediately, but he didn’t. He felt the connection, felt like he knew her, but it was the pure unadulterated lust that drew him to her.

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It was hilarious seeing the playboy used to his harem being turned down so many times by Avery. Don’t imagine the worst about him, please. Maybe I should rephrase this or you could simply read his story and decide for yourself.

<I>”You’re talking about monogamy, aren’t you?”
“I’m allergic.”</i>

Actually, he’s not! He has a baggage we all carry, big walls protecting his heart and soul and really believes he’s not good enough to have a family and nobody would love him long term.

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They start off as friends, but having that sizzling chemistry and attraction floating around them, you can be sure their relationship will progress at some point. Maybe a slower pace than i would have liked, but I actually admired Avery for her strength to resist him. I know I couldn’t.

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Their witty banter, his innuendoes, the self discovery on both parts and the actual falling in love are what make this story simply amazing and not to be missed.

“You know, most guys that talk that much about their tape measure are trying to distract you from the fact that they can’t use it. It’s just another tool they play with”.

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I don’t have enough words to describe how wonderful this novel is! Actually, there hasn’t been any from this author that I didn’t love. Adriana Locke, please never stop writing! You make my heart sing with every story you put out there and I would happily have many more sleepless nights just enjoying your works. ❤️

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Trouble is the third book in the Dogwood Lane series. It can be read as a standalone, but trust me, you’re missing out big time if you’re not picking <a href="">Tangle</a> and <a href=" ">Tumble</a> too.
Trouble will be released on February, 4th, so go ahead and preorder it or mark your calendars. I will for sure be available of Kindle Unlimited!😉

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You can pre-order it here:

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I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Just like the first two books in Dogwood Lane, Trouble was cute enough. In it, you will meet Penn and Avery. They were cute enough and I liked that Avery made Penn work for everything - like her attention. It wasn't easily given and there was nothing insta-y about their relationship. As a couple, they were it, goals, and more. Wasn't expecting to like them so much but glad that I got this ARC!

Definitely fell in love with these two falling in love with one another. No drama/surprises that annoyed me throughout the book. It was just really cute and made me swoon.

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⁣The Golden Bad Boy of Dogwood Lane!⁣

Penn Etling puts all the other Dogwood boys to shame! I’ve read every book written by Adriana and 𝘗𝘦𝘯𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘭𝘭...𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐧 🤭 ⁣

Yes, I know that is 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬.⁣

There’s just something about a tatted up bad boy with a heart of gold. This story gives you all the feels. I have never laughed so much one minute and swooned the next as I did reading this book.⁣

Avery is an amazingly well written character with her realistic outlook on life that’s caused her to view the world for what it is. She’s driven and determined to be who she truly is.⁣

Then we have Penn, the quintessential playboy, but also the man who looks out for the little old lady everyone loves. I love that he is hard working and a loyal friend. Paired together, they are 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤!⁣

Their chemistry and friendly, often times sarcastic, banter is 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆! They compliment one another so well. ⁣

Just when I think Adriana can’t get any better with her characters, she knocks another one out of the park. Being the 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 should definitely be the title given. This book was every Hallmark movie I’ve ever seen with the added sexual innuendos and off the charts sexy time we are all dying to witness. ⁣

Hats off to you Adriana!

Penn Etling just ruined my world..and I fn’ loved it!

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Trouble brings us back to the wonderful world of Dogwood Lane, and it is my favorite book in the series so far! Each book gets better and better.

I loved the relationship between Penn and Avery, and Penn and Matt, and Penn and Dane, and Penn and... okay maybe I just loved Penn once he stopped the constant innuendo. He takes a real journey on the love train to find out his views of himself and relationships maybe aren't as hard coded as he thought. There is hilarious banter, serious sparks, and lots of familiar favorites from the previous books.

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Adriana Locke writes the best romance novels. I loved reading this story of what one may call I forgotten love. The pair come together after many years apart and the sparks are flying. Penn at first doesn’t realise the Avery is the girl he spent one incredible night with all those years ago. He also finds it difficult to express his feelings and feel self worth.
This was a delightful read with a happy ending that leaves you smiling

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I actually didn’t want this one I accidentally requested it and it came on my Netgalley. I have a lot of ARC’s to get through but I’m sure I’ll come back to this one in a few months

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Oh Penn, how I adore you.

I really liked this book. Both characters were flawed in their own way but yet they were so much fun and the banter was off the charts.

Penn is this playboy who owns it. Everything out of his mouth has some sort of sexual reference. He is just a fun guy and when he sets his sights on you, you don't stand a chance. I loved watching this self proclaimed fun single guy start to have feelings and be jealous but yet not even realize it. It was fun to read when his friends would point it out to him.

Avery has her own issues and I loved that she was very forthcoming with what she wanted out of a relationship. That she realized that she wanted more, she wanted to be someone "lobster" and she didn't want to settle. However then Penn entered the picture. She fought him the whole way which was fun to read. However when there is chemistry like the two of them had. There is no denying it.

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Trouble is such a fabulous read. It is book 3 in the Dogwood Lane and you will just love it. Penn is fabulous and you will just get drawn into him by his charm. Penn is so likable that you can't help but feel deeply for him as he comes to terms on how he handles relationships. I love Avery. She is the light that Penn needs. I call them a second chance but you'll have to read this to see for yourself what I mean. Avery tries to resist Penn and it's fun to watch her handle him the way she does. I love the banter between them and the fact that Avery doesn't give in to the charm of Penn right away. You will love their chemistry and the sweet moments they share. You will just love the changes in Penn throughout this one. This is such a fabulous read that you will not want to miss out on.

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Yes, she has done it again! I absolutely love this author. I have read almost all of her books and she never disappoints. Small town romance with a swooney hero? Its all there and as you read it time flies by without you understanding. I'm really happy that this was my first book of 2020. It sets the stands for good things to come, but one this I am sure of, whenever Adriana writes a book, I'm be reading it.

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Penn and Avery have completely stolen my heart!! This story was terrific from start to finish. Their chemistry together was funny but with so much steam. Penn is a total playboy that you'll love, but there's a whole other side to him that will leave toy wanting a Penn of your own. And Avery is perfect for him. She's a very strong heroine who knows what she wants but can't deny how her heart feels. The storyline was romantic and completely a 5 star all the way!

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I absolutely love the Dogwood Lane series and was seriously intrigued about fun-loving Penn Etling who just stole the show in Tumble & Tangle! However, I had no idea that I would end up putting him on the Locke Men pedestal right next to Fenton Abbott and Lincoln Landry!

Trouble is the story of Penn and Avery, two people who have such chemistry, they just can’t seem to stay away from each other. However, Avery knows good and well about Penn’s past and doesn’t want to get into trouble, again.

Penn and Avery were both a breath of fresh air. A woman who knows what she wants and needs in life and a man who is NOTHING like what he seems. The witty banter, the fun-loving give and take, the sexiness and the overall connection that Penn and Avery have brought this small-town romance right to the top of my favorites list. What a way to start of 2020!

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Penn and Avery meet at Avery's aunt Harper's hair studio where Avery is beginning her journey to start her life over. Penn is a hot and charming local who loves no strings attached fun. As soon as he sees Avery he wants her, but little does he know she won't fall for his games and will continually reject him at every turn. Great read!

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Avery Perry needs a major change in her life, fortunately for her, she knows just where to get away from the spotlight of her parent's careers. Moving in with her aunt in the tiny southern town of Dogwood Lane seems to be the perfect fit until someone from her past comes back. Penn Etling just wanted a haircut, but now he can't get the beautiful woman who's new in town out of his mind, she seems familiar to him, and she's the only woman to ever shoot him down. Not deterred by her dismissals he promises to be her friend, now all Avery has to do is keep her heart protected.

I loved this third installment of the Dogwood Lane series. Penn Etling was everything I dreamed he would be, bad boy on the outside, but with a heart of gold. Of course, he has a tragic backstory that makes him happy with a string of one-night stands or short term relationships until he meets Avery. I have to admit at their first meeting, and for a while afterward, where he didn't recognize her I was a little heartbroken for Avery. I admired Avery's strength to make such a huge move to have a better life for herself. This story has such a rollercoaster of emotions, I didn't expect so much angst, but it was definitely there. I adore Adriana Locke and her small-town romances, they make me a little homesick for the tiny town I grew up in. Trouble is funny, angsty (but not too much), sweet, and all the other feel-good words, highly recommend.

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