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Finding Him

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j'ai aimé les personnages qui nous sont présentés, Julian apparaissait comme un homme aigri et vindicatif dans le premier tome, il apprend ici de ses erreurs et va chercher à s'améliorer. Le contact de Keaton y est pour beaucoup et ils vont, ensemble, réapprendre à vivre et à prendre les bonnes décisions pour leur propre bonheur. J'ai aimé leurs interactions, le récit à deux voix et les leçons qu'ils apprennent de la vie. Ils font des erreurs, essayent de s'améliorer et on ne peut que craquer pour eux et leur envie de bien faire. Le final nous donne évidemment le sourire et on les quitte avec le cœur empli d'amour !

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Finding Him is the continuation of Stealing Her and boy do we finally get to know about Keaton Westbrook. Many people see him as the coma victim but to Bridge he is his twin brother and only family left. I loved that Rachel Van Dyken shows us how different they are yet the love they had as brothers is still there. It is somewhat sad that Keaton had everything imaginable and it takes one accident to make him have a well George Bailey epiphany. He starts wondering about his life and where it is going after really losing the only person that really loved him, his mom. Not only do we have Keaton but we have the city’s most loved woman going through her own grief. Two people not looking for anything but feeling a bond that cannot be explained only their hearts know. Seeing these two brothers that Rachel Van Dyken to be opposite from each other yet are actually closer than they think. Loved it.

“I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own.”

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“You’re the annoying twin, aren’t you?”
I narrowed my eyes at the back of her head. “Actually, I’m the charming one.”
She looked over her shoulder. “Hmm, can’t see it.”

Finding Him was beautifully emotional and one of my favorite books this year! By that first chapter, I already had tears in my eyes. Twice. And as the story unfolded, I had tears for a past love story, tears for brothers and of course tears for Julian and Keaton. But there was also so much to smile and swoon about. This book was sexy, funny and had the best banter. So if you're a fan of romance, a tortured hero and the most beautiful happily ever after, definitely add this one to your list. I can't recommend it enough!

“You’re going to get drunk while I take care of our basic human needs?”
“Think of it this way . . .”He smirked. “If you don’t build a fire, we’re going to have to get naked and share body heat, and I highly doubt that would be your first choice, since you’re already so fucking frigid.”
I almost picked up the knife.
I almost threw it at his perfect face.
Instead, I took the high road, flipped him off, and went in search of my coat.

Julian and Keaton got off on the wrong foot, and then some. Julian was forced to get away from life and find some peace after waking up from a coma, losing his fiancée to his twin brother, and having his mother pass away. Keaton wanted to write her past love story, but away from all of the lime light. Neither of them expected to find someone else at that cabin. And neither of them wanted to be the one to leave. So what unfolded was an emotional roller coaster that had me completely addicted.

Because my heart might as well have been buried in that casket next to my mom’s. God knows that’s how my soul felt, like the dirt was trying to pull me under, trying to bury me along with my mother.
I was just as dead as she was.
And I had to wonder if maybe, maybe the world was better off without Julian Tennyson fully existing in it.

Julian fascinated me in Stealing Her, and as we got to know him in this story, I loved him even more than Bridge. His thoughts bled from the pages, since he was consumed by the pain of his past. His decisions, actions and who he was haunted him at every waking moment. Yes he had done horrific things, but at the same time it felt like he had been so easily cast aside. His whole world changed in the blink of an eye. So of course he was an asshole to those around him. Especially when we saw how little he thought of himself. He broke my heart again and again. So tortured doesn't even begin to describe Julian. Yet, he could be so thoughtful and considerate. Well, when he wanted to be lol.

I would always need a weapon and armor.
Because Julian Tennyson up close was lethal.
And Julian Tennyson thinking about me, holding me in his arms, felt too good.
I shivered again.

And while Julian was battling his own demons, Keaton was there. She was sassy and I loved how she had no problem standing up to him. She would go toe to toe with him and wouldn't back down! They definitely didn't like each other in the beginning, and they had no qualms letting the other know it. It was awkward and funny, and I loved how the messed with each other. The "test" had me laughing so hard I was gasping for air!

“Just because you type the end to one story doesn’t mean you don’t get to start another,” he said wisely as he stood and made his way back to the stove.

Yet at the same time, Keaton had her own personal struggles. Her parents were celebrities and she was a social media sensation. Keaton fell in love with a normal guy who sadly ended up passing away from cancer. And she was writing their love story for a book. So while there was lightness within Keaton, she was still drowning in her own pain too. Just like Julian.

We were polar opposites. The media painted me like a saint. And Julian Tennyson? Hell’s number -one sinner.
I wasn’t stupid enough to believe it was just mind-blowing sex.
It wasn’t.
Not with Julian.
It felt raw, aggressive, violent in the way it crashed over me every time he touched me.

Finding Him truly had it all. There was love, friendship, redemption, forgiveness and it was emotional every step of the way. There was also sexual tension, steamy moments and scenes that had me laughing so hard. And the journey Julian and Keaton faced, after leaving the cabin, had me even more obsessed with what would happen next. Finding Him had everything I always look for in a romance novel. It was uplifting while also gutting. If made me laugh, smile, cry and best of all, I fell madly in love. This story will always hold a special place in my heart and I hope you'll discover Finding Him too!

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I love it when an author redeems a character from a previous book, especially when the reader (and maybe I am only speaking for myself *shrug*) would put her hand in the fire before admitting that character was redeemable!! This story did that! I picked up Stealing Her, the first book in this series, when Finding Him came up for review and read all about Julian Tennyson and let me just say that man had me #twitchy! And then Finding Him happened and …. damn, *happy sigh*

NOTE: You do not have to read Stealing Her before you read Finding Him, but (lol there is always a but), you will appreciate the man Julian is a lot more if you do. Just my 2 cents. Do with them what you will.

I really felt this story while I read it. Julian and Keaton both were dealing with deep issues and they were a comfort to each other while they were stranded in a blizzard and as they helped each other come out of their perspective grief, they navigated themselves right into a romance. What I enjoyed the very best about this story is exactly that, they both had conflict they needed each other to get thru. It wasn’t one sided. It wasn’t just one character trying to get past something while the other was there for support. They both had things to get past/thru and they had each other to do it with … that’s what made the story deeply emotional for me.

Rachel Van Dyken spun a captivating and emotional tale full of heart and hope. For as much as the story saddened me, there were equal parts that gave me joy and made my heart soar! Amazing story I highly recommend to everyone!

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Kindly provided with an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review......

Rachel Van Dyken plus this blurb = One Heck of an AWESOME READ !!!!!

Wow !!! This was huge !!! We have Julian who for me needed something like he experienced to make him a better man !. God I am harsh !!! Oh whilst he was taking an extended nap (courtesy of being in a coma) his twin brother was cleaning up basically every aspect of Julian's life....brotherly love (NOT !!). I was sad that Julian had this level of distress but I was eager to see what he would make from it.

Okay, now we meet Keaton who herself has been heaped a level of agony that she absolutely did not deserve nor need. As a result fate throws these tow unlikely soles together.........ah fate knows what she is doing !!!. This was a journey for these two characters who a both dealing with life's curve balls. I loved their path to happiness. Damn you Rachel, your good !!!

This is a "once picked up, hard to put down read!".

Magnificent job Rachel and a HUGE thank you for giving me the opportunity to read this book !!!

5 "You will be my guiding light" Stars from me xx

Later peeps xx

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Starting off it made me a little emotional. Once I got into the story an started Julian & keaton’s relationship was amazing. I loved having the flash back stories with Noah.
It was beautifully written as also by Rachel and always enjoy her stories!

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Ah Julian... as much as it may seem weird, I had a soft spot for Julian since Stealing Her. I didn’t see a ruthless man, I saw a man who lost his brother and mother so young and was just caught in the crossfire. When I read how he was in college, my heart felt for the man he became, because I didn’t believe that was his true self. He just got lost along the way, blinded by his father.

Him being unexpectedly trapped with Keaton was the best thing that could have happened to him. Both of them were grieving and they found each other.

Rachel Van Dukes writes like no other. Her style is so perfect. She can write so many different types of books, and all are amazing!!

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For the most part, I enjoyed this romantic story about two grieving people finding their way out of the wreckage and into happiness. The dialog was uneven in some parts, making it hard to follow the characters' emotions and kind of boomeranging all over the place from sad to joking and back again. But Keaton's backstory with Noah was well done, and Julian's story of redemption was interesting.

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It will bring you joy and time to give your mind some ease! 😍🥰 Finding Him is a book two in the series, and it can be read as standalone. Here we will see the story of the other Tennyson Twin - Julian, that we had met in book one (Stealing Her).
Julian is a Bridge's twin brother, that was in a coma for a month. Now that he woke up, he needs his life back or at least sorted. His fiance is now his ex, and she is with his brother! And they are happy! How is that possible? How could that happen? Can Julian find his path for life, when he had lost everything important to him?
Keaton had lost a lot, and now she needs some time alone, to work out what to do next with her life and how to deal with all her emotions, that are not helping when almost every person in the USA wants to know everything that happens in your life.
Those two shattered people will meet in their need of solitude in the least place they would expect to meet someone and FEEL something. Julian and Keaton have a long way before themselves (each his/her own) to stand in front of the truth. Can this accidental meeting change their lives and start something new and grow upon them?
I loved how this story was going as it was going true for the characters we knew from book one, and how it was nice to see those characters from the very beginning of book two. Finding Him is not about an easy love story that happens overnight and everything is changed by it. The attraction was there, but it needed time to grow up and evolve into something that had left me begging for more. during this book be prepared for fun, love, cry, drama and understanding your broken self!

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This was the story I didn’t know I needed. Well, I knew I wanted it, but the story itself, I didn’t know how bad I needed it.

This family has been through more ringers than you can possible imagine. This book though, I didn’t know how much they still needed to deal with.

These two characters both had gone through so much in their life and fate threw them together. Neither of them were prepared to find each other and when they did, it wasn’t at all how you thought things were going to play out.

I loved every word of this. I loved reading about these characters and diving back in and watching them both heal. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Julian in book one. I mean, he wasn’t my favorite person, but this book? You really see him in this book. You see behind the facade that he puts up and you get to watch him become who he should have been for years.

Purely wonderful. Emotional and beautiful.

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When I started out doing reviews, I started with a lot of free and available books through Kobo which meant I read tons of New Adult and while I loved some, I didn't love most. Rachel van Dyken is the only NA that I actually read so, when I say I'm disappointed, I truly am. You can check out how much I love her work here.

Finding Him was not phenomenal. It wasn't awful but I didn't feel the same joy that I normally do while reading Van Dyken's books.

Finding Him picks up where the first book, Stealing Him, left off. This means Finding Him starts with Julian out of his coma with his entire world turned upside down: Bridge, his twin brother has stolen his company and fiancee from under his nose and his mom has passed on. Julian is left feeling lost and adrift in a world that has moved on without him and with much urging and threatening from the people he loves, he takes a much-needed vacation at his family's cabin. Only to find that his peace is shattered by the appearance of Keaton Westbrook, international social media starlet and renting the cabin at the same time he is, due to some administration oversight. As you can expect, they meet and fall in love, bonding over their shared struggles, a moose attack and heartbreak.

If you had read Stealing Him, you'd probably find Julian's story endearing, possibly even redeemable. But there's no walking away from Finding Him without cringing. While I rather enjoyed the meet-cute and the hijinks that ensued with both Julian and Keaton cooped up in the cabin in the middle of a snowstorm, the second half of Finding Him was a try-hard that failed to capture the right sort of emotion needed to feel any empathy or connection for both Keaton and Julian.

Finding Him started in a dark, emotional place with Julian coming back to the world and finding that it has changed drastically. It set a rather dark and morose tone that we know will be lifted sooner. And once both Julian and Keaton meet in the cabin, the atmosphere immediately lightened. There was playful banter, witty repartee and lots of sexy flirting. It was romantic, it was warm and it was a balm for all the darkness that both Julian and Keaton has experienced before meeting each other in the private sanctuary. But, this happiness was short-lived.

Normally, here I would go into the specifics of how Keaton and Julian's personality and characteristics build the backbone of how their story is told but they both suffered from the same affliction: going around and around in maddening circles. Like vultures, both Keaton and Julian circle the main issue without ever addressing it. And, like two immature children fighting over a toy on the kindergarten playground, neither Keaton nor Julian have the capacity to have a proper conversation with emotional beats that resonate or solve the issue. Even almost towards the end of the book, Keaton is still evasive and closed off on the death of her fiancee while Julian has held his mother's passing so tightly to his chest.

And, in order to create the kind of desperate emotional beat, Finding Him introduces the worst possible trope reserved for the basest and least developed of fanfictions right at the ending. Whether for shock value or to generate emotion, I haven't the faintest clue. But it left a rather bad taste in my mouth.

I would have preferred a lighthearted romance but Finding Him seemed to try extremely hard to make something dark, gritty and emotional but missed every beat that would have made me care about the characters and their troubles. And in doing this, it has become the first time that I have DNF-ed a Van Dyken romance.

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FINDING HIM is the second instalment in Rachel Van Dyken’s contemporary, adult COVET romance series focusing on businessman and heir Julian Tennyson, and model / writer / social media darling Keaton Westbrook. FINDING HIM can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but I recommend reading book one STEALING HER for back story and cohesion.

SOME BACKGROUND: At the age of fifteen, twins Bridge and Julian Tennyson were separated as a result of their parent’s divorce. Bridge had always promised Julian he would protect his brother but years of separation meant the two had become strangers until the fateful day when Bridge would be pulled back into his brother’s world. Having lived with his ailing mother, Bridge watched from the sidelines as his brother Julian excelled in the business of high finance, a business that was destroying Julian and the woman with whom he was about to marry. A near fatal accident left Julian Tennyson in a four-week coma during which time his fiancé left and married his twin brother Bridge.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Julian and Keaton) FINDING HIM follows the building relationship and romance between businessman and heir Julian Tennyson, and model / writer / social media darling Keaton Westbrook. Julian Tennyson was struggling in the aftermath of an accident, and the resulting loss of his fiancé to his brother Bridge. Told to take some time off, Julian headed to the family cabin only to come face to face with social media darling and America’s sweetheart Keaton Westbrook, who had rented the cabin from their corporate head quarters in an effort to write a book focusing on her relationship with her late, best friend Noah. A snow storm and the subsequent loss of internet connection found Julian and Keaton stranded together where they would work side by side on a book about Keaton’s grief in the aftermath of losing someone she loved. What ensues is the building relationship between Keaton and Julian, and the potential fall-out as Keaton continues to struggle with grief, and the perceptive attitude of social media towards her possible relationship with America’s bad boy, as Julian battles between head and heart knowing their time together is coming to a close.

Keaton Westbrook is the daughter of celebrities, and as such her relationship with Noah, and his subsequent death became one of the most popular trending stories in social media. When a publisher suggested Keaton write a story focusing on her love with Noah, our heroine went into seclusion only to face her future in the guise of bad boy Julian Tennyson. Julian’s reputation and the fall-out of his relationship with both his brother and his former fiancé precedes his introduction to Keaton Westbrook but forced time together found Julian considering a second chance at love but a love predicated on Keaton’s social media standings, and the public perception of Keaton’s new love. Grieving the recent death of his beloved mother, Julian understands Keaton’s loss but struggles with her inability to move on from the past. The $ex scenes are passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are reintroduced to Julian’s brother Bridge, and his new wife Isobel but the majority of the story line focuses on Julian and Keaton’s time together in the cabin, in the woods.

FINDING HIM is a story of grief and recovery; of friendship and family; of acceptance and love. The premise is engaging and captivating; the romance is seductive and sweet; the characters are broken, struggling but healing.





B&N (Sandy_thereadingcafe) posted

Chapters/indigo (Sandy_At_the_Reading_Cafe) posted

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I really liked Julian and Keegan. Such a cute couple and a great series. I'm looking forward to reading the first book in the series.

Many thanks to the publisher, the author, and NetGalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Emotional roller-coaster filled with engaging charters, witty dialog, heart racing twists and unexpected turns. Was a great read from beginning to end. Really enjoyed this heartwarming and sweetly sexy read.

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Finding Him is book two in the Covet series by Rachel Van Dyken. I really enjoyed book one and was thrilled to snag book two. We were introduced to Julian in book one and he didn't leave the greatest first impression. Finding Him sheds him in a much more forgiving light. This book was such a treat. I really enjoyed the way the two meet and how they get to know each other while being stuck in the same cabin. I always enjoy books by Rachel and this one did not disappoint.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and Skyscape for an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A sweet, wrenching love story. I cried so much because of how attached I become to the story and the characters that I felt every bit of pain, love and laughter.

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Finding Him by Rachel Van Dyken is the 2nd book in the Covet series, and my first book by this author. Julian awoke from a coma to find that his twin brother Bridge, is married to his fiancee and has taken over his company. Forced to go on a vacation, Julian heads to the family's Vermont cabin. Keaton Westbrook books a cabin in Vermont to get over her grief of losing a loved one. Unfortunately it's the same cabin, and there is a blizzard outside and they are stuck. I really enjoyed this book, and watching Julian and Keaton's relationship grow. I plan on reading book one, which is Bridge's story. I highly recommend this book.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Oh, Rachel Van Dyken, you never disappoint. I've loved all of the books I've read by you and will continue to pick them up.

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*Book Received in Exchange for Honest Opinion/Review*

Y'all I know better than to go into a Rachel Van Dyken book with a terminally ill character and expect to come out on the other side unscathed. Truly, why did I expect not to be emotionally gutted...not once, not twice, but THREE times I found myself a sobbing mess. After the third I time, I prayed that no more flashbacks happened because I can't handle anymore of these feels! D*mnit Rachel...every stinkin' time!

Okay, moving along from the ripping out of my heart...these characters are so artfully broken. Julian and Keaton are two halves of very torn wholes. Their struggles, while each different and challenging had my chest aching. I wanted a friendship to bud and I wanted them to find solace in each other but the road to moving on from grief is rough. The pain is palpable and their torment is real. Julian is so deep in his self-loathing that I just wanted to wrap him in a hug and reassure him. And while I adored Keaton, at times I found her to ooze self-centered-ness.

While their love is quick, it didn't feel rushed. It was easy, their compatibility and the way they lift each other up instead of dragging each other down was beautiful. Julian paving his path to healing his own heart, mending his relationships, and finding forgiveness was a touching journey to witness. And the story just had me feeling all the feels.

The romance may have been a center focus but I think this also reaches into how to deal with grief, how to navigate an online world, and how to have defined boundaries between real life and life on the internet. It was just a tragically beautiful story that left my heart so very hopeful.

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Oh gosh, my heart. Finding Him was everything I didn't even know I was looking for. So much emotion poured from my body. I laughed. I cried. I cursed. I loved. I hated.

Julian Tennyson is my new favorite RVD hero. Serious book boyfriend material. So swoon worthy. This man right here is the way a man down on himself should be written. I felt his pain, his lack of self worth, and I felt his growth and love. I felt for our hero. I rooted for him to find his confidence, his pride/esteem, and the new person he was trying to become. I rooted for him to get the girl.

Keaton was the perfect match for Julian. His soulmate. I adored her. She too deserved the perfect love story.

I'll admit, I sometimes got frustrated with her but it didn't take her long to make things right. To fix the communication issues. And she never left Julian thinking he wasn't in her heart, as well, for very long. I loved this about her.

Hell, I loved this about both of them. They communicated and didn't leave the issues to blow up into long contrived dramatic consequences. Weeks and months didn't go by before they fixed things. Huge plus!!

Now, I will say I did not read book yet. I plan to though. I need more Julian. And I'm dying to get to know Bridge. You can read Finding Him without reading Stealing Her. You won't feel lost, promise. However, you'll want to go back to the beginning for the same reasons I do.

If you are looking for a sweet, emotional read, with light angst, this book is exactly what you need.

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