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The Water Keeper

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This is the first of Charles Martin’s books I’ve read, although I've heard a lot of great things about him. I wasn't sure what to expect, but when I opened this book, I encountered a beautiful, emotional, intense, engaging story!

The story was a little hard to follow at the beginning, as it seemed almost like we were starting at the end of something. It all began to make sense though, as the book went on and more details about Murph's life were revealed. Both the action-packed plot and the multifaceted, compelling characters made the book hard to put down. With Charles Martin's unique writing style, I almost felt like I was reading Murph's journal and riding down the IC with him. The incredible details, intricate plot, and rich characters make this a book not to be missed!

Note: This book does deal with heavy topics, like suicide, drug use, and human trafficking. I would recommend it for older teenagers and up, depending on maturity level.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I had been hearing about Charles Martin for the past couple years but hadn’t taken the leap to read any of his books. So when I had the opportunity to read an ARC of this one I jumped on it and I’m so glad I did. This book was heart wrenching and not an easy read but was so well done and an important read on a topic that I care deeply about. One of the best books I’ve read in a long time.

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The Water Keeper is a wild ride. The complex plot and broken characters put me through the emotional wringer.

Charles Martin is an off-the-charts amazing writer. His stories are rich with imagery and complex characters that work their way into your heart. Murphy Shepherd takes his boat down the coast of Florida, picking up off the wall, broken misfits with more baggage than his boat can carry. But Murphy has his own secrets, as he’s made it his life’s mission to hunt down missing women who’ve been trafficked.
The story is complex and at times weird. It took me a while to wrap my head around what was happening. So many plot twists kept me guessing, and this story is much darker and seedier than other Martin novels. The author drags readers right into the ick and evil of human trafficking.

This book has a lot of high action scenes. But at times I struggled with the reality of some of the scenes. The hero and his dog both seemed to be bullet and fire proof, and several times I found myself saying, “Really? How can that happen?” While some of the scenarios didn’t seem plausible, the story was so good that I willingly suspended my belief. Other parts made me question, “Why would that happen?” as there were a few uncomfortable moments that made me question character motives. I don’t want to give spoilers, but the author isn’t going to deliver you a tidy story wrapped up in a bow. It’s going to leave you with questions and unsettled feelings.

Despite my thoughts above, I enjoyed this novel. It’s one of those stories that sticks with you long after you’ve put it down. I love when authors take chances and write something different. Some Martin fans might not hang in there through this one, but I enjoyed the characters and the overarching themes about love and evil. I like that the novel isn’t what I expected, and hope readers will embrace it for being “off the beaten path.” Figuratively, and literally – because much of the story takes place in alligator infested swamps, rivers and back-woods Florida.

Overall Rating: 4 stars (I liked it a lot and would definitely recommend)
Suspense Rating: 4 stars (lots of action and suspense to keep me intrigued)

I received an ebook review copy of this book through NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own

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The Water Keeper is one of my favorite books I have read by Charles Martin. It was an amazing read and getting five stars from me.

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I'm not usually one for novels about love and romance. This is my second time reading a Charles Martin novel, and I think he's becoming the exception to my rule. Because, while The Water Keeper is a novel about pain, loss, human trafficking, Florida, sacrifice, and human connection, it is unquestioningly a novel about love. It always takes me a while to get invested in a novel, but I can usually tell whether or not I'm reading a good one by how quickly I reach the point where I'm reading instead of doing anything else. The Water Keeper sucked me in early, and held me until the end. I felt like I saw most of the twists in this novel coming, but in a good way. The story was constructed well, and I cared about the characters. My awareness of Charles Martin has previously been limited to the fact that he's my mother's favourite author. With each book of his I read, it's becoming clear why that's the case.

I received a copy of this book via NetGalley. The opinions in this review are my own.

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Unlike this authors’ other novels I had a hard time connecting with the main character and the story line. I kept wondering who Murphy Shepherd was and where this was all headed. Around chapter 7 or so, in swims Summer, a character I liked from the start. She is fun, animated and I was fascinated to hear her talk about how a book series helped her kick an opium addiction. (which I found fascinating – I had hoped the novel series was real. Summer made me want to read it! LOL!)

This is a story about sex-trafficking, and how Murph helps to rescue girls that were stolen and/or didn’t realize what they were signing up for. It’s a gritty, heart-wrenching story sprinkled with hope, and some quirky characters I enjoyed. It all comes together in the end as you can read as Murph shares his heart below. There is a cuss word or two but it goes with the territory of this hard to believe situation.

Murph describes to Summer…I wanted to create a place where we could help folks once we found them – help them walk the road from broken to not. So, we did. I bought a ghost town…we brought it back to life.”

Murph continues to share with Summer, “…..When I saw more than my own pain…Somewhere in there it struck me that love is what we’re made to do. It is the thing our hearts are made to pour…“We don’t love because people love us back. We love because we can. Because we were made to. Because it’s all we have. Because, at the end of the day, evil can take everything save one thing: your love. And when you come to realize that, that the only thing you really control in this life is your love, you’ll see maybe for the first time, that we’re all just lost.”

Amen! Amen!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog

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I picked this one up when I saw a few stellar reviews from fellow Goodreads friends. I have never read this author before and for some reason the cover made me think it would be literary fiction. I would say it is more of a thriller, action book that reminds me of a Mission Impossible movie.

The mysterious hero of the book is known as Murph and we learn that he is an expert on rescuing young girls from the sex trade and this book is centered in Florida. He is a master boatman and knows the waters well which helps him track down the bad guys. Along the way he picks up a few stray passengers and helps them in their quests as well. There is a wonderful Labrador dog who saves the day.

I loved the references to a Colorado ghost town, and I want to visit! This one is beautifully written, but it is hard for me to give away any more plot points. I think it is best to go into this one blind. I think this would make a great escape read. If you like James Bond movies and don’t mind suspending belief a bit, this one would work for you!

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This is a topical thriller about a man who rescues women from human traffickers. Murph lives alone and spends much of his time on the waterways in and around Florida. A chance meeting with Summer sets him off to find her daughter Angel, who is lost in the warp of the traffickers. What he didn't expect to find was Ellie, another young woman stuck in this mess, and that Ellie has a link to him (no spoilers). Know that there's a lot about boats and waterways; I found myself consulting a map of the area to see where he was. Murph's a priest and there's a strong faith element. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. It's a fast paced and entertaining read.

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I have never read anything from this author before. I LOVED this! While it was written well in advance of all this "virus stuff" it was so timely and fitting for what's happening in the world right now. I can't wait for the next one :)

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Murphy "Murph" Shephard is an enigma for sure and one of the most unique characters that I have had the great pleasure of reading. He is a priest, government agent, author, and one of the wounded that has a sole mission to help and save others. This book starts in with a mission to deliver Fingers to the end of the ocean. He is soon joined by a woman who is desperately seeking her daughter Angel, a man that has just been released from prison, a girl that is trying to find herself and her place in the world, and the smartest dog Tabby/Gunner. I love that this book blends genres and also brings attention to the underground world of sex trafficking as well. I desperately want to read more about Murph and hope that this is the start of a series. Thanks for the ARC, First Editions/ NetGalley.

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Oh. My. Heart. Charles Martin weaves a tale that broke it right in two and put it back together making it more than the sum of its parts. Talk about layers! This book has a surprise at every stop on the IC and as the group on the boat grows, the adrenaline rises. If you could combine Francine Rivers, Nicholas Sparks, and Daniel Silva into one person -- this is what you would get. Folks who love boats and the ocean will get some extra thrills. Social justice warriors will rejoice in the karate chop that hits the white slave trade. For me, this book fed both my heart and my soul -- a rare combination.

Thank you to Thomas Nelson and NetGalley for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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For me, this book really struggled to get off the ground. I think the back story, or the introduction was just far too long. The long dialogue and conversations were just hard to get around, if felt like you were sort of walking through mud to get interested. I even tried to have my mom read it, and she gave up after 11%. I just think it needs help getting started. I typically have loved all of Charles Martin's books...this one was just not grabbing me.

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Murph is a mysterious man with a haunted past. He lives and works in a chapel in Florida when he’s not on a mission or on the water. Nearby is a popular sandbar where boats dock to party and enjoy the water, sunshine and views. When a young girl comes by the chapel, obviously on something and in some sort of trouble, Murph isn’t able to just let her go. He gives her his satellite phone number and lets her know he’ll be there if she ever needs anything.

Shortly after, by the docks, Murph watches a very distraught woman running and clearly looking for someone. The description matches the young girl that came by the chapel. Fearing a dead end, the woman steals a boat and takes off. It’s obvious to Murph the woman has no idea what she’s doing and could get herself into real trouble. Again, unable to let her risk her life, Murph hops in his own boat and takes off after her.

Sure enough, the woman, Summer, gets in an accident and Murph rescues her. Confirming the girl Summer is looking for is the same girl Murph encountered, he takes it upon himself to help track her down. He has history and experience with this dark underworld and it’s clear to him that the girl, Angel, has gotten herself wrapped in the flesh trade.

Summer and Murph embark on a mission to save Angel. Along the way, they learn about each other and pick up other wanderers including a dog, an ex convict, and a young girl who doesn’t know who she is. The trip is not only an adventure to rescue Angel, but a mission of self discovery and faith.

Generally, the story felt a bit predictable and incredibly unrealistic. I could definitely see this as a Liam Neeson movie filled with action, peril, unrequited love, and an unlikely hero.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a well written book that holds your attention. This is the first fiction book I've read by Charles Martin, now I'm hooked. This book tackles a hard subject, but it is a beautifully written, emotional read. I can't wait to read more books by this author. This book is 5 stars all the way! Thank you Thomas Nelson--FICTION via NetGalley for the ARC copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I'm always excited to read a new Charles Martin. This one, however, just fell flat. I could tell he was going for the heart that he always has in his novels, but The Water Keeper felt like it was trying just a little too hard. Everything was disguised in so many layers of metaphor that I eventually felt like I had no idea what was actual plot and what was symbolic. He's done something like this before, like the twist in The Mountain Between Us, but there, it was just one big reveal. In this book, it felt like every chapter for the second half of the book revealed some new information, most of which didn't really make sense. Murph's backstory was confusing and mangled, so I really didn't know who he was as a character, since, again, I didn't know what was real. I would have preferred a much simpler, more straightforward, telling of this story.

The plot centered around sex trafficking in Florida & the southern United States - it's a huge problem that not as many people know about and I'm glad Martin chose to set a book around it. The action was heart pounding at times, and well written.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Charles Martin is such a great storyteller! I have loved everything he has written & anxiously await his next novel. This one was no exception. He has taken on a heavy subject with human trafficking, but does it with such grace saying how important it is to save the one. There is a lot of hurt and grief going on but moves to themes of love and forgiveness. Stressing the value of each of us and that we are all worthy of being saved.

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I found the book a little confusing and slow to start but once I caught on to the story it was hard to put down. Murph was a very complex character who carried so much pain. Human trafficking is a horrific subject but author deals with it in a way that brings hope to the victims. The little tease at the conclusion will hopefully bring a new book with Clay's story. Highly recommended!

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This book is full of well-developed characters and both unexpected and expected plot twists. The Water Keeper is a little more violent and gritty than other books I've read by Charles Martin because of the subject matter. For that reason, I would recommend it only for mature readers. I think someone familiar with Florida's east coast would find it even more interesting (I kind of got lost in the convoluted geography).

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I’ve heard so many wonderful things about this author I was happy to get a copy of his newest release, The Water Keeper. It’s the first time I’ve read anything by this author.
If you enjoy literary reads, Charles Martin is an author to check out. There’s much prose, heavy description of waterways, boating references and setting, and deep point of view from the hero of the story.
The topic covered in this book could definitely be a trigger for some people as the story follows sex trafficking in the south of Florida. There is a surprising scene, somewhat provocative in the beginning that may turn readers off, though considering the subject matter it fits with the storyline.
I found the pacing to be slow and by the time I hit chapter five, my interest had waned. I do enjoy literary reads, but the main character is grieving heavily (of course he would be since he lost two very special people to him in a difficult circumstance) and it affected my mood as I was reading (isn’t that the mark of a good writer?). Considering world events as they are right now in 2020, I am partial to reading material that lightens my mood, not darkens it.
I found the author’s writing style to be engaging enough that I will check out previous works since many other readers have highly recommended his books.
I received an ecopy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This was my second book by Charles Martin and I enjoyed it even more than the first one I read. It was a bit of a slow and confusing start, but well worth the payoff to stay the course.

Murphy, the main character, is a bit of a contradiction. He’s also full of secrets—or at least information that he chooses to keep to himself, revealing information only as needed. Murphy has found fulfillment in finding victims of human trafficking. The focus of the story is about the love that led Murphy to rescue victims and also led to his “other profession.”

The story was one with a strong sense of place. Set on the coastal waters of Florida and in Key West, Martin painted such a vivid picture that it was easy to imagine being there. There was quite a bit about boating, but the human trafficking was front and center in the story.

When Murphy meets a woman named Summer, the pace of the story really revs up. It was exciting, nerve-wracking and heart-warming. At times, I had to suspend belief a bit because when Murphy is in pursuit, he is close to being superhuman and unstoppable. I have to give a special shout out to Gunner, my favorite character in the book, who saved the day several times. Charles Martin, I thank you for not gutting me where Gunner was concerned.

Readers need not worry about explicit sexual content relating to the human trafficking. There is, however, quite a bit of violence at times, but the story moves fairly quickly, not dwelling on the injuries. With themes of love and forgiveness, this is a story that stresses the value of each of us and that we are all worthy of being saved.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Fiction for allowing me to read an advance copy and give an honest review.

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