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Rakes and Roses

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Harry Stillman has hit rock bottom. Excessive drinking and gambling have landed him in a deeper pit of debt than he can possibly get out of alive. Even his wealthy uncle has cut him off financially, hoping to encourage a change of lifestyle.

Lady Sabrina prefers her lonely life as a wealthy widow to the life of fear and pain she suffered as a young wife. She is determined to help those who cannot help themselves, but is frustrated that Society looks down on such activity from a woman. With help from her solicitor, she has created the mysterious persona of Lord Damion.

Lord Damion takes Mr. Stillman's case and, in the process, angers a dangerous lender named Malcolm. After a severe beating by Malcolm's men, Harry is taken to Rose Haven (the home of Lady Sabrina) to heal, and she finds it increasingly difficult to keep her secret identity safely concealed.


An interesting change to make the female protagonist wealthy, powerful and experienced, while the male protagonist is helpless and immature.

Clean romance: A fair amount of romantic tension. Stretches the boundaries of "propriety" slightly -- a young, handsome, unmarried man staying in the home of a lonely widow with no consistent chaperone (most interactions are one-on-one conversations over a game of chess). One "steamy clean" scene of passionate kissing.

Some mild violence and peril.

Other adult themes: Excessive debt and gambling. Overcoming alcoholism (withdrawal, relapse, temptation...) Driven to change for the better by guilt and hope.

Underlying messages: grace, forgiveness, moving forward from past mistakes

#RakesandRoses #NetGalley

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Another winner! How does Josi do it? How does she always make me think differently about things I thought I knew so much about? She always writes absolutely worthwhile stories, gripping me from the first page to the very last. I fell in love with the playboy, Harry and felt the turmoil in beautiful Sabrina! It was a wonderful character driven story that I will think about for days!

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I enjoyed reading this book. The two main characters were interesting especially Harry. The twist to the story was that Sabrina was two people. It was good that she helped young men with their debts and got them on to a new pathway.. The story kept me reading and had everything in it. O recommend that you read this book.

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First I want to say I love the cover. It has a different style than the first two books in the series and I think its gorgeous.

Now the book. It's difficult to properly critique a book when you have personal experience with something and you don't agree with how it played out in the book. I really did like the story and I think the author is a fantastic writer. I'll read anything she writes. The problem for me is that I have personal experience with an alcoholic and to believe that Harry could change so quickly is almost impossible for me to believe. That being said, I only have the one person to compare Harry to so maybe there are people out there who experience a sudden and irrevocable charge the way Harry did and I've just never seen it.

I appreciated that in this story Uncle Elliot plays a minimal part. If he was more involved it would be harder to believe that Harry was making changes because he really wanted to and not just for the inheritance.

Lady Sabrina was a remarkable woman who found a way to overcome her circumstances and didn't allow the horrors of her first marriage to ruin her life. She picked herself up and did something good with her life and I loved that. It's always fun to read about strong women in the Regency era who defy the "rules" set for women during that time. I can't imagine being restricted so much simply because I'm a woman. Thank goodness for progress and change!

I thought the story moved quickly and was interesting but was surprised when I was 50% through the book and Harry and Sabrina only had two interactions apart from the first one 6 years prior. The romance didn't seem forced or rushed though.

Another great addition to the Mayfield Family series.

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I enjoyed Harry and Serbia's story. Two people hurt by people who should have loved them. I would have like a little more development of their relationship. Otherwise the story was very interesting, and I found myself cheering for this couple.

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4.5 One of my favorite books to read is when there are characters who undergo personality transformation, whether it be through circumstances, natural growth, or the influence of another character. I love to see believable and inspiring change. This novel had that. Add a strong female lead and a sweet romance and I'm hooked.

I think it would have been an even stronger story over multiple books or a more drawn out time period, as overcoming addiction can often take much more time than is portrayed in the story. However, it was still within the realm of reason, since we meet Harry at rock bottom and there is within him a desire to change.

I absolutely adore this series. Keep it coming!

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I enjoyed this book but I felt something was a little too simple about it.

It is not the fact it was a regency, I felt that the romance just seemed... lacking?

Henry starts off doing a small deed for our Lady, which is not forgotten by her when she meets him five years later. Though she has sworn off love and has established herself as a self-assured widow, she opens her heart to him when their paths meet. She also is secretly the money lender he goes to see for a last chance at saving himself from his fall from grace.

While I felt our lady was well written, I felt Henry lacking a bit? Could it be his age - he is five years younger than her? I struggled to think what it was that kept me from giving this book a full five stars.

The writing felt a little hokey at times (even for a regency). So could that be the reason?

This book is still a nice, kind read. I did read the afterward written by the author that she wrote about the type of male that she does not normally like. Which was refreshing since usually the female is trying to change the male or the female changes her mind on the male. In this book, the male seemed to change on his own accord. So it was well done in my opinion.

Still, if you are looking for regency and a clean-romance, I'd recommend it.

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I have been looking forward to the next in this series for a year, and was incredibly disappointed to see the change in cover design. Fans like to have their covers stay in sync, but I do understand the reasons behind the decision to discard the style.

An interesting approach to both the main characters, leave us with a unique storyline and plot - that I have not come across before in this genre.

Sadly, I had difficulty connecting to the story and it wasn’t until 80% in that the pace picked up. That’s a big chunk of book to get a reader through.

Ultimately it came together really well, and I enjoyed the resolution which was neither predictable or trite.

Thanks to Netgalley for the eARC. This is my honest review.

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Harry Stillman definitely hits rock bottom in this story. He's on the edge of losing everything - likely even his life - due to poor personal choices. He's saved thrice over through an acquaintance with a remarkable woman, and begins a changed life through a beautiful redemption story. This book gives hope that yes -- you CAN overcome personal demons with God's help, if you have it in your heart to desire that change.

The vivid descriptions of Harry's trials make his anguish and battle very real. Likewise, Sabrina suffered through an ugly, abusive relationship in a time where women were little more than property. Her survival cuts a sharp contrast to Harry's life prior to the start of the novel: she fought to retain herself throughout the trial, and once free of her situation she did everything to ensure she wouldn't ever have to suffer through something similar ever again. Her wise choices starkly contrast Harry's poor choices.

I appreciated that the author didn't make Harry's trials go away in a heartbeat. She showed that even when a person gets saved / converted / finds redemption, they still encounter trials and consequences -- but it is possible to endure!

This was a well-written story laced with hope and encouragement. Highly recommend.

I received an advance copy of this story in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own!

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Engaging, fast paced, and inspiring.  This story of personal reformation, overcoming vices and addictions, had believable characters and a well conceived plot.  Not a mystery to the reader, but clues for the characters to discover about each other.  A sweet story of becoming better and love despite past choices, when motivation and desires have truly changed.

I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions are my own.

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Another fun regency read from Josi S. Kilpack. I have to say, she did an awfully good job making Harry pretty unlikable in the beginning - lol! I'm often a fan of "bad boy" types in fiction as long as there's enough backstory and some sympathy-building moments here and there to tug on my heartstrings. I wasn't sure I could get there with Harry in the beginning, but I came to like him by the end of the book. While I can't say this is a favorite of mine, I did enjoy it and I look forward to reading whatever comes next from Kilpack!

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I’ve enjoyed the 2 previous books in the Mayfield series which you could read alone, the other characters are mentioned briefly.

.With Rakes and Roses, Kilpack masterly words the struggles of abuse and addiction as well as the social injustices of women at the time.

Harry Stillman loves his life of leisure - gaming at the hells, women a plenty and of course strong drink until his luck runs dry and he’s broke. Owners want their due and Harry finds himself at the lowest of lows...which is when he meets Lady Sabrina. She shows compassion to Harry although she’s slow to trust men.

This was a beautiful romance with some action at the end. Kilpack creates a believable plot with fallible characters. I haven’t dealt with the kind of problems that Harry and Sabrina did but it seemed real and well researched . As always I wish there was more and the story didn’t end!

Thank you @netgalley and @shadowmountainpub for letting me read this wonderful book!

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The third novel of Josi Kilpack's Mayfield Family series, "Rakes and Roses" features Harry Stillman, a gambler and drunkard, whom I found excessively disagreeable in the previous novel, "Daisies and Devotion". Out of options, Harry contacts the mysterious Lord Damion, as he can help him financially.

Lady Sabrina Carlisle, is a wealthy, benevolent widow, thanks to the untimely death of her abusive and dissolute husband. In the spirit of true and anonymous philanthropy, she adopts the persona of Lord Damion in her quest to free young men from their vices and set them upon a successful life path.

Lady Sabrina is one of my all-time favorite heroines. Her methods are genius, her staff loyal, and she herself is a lovely, generous and compassionate woman.

Under Lady Sabrina's care, Harry's transformation from weak, pathetic drunk to a worthy human being does not come easy. The gritty depictions of dissolute gamblers and unscrupulous moneylenders are unpleasant but all-to-true.

The characters are well-drawn, and Kilpack's prose is always a delight. Uncle Elliot and Amelia appear briefly. There is an unexpected twist near the end, although I wasn't TOTALLY surprised. I hope there are more books to follow. This novel is clean. While technically a stand-alone, reading the previous two prior to this one enhances understanding of Harry's character, and also Uncle Elliot's offer to his nieces and nephews. Plus, the alliterative titles are clever.

Thanks to NetGalley and Shadow Mountain Publishing for an ARC of this wonderful novel.

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I loved this book! The characters are so multidimensional. Sabrina, the main character is broken, scarred, lonely, intelligent, beautiful, compassionate, and a host of other adjectives. She finds and equally broken gentleman, Harry, lying in a gutter and nurses him back to health. This is a beautiful story of how together they find a way to mend what is broken in each other. This is a love story with a bit of mystery thrown in for good measure. But this book is not your typical boy meets girl kind of book. It is a commentary on determination, faith, pride, survival, and overcoming supposedly insurmountable odds. This book It will keep you reading long into the night because you can't seem to put it down.

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This is book 3 in the series, but I don't think you have to read them in order to enjoy this book. A rich uncle cuts off his nephew hoping to get him to clean up his life. A gambler who can't keep money in his pocket, Harry is deeply in debt. Lady Sabrina is a wealthy widow who enjoys her independence. When fate brings them together, sparks fly. Well written with witty characters, I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Both characters show growth, but Harry really becomes a character the reader can cheer for.

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Josie Kilpack in Rakes and Roses has written a beautiful story about redemption and second chances, with a little bit of surprising betrayal. It is only January, but I doubt I will read a more soul satisfying read this year. This is the third book in the Mayfield Family series, and I thought it was the best so far! Kilpack has written such a wonderful, unique plot, and she has developed the main characters so well! Josie Kilpack is a wonderful storyteller. Usually I am not a fan of epilogues, but this epilogue was well written and well anticipated.

Harry Stillman is in trouble, he is in over his head in debt because of his dissolute ways. He has borrowed money from Malcolm who preys upon young foolish men in London. Lord Damien is in business to help those same men not only pay off their debts, only if they change their dissolute ways. Lord Damien agrees to help him and meets with him, but right after he is beaten up by Malcolm’s thugs, intent on finding who Lord Damien is as he is cutting into Malcolm’s business.

Lady Sabrina finds the barely coherent Harry in a London alley; she has compassion on him and takes him to her home in Wimbledon to help him convalesce. Lady Sabrina is a widow; she had endured a terrible marriage, one with domestic violence; her husband has died, and with his death Lady Sabrina found freedom, including financial freedom. Because of the experiences she has had, she believes in second chances. I think her belief in second chances, and the ability for people to change, given a little help, is the beauty of this story.
There is so much more that I could say, but I do not want to include any spoilers! Just expect a fun and satisfying ride.

Will there be a second chance for Harry? Will there be a second chance for Lady Sabrina?

Harry learning how to knit during his convalescence was such a fun and quirky touch. I look forward with anticipation to book number four.

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4 stars

Good clean story. I'm not a huge fan of jeopardy and we have the nasty money lender on Sabrina's trail. Harry was a young disipated rake and Sabrina a more mature widow. She tries to help those men deserted by their family who have sunk into drink and gambling. We only got kisses, it might have been nice to have more passion, though Harry was trying to reform his character so I see why the author held back. There was a hint of religion which isn't really my scene but it didn't over power the storyline. I'd have liked Harry's friend Wild to have got some come uppance. I haven't read this author before so it was a good introduction and I will look out for some more novels.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Rakes and Roses is a delightful book and great addition to the series. It's a lovely story of friendship and the redemptive power of love. I highly recommend this wonderful and quick read.

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While this is the third of the Mayfield Family Romances, it can be read as a stand-alone. I really liked the redemption plotline and seeing how Harry embraced the opportunity to become better, although not without a struggle and some tough love from Sabrina and her staff. I thought the Lord Damion twist was really interesting--a unique way for Sabrina to help others. The romance was slow and steady and sweet. This was a very enjoyable book.

4 stars.

I read an ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

This is my first novel from Josi S. Kilpack, and it was a fine introduction to the "Uncle Elliot" series.

Harry Stillman is a rake and an addicti, spending his inheritance on gambling, woman, and booze. When he can no longer pay off his debts, he looks toward Lord Damion, a mysterious nobleman who helps disgraced men get off their feet.

Lord Damion, however, is not a lord at all, or even a man. When Lady Sabrina’s cheating husband leaves her, then ends up dying in a carriage accident, she creates a plan to ensure her future security through the secret persona of Lord Damion, and she is quickly becoming the richest woman in England.

This was a wonderfully fluffy story about redemption and love. Harry is a selfish individual who destroys anyone who cares for him, but through Sabrina/Damion's kindness, he's able to realize that he can be more than what people think he is. The romance is a slow burn but a wonderful pay-off at the end. There is very little sexual content, which is actually quite refreshing.

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