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Moving Beyond Anxiety

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For the most part, I enjoyed this book. There are definitely some good tips and ways to help manage anxiety, but I often felt like it was more of a blanket statement of, "just have faith in God and let go of the anxiety" and honestly, anyone who struggles with an anxiety disorder of any kind knows that it isn't that easy.
I think this book has a genuinely good general message, but it's also important to understand that getting rid of anxiety isn't as simple of just "letting go and letting God take care of the rest." If you need more help, get it. Sometimes that's in the form of therapy or medication and that's okay.

Thank you NetGalley for a copy of this book.

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Some very helpful practical suggestions here for the anxious person. Worth trying for sure, especially during this troubling time.

You can also find tips on how to raise anxiety-free children in the appendix. There are so many panicky children nowadays that I feel that young parents should arm themselves with such information as soon as possible.

Thank you Netgalley and Harvest House for the ARC. This is my honest opinion.

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I'm always excited to read a book about mental health through the lens of Christianity. This book didn't disappoint.

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I had high hopes for this book from its description and cover! Christian books about anxiety are often difficult to do well, and as someone who has struggled with anxiety, I am more sensitive than most to overspiritualizing or oversimplifying anxiety.

This book did have some good elements - the author did mention some very practical tools to use to combat anxiety: surrounding yourself with good people, good physical health, and spiritual practices. However, I did feel that the whole message of the book was "faith is the solution to anxiety. If you struggle with anxiety, you don't have enough faith" was an oversimplification, and didn't provide a real solution to the problem. I felt this book could have been better and more helpful - and also more clearly written. At times, it felt more like a very long sermon than a book!

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Great book on managing anxiety. I suffer from social anxiety and found many helpful ideas and methods of handling anxiety.

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I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

This book is to help you to move beyond anxious thought and feelings and the effects anxiety has on our bodies and overall mental health.

I found the writing style quiet trick to get my head around in some parts of this book but managed to (hopefully) understand what was being explained.

The book is broken down into 12 different sections and each one is explained in relation to spirituality, religion and prayer.

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The premise of this book is you must change your thoughts in order to reduce anxiety.
The book is filled with thought-provoking bible verses.

I agree with so much of what he was saying about the changes in technology, the increased access to the news all day long has contributed to increased anxiety. At times it feels difficult to escape it. It begins to wear on you over time.

I found this book very helpful in overcoming my anxiety. I hope I continue to put his ideas into practice. This is a book I will probably reread my highlights from time to time. I would recommend this book to anyone who struggles with anxiety and managing stress.

I received this galley from NetGalley.

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I received a copy of this book from the publisher via netgalley. This is my honest review.

Anxiety is widely experienced and there are many authors who want to write about a solution. Most books are regurgitating similar information, David Chadwick has found a way to cut though the noise and give the world something better. His book, although not filled with new information, is deeply practical. This book would be beneficial for anyone who battles anxiety or for anyone who loves someone who does and wants to be able to understand and compassionately help.

I would recommend this book for someone looking for practical solutions to the anxiety we face in this unsteady world.

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I found this book really interesting to read, talking about anxiety in a Biblical way made me think very differently. I still refer back to sections when I feel the need.

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I found the book to be filled with good, Biblical advice. I would have liked to have seen more of a tie in to science that backs up the claims of the books (it's out there), but an enjoyable and thorough review of how to handle anxiety using our faith.

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Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley for the opportunity. My review opinion is my own.

This is a difficult subject to convince people they can move beyond their anxiety. More people suffer from anxiety today then any other time in history. However the author's approach is one that is sensible for all Christians as its a Biblical based approach. The author uses references and materials drawn on other's experience and on God's word to utilize the tools he suggest for decreasing our everyday anxiety. I found it interesting and helpful.

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This is a very helpful and useful book. I found this to be very thought provoking and a new perspective on anxiety. I found the tools effective and ways to handle anxiety through faith and trusting God to be liberating.
Thank you Netgalley for the complimentary copy. The thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Great book for anyone living in our faced paced society even if you’re not overwhelmed or anxious. Biblical advice for addressing our concerns or fears or anxiety provoking situations in life. I love faith-based advice or recommendations and this author delivers just that. It’s a simple and quick read.

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Moving Beyond Anxiety is a biblical and practical way to move from anxiety and into the inheritance of peace that the Lord has left us with. I do enjoy the practical ways that are displayed throughout the pages. However, the writing style of Chadwick was quite choppy. It felt drawn out rather than enticing. I think the guts of this book are great. Anxiety is something that God has not called us to live with and I'm glad to see the church rising up! I do think that references to scripture when explaining the examples would strengthen the overall feel of Moving Beyond Anxiety. I also think the writing style, instead of choppy. short. sentences., you can also add emphasis to your points with emotionally captivating words! As I said, I love the guts of the book. I was, however, not a fan of the style in which it was written.

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Sorry, I didn't read the description well enough. I do have anxiety, but I am also not religious, so the advice in this one isn't for me.

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Moving Beyond Anxiety was a fine nonfiction read about practical strategies for combating anxiety. I didn't learn many things, but I appreciated some of the strategies.

All in all, a quick read and one I can see helping people.

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*

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Good book especially for those with anxiety. Has very detailed information on how to deal with anxiety plenty of tips.

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Moving Beyond Anxiety by David Chadwick is a book that we need in this fast paced, anxiety filled world. I love how the author points you to Jesus and shows the you 12 ways straight from scripture how to deal with fear and anxiety. This book has helped me grow in faith and trust in God. I would recommend this to anyone who has anxiety, fear or worry.

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Moving beyond Anxiety is an easy to read book full of practical tips for dealing with anxiety. Some of the points were merely sensible reminders, while other ideas were unique. I particularly liked the author's focus on gratitude and the power of singing. The 3 word prayers were a simple but effective idea for recalling scriptural concepts about anxiety. The appendix about anxiety and parenting was also a fresh angle to consider. Overall I would recommend this book to anyone suffering from anxiety, or having a friend or family member who was anxious.

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I really couldn’t get into this book unfortunately. I think starting with biblical references in the first few pages put me off. However very well written.

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