Cover Image: The Lending Library

The Lending Library

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This is an adorable book about Dodie who opens a lending library in her home. I loved the library, I could totally picture it. But I really liked how the library and the town of Chatsworth really helped Dodie figure out who she wanted to be and what she wanted out of life.
Sullivan and Kendra are such big influences in her life but so are her sisters Maddie and Coco. I loved the dynamic between all of these women and their brightness they brought to Dodie's life. I liked seeing the different relationships all of these women had and how they were going about creating their own families. Coco and Mark were such a sweet couple! Shep is a dreamy beau for Dodie. He seemed very typical male though in the way he was keeping things from Dodie and taking a long time to open up.
There are a few little twists and turns that I wasn't expecting, but I think they really added to the story. I really liked how Dodie was struggling with some things but as the story progressed we got to see her grow and change and really come into her own.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book!

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Wanted to love this book but did not. I found that the lack of character development made it difficult to become fully engrossed in the story.

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This book has all the elements I usually love in a book, and I did like it. However, I didn't love it. There were places in the book where the story started to drag a little bit.

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I received a free digital copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.
I liked the pace of this book until about halfway through. Dodie got too wrapped up-a a her people call her out on it-and almost nothing happened for quite a bit-until EVERYTHING happened, all at once, it seemed. Still- a sweet book.

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3.5/5 Starts

This was a very interesting read. Like others have said about this book there is definitely a turn that this book takes from fun rom-com into more serious discussion. My other issue with this book was really that the beginning of this book does start off with a lot of exposition to get through to set up the story. And while part of me does understand the need to lay down the foundation to have more fun later it did feel very tell-y at the very beginning — although a few chapters in and the story does pick up. Overall, this was a fun story with a hidden deep side.

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I wanted to love this book. The description had me swooning - a girl who opens up a library when the local library sounds like a dream to me! I really enjoyed the first part of the book that focused on Dodie as she creates the new library in her home. However! The book soon took a turn for the worse, unfortunately. The focus on the library disappeared and turned into relationship and adoption drama. This second part of the book really fell flat for me. I wish the book had stayed like it was in the beginning - a fun and light read.

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Dodie loves books, so when her library closes down, she decides to start an library on her own in her living room. She also feel a need to have a child. And sadly, author mixes those two premises far too much too fully enjoy the book.
I've missed more bookish aspect, cause I like to smell books too :), but I was rather dissapointed.

Light summer read.

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This was an interesting read! I want to read more by this author. I was engaged while reading however, I enjoyed the first part with the fun romcom vibes much more. The second half became a bit more tense in when the main character wanted to adopt. Overall, cute book! Thank you Lake Union Publishing and Netgalley for allowing me to read this.

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Thank you for allowing me to discover such a good new author for my repertoire! Great plot line, interesting characters, I will recommend to friends and family.

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I read the synopsis for this book, the lending library. And I my first reaction was , i nerd to read this book. Because i am a sucker for Reading books about libraries, bookstores and about people that loves to read. But in my opinion the book was everything else thank the thing i listed above. That might not be a bad thing. But the book was not for me. For me it was too predictable. I felt like the author had been let to down by its editor. Such a Shame. Because it was a good concept and the Main characters adorable. I think this book needs to be marketing in a different way. But thank you to netgalley for letting me read this e arc

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I at times loved and was frustrated with this book. The descriptions of books and reading nooks and baking were truly excellent but I found some of the characters to be unlikable. The storyline was okay, if a little predictable I thought. It’s the kind of book you curl up with when it’s pouring rain outside and want something to keep you company.

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This book is about Dodie, a selfish girl who just wants a child no matter what it takes to get there. I was not a fan of this book. The author tried but it seemed like the editor failed her. The author did a great job of trying to describe locations and scenes but then repeated things within the next two sentences. At the beginning of the book she says “selfish jerk face” twice on the same page. I think it would have been better if it was edited appropriately and described better, with a show not tell mentality. I am not sure if this is the authors first book, but if it is I expect her next ones will be much improved.

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Anyone who loves books will immediately relate to Dodie, the charming main character in Aliza Fogelson's debut novel The Lending Library, as she describes her favorite reading nooks, the aroma of printed pages, and the satisfaction she takes in literary matchmaking. When the library in her small town suddenly has to close, Dodie creates a lending library in her home which quickly becomes a hub for the community. But, after tragedy strikes, the library's future becomes uncertain, and Dodie is forced to come to terms with unresolved issues from her past and impractical dreams for her future so that she can find happiness for herself and those she loves in the present. Warning: the author's delectable descriptions of food, from gourmet chocolate chip cookies to lobster rolls to hummingbird cake (recipe included!) will make your mouth water. I received a free digital advance review copy of this book from Lake Union Publishing in exchange for my honest review.

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