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Coconut Layer Cake Murder

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So good to be back in Lake Eden with the familiar characters, Hannah, Norman, Mike, Moishe (the 20 lb cat), and all of Hannah's family! The police need Hannah's help to exonerate one of their own. If you enjoy baking, there are lots of delicious recipes since the Cookie Jar is a great place to relax, meet, and find clues. Hannah is still healing after the tragedy in the previous novel. You don't have to read in order, but if you start with this one you will definitely want to read the other titles in this series!

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Coconut Layer Cake Murder
by Joanne Fluke
Kensington Books
Mystery & Thrillers

I find it amazing that Joanne Fluke can still entertain and keep us musing. I found this book interesting and fun to read. Kind of nice break from the intense books we usually read. Enjoy!!
You might even enjoy the recipes.

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The Hannah Swensen books define cozy mystery. Set in Lake Eden, a small town that manages to feel perfectly charming and idyllic, despite dozens of murders, we have Hannah Swensen, our amateur detective who runs a delectable bakery and solves murders on the side, all with a smile on her face. I'm a fan of the series as a quick palate cleanser when I need something light, and Coconut Layer Cake Murder fits the bill, fitting in perfectly with the rest of the Lake Eden mysteries. We have the same lovable cast of characters and while each book is generally a standalone read (with a light continuous story line) this book is best read after the previous few in the series. There are references to previous events that aren't explained. It's hard to resist the recipes sprinkled throughout the book and the chapters fly breezily by.

Recommend for: Readers with a sweet tooth in the mood for a frivolously fun cozy mystery

May not be for you if: Our lovable sleuth smiling and offering up cookies after a pregnant woman is killed feels totally ridiculous in a not fun to read way :-)

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The wait is over for Hannah Swensen Mystery fans. The good news is the cliffhanger at the end of book 24 is resolved at the beginning of this book 25. What pulls me back to this series is the little teasers the author puts in each story that are not resolved until future books. I also enjoy the strong family/friend relationships and the fact that the characters recognize each others faults but are accepting of their imperfections. There is a lot of dialogue in this story and a little of it is redundant but the plot is interesting and the murderer a surprise.

This could be read as a stand alone but it would help to have some background in the series to totally appreciate the story. Thanks to Kensington Books and NetGalley for an ARC. The opinions expressed are my own.

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Hannah Swensen, baker extraordinaire and amateur sleuth, once again becomes entangled in a local murder. This time, she has the unofficial sanction of the Lake Eden police since the prime suspect is one of their own. With most of the police force pulled from the case, will Hannah and her friends be able to clear Michelle's boyfriend before it is too late? Grab a plate of cookies and see the tale unfurl!

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Hannah Swensen needs some time away from Lake Eden and the cold Minnesota weather. Hannah goes to sunny California to help a friend move back to Lake Eden. Hannah's trip is cut short when her sister’s boyfriend, Detective Lonnie Murphy, becomes the number one suspect in a murder. With a shortage of detectives to investigate this murder, Hannah and her family and friends’ investigation may be Lonnie’s best chance of clearing his name.

Coconut Layer Cake Murder picks up where Chocolate Cream Murder leaves off. You can still enjoy the mystery as a stand-alone, however, I believe you will enjoy the book much better if you read a least the previous three books first. The issues most Hannah fans had with the series few books ago seem to have been straightened out. Even though she is still reeling with what happened to personally in the recent past, Hannah is back to her old self when it comes to helping those closest to her. The mystery is a bit on the shorter side with fewer suspects but still well-written. It seems there are more recipes included through-out the book than in past books. This doesn’t really bother me that much but the placement does. I know each recipe is included in the book when it is introduced, however, I still wish they were included at the back of the book instead of at the end of the chapter. This is just my personal preference and did not keep me from enjoying the book. I recommend this book to fans of the series and to cozy mystery fans.

I voluntarily agreed to read a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own and in no way have been influenced by anyone.

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As much as I've loved all of the Hannah Swenson mysteries, I have to admit that the last few aren't impressing me. I was so hopeful that with her unexpected wedding, the whole Hannah-Mike- Norman triangle was finally over, but now that Hannah's is single again, it's back in full effect. Add to the fact that the book snail seem to be half cookbook, half mystery, the stories feel rushed. I wish that the author would get back to including a few recipes here and there, but back off the overabundance of food and cooking involved in the mysteries.

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For this to be the 25th (I believe) book in the series, I am impressed with how Fluke is able to continue to keep us all interested in the happenings with Hannah and the supporting characters.

I found this book to be super entertaining with a great plot. I enjoyed it very much.

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I’ve been reading the Hannah Swensen books since the beginning and never tire of the charming cast of characters and the interactions between Hannah and her sisters. This one seemed a bit short (excluding recipes) but that may have been to the limited number of suspects i.e. those present at the birthday party. I’m very glad Hannah is getting back to her pre-Ross self. My only personal complaint is that I dislike having dream sequences in any book. Does anyone really remember dreams in such detail?

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Hannah is sent to California with her mom to relax, but must rush home when Lonnie is suspected of murder. Hannah is the only one who might be able to keep him from being arrested.

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It's been a while since I caught up with the great people of Lake Eden and Hannah Swenson's love interests, but the little Minnesota town wiil always welcome you back with a murder and cookie recipes. I am a little behind on the backstory of some of the characters, however as usual the book can be read alone. There is a lot of references to what I assume was in the last novel, but it only impacted minor parts of the story. This series is one of the reasons I learned to love the cozy mystery genre and this novel is no exception.

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An entertaining and well written cozy mystery. Good plot and quirky cast of characters. I received an arc from the publisher and Netgalley and this is my unbiased review.

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Phew lawd help me. So many highlights to mention here in my review. So many WTF things!

Hannah is back with her special brand of airhead logic. This time around Lonnie is accused of murder and since all the detectives in Lake Eden are either busy on other cases or related to the accused (WTF Lake Eden!) Hannah is called back from a vacation to do the detective work on a suspected homicide. Yes, the police have asked Hannah to do her detective work on this case alone. Reminder: Hannah is not a cop and cannot even seem to remember how to take care of herself let alone run a business.

But let's get down to the bits at hand that made me scratch my head.

1. Hannah is called to the hospital by her new stepfather "Doc" about her test results. No spoilers here but when Hannah arrives at the hospital the volunteer greets her by name and says "Doc's waiting for you in his office!" The Lake Eden hospital must be very tiny.

2. Hannah is told she is being sent on a vacation. Upon learning this Hannah exclaims "I'm going to drive over to Mother's and ask her advice on what I should pack!" Hannah, girl you are an adult. You do not need "Mother's" advice on your clothing.

3. During the plane ride Hannah has to be told by her Mother to wait until the sign goes off in order to get up during a plane landing/taxiing. At least Hannah chided herself here realizing that hey she just went on a fancy plane ride during her honeymoon with the now dead (RIP) Ross

4. Hannah is bemoaning the fact that she doesn't have the coloring of her mother or sisters, and then says that Michele the youngest of the sisters had been nicknamed Jeanie. Um... ok. Pretty sure Shelly is the nickname for Michele. But let's go with Jeanie.

5. This one's my favorite. Hannah offers someone a piece of coffee cake on a movie studio lot and reaches into her handbag and pulls out a tub of softened, salted butter and a plastic knife asking "Would you like butter on your coffee cake?" I nearly gagged. Hannah, don't carry butter in your bag. Just don't.

6. Butter again! On the plane ride back to Lake Eden we find Hannah having a very unsatisfactory cinnamon roll. She ponders a career in airplane food but then changes her mind. All is saved, however ,when the stewardess appears again bearing a small plate of gold foil-wrapped butter asking "Butter?" Hannah gratefully accepts! Then later Hannah whines about the four letter word D-I-E-T Honey just give up the butter a bit.

7. Did I mention every recipe in this book once again uses like a pound of butter. Hannah also insists it be salted butter. No one likes unsalted butter but losers!

8. Norman picks up Hannah from the airport. Poor wet noodle doormat Norman. At this time having left her mother in California in order to fly home immediately and detect with the police, you'd think Hannah would know where her mother is. But nope. Normal-Norman declares people will be at the condo so she may opt to go elsewhere instead of you know home to her condo, Hannah asks "Will everyone be there?" upon with Normal-Norman let's special Hannah know "Not everyone, Doc's at the hospital and your mother's still in California" phew. Glad we cleared that one up. Hannah may have forgotten where poor Mother Delores is having not seen her for a few hours after leaving California herself.

9. Hannah opts to go to the condo anyway, despite her bad feelings about her place post-Ross. Upon entering Hannah slips off her parka and... hands it to Michele. Is Michele the maid now? Does Michele own the condo? This remains to be seen. Maybe it is the job of younger sisters to collect coats even in houses they do not own.

10. Hannah is surprised to learn Andrea's new cookie "recipe" includes funfetti cake mix. Hannah exclaims "There's a funfetti cake mix?" Hannah realizes she's never seen it at the Lake Eden Red Owl store. Should have checked CostMart Hannah, I hear they have everything!

11. Lonnie tells everyone what a roast end sandwich is, truthfully we may all know this as a burnt end sandwich but whatever. He gives a blissful description of a lovely sandwich. Normal-Norman is enthralled. Lonnie asserts his dominance by letting Norman know that when Rose has the ends leftover she calls Lonnie directly to let him know it's sandwich time. Presumably no one else in Lake Eden has had a roast end sandwich because Lonnie has the direct hotline on the roast end alert. No word on whether he shares with Michele/Jeanie

12. Moishe and Cuddles are back and faster than ever. During a dinner at the Doc and Delores' condo (where by the way Hannah made dinner in two brand new crockpots she bought from CostMart just for the occasion, you'd think by now she has 80 crockpots of her own. Should have checked CostMart for that funfetti cake Hannah, chance missed!) the cats zoom around and land on Delores and Norman's laps. It's Doc's time to shine here! He asks "Do either of you need medical attention?" No word on whether the fat cats are offended by this suggestion.

13. Hannah laments that Detroit has bad winters just like Lake Eden "but at least there were trees and birds here [in Lake Eden]" Because Detroit is devoid of all trees and birds. Not sure if you all knew that but there you go.

14. Oh one last dig at poor Ross. Hannah laments about how Ross loved to change into his "design sweat suits" when he came home from work and how they were "made of velour" with his initials embroidered on them in gold thread. Stay classy Ross. I'm not convinced he wasn't a pensioner in disguise.

15. Mike is the only man in the world to be disappointed to find bags full of cash. "Oh no! Not again" spread it over here Mike, make it rain. You can't make that much as a detective in Lake Eden.

16. Speaking of Mike, he's inferring he wants to marry Hannah still on one page and then on another saying how he's still not over the death of his wife. Hannah and Norman agree, but hey why let a dead wife stop you from moving on? Story at 11.

17. Hannah's friend Lynne smartly exclaims how a light tan car is much easier to find than a pinkish-orange color car. What? Surely it's the other way around Lynne. I've seen Fargo I know how many light tan cars there are in the midwest. (Tan sierra! Tan sierra! - Marge) Just check with the DMV to see, Hannah must have access now seeing as she's a lead detective?

18. Finally, Hannah has a nightmare while staying at poor Norman's house and he comes in to soothe her. Hannah: "Thank you Norman. You're wonderful in the middle of the night" whooo boy is it getting hot in here or is it just me?

Long time readers will enjoy this throwback to the old school style of Hannah mysteries. But once again the plot is mostly a flaming pat of butter.

PS: When does Norman ever have time to see patients? He's always with Hannah, helping Hannah, at the Cookie Jar, doing things for Hannah, running errands for Hannah. Poor Norman. And the poor people of Lake Eden and their teeth!

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This 25th Hannah Swenson book was a real delight to read. I feel that over the last few books, Joanne Fluke has really allowed Hannah to grow and has updated the books to bring Lake Eden and its residents into the 21st century. Hannah and her friends/family certainly do still have some country bumpkin moments, but as a lifelong Midwesterner, I'll allow that they certainly do still exist. I was somewhat apprehensive at the beginning of this book when Hannah and Delores headed to Los Angeles (I love Lake Eden too much!), but soon enough they were back in Minnesota and Hannah was back to crime solving. Hannah is still dealing with some residual trauma from the events of the last couple books, but it's well incorporated into the story. Charming, cozy, and all things I expect from Hannah Swenson.

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Doc Knight summons Hannah Swenson, owner of The Cookie Jar, to his office to get the lab results showing while she is not pregnant her stress level is unacceptable. His prescription – a vacation trip with her mother Delores to visit Lynne Larchmont in Hollywood.

After a few days of visiting the studio and meeting celebrities, Hannah gets a call from her sister Michelle begging her to come back immediately, her boyfriend Lonnie is the main suspect in his friend, Darcy Hicks’ murder. Naturally, Hannah takes the first flight out. After hearing Lonnie’s version of what happened, Hannah starts investigating.

While the story is well-done and seems a bit short, the recipes are incredibly detailed and a little longer in this volume. As usual, Joanne Fluke’s ability to make the reader at home in Lake Eden is still her strength. The familiar characters, updates on relationships, a good mystery and a comfortable pace make this a good addition to this long running series.

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Hannah is off to California to help a friend move, and to take a break from all of the stress she’s been living with. Once there her trip is cut short when she needs to return to Lake Eden to help clear a friend who is the prime suspect in a murder. Once I got past the irritation of the flight attendant constantly being called a stewardess (very 1960’s to me) I was able to enjoy the story, although it wasn’t one of my favorites or the series. The police seemed to be relying on her to do all of their investigating, which seems a bit far fetched. Still, the warmth the characters have for each other came through, and the ending had enough of a twist. I’ll be waiting for book 26!
Thank you to Kensington Books and NetGalley for an advance readers copy, this review is my own.

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After several volumes related to Hannah's disastrous relationship with Ross, this book is a return to form. Hannah tries to have a mini getaway with her mother in California, but true to form, she is quickly called back to Lake Eden to help solve a murder as only she can. All the regulars are here and all hands are on deck to help her solve the hardest case she's ever worked on.

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Baker turned sleuth. A cosy mystery with several twists, several possible suspects, a hint of romance & moving forward with life. Lots of yummy sounding recipes.

I received an advanced copy, but voluntarily left this review

Thanks for granting me access to this book.
I will leave 5 star review on Amazon under name of Connie

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I haven't read a Hannah Swensen book since about the 7th or 8th book...and this is #25!! It was like catching up with an old friend. Most of the original cast of characters remain, and they've managed to grow throughout the series. New jobs, new homes, new spouses...but their likability remains, I really want to move to Lake Eden, hang out in Hannah's bakery, and be friends with all of these people!
Once again Hannah has to solve a murder, but this time the police aren't trying to stop her...they encourage it, as one of their own, and Hannah's sister's boyfriend, is the accused. She makes her way from suspect to suspect gathering clues, and then giving them cookies. ( *side note* I always wondered how Hannah managed to stay in business when she's always giving her goods away!! )
It seems the Mike/Hannah/Norman triangle may be finally reaching a conclusion. I have always been #TeamMike...but something in this book has me possibly switching to #TeamNorman
One thing I've always liked about these books is the author includes recipes for Hannah's baked goods...but this book seemed like a bit of an overload. There were more recipes than cozy mystery, and I felt the story suffered for it (hence the removal of a star)
All in all, a fun read, and I know I'll go back and borrow books 8-24 from the library to get caught up.
I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and Kensington books in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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Another Hannah Swensen cozy mystery that I enjoyed immensely! If you are a fan of the series, this one will also delight you! It has everything you expect from a Joanne Fluke book: a solid murder mystery, the cozy feeling you get when you spend time with your friends, many cups of coffee and lots of mouthwatering recipes!

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