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The Highlander's Promise

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This story was both funny and aggravating. I wanted to shake some since into the heroine. But I thought it was well written over all.

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This was a wonderful story! Strong characters with a great plot.

Both heroes were courageous souls, struggling to find out where thry belonged. The story stopped suddenly, with no closure at all, which I find annoying.

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Another good highlander story!
The author makes this book interesting to read due to two facts : fast past storyline and lovely main heroes. It was first by this author, and it won't be the last.

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It took me a little while to get into this book. I found the intrigue part a little confusing with the flashbacks, the twists upon twists and the numerous characters to keep track of. I did enjoy the dynamics between Lachlan and Finley, it had a “Taming of the Shrew” flavor, but I didn’t feel the romantic connection between them. The romance part of this story took a back seat to the intrigue. When Finley had her revelation, I was quite surprised since she did not think favorably of Lachlan before this. The motive of the villain is not addressed but since this is book 2 of a series, that loose end will most likely be addressed in the next book. It did not feel necessary to have read the first book (since I hadn’t) but it appears to be necessary to follow up with the next book.

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Lachlan Blair is poised to become his clan's next chief until the truth of his illegitimacy comes to light and his grandfather disowns him. His people send him away, forcing him to marry a woman from their neighboring enemy clan. Despite himself, Lachlan is attracted to his new wife, but that won't stop his determination to gain restitution and return to his rightful place in his own clan.

Finley Carson has heard much about the brave warrior Lachlan Blair, but she never expected to find herself married to him, or anyone else for that matter. Luckily she and Lachlan both agree to keep their distance and go without making their union official so they can have hope of escaping their forced marriage. But as they work together to determine the truth of Lachlan's lineage and the tragedy that befell both their clans 30 years previously, their delicate bond of friendship begins to deepen into something more. When Lachlan's past catches up to them, they and their fledgling love may not survive.

I have some mixed feelings about this one. The romance took a definite backseat here and in many places the action failed to really pick up the slack and my attention waned. This really didn't pick up until about 60% after which I was pretty invested, but the storyline was still rather convuluted and the villain's motives still don't make much sense to me (though this will likely be revealed more in a later book). I didn't care much for Finley at all just because of her attitude and while I definitely think Lachlan deserved much more vindication than he got, even in the end, I never cared all that much for him either. That said, I did appreciate the brief introduction of the theme of what makes a place home, but I think this couldn't been explored more to add more depth to the relationship between Lachlan and Finley. Speaking of which, I never really felt the spark or believed the love between these two and that lack of connection left me puzzled and rather dissatisfied with this book and its ending as a whole, though I must say I did like it much more than its predecessor. Due to the ongoing mystery of Thomas Annesley and his many illegitimate children, I will likely still continue this series.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The Highlander's Promise by Heather Grothaus is book Two in the Sons of Scotland Series. This is the story of Finley Carson and Lachlan Blair. I have read the previous book but I do think you can make this a standalone book if you wish to do so.
Lachlan was secure in his position as the next clan chieftain and even engaged to be married. But then all went wrong with he and the clan was informed he wasn't the true son and he was disowned. Then his intended left him to win her family withdrew from the marriage contract. Along with all of that Lachlan was then promised in marriage to the enemies daughter, Finley. This was to keep him from being kicked totally out of the clan and to help stop a possible fight between the clans. Finley doesn't want to be married and has turned away the men who asked. Now she is forced to marry Lachlan. But she and Lachlan end up with a bargain between them that they will not consummate the marriage so that they can later separate while they work to clear his name. They didn't count on the strong attraction that they feel and how hard it is to stay away from their feelings. Enjoyed their story.

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Rating: 3.5

All in all, I enjoyed seeing Lachlan and Finley, the main couple here, tangle with words and emotions as this steadfast, won’t be swayed, determined handsome hero tries to reinstate his honor and place as the next rightful laird of his clan. Finley soon finds herself caught in the middle of their two rivalry clans as the marital stake meant to hold their fragile peace together. Though sassy, feisty, quick with sarcastic comebacks, and seemingly thick skinned, I did feel sorry for the surprisingly soft-hearted girl underneath. She did long to share her heart and home with someone special who could love her back as intensely as she loved. She cracked me up with her quick retorts, shakes of the head, eye rolls, and gave as good as she got from others, including Lachlan.

Lachlan was quite the stubborn, short sighted knucklehead for a long time. He soon fell for Finley but held steadfast in thinking they would eventually have to part so he could return to his clan. At least he was honorable and did not take advantage of their marriage by taking advantage of his husbandry rights.

I got to say my favorite part was when Finley shows them all up by the clever, quick thinking stunt she carried out while under attack. Even with a painful body injury, she still managed to hold it together long enough to catch everyone by surprise.

With how this book first started out though, I almost decided not to read it. An opening scene in Chapter 1 featuring the hero in a very graphic, compromising smex scene with his betrothed fiance at the time was like a bucket of cold water thrown in my face. It’s an image I didn’t need or desire lingering in my head. Combined with a prologue that centers on a key character that doesn’t make a physical appearance in this story line but becomes an important reference point from then on, had me struggling to keep a keen eye on what was going on. Several other names are mentioned and we are expected to pick up on them, as well. I’ll hand it to the author. She weaves multi-character, complex plots into her romantic story lines. Whether and how much I can keep up each time varies, folks.

These two destined to be together lovebirds do get to know each other as they start to unravel a mystery and confront it when it comes a knocking. The happy for now ending makes it quite clear another book is in the works featuring a returning villain who just won’t let the past go.

Title: The Highlander’s Promise, Series: Sons of Scotland (Book 2), Author: Heather Grothaus, Pages: 194, stand-alone but part of a series, determined to be laird hero, sassy/feisty heroine, large cast of characters, complex past history plot, happy for now ending, no OM drama, a few steamy scenes.

Book 1 - The Laird’s Vow
Book 2 - The Highlander’s Promise

(I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not given any payment or compensation for this review. There is no relationship between this reviewer and the author, publisher, or NetGalley.)

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One's life could change quickly and such was the case for Lachlan Blair. He was in line to become the next Chieftain of the Clan but all that changed with the arrival of the Englishman. The missive he brought had claimed he was not the true son, but the bastard of a criminal. How could that be?
Facing leaving all he knows, he agrees to wed Finley Carson, the daughter of an enemy clan.
Finley had heard about Lachlan Blair all her life.
But his reality is much different! A marriage of convenience until Lachlan can find out the truth about his birthright and she helps him.
An intriguing story full of great characters as you following the journey of these two in their quest.
Everything is here to bring this story alive... Secrets, feuding clans, a growing love, lies, and a boundless love, if it will just have the chance!

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Lachlan and Finley are great characters with a fast-paced action-packed story. Lachlan agrees to wed the daughter of an enemy clan and soon finds himself falling for her but as they work together to uncover the truth of his birth will they be able to fight their attraction? Entertaining Highlander read. I liked it!

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Lachlan Blair stands ready to become his clan’s chieftain until a revelation shows he is not a Blair son, but the bastard offspring of a notorious criminal. Faced with banishment to the Highland wilderness, Lachlan agrees to wed Finley Carson the daughter of an enemy clan. Since she was a wee lass, Finley Carson has heard tales of legendary Lachlan Blair. But nothing prepares her for marriage to the rugged highlander. Fortunately, Lachlan shares her desire to leave the union unconsummated in hopes of escaping their dutiful marriage.
This is the second book in the series & it could easily be read on its own but some threads are continued from the first book & there’s definitely things left open for more to come in the series. I found it to be a well written book but found that it started slowly & the pace gradually increased throughout the book. So I found my interest wandering to begin with but later in the book I was gripped & rushed to the ending. I really liked both Lachlan & Finley who whilst attracted to each other decided to be friends. There was plenty of intrigue, deception as well as romance & I look forward to the next book in the series
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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Loved the cover art and the blurb sounded great however this book fell short of my expectations.
It's not bad, it's an ok read but it lacks for me and parts were just plain boring. There isnt much romance for a romance novel and even when there is, its awkwardly written. The actual bedding scene at the end isnt very steamy or even likable.
I thought the character of Finley had some really smart and funny lines, Lachlan wasnt great as a male lead however. I didnt think these two characters really fit together well.
What I do think the author did really well was the historical placement and factual bits, the speech of the time - this part was well done.
I received an advanced copy in exchange for my review

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I really wanted to like this book as it is a genre I love and the blurb sounded so promising, however I struggled to get into the story. I found the prologue and later flashbacks a little confusing and there wasn’t enough romance for my taste. Having said that, the book is rich in historical detail and the Scottish accented speech is spot on. There is a lot of action and adventure, with secrets and treachery being exposed, but it’s very much a slow burn, with the emphasis on the clan and it’s history, rather than a developing romance.

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The Highlander's Promise by Heather Grothaus
Sons of Scotland #2

This was my first Heather Grothaus and I would definitely try her again. And this is shocking to me, because this story was basically sweet. That is so not my thing, yet I was really immersed in this story and found myself enjoying most of it. There is one very short sex scene at the very end of the book, about 98% and a few kisses prior to that. The book isn't extremely heavy on the romance, it's there, but it's more about the characters and the history of their clans.

This novel had so much that I normally dislike. Plenty of plot, mystery, action, some murder, flashbacks, BASICALLY NO SEX. There was just something about the writing that just kept me going. The beginning, we get to know the characters, Lachlan and Finley and they are just so funny at first. It's enemies to lovers feel done so right. It's feisty dialogue, funny banter and you just can't wait for it to twist into love for them.

Finley has been pretty spoiled by clan Carson. She has been able to turn down every match made for her, and finally gets into trouble after pushing her most recent suitor off a bridge and pelting him with rocks. It was quite hilarious and I did really love her spunk. The accents are written so well, I thought, and made it so much easier to imagine I was there and hearing them.

Lachlan is clan Blair and he is in line to become the next Chief. When everything is ripped from him and its found he's actually the bastard of a criminal on the run, he agrees to wed Finley and bind the clans together through marriage and new treaty. Long time enemies, Carson and Blair clans have much bloody past to hold against each other. There is more to it than that though, and it's slowly revealed in pieces throughout the story what has really happened to these highlanders.

The beginning was rather confusing with the flashbacks and not knowing who was who. The clans are small, but still a large number of people are introduced and it was a lot to remember and figure out at first. But after Finley and Lachlan got together, I was really enjoying the story. I thought the writing was just so descriptive, I felt like I could clearly see not only all the characters but their houses, their villages, the woods, the falls, I just felt like I was there and it made the story so much more enjoyable for me. I really liked Heather's writing. I'm not sure if all of her stories are this sweet, but if the plot is good and the laughs are there, I could totally read more.

Finley did annoy me a bit because her actions repeatedly didn't match up with what she was wanting and feeling. She seemed to try to drive Lachlan away for too long for me, I wanted her to cave and give him some honestly sooner than what she did.

There is a cliffhanger at the end of the book, not with Lachlan and Finley but more with the antagonist who is hunting Lachlan's father.

I give 4 stars.

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3.5 stars

Thomas Annesley, Baron Annesley and Lord of Darlyrede is on the run, his betrothed Cordelia was murdered and her father, Vaughn Hargrave believes he killed her and is hunting him, he was shot and left for dead, but rescued by Harriet. She nursed him back to health and comforted him, but when Hargrave gets close, he has to leave her and the baby she is carrying. He sets off to Tower Roscraig – his mother’s dowry property and from there sets off to Carson Town to take refuge with his Mother’s clan. But as he approaches, he is taken prisoner by the Carson’s enemy – the Blairs. He is held prisoner and is taken care of by the chief’s daughter, Enda. But when Hargrave comes for him, he fakes his death to save Enda and runs. Unaware that he has left another babe…

Lachlan Blair is heir to the chief of the Blairs, he has been groomed his entire life to lead the people, he is betrothed to Searrach and is secure in his place in the clan. But when Sir Lucan Montague arrives from London bearing news of Thomas Annesley, everything Lachlan has ever known will change in a heartbeat. Lachlan’s grandfather Archibald is furious and disowns Lachlan. His foster father Marcas believes Archibald will calm down and reinstate Lachlan, but he dies overnight and Marcas claim’s his position. Lachlan is further betrayed when Searrach’s father calls off their betrothal and she goes along with it. And if all that was not enough, when the Carson’s come calling and are ready to declare war, Marcas agrees to marry Lachlan to Finley Carson as part of a new treaty.

Finley Carson has been wooed by every unmarried man in her town – all three of them – and has refused them all. She is a spitfire with no desire to marry, so when she is forced to marry Lachlan, she is just as unhappy as he is. Lachlan vows to find the truth about his father and reclaim his position as chief and Finley agrees to help him. By mutual consent, they do not consummate the marriage and he takes up residence in the “old house” the former chief’s burned out dwelling.
Together they uncover long held secrets and grow closer in the process, but when the truth finally comes out, will Lachlan hold the vow he made to reclaim his heritage or will he choose Finley?

I thought this installment was better than the previous book, but it was still not the best work I have read by this author. The story is fascinating, the writing is good and the story is paced well with A LOT of very interesting characters, a lot of secrets, deception, revelations, surprises, betrayal and villains galore. But as a romance I found it sadly lacking, I felt no real connection between Lachlan and Finley, it felt like the author was trying to incorporate a “Taming of the Shrew” vibe into the story, but didn’t quite make it work, Finley is most definitely a shrew at times, but she is not unlikable. I really can’t understand why they fell in love or even when, the love scenes are bland, basically a couple of kisses and one very vague love scene at the end. So overall, I thought this was a very interesting and intriguing historical fiction story, but wouldn’t call it a romance – which is what I wanted to read. I will read the next book because I have a burning need to know what is happening with Thomas Annesley and the epilogue in this book has Vaughn planning something heinous – I am sure I will enjoy the mystery of Thomas and cringe at the villainy of Vaughn Hargrave, but I will not be expect to be wowed by the love story. This is the second book in the series, but the author does provide ample backstory about Thomas, so the books can be read quite easily as stand-alone titles.

*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC that was provided to me by NetGalley and the publisher.*

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review from netgalley.
So Highland Promise is about Lachlan the heir apparent for clan Blair. When one day a stranger, an englishman arrives in town and delivers some horrible and crazy news.. That is father was actually a Carson, the clan across the river that the blairs have been feuding with basically forever. This along with some other news causes The chief of the clan, and lachlans grandfather to disown him and banish him from the town..
in the meantime in clan Carson, Finley is chasing away another suitor that is just hilariously ridiculous.. and the whole town dispares that she will ever find a husband.
Somehow the two towns decided that Lachlan and Finley should get married... So they do, but decide that they won't consummate the marriage and when Lachlan figures out the mystery of his father, and a fire that destroyed town carson many years ago, The blairs will bring Lachlan back and regret throwing him out.. and finley will get to be independent..
This is definitely a very slow burn romance, they don't do anything but kiss until like the very last chapter. Lachlan and Finley slowly fall in love while trying to get the town to like Lachlan enough to tell him everything they remember from the fire. I thought their romance was sweet, and I really enjoyed the story.. However some parts were confusing, like the prologue. where its telling about Lachlans father..
All in all I enjoyed the story. I don't think I read the first book in the series but I would like to. and I would like to read more in this series.

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This is my fair and honest review, in my own words, for this ARC. Very different and mysterious tale. While it was very well written, I have to say that the way it bounced back and forth was a wee bit off-putting for me. That doesn't mean that it was not worth reading, rather just not my style.

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This was a nice escape to the medieval highlands. Light romance as two people work to uncover a mystery and fall in love naturally. The beginning is a little confusing as is the ending but overall not bad

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The Highlander's Promise by Heather Grothaus is an Interesting but complicated Medieval Scottish Romance. Book 2, in the SONS OF SCOTLAND, I feel it's not necessary to read Book 1, but would help you understand some of characters better.

Meet, Lachlan Blair, a bastard offspring of a notorious criminal brave, he's also a fierce Highlander and Finley Carson, a fierce lass. To save each one's clan, (the Carson's and the Blair's), Lacklan and Finley marry, but each agrees not to consummate their marriage bed. Sparks fly, love blossoms, secrets are revealed, deceit between both clans, and romance.

Steady paced, a bit confusing at first, but once the reader connects with the the main characters, the story moves nicely.
Finley and Lachlan must learn to trust one another, and stop the continuation of the feud. Finding secrets, deceit, true love, answers could destroy their blossoming love. We written with engaging and interesting characters. I found 'The Highlander's Promise",to be entertaining, compelling and intriguing. Strongly recommend for fans of Medieval Scottish Romance, deceit, treachery, lies, secrets and love. I do feel the reader was left with a cliffhanger. An enjoyable and satisfying read.

#NetGalley, #TheHighlandersPromise,#KensingtonPublishing, #HeatheGrothaus

"I voluntarily received a complimentary copy, however,  these are my honest opinions. I was in no way required nor compensated to write a review."

Rating: 4
Heat rating: Sweet
Reviewer: AprilR

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Lachlan is the heir apparent of clan Blair while Finley is just a girl of clan Carson. There has been war between the clans and hardship forced on Carson Town. But there are some secret dealings that bring it all to a head when the chief of clan Blair dies. Lachlan is banished to Carson Town rather than becoming chief and is forced to marry Finley. So much intrigue... can Finley and Lachlan find love, and peace?

I did not enjoy this tale. The background leading up to the romance story lasted almost one third of the book. Many of the secrets that could have been reveled stayed secret too long. Finley’s character was well drawn and likable but Lachlan’s was not as likable.

I would not recommend this book for purchase by my library.

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Interesting book! Lots of twists and turns that keeps the reader intersted! Characters are good and the story flows effortlessly!

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