Cover Image: The Earl Not Taken

The Earl Not Taken

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Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this Regency romance! It was a bit slow moving but I liked the characters and felt invested so well worth the read.

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A new series of drawing room, nineteenth century London , full of rakes and here are a group of young women determined to marry only those whose thinking is a progressive as the ladies in question. Poppy is the lead here , a young women opinionated and forthright in bearing. Enter Rhys a somewhat confirmed bachelor who helps Poppy weed out the undesirable young men from her friends. It’s a bit soft on structure. Poppy could be more conscious of her actions and their results.

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2.75 stars.
I am a bit unsure about the stars i`m giving this, but it stands between 2.5 - 2.75 stars. But i let it stand by this.
I really enjoyed Poppy`s curses that was kind of fun and Rhys was interesting, though i wish i would have seen more of him and learnt about him. But he was interesting , fun and handsome. Poppy was alright... not too interesting or uinteresting, just alright.

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This was entertaining!!! Poppy was fun and witty and I enjoyed the pace of the book. It fell a bit flat in the middle but I enjoyed it all the same.

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This book started out really hot for me and then somewhere along the way, maybe halfway through, it fell flat. The writing got slow and odd, the characters got annoying and I took the rest of the series off my to read list. Maybe this was the author's first go at it, but I am not sure I am going to give the rest of the series a read.

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This book reminded me of Jane Austen and her strong female characters. I like books set in regency times, and this one was an entertaining one where 4 friends make a pact to not get married off to horrible men.

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Poppy has always looked down her nose at her friend's brother, after catching him in a compromising position. But when his sister's welfare is at stake, he rises to the occasion. Could she and Rhys, while working together to safeguard a mutual friend's welfare, find they have more in common than they thought? Of course they could. Poppy is blithely innocent, and Rhys is not, but their relationship looks to be one that will last.

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The start of a new wonderful series. Funny, emotional, and such great characters. Love the girls they are so great.

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Due to illness review will be short. In a nutshell this book is worth reading. You can take my review as you will or you can always form you're own opinion by reading it anyway!

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As I've learned to expect, a beautifully written and fun read. Fenichel writes wonderful whimsical hospital books with flawed but truly good heroes and heroines that defy expectation

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So, historical romance is not typically a genre that I'm interested in, but the cover of The Earl Not Taken sucked me in. I mean, look at it. And while I wouldn't necessarily recommend this to anyone, there are several things I really did enjoy about this, particularly its feminist bent and an excellent discussion of consent to kick off the main love scene. The love scenes themselves didn't really do it for me, especially because our heroine, Poppy, is supposed to be a virgin and things escalate... quickly. As long as other readers temper their expectations and don't go into this book expecting perfect historical accuracy, it's enjoyable for the genre and provided a refreshingly feminist take I don't often see in other romances.

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They have known each other since they were young. Because of the lack of education for young women about sexual congress Penelope (Poppy) has had an ax to grind with Rhys and he is totally in the dark. Poppy and her fellow Wallflowers are trying to protect their own from the men of the ton that are not the most kind, upstanding and loyal to their wives.

It was delightful seeing Rhys building trust between Poppy and himself and the other Wallflowers. He is being given a chance to help repair a wrong he was not able to fix when he was younger. He helps show Poppy and the other ladies that there are good men and he is going to help them find the men for each of them, if they want his help.

Poppy and Rhys together are wonderful. I really enjoyed watching them come together. Watching the trust build and the sparks start to fly. Together they have created an incredible bond. I loved the conversations.

I am excited for more from this author.

DISCLAIMER: I received a complementary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in anyway.

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A bit over the top with a whole lot going on plot wise but all in all a good historical romance read with a strong sense of friendship highlighted throughout.

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I was intrigued by the cover as it's completely different than other historical romances. I also love stories about women and the friendships they make and what they'll do to help each other.
I really like the friends and Rhys a lot. Poppy got on my nerves often with her. She was really judgemental and would not see past her beliefs or the possibility that she was wrong.
I will continue the series because I want to learn more about the other women in the group.

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DNF after fifty pages

The characters aren't clicking into place. I've read better variations of this. It would have ended up being at best a three star, so I preferred to DNF and not write a meh review.

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Historical romances are usually not my thing but I took a chance and unfortunately it did not go my way.

I am very easy going and let a lot go but uhhh, where is the plot? Where is the semblance of a plot?
The writing is cliched, stilted, annoying. Just not for me in anyway.

Thank you to the publisher for this ARC.

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This was a fast-paced, swoon-worthy read, that I found I did not want to put down! The story was original and exciting with characters that were realistic and likable. It is everything you could want in a delightful stroll through the pages of a historical romance and more!

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So I will be honest that when I went to write this review I had to look up the book summary because I forgot what happened, I only read this less than a month ago. I did like the premise and how close the wallflowers were, it was a great group so strong women. It was a little slow moving but I am intrigued to see what happens with the I will probably check out book two. I believe that I found Poppy a wee bit opinionated but adored Rhys.

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Sigh. I really wanted to like this book but I had to DNF at 30%. I felt no connection to any of the characters and it fell real flat for me.

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It was a short and sweet period romance, a fun read overall.
I liked some characters more than others though.
I would recommend it to peers and friends.

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