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Don't Overthink It

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My favorite Anne Bogel book to date. This book was so readable and practical. I lost count of how many times while reading I kept nodding my head saying "Yes! Yes!"

Even if you don't think you're an Overthinker... Read this! Most likely you will have an Aha moment. And next time I'm at Trader Joe's, I'm buying myself the damn flowers for my desk.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this thoughtful and useful personal growth book from Anne Bogel. As someone who constantly overthinks every decision, from what to serve for dinner to where to go on vacation, I needed Anne's words and helpful suggestions to stop overthinking and to take action!

I especially loved her discussion of your values influencing your decisions. One value we have as a family is to expand our children's world through travel so we have made taking big trips a priority. While in the moment, it's easier and cheaper to just stay home, I need to remember that this is one of our top values to spur me to pack the bags and plan the trips.

Anne's description of every day decisions with even the smallest of consequences, like her grocery store flower story, makes this book relatable and practical. Next time I am in the grocery store, I am buying the flowers!

(Posted to The History Mom's Goodreads account)

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I just loved this book. I don’t really think of myself as an over-thinker, but in this book, Anne gives practical ideas for taking action on the things that tend to get so much mental energy but don’t truly deserve the amount of time and thought they get. I read an advance review e-book, but I can’t wait to get my hands on my hard copy so that I can mark up and take notes on Anne’s wonderful insights!

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I preordered this book, but I’m also so thankful to Baker Books for the early eARC of Don’t Overthink It. I truly think this book will be life changing for me.
I have been an over-thinker my entire life, worried about how others perceived me and whether or not I was doing the right things. When I saw that Anne was writing a book about overthinking, I knew it was a book I needed to read!
Throughout the book Anne discusses reasons why we overthink and she includes actionable strategies to help get a handle on overthinking. The writing made me feel like I was having coffee with a friend, a friend with great advice and experience!
This book is perfect for anyone who has ever been stuck in a cycle of rumination or analysis paralysis - I wholeheartedly recommend it! I’m even getting a copy for my high school classroom!

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“By changing your thought life, you can fundamentally change the way you experience the world.” - Anne Bogel, Don’t Overthink It.

This book was clear, concise and full of useful tips and tricks to stop overthinking before it starts. I really appreciate that she looked at this subject from many different angles and gave suggestions for how to change. You can tell this is a topic that is very personal to the author as she shares her own experiences with overthinking and how she managed to get her thought life under control. If the title intrigues you, just buy it! Don’t overthink it :)

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This book, Don’t Overthink It: Make Easier Decisions, Stop Second-Guessing and Bring More Joy to Your Life by Anne Bogel met me right where I am at. I apparently have a “high need for cognition” and Anne’s practical conversation about how overthinking can actually rob me of the joy and beauty of the world around me is really hitting home. While her tips and research may not be earth-shattering, they are grounded, incredibly relatable, and do-able. This is one of those books that I’ll think back to on a regular basis.
Also, don’t let the pink cover scare you! Females are definitely a big part of the target audience (which is statistically supported!) but if you’re a person with a brain you can benefit from the content of this book.

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I loved Anne Bogel's other two books and actually picked this one up, not because I thought it applied to me, but with the intent of sharing it with my daughters. Boy, was I wrong! It doesn't just contain tips and advice for chronic overthinkers who frequently find they have analysis paralysis when trying to make a decision as I had thought. It is much broader than that and has so many useful pieces of wisdom and relatable anecdotes on perfectionism, second-guessing decisions made or actions taken in the past that you find yourself coming back to over and over again, as well as advice on finishing tasks you start so you don't have to return to them later to "close the cycle". There is something for everyone in this book. Anne's writing style makes you feel like she is there in the room having a conversation with you like you're lifelong friends. I highly recommend this book and will no doubt be gifting it to many friends!

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I knew my husband was an overthinker, but I now realize I’m one too!

“Overthinking takes different forms. Sometimes it looks like worry... Sometimes overthinking looks like fretting about the small stuff... Sometimes overthinking looks like second-guessing ourselves.”

After defining what overthinking is, Bogel gives practical advice and tips on how to overcome overthinking. Her stories are so relatable, and her advice is totally doable!

I can’t wait to give copies of this book to my girlfriends (and my husband)!

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I am raising my hand as an overthinker here! I found two unexpected things while reading this book - one - that I’m already doing some of these things to cope with overthinking (what!? yay!) and two - there is way more I can be doing.

The best part of this book for me were the tips on creating a ritual. I have never actually thought about the difference between routines and rituals, and find the advice and examples Bogel provided thought-provoking (but not in an overthinking way!). The whole book was like this, providing simple and easily implementable tips that can make your life a tad bit better.

I’d highly recommend this book for new moms or moms with young kids (again, raising hand here!), Pretty much any woman who is trying to do it all. We all know it is impossible to do it all, and yet we still try. DON’T OVERTHINK IT puts a lot into perspective, gives excellent advice, and is a quick read. Thank you to Netgalley and Baker Books for a chance to read this complimentary advanced reader’s copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Baker Books for providing an ARC of this book. Reading it has only secured the fact that I’m officially purchasing multiple copies of this book. It’s a book that you put in a girlfriend’s hand and she absolutely will thank you for it. Don’t Overthink It is about overthinking and the struggles women have with making quick and satisfying decisions. It has so many thought provoking questions (the thinking that makes you self aware - the good over thinking) and practical tips to help women become more efficient in their daily lives and ultimately less stressed/overwhelmed as a result. Can’t wait for my hard copy to reread.

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Hi, my name is Julie, and I have a tendency to overthink. Prior to reading this book, I would have said I am really thorough when making a decision- 'overthinking' wasn't part of my vocabulary. Having read the book, I realize I am a classic overthinker. I can drive myself and my family batty with my multiple scenarios and possible outcomes (so many considerations and factors!). Apparently being really thorough might be code for overthinking- especially when it starts to feel not so good.

I immediately started using some of the strategies in this book and they immediately helped me with some of my decisions. For example, there is a chapter on values and using core values to help make decisions. I recently read another book that talked about identifying personal core values (mine are connection and contribution) and aligning my behaviors, both personally and professionally, with those values. Anne Bogel goes one step further- she and her husband have identified core values as a couple and as a family and those help make their decisions. That is genius for me. It has already sparked several thoughtful conversations with my husband and has helped us plan as a family more successfully for travel sports (we are currently in ski season).

Trust me, you will find tools and ideas that will help you make decisions- even if you don't consider yourself an overthinker. I am looking forward to having a physical copy of the book. I plan on reading through slowly with both a pencil and my journal in hand. There are three sections composed of four to five chapters. Each chapter concludes with some reflective questions about the chapter topic- perfect for journalling. The above example was from just one chapter- I am having the same a-ha moments with each chapter topic and am excited about the progress I am already seeing in decreasing overthinking (just identifying it is helpful).

Thanks to NetGalley and Baker Books for an advance digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is one of those books that I feel was written just for me. And not only that, it feels like I'm having a conversation with a good girlfriend when I'm reading it. Anne's writing style is calm, clear and personal, all while providing information and anecdotes that are applicable to so many situations. We learn what overthinking really is and how it manifests in our lives, and get practical steps for how to handle it. I found myself in many of the pages of this book, thinking "Oh yes, I do that!" The tools Anne provides are already making a difference in my life, and I can't wait to share this book with friends. And now I can finally stop worrying that I should apologize to my prom date for leaving him to hang out with friends 30+ years ago :)

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As soon as I heard the title of Anne Bogel’s new book “Don’t Overthink It: Make Easier Decisions, Stop Second-Guessing, and Bring More joy to Your Life”, I knew that I would like it for two reasons. First, I am a huge fan of Bogel’s blog and other books, and second, I am an overthinker.

The conversational style that Bogel uses in her “Modern Mrs. Darcy” blog, shared stories, and next step questions make her newest book so much more than a self-help book. It’s like a refreshing conversation with a friend. From the introductory quotes to the closing benediction, it is full of passages to highlight for future reference. “Don’t Overthink It” can be read cover to cover or used to refer to specific topics through the three-part structure and individual chapter headings.

I highly recommend “Don’t Overthink It”. Even if you do not believe that you are an overthinker, you will enjoy this refreshing read plus you will find the tips about a variety of topics including managing analysis paralysis, taking time to make time, choosing what to think, and streamlining decisions helpful.

Special thanks to NetGalley, Baker Books, and the author for providing an ARC of this book.

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In an age of information overload, decision paralysis is an absolute epidemic, disguised as "research". In her latest release, Anne Bogel guides her readers through the mire of overthinking in all its overwhelming angles. One of my favorite aspects of the book was each chapter's "Next Steps" questions to move the reader toward application and action steps. As someone who regularly struggles with overthinking under the guise of perfectionism and research, I immediately messaged my family to recommend this book!

"When we assume we can't, it's guaranteed we won't. It's true that some of us are naturally more decisive, more laid back, or more confident than others. Some of us are more inclined to overthink. But that is the starting point, not the last word. That is where we begin, not where we're destined to end up." Anne Bogel, Overthinking

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I've read many books on mindfulness before so much of the beginning sounded and felt very familiar. It was slow for me to get into it because it was like a “review”. However, just because you know it doesn't mean you need to learn it. As I went on I started to appreciate the more grounded fresh perspective on mindfulness.

The chapters on habits and rituals were the best ones for quoting and sharing with my audience and repeating to my clients. I loved reminding them of the power of eating the same thing for breakfast and wearing the same things, aka a signature style.

I loved reminding them that perfectionism and overthinking are at the heart of the “all or nothing” thinking that gets in the way of a living a healthy happy life.

I loved the last section on living from a place of generosity. I think we get stuck in trying to do the right thing that we don't do anything. Valuing kindness and compassion always wins and there is value in doing something, no matter how small it may seem to us. By illustrating the power of knowing who you are and acting accordingly, the book ends on a powerful note.

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In my work I deal with a lot of people who overthink. They are so afraid sometimes of making the wrong decision that they can’t make a decision. What a great tool this book is for me to share with others. The author has done an incredible job of opening your mind to how overthinking can be changed and how it doesn’t have to rule your life.
She gives practical advice in this area and shares life stories so you can see how it plays out in different situations.
I will be ordering more than one copy for my office and I highly recommend this book to anyone whether you are an over thinker or not. I have gained a lot from this book and am thankful she has taken the time to write it.
I received an advanced copy and this is my own opinion.

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This is my third book of Anne Bogel"s to read. I have enjoyed each one very much and have bought several of each to share with others. Her writing is easy to read, informative, understandable, and to the point. It brings up topics to the surface and helps you see where one can relate. This new book of hers is amazing. So much of it is relatable and mind pondering. I especially like having the questions at the end of each chapter to help you reflect and fully emerge you into what you just read. I highly recommend this book and her others to anyone but especially to avid readers and will be buying several copies to share with others.

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This was the right book at the right time for me. I've recently had some significant (positive) life changes that brought with them a flurry of opportunities... to overthink. Unfortunately, overthinking can become a habit and begin to sap the joy from one's life.

Don't Overthink It: Make Easier Decisions, Stop Second-Guessing, and Bring More Joy to Your Life describes the ways we engage in overthinking, what prompts us to overthink, and thankfully, identifies ways to reduce one's tendency to overthink. The suggestions I found most helpful were focusing on one's values, limiting options, not allowing planning to interfere with actually executing, basking in rituals, treating oneself, and simple abundance.

Ms. Bogel also provides a section outlining books she found especially helpful in researching overthinking and the tools to overcome it. I look forward to reading several of those titles.

I applied what I learned from this book while writing this review. Rather than focusing on writing it "just so," I just sat down and wrote it. I highly recommend this book to those who sometimes get caught up in analysis paralysis.

Thank you to netgalley and the author for an advance copy of this book.

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As a chronic overthinker, I found Don't Overthink It to be relevant and immensely informative. Bogel mixes her research with her own stories of her overthinking habits, making the book feel relatable and easy to read. The advice doesn't feel preachy, but rather conversational, like Bogel is talking right to you. And I've already incorporated some of her tips and tricks on how to curb my overthinking habits, and it's felt like a huge weight has been lifted from my mind. It's a quick read that anyone can benefit from.

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With it’s practical ways and approaches to dealing with overthinking, sprinkled with Anne’s personal anecdotes, Don’t Overthink It is like having sitting down with your best friend catching up over a glass of wine. Non judgement, practical and a good read.

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