Member Reviews

The Money Man by Nancy Herkness is a captivating, thrilling read following Alice Thurber, a humble bookkeeper and Derek Killion, a temptingly handsome financial wizard and their battle against what at first seems like a simple fifteen-minute numerical error, but turns out to be so much more. Throwing the two together in more than on way.

As an avid reader, I have come across many books which have often followed along the lines of one of the two main characters--usually the man--coming from a wealthy background or high status line of work, so as such I was hesitant to begin this read, thinking that I could easily predict the storyline or pinpoint Derek down from the beginning. I'm happy to say, I was wrong. We are introduced to who we think we assume he will be based off his job, though as the story progresses, the layers fall away from the wealthy stereotype and we see the vulnerability and emotions beneath, which we see through the eyes of Alice as both her as the character, and us the reader, get to know Derek.

The plot, although not entirely a brand new concept, is still very much engaging and keeps you guessing as you'll discover, what Alice and Derek are searching for is not revealed until the end so as such, you'll find yourself trying to guess and figure out the answer before the characters do. The only thing that I would criticise about the overall storyline, is that at the beginning I felt it was hard to get into but once you get past the first few chapters and into the core story and more is able to happen beyond describing professions and love for numbers. A brief mention of that passion would suffice, rather than pages of explanation where other subjects could be focused on.

Overall, despite the occasional over-explanation about a topic here and there, The Money Man was a different and refreshing read, which I would highly recommend to anyone looking to read something outside of their comfort-genre. Derek Killion definitely won me over with his underlying genuine care for another human being, outgoing nature and passion which is neatly hidden under a form-fitting suit.

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I am a really big fan of this authors story. I have pretty much read all her books before and Alice seemed really familiar. Like I had seen her in aprevious book. I don't know.

To be honest it was not my favorite by this author. I felt that the romance was not hot enough and it only gets going in the latter half of the story. I also felt that almost nothing happens romantically until over 50% but when it does it was a little too fast in how intimate they get. Part of the problem is that Derek and Alice don't see each other that much and they live in different towns. This story centered more on the mystery and less on the romance and well i like romance to be #1 and the mystery to be a smaller plot.

Alice is our heroine and she is a sweetheart. She is kind and a little bnerdy and has some great friends. And she LOVES numbers. When this program she uses for her clients don't match up, she contacts Derek's company to see if he can help. He can't find the program so he asks his business partners to help and it leads them to some evil russians. Meanwhile the two get to know each other while exploring the accounting/programming issue.

It is well written and when the Russians get involved I was loving the action and how Alice and Derek work so well together. Its a good story, I just wanted more romance.

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The Money Man by Nancy Herkness
A self-proclaimed nerd Alice Thurber is living a simple life embracing her role as a crazy cat lady and bookkeeper when she discovers some discrepancies in the new accounting software several of her clients are using. Searching the internet for help with her problem, she happens across KRG Consultants small business initiative. Derek Killion wanting to help give a leg up to small and struggling business takes on the challenge of Alice’s problem. Believing it will be a quick and easy fix, something he can while he is starting a large consulting project. It very quickly becomes clear to Derek it isn’t as easy a fix as he thought. He decides to meet with Alice face to face to see if he can come up with a solution. Derek quickly realizes Alice is so much more than the average bookkeeper. Alice and Derek quickly conclude that their problem is a lot bigger than either even thought.
This story really has it all hot steamy attraction, Russian hackers and 2 uninterested cats. Alice knows she is smart well-rounded character with just enough self-doubt to believe she isn’t desirable to someone as worldly and successful as Derek. You are rooting for her to see her own beauty from the beginning. Alice is very likeable, and her self-doubt doesn’t come across as over the top or a hindrance to the story. I did like the trip to Dallas and that to help strengthen the hacking story line. Derek having in the past a failed relationship does show strength by not allowing it to control him or his desire to pursue Alice. Derek’s business partners are wonderful characters in the story. (I cannot wait for their stories.) The love scenes between Derek and Alice were just enough not to over the top and not to dominating with in the story.
If you are looking for a story with action and a mystery to solve with the strong silent type for a hero, you should totally check out Money Man. What I thought was going to be a basic office romance gave me so much more. The pace of story line was great and very plot driven. Alice was not your typical simpering heroine; she is just as interested in getting to the bottom of her problem and asking questions even when she shouldn’t. This is the first book by Nancy Herkness that I have read. It was wonderful and I will absolutely be reading her other works.

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What a great book! I expected your avarage love at first sight and dive into bed time and time again kind of book. I was happily surprised by the fact that it wasn't.

Writing style: There often were a lot of long paragraphs to get through where nothing useful was being said, and it was often repetitive and could have definitely been edited better. Overall the writing was just fine, but it definitely wasn't impressive or something that kept me interested in reading.

Characters: There wasn't much personality in the characters, but for once I didn't mind. They were at least consistent in their behavior and with the things they said (and the way they would say it).

Story: This was definitely a plot-driven story and I didn't mind one bit! It was interesting, fun, suspenseful and I flew through the book because I had to know how things ended. Herkness kept me intrigued throughout the whole story and she build up to a great conclusion and she delivered with the awesome conclusion too.

Romance: This was so tastefully done. Alice and Derek really build up their relationship from scratch. Yes, there was immediate attraction but they both kept things professional. They didn't ignore what they were feeling and made the adult decision to see where things could go. They didn't jump each other immediately and they were building a solid relationship and not just having hot steaming sex and then suddenly deciding to marry, which was great and after reading many disastrous romance novels I thought reading about a good solid romance blooming up wasn't gonna happen anymore.

I'll stop talking now ;) The Money Man gets three and half stars from me.

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Thanks to the author and NetGalley for sharing this book. I haven't read anything by this author before and was pleasantly surprised. The book seemed a little disjointed at times, but I will be interested to see if there are additional books in the series.

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The Money Man by Nancy Herkness a five-star read that will bring all the money to the yard. This is the first novel in the Consultants series, and I am excited for the rest of the series. My goodness this was my first read by this author, but it certainly won’t be the last the passion that leaps of the page is palpable. This was such a compelling story, there is a mystery to keep you interested and will keep you guessing, then when you add how great the characters of Derek and Alice they just bring the story alive.

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Oh my goodness, this book is fabulous! I read it all in one day, I couldn’t put it down. I loved everything about this story, the characters, cats, her friends and his co-workers. I love reading both characters point of view and seeing how he was struggling just as much as she was, when they first started to talk and both really wanted more but unsure of how much the other wanted. The diner sounds amazing, loved that she took him there. Awesome book and excellent writing! It hooks you in and leaves you wanting more!!!

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The Money Man was such a good solid romance with the added kick of some action .Good characters. Wonderful writing.

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When Alice reaches out to Derek’s New York firm, KRG to help with a puzzling and seemingly unsolvable bookkeeping problem, she had no idea the hunky owner himself would investigate the issue. When they meet, the attraction is undeniable. What follows is something that goes deeper than just a bookkeeping error, that brings them both in danger. You will find yourself guessing at the ending, just you may just be surprised. Definitely a recommended read with a HEA.
I am always happy to find a new author and finding Nancy Herkness and her new book, The Money Man was a pleasure to read.

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I received an ARC from Netgalley in return for an honest review.
This is the first novel to me by Nancy Jerkiness.
This is novel is so fast to read, it take couple of hours from me, I loved Derek character so much and the way he is hero to Alice.
I hope to hear for more novels from this author. Good luck Nancy 😉😉💝

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The romance between Alice, a NJ bookkeeper, and Derek, a top NYC financial wizard is an easy read. Overall, it was an okay read. The plot was a bit far fetched with Ukrainian bad guys developing and selling a new accounting software program in order to steal money. Alice is a big Regency romance fan who especially loves Georgette Heyer books. That is okay but it got distracting with her imagining Derek as a Regency hero every few pages.

I was given a free ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was an ok read! It had action, drama, little suspense and it was hot! Lol it wasn't my top favorite book but it's definitely worth reading! I do recommend reading it, it was just not my type of book?! Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for sharing this book with me!

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This was a quick read that was well-written. However, I did not really feel the chemistry between Derek and Alice and their romance felt rushed and underdeveloped. This was just an okay read and not one that sustained my interest. If you’re looking for a quick, light read this might be for you.

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This was a perfectly nice read and passed a couple of hours but I did not get excited by it.

The hero, Derek, (sorry but whilst I am sure there are lots of nice Dereks in the world, it is not a name I would think of as ‘heroic’ in any way, shape or form), and the heroine Alice come together because Alice has discovered an inexplicable error in her customers accounts. Derek’s firm (incredibly successful and wealthy) provides help to small entrepreneurs. Turns out that the software is designed by Russians and is intended to rob users. The. villains are one dimensional and pretty boring. Derek’s partners look they might be interesting so perhaps there’s going to be more books?

Derek and Alice are attracted to each other, succumb very quickly, have lots of hot sex in between acting as private investigators who ultimately get caught and nearly murdered by the baddies.

This should have been an exciting, fast developing story, but it just plodded along. Sorry but I didn’t find it exciting at all. Derek and Alice were a nice couple and they got their happy ever after. Fabulous!

The best thing was the author’s homage to Georgette Heyer - one of my very favourite authors of all time!

As I said, a perfectly pleasant read but somehow it just misses the mark.

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