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The Guest List

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3.5 stars for me!

Jules and Will are getting married on an island off the coast of Ireland. You might start reading the book expecting a story of love and celebration....but you will be quickly surprised.

The story unfolds through chapters written by the bride and groom and different guests. We gradually learn about their history, along with episodes of bullying, backstabbing, infidelity, and unpleasant people who have a motivation for murder.

There were really only one or two characters who were even remotely likable and at a couple points, the storyline went a bit beyond belief. But, overall, it was an interesting read and kept my attention through a long flight.

Thanks to Book Club Girl, Harper Collins Publishers and Netgalley for the opportunity to read The Guest List.

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eARC kindly provided by NetGalley and Book Club Girl.

I admit that I wasn't a huge fan of the Hunting Party, but really wanted to give Lucy Foley's books another go. I'm really glad that I did as I thoroughly enjoyed The Guest List.

As with the Hunting Party, there were a fair few characters that I really didn't like, but there were also some that I really felt for, and enjoyed reading their perspective. The story is told from different points of view as a number of people converge on a previously deserted island for the celebrity wedding of the year.

There were numerous twists and turns as the story unfolds (some that were pretty obvious, others that blindsided me) and I really enjoyed watching the puzzle come together, piece by piece.

*TW for self-harm*

Many thanks to Book Club Girl and NetGalley for the eARC.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the author Lucy Foley for my copy of this book.
A glitzy wedding on a small island off the coast of Ireland - Will is a reality TV star, Jules runs a successful online magazine. Ms. Foley does a great job on atmosphere - the island is rumored to have ghosts, there are cliffs, caves, and bogs, and a wild storm. She also does a great job drawing some very unlikeable characters - especially the ushers! What a horrible bunch! And how she connects everyone to Will - Olivia, the Plus One’s sister Alice, Aiofe’s brother Loner. One thing I didn’t care for was the way the POV changed so often, and the timeline was pretty jumbled. But all in all, an enjoyable read, with a few good surprises.

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The description of the book sounded interesting but this book definitely was not for me. The main issue I had with it was that not one character was likable. There wasn’t one character that I connected with or was rooting for. I feel like the concept could have been great but it seemed like the chapters were disorganized in how they were placed in order.

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"And the lights went out."

Ann's with those words, Foley takes you on a haunting and thrilling journey that will have you on the edge of your seat and not wanting you to put this book down. I figuratively felt my heart leap out of chest from every turned page and every mystery uncovered. Foley had me guessing until the very end and I loved every minute of it. We have an Agatha Christie for the 21st century! If you loved The Hunting Party, then you will love this one!

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The Guest List by Lucy Foley is an excellent “who-dunnit” murder/mystery.

Throw a bunch of complicated, flawed group of people with questionable motives, secrets, and ties on an isolated island for a wedding...toss in a murder...unravel the mysteries to find the culprit.
Very classic Agatha Christie.

Each chapter has an alternating character’s POV as well as alternating timelines to help add complexity to the mystery. I was definitely impressed with the interplay and interlacing of the characters and their histories.

An excellent mystery that kept me on my toes until the end. I recommend this book for anyone that enjoys the classic murder/mysteries.

4/5 stars

Thank you NetGalley and William Morrow/Harper Collins for this ARC and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.

I am posting this review to my GR and Bookbub accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon and B&N accounts upon publication.

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I have fallen in love with Lucy Foley's books! She is an absolute wonderful mystery read. The Guest List is one of the best books I have read this year. Her plots and characters keep you guessing all the way until the very end. Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for the opportunity to read and review the e-arc copy of The Guest List by Lucy Foley.

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Foley is truly a 21st century answer to Agatha Christie. She crafts puzzles and doles information out with impeccable timing. Both in this novel and her other most recent book, the identity of the murder victim is not revealed until very late in the book. This is an update to Christie’s formula that is fresh and adds another dimension of intrigue to her novels. The end is extremely satisfying. This title is a great readalike for fans of Ruth Ware.

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Following Lucy Foley's "The Hunting Party", the "Guest List" takes place on a desolate island off the coast of Ireland where a cast of characters has gathered to celebrate the wedding between a celebrity reality tv star and a magazine publisher. The cast of characters includes the best man, the sister of the bride, the "plus-one" and of course the wedding planner - all of whom are harboring dark secrets and resentments concerning one of the members of the bridal party. As in Foley's previous book, the story builds up to a suspenseful ending, where we finally learn who the victim is and why every one of the above mentioned has a reason to want that person dead. Well-written and engaging, readers will enjoy this murder mystery set in the atmospheric desolate island. Another winner for Foley. Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins for an advanced copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Very similar framework to Foley's The Hunting Party, but somehow not quite as engaging. The ending had a bit of an interesting twist, the setting was great, and I love a closed set murder mystery, but the characters never grabbed me as much as the ones in The Hunting Party did.

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A very, very similar setup to Foley's other novel The Hunting Party, but no less engaging a read. An isolated Irish island is a great setting for this murder mystery, and all the points of view coalesce into a suspenseful finish with a final twist that will leave readers satisfied.

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Jules and Will are getting married and holding their extravaganza on a remote island. They’re both successful people who know what they want and how to get it. They are perfect together, in looks and attitude. As the special guests arrive the day before, close school mates of Will, Jules sister Olivia, and Charles, Jules best friend, all is not as it seems. At the rehearsal dinner the school guys become wild and ugly and past differences come pouring out. Hannah, Charle’s wife and Olivia are at a loss to deal with it and find themselves bonding, and the island owners, Aoife and Freddie are trying to keep everyone in control. At the wedding the next day, more secrets and coincidences are revealed, a huge storm comes up, and a murder is committed with everyone a viable suspect.
This is a well crafted novel, brilliant in its telling, but not easy or fun to read, as everyone’s true character is fully revealed..But it’s written beautifully in past tense and present, creating a scary atmosphere, and fully developed characters.

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This is a wonderful thriller/mystery, once again, by Lucy Foley. I found this novel to be really interesting and fast paced. The characters are well developed and all in all this is a fantastic quick read. Perfect for a day hold-up getting cozy.

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A glorious weeding is being held on an isolated island off the coast of Ireland. The bride and groom are beautiful, have successful careers in the entertainment industry and have spared no expense for their nuptials. Unfortunately, the day is somewhat spoiled when tempers flare and guests act out with pettiness and jealousy. Things culminate in a murder, leaving the rest of the assembled guests looking askance at each other. Which one of them is a killer? The setting and cast of characters put me in mind of And Then There Were None, a story where everyone is a suspect and everyone is also a potential victim

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