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For the Win

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For the Win by Kelly Jamieson is a sexy, fun Hockey Romance and I Really enjoyed reading it.

Readers must read this series.

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I fell hard for Harrison and Arya. Harrison is so funny and endearing. I love the way he loves his family and his father’s illness is incredibly written. Arya is battling PTSD after being stalked by her ex. She’s so strong. Together they were perfect. The chemistry between them was palpable and I loved how Harrison snuck past her defenses with persistence and patience and humour. I do wish Arya had trusted Harrison with her past sooner than she did, but it didn’t make me love the book any less. The writing was great—emotional and compassionate. It’s the first Kelly Jamieson book I’ve ever read so I’m definitely going to check out the rest of the series.

**Thank you to NetGalley, Loveswept and Kelly Jamieson. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. All opinions are my own.***

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Harrison Wynn is as cocky as he is sexy. LOL God I love this hero. The Wynn family has family drama down to a “T” without question, but Harrison feels it deep being the one most like his famous Hockey playing dad. Will a little soul searching and a lot of yoga give him the answers he’s looking for?

Aria Ross is feisty but yet oh so sweet. As she battles her PTSD after a traumatic encounter with her ex, Aria is trying to take back her life one yoga class at a time. Can she heal from all she has endured? Will she ever feel safe with a man again?

Harrison and Aria are absolutely charming with their witty banter, fun outings along with their hot chemistry. Both know they have healing to do on their own, but can they be there for each other in their darkest hours?

Supporting characters aghhh how can you not adore them. They are there for Harrison and Aria from the beginning, they hold nothing back even with the hard truths. Ms. Jamieson created amazing main and supporting characters, with a plot filled with family drama, with a few twist thrown in that will make your heart ache, shiver and cheer. For the Win is Book 4 in the The Wynn Hockey Series with out question this book series you should have in you Hockey romance collection.

Rated 5 stilettos and a Recommended Read by Deb!

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Hockey and yoga, don't seem like they should mix or should they. This is the story of Harrison Wynn finding his way to love, the big league and finding his own path in his hockey family legacy. His sister drags him to yoga on boards and there he finds something that pulls at him more than hockey. It's a story of living to family expectations, overcoming the battles of family and overcoming one's past. The characters have flaws, struggles and past that begin to interweave easily into the current situations. The fact of pushing things away is shown as not the best coping strategy, which I think resonates with a lof us.

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The Wynn family is just one big hot mess. Harrison is the heart of the family, he wants everyone to get along. With Grandpa declining daily with his Alzheimers, it is hard to make this happen. Harrison wants them all to put the stupid feud behind them already. While going to on-the-water yoga with his sister, he meets instructor Arya. He cannot win in this situation either, just keeps making a splash in every class. Until she becomes the yogi for the Condors, his team. Things escalate from there, and suddenly he is bringing her to Grandpa's birthday party and spending a lot more time with her. This book is funny, angsty, and full of the Wynn family hysterics!

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Does everyone else love the Wynn hockey series as much as I am?!? I’m addicted.

The chemistry is off the charts hot between Harrison and Arya. I couldn’t get enough of this fabulous duo. They dealt with real life issues and the strength of Kelly Jamieson’s writing ability real shined with her ability to weave a tale that felt incredibly real and heartwarming.

I cannot recommend this series and author enough!

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This was okay for me. Although I have read the previous book in this series, there were a few times when it was hard to keep up with everyone. There are a lot of names mentioned, and I know there is a section in the front of the book to tell you who is who, I don't really want to have to go back and forth while I'm reading. The writing flowed well, and I liked Arya and Harrison together for the most part. Their constant miscommunication got old after a while though. He was always doing something that he didn't realized would set her off and apologizing for it. Arya came out and told complete strangers what happened to her, but even after dating Harrison for weeks, she hadn't confided in him. While I get it was her story to tell, it was still annoying that she was punishing him for things he didn't even realize were "bad". In any other situation the things he did would be considered perfectly normal. I did like the fact that Arya was there for Harrison with everything going on with his family. She seemed to fit right in, and seemed to help Harrison settle down. The ending was sweet, and I liked that Arya and Harrison were talking about goals and how best to go forward in their lives.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.

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*I received an arc from Netgalley and the publisher for an honest review.* Wow, what a book by this amazing author!! If you read one of these books about the Wynn family, you will definitely want to read all of them. This is Harrison Wynn’s book who finally gets together with Arya, the Paddle Yoga instructor mentioned in previous books. Such an amazing couple with great chemistry!! It’s emotional with some difficult subject matters, funny (Arya getting stuck in the bathroom), entertaining, heartwarming, well written & has such wonderful characters. It can be read as a stand alone but will be better if read in order. Harrison is trying to get a permanent spot on a NHL team while trying to play up to father’s (who’s also team owner) & family’s expectations. Arya had a traumatic event in her life that makes it difficult for her to date & trust men (Arya should of trusted him with what happened to her long before she finally told him). They help each other & eventually get their HEA. The Wynn family is on their way to healing the rift between them all when they all have to come to terms with Bob Wynn’s Alzheimer’s. A must read book & author!!

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This was a tough book due to my family history just like what Harrison. is going through with his father. Ok now that’s out of the way....
This book was cute, flirty and had lots of sexy time. Add to that the family antics that happen and you’ve got the makings of a good book. Oh and how could I forget for the Win!! (Hehe)

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I loved the characters and the storyline development of this book. It was absolutely one of my favorites so far and I can't wait to delve in to the next one. Way to go

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I love a fun and easy sports book. Kelly Jamieson has the talent for writing them. For The Win is a story of a farm team hockey player who is trying to live up to his superstar hockey player dad’s legacy. I live in a town with a farm team that sends players back and forth to the NFL and I know some of the players so I could picture some of our local players going through exactly what Harrison is.

Harrison must learn to accept that he is talented in his own right and does not have to play hockey just as his dad did for his dad to be proud of him. He must learn how to be comfortable with his own skill level, learn what he does best, and put that to work on the ice. I enjoyed watching him find himself and I knew that when he finally did, he would be a better, happier person.

The relationship between Harrison and Arya is interesting. Harrison acts like a school boy to get her attention, she pretends that she doesn’t like him. It was all fun to watch come together. I like that Harrison doesn’t push too much. He feels that something isn’t quite okay with Ayra and doesn’t push her to tell him what is going on. Ayra is careful and not sure that Harrison is trustworthy. She takes her time, learns more about him, and comes to trust him.

From the very first meeting the sparks flew between these two and I loved watching the sparks get hotter and brighter. They has an attraction that was there but more importantly they knew that what they saw in each other was different that anything they had seen before. Harrison opened up to her first which I think was important to Ayra and allowed her to see that he respected her and trusted her.

For a quick, easy, and fun sports book I recommend picking up For The Win by Kelly Jamieson

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I loved loved loved this book! I highly recommend this book and really the whole series! Harrison & Arya were everything and I absolutely adored them!

I voluntarily reviewed this book.

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whoops! This was a far better improvement then that mess of a sequel I read ages ago. Arya (unusual but cute name) and Harrison were such a cute couple even though I didn't really see much chemistry between then, the sexual tension was through the roof so to some extent it made up for it.

This release had all the elements that typically wins me over: romance, sports, wild family antics, sad backstory and sexy times. Now why the three stars? Storyline was generic and bland, and there wasn't anything that glued me to the pages but nevertheless an overall enjoyable read.

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I love hockey families! This is a great story one you won’t want to put down. I can’t wait for the next one!

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This was my first Kelly Jamieson book and it won't be my last! I am so surprised I have not picked up her books sooner. I really enjoyed Harrison and Arya alot and all the family characters. I am glad this was a standalone and I wasnt confused since this wasnt the first in the series but now I want to read the others. Great story!

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I look forward to Kelly Jamieson's books all the time. I really enjoy reading about the Wynn family.
All Wynn family books can be read as stand alone novels.

I've been looking forward to Harrison's book since the first time he went to Arya's paddle board yoga class.

Harrison is trying to secure a place on the NHL team instead of going back down to the farm team. He's trying to live up to his father's legacy on the ice and he is starting to run out of time to do that. The last thing he needs is a distraction which is exactly what Arya is, but he's had his eye on her since they first met. What can he do to get her attention.

Arya gets an offer to be a yoga instructor for the team Harrison is on and he really starts to see how yoga can benefit him and his career so they start seeing each other more while he is doing more yoga, but will anything come of this attraction? Will he figure out why she shies away?

#FortheWin #NetGalley

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There are two reasons why I loved this book: yoga and Harrison. I’m a yoga enthusiast and loved reading about the practice, about how Arya integrated yoga with hockey practice and yoga in paddle-boards. I’ve been practicing for a few years and was glad to learn a few things, most notably: “I breathe in courage and breathe out doubt.” Also couple yoga, very intriguing!

Harrison Wynn is a darling, a goof off, a little unsure but a lot kind. As a junior member of the Wynn hockey dynasty, son of Bob Wynn, the hockey king, he has big shoes to fill. He alternates between the minors and the mayor leagues. At twenty seven, he wishes he could stick to the NHL and make his father proud. In this instance, he receives another chance to play with the Condors and the coach tells him has been coasting and it’s time to “give his all”. This will be his underlying preoccupation throughout the book and it’s great to read how he deals with this situation and overcomes his self-doubts.

Arya has such a sweet deal. She teaches regular yoga at Prana in Venice, paddle-board yoga at Makara Yoga, and is about to start a yoga class for the professional hockey team. Loved reading about tight hip flexors! Two years ago, something horrible happened to her at her native North Dakota state, and she moved to California to start again. With the help of counseling and yoga, she has come far to acquire her serenity again, but there are still strong underlying fears and trust issues.

Their story is beautiful because both are beautiful people and their feelings are so true. Although Arya is antsy and distrustful, Harrison is such an open dude, like a frisky puppy, that she can’t resist him. Harrison calls her “his future wife” to his hockey team mates, but at least is smart enough not to tell her. Their chemistry is hot although her issues run rampant as he forges like a raging bull to get her to accept a date. They’re so cute together!

There are several hilarious yoga scenes which I loved, an underlying sad theme about the patriarch of the Wynn dynasty, and a need for a family torn asunder by money problems to forget about what’s torn them apart and remember that family is first. I love this author’s writing style, she writes about love, family, sports. Her characters are good people, that you would love to meet and make friends with. I love her sex scenes because they have all the passion and sensuality without being too prolonged and the loving always shines through.

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I absolutely loved this romance! the main characters had great chemistry, and the secondary characters added some great texture to the plot. Can't wait to read the next in the series.

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I really enjoyed this book. I love reading about the Wynn Family. This is the fourth book in the series, however they can be read as a stand alone. I enjoy the author's, Kelly Jamieson, style of writing. The characters are strong yet still have that human factor.

Harrison and Arya is a great couple. The chemistry between these two is off the charts. Both characters have internal struggles and each have their own set of hurdles and setbacks.

I recommend this book. I can not wait to read the next installment in this series.

I received ARC for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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4 stars!
I love this series! I love the Wynn family!. Hockey romance is the best!
Yoga teacher meets hockey player in this sports romance. Harrison and Arya were adorable from the start. Yoga teacher and hockey player, a rough start, family drama and a stalker past all add up to Harrison and Arya's relationship and story.

This was a great read for me. Love Kelly Jamieson's books!

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